Contender's Edge Policies

Some Contender's Edge policies may be changed or updated according to the needs of this site's mission.

Section 1: Fair Use Act

All cited and referenced sources and images are used in accordance with the "Fair Use Act” which states the following:

107. Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use40
Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include—
(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
(2) the nature of the copyrighted work;
(3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.
The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors.

If anyone feels that Contender's Edge has used any copyrighted material in a way that goes beyond the permitted boundaries of the "Fair Use Act", please contact Contender's Edge and explain how the use of any referenced and cited sources and the use of images was done beyond what is permitted by the Fair Use Act so that the error may be corrected, as Contender's Edge strives to ensure that due credit is given to sources cited and referenced and to the authors of any images used.  For more information on copyright laws and the fair use act, visit at

Section 2: Policy Regarding Use And Distribution Of Contender's Edge Content

1.  Syndication of any articles written by the founder of Contender's Edge, and any other Contender's Edge writers whose work may be published on the Contenders Edge blogsite, is permitted provided that those doing so abide by the following:

(a)  The content of any syndicated work is kept in its original format.  Any media outlets, websites, blogsites, or any other publications syndicating any works from Contender's Edge who feels they can only syndicate a work in part and not in its entirety due to space limitation must provide a link to where readers can read the syndicated work in its entirety.

(b)  Credit is given to the author(s) or Contender's Edge

2.  When citing or referencing from any content of Contender's Edge, ensure that credit is given to Contender's Edge and/or the author of any Contender's Edge content cited or referenced.

3.  Anyone using Contender's Edge Works in such a way that makes it appear as though they are claiming any content from Contender's Edge as their own, or is found impersonating Contender's Edge, will be guilty of plagiarism and copyright infringement.

Section 3: Policies Regarding Comments Left In The Comment Sections Of Each Post Or Page And Any Correspondences With Contender's Edge

Contender's Edge asks that any comments left or e-mails sent be kept civil.  This author respects a civil and honest debate concerning anything on this site and is glad to answer any questions about this site and anything posted thereon.

But name calling, shaming, threats, and intimidation tactics will not get you anywhere; in fact, any behavior deemed too threatening could get you into serious legal trouble.  Any comments deemed inappropriate will be deleted.

Contender’s Edge E-mail Correspondence Policy Notice:

Contender’s Edge does offer its e-mail address as a contact option on social media platforms for those who have questions regarding the Contender’s Edge blogsite, anything posted thereon, and anything pertaining to the Bible and the Christian faith,  but due to problems with possible scammers,
Contender’s Edge has felt the need to make clear to anyone wishing to contact Contender’s Edge by e-mail that Contender has not and will not divulge any information considered sensitive.

Information considered sensitive by Contender’s Edge:

1.  Any Social Security information

2.  Bank Account information

(To anyone wishing to make a financial contribution to the blogsite, simply click on the “Tip Jar” icon at the site.  You will need to have a Paypal account, however.  Paypal accounts are not hard to set up.  Contender’s Edge is also looking into other donation options for those who may not like Paypal, but at this present time, Paypal is the only viable option that Contender’s Edge could find.)

3.  Debit/Credit card information

4.  Physical address

5.  Mailing address (This is subject to change provided that a secure mailing address that does not reveal physical location is acquired)

6.  The actual name of the founder of Contender’s Edge which remains undisclosed for security purposes and will not be revealed to just anyone.  A time may come when the actual name of the founder and operator of Contender’s Edge may be revealed, but will be done so at a time of his choosing.

Contender’s Edge does not allow for unauthorized persons to sign documents or file applications of any sort in its name or under the pseudonym or name of its founder for any reason. 

Contender’s Edge will pursue legal action against any unauthorized persons or parties found attempting to sign documents or file applications of any sort in its name or in the pseudonym or name of its founder that are tied to any activity which could bring harm to the credibility and reputation of the blogsite or its founder.

If there are any questions or comments about the policy notice or anything about Contender’s Edge and any content it publishes, you can contact Contender’s Edge at its designated page on this platform or by at its e-mail address at

Policies are subject to updates and changes as Contender’s Edge sees fit.

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