Saturday, June 1, 2019

The Land, Plants, And Trees (Gen. 1:9-13)

“And God said, Let waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.  And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good:  And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.  And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, who seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.  And the evening and the morning were the third day.” (Gen. 1:9-13)

It is interesting to note that mainstream and secular scientists claim that all the continents were once a single land mass at some point in our history, which is what the scripture actually indicates; (Gen. 1:9) the waters being in one place and apparently the land being together in one place as well; not being broken up into different continents and Islands as we presently see today.

Have you ever considered how much we owe to plants?  Besides food, more of the products we use and depend on for our survival and the advancement of our society and civilization come from plants than even come from animals: Most of our clothing, medicines, and wood products.  They also purify the atmosphere and add beauty to the landscape. 

What is your life like to others around you?  Is your life likened unto a plant that purifies the atmosphere and gives out a sweet smelling aroma, or are you likened to something that gives off a foul odor and defiles the air?  Does your character add beauty to your surroundings, or does it defile the land?  Are the words coming out of your mouth and the manner of how you live your life compared to a plant that gives nourishment and healing to the body, or is it compared to a foul taste in the mouth which a man seeks to wash out?

I pray, that as representatives of Christ, that we all live our lives in a manner comparable to the plants that purify the atmosphere and give beauty to the landscape as God designed them to and that the words that come out of our mouth are words that give nourishment to the soul through the preaching of the Word of God.

The creation is defiled by man’s sinfulness, the air polluted by spiritual darkness, men’s minds are poisoned with lies which lead them into eternal damnation and everlasting torment from which there is no escape except that their minds be enlightened with the light of God’s truth and that the lies which poison be undone so that their eyes may be opened to the truth of that very sinful nature within them that causes them to fall short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23) no matter how moral of a life they try to live and no matter how much good they try to do, for with every good deed always comes a sin, even sins of which we are not aware.

For God does not judge just the outward acts but also the inward man as well; his very thoughts are not pure and the intents of his heart are subject to corruption which is why it takes the blood of Christ to cleanse them from the filthiness of their sins which is ever before God except that they place their trust in Christ, believing that He died upon the cross for their sins and that He rose again from the grave, and that if they call upon His name, they shall be saved. (Rom. 10:13)

When God created the plants and the trees, we know that the soil was prepared and ready to receive and sustain all the various kinds of plants and trees, and just as soil must be prepared properly for a crop to flourish, so we must also examine the conditions of a culture and learn as much as we can about what there is that is keeping men out of the Kingdom of Heaven who might otherwise repent and those many barriers that stand between potential believers and salvation that we might know how to pull down those strongholds that imprison men’s souls and cast down those wicked imaginations that come in the form of cleverly devised lies and arguments that blind people’s eyes to the truth of the Gospel that saves, and discredit all that exalts itself against the knowledge of God that as many souls as can be persuaded may turn from their sins and embrace Jesus and come to that faith in Him which saves.

In doing so, we will be able to carry out our God given mission and purpose in rescuing as many souls as possible from the bondage of darkness and everlasting damnation by bringing them to a saving and steadfast faith in Christ.  So how do we be the effectual servants of Christ that we are supposed to be?

1.  Be in constant touch with Christ through prayer.

2.  Read and study the scriptures daily.

3.  Do not forsake the fellowship of the saints.

4.  Pursue those very things that Christ has placed in your hear to pursue
and use the gifts and talents that He has given you to honor Him.

5.  Avoid anything that may interfere with your relationship with God.

6.  Be ready to tell others about Jesus.  Those who come to Christ, be ready to disciple.

7.  Maintain the cleanliness of our house—meaning, we hold one another accountable for our conduct and the doctrines we propagate to ensure that nothing contrary to what Chris has revealed to us in the scriptures enters into our ranks.

8.  Keep ourselves set apart from the world in matters of our conduct.  We need to be influencing them for Christ.  We are not to allow ourselves to be influenced by them in a way that takes us from Christ.

And the more rooted in our own lives the Word of God is, the better able we will be to dispel the darkness of the adversary with the light of Christ that lives in us, and the better prepared we will be to undo the lies that blind people to the Gospel of our Lord and Savior and to soften those hearts that have been hardened towards their Maker that they may be made ready to receive the message of salvation that might persuade them to repentance so that their souls may be made alive with a new spirit and so they, as they are being fed the Words of our Lord, may also grow into the servants of God that they need to be to effectively represent Him in a dark world and draw more lost souls to Him.

Scripture references:

1.  Genesis 1:9-13

2.  Rom. 3:23

3.  Rom. 10:13

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