Quotable Quotes Of Wisdom, Instruction, And Inspiration

This page contains a list of timeless quotes from scripture and figures both historical and contemporary and from persons both well known and unknown on various subjects pertaining to life that are relevant to every generation (past, present, and future) because the principles which the included statements are founded surpass every generation and are changeless because the God who enacted them is changeless. (Mal. 3:6, Heb. 13:8)

Concerning those quotes taken from persons apart from scripture:

Quotes and statements are featured on the basis of being founded upon truths and principles possessing relevance that transcends each generation but is not necessarily an endorsement of everything said, written, or done by the figures and persons to whom the quotes are attributed. Contender's Edge clearly understands that just because a certain figure may convey an important truth to which we might all do well to heed, that does not mean that the figure or person to whom that saying is credited is without error in regards to their actions or other things that they may say or believe.

The only source from which quotations are taken that is without error is the Bible, the inspired Word of God because the God from whom it comes is without error.



A Mortal Should Not Proudly Think Themselves To Be God (This from someone you would never expect)





Morals and Values


Personal Responsibility


  1. From a radio preacher - "When we get to heaven, everybody will get their just reward and nobody will be flattered."

    1. Agreed, but in the meantime God uses all sorts of people as instruments to impart wisdom and inspiration intended to draw all men to His truth in Christ.

  2. From a preacher having his first second service: "This service is like heaven, there are some of you here I didn't think would be and some not here I thought would be."

  3. In the final analysis, all things are spiritual matters.

    1. The root cause of all things happens to be spiritual. If anyone really wants to get down to the bottom of what is really wrong with any civilization, nation, or culture, the spiritual and moral principles that they have adopted is where we need to look because such directs the course of any person, community, culture, nation, and civilization.

  4. In any situation there's always a piece we don't see.

  5. Wise old man once said to me "I don't know that I've ever met a person who's wholly given themselves to God.

    1. As far as I'm concerned, that passage pretty much explains the situation: We may seek to give ourselves wholly unto God, even have our hearts set on it, but we always find ourselves falling short; subjected to moments of weakness and even doubt, regardless of how much we intend to serve Christ faithfully.

  6. Thanks, it makes more sense to me now.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I'd say a wise philosopher said "I can imagine and discuss anything within my mind except suicide." John 10:10

  9. I am afraid that is not what John 10:10 says.
