Monday, June 1, 2020

Tara Reade May Have Left The Anti-Christ Party, But She Has Not Abandoned Its Tenets

                                                                Photo credit: DNYUZ

Tara Reade may very well have been victimized by Joe Biden, but she is still no saint, nor should she be regarded as any friend or ally of Christians and conservatives as she is still devoted a progressive ideology and causes related thereto despite having left the present anti-Christ party due their treatment of her when she came forth with her accusations against sleepy creepy fog-head.

Reade's remarks in this case ought to serve as a word of caution that though there may be people leaving the Democratic Party, that does not mean they are all becoming Republicans, conservatives or setting their hearts to seek the Lord God who made Heaven and Earth.  Just because they may be disenfranchised with a political party, movement, or organization, that does not necessarily mean that they have abandoned the ideals of such.  Reade has made it perfectly clear that she is one such person who certainly has not abandoned the political philosophy of that anti-Christ party, even though she has left the party itself, but one thing that can be said to her credit is that she has made it abundantly clear that she does not want to be anyone's political pawn or tool unlike so many other alleged sexual assault victims.

Reade's presently unwavering commitment to progressive ideology should make it clear that even if the Democratic party were to be no more, the war against the liberties we hold dear will still rage on because the attacks on our liberties are but a part of a much larger war that has been going on almost since the beginning of time itself which encompasses more than just political battles, but every aspect of life itself.  It is an age long warfare waged by unseen forces almost since the beginning of time.  It began when a certain angel named Lucifer became lifted up in pride tried to make himself out to be equal with God (Is. 14:4-20) and for which, he was cast from the position that he had once held which was a position close to the throne of God in Heaven (Ezek. 28:12-19) and then became known as Satan or the Devil, ever since that time, he has sought to defile, corrupt, and even destroy all of that which God has created and he has sought to destroy as many lives and souls as he possibly can in more ways than one by enticing temptations that appeal to our sensualities and every base instinct, cleverly crafted lies, elaborate deceptions, and powerful delusions taking on the form of religions, philosophies, and lying signs and wonders designed to challenge and cast doubt upon the truth of God, intimidating, and even persecuting the saints of God into silence in order to stop the preaching of that truth that reconciles men to their Maker;  enticing God's people into that which may discredit their testimony of redemption by causing them to fall back into the sin from which they were redeemed, defaming and misrepresenting the faith that leads men out of darkness and into the light of the Maker, infiltrating the ranks of the saints to sabotage their credibility and leading them into embracing various lies and falsehoods contrary to those things that God has shown us in His scriptures and even going so far so as to corrupt the scriptures to make them out to teach things that they do not, causing the people of God to become complacent so as to become unaware of the error and wickedness creeping in, making them apathetic by causing them to fear the odds against them instead of placing their faith in the God who is able to overcome the odds, and directing their affection towards the things of this world rather than the things of Heaven, and to value the favor of man instead of the favor of God. 

And what is that truth which Satan is ever at war with and which is delivered to us by the divinely inspired scriptures that were written under the direction of the Spirit of God?  It is that Gospel of salvation and redemption, that Gospel of Christ who died on the cross for our sins and then rose from the dead so that anyone believing in Him would not perish in their sins but would be forgiven and have everlasting life, be reconciled to the God from whom they were once separated because of sin, and be made a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven, but because the adversary of our souls is at war with the God who made all things, naturally, he is going to be at war with those things that enable the Gospel to be preached and spread without hinderance and those things that he will war against will be laws and political systems that enable the preaching of the Gospel and the teaching of the Word of God to be spread freely.

That is why it is simply just not enough for an evil political system or political party to fall, or for a movement founded in wickedness to lose the confidence of the public, or for a dishonest and deceptive academic institution to be exposed as fraudulent, or for the lies propagated by a media platform to be discredited, or for the wicked deeds by a sinister secret society to be exposed.   People's hearts and minds must be turned towards their Maker who leads men into redemption and who is able to transform them into better people than they had been before.  They must be persuaded to place their trust in Christ and Christ alone for the forgiveness of sins which brings salvation and redemption because it is in Christ that we are truly free.  Any promised freedom apart from our Lord is merely an illusion and a lie because the Almighty Christ is the source and definer of liberty and the giver of true peace because He is peace.

Before evil came into the world,  and before there was death, and before creation was subjected to the curse man lived in harmony and in fellowship with his Maker and the wickedness, misery, and suffering we witness today were not present in the world.  The first man, Adam, and his wife, Eve, were given were given a choice between life and death.  In a garden that the Lord had made in a land called Eden, there were two trees that stood apart from all the rest:  The tree of life, which would have enabled man to live forever, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 2:9) and it was that tree of the knowledge of good and evil from which God who created Heaven, Earth, and all that is in them, had forbade man to eat from warning that the consequence for disobeying that command would be death. (Gen. 2:16-17)

Sadly, they listened to the lies of the adversary of our souls and were led down the path that would lead them into death beginning with the deception of Eve, the mother of all mankind, into eating that forbidden fruit which she then gave to her husband, Adam (Gen. 3) which brought sin and then death into the world, along with all the hardships, adversities, pains, griefs, and sufferings that have followed them. (Gen. 3:9-24,  Rom. 8:19-22) which is the consequence of sin. (Rom. 6:23)  From that forbidden tree, Adam and Eve inherited that corrupting state of sin which then has been passed down to all of mankind and who all die as a result. (Rom. 5:12)

But worse yet, sin causes us to fall short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23) which is moral perfection and therefore alienates us from Him, just as the transgression of Adam and Eve also caused them to no longer behold the face of their Maker whereas before sin, they met with God face to face.

No matter what we try to do, because of our corrupted nature, we can never achieve by our own efforts, a morally perfect standard and because we can never achieve it, we are kept separated from our Maker and unable to enter into His Kingdom by our own goodness and therefore only one fate remains for those who die in their sins and that is separation from God for all eternity; forever subjugated to eternal punishment because sin requires punishment.  One lie, one impure thought, and even one careless word spoken is enough to sentence us to eternal punishment
And we are all guilty of sin in one way or another and remain guilty no matter how much good we try to do because in everything we do, sin is ever present with us and in us because that is the very condition of our nature, which is why it was made necessary for the sinless to die on the behalf of the sinner and it was out of love for us that our Lord Jesus was sent into the world to die upon the cross for our sins and it is upon that cross and in Christ that both penalty required for sin was satisfied and forgiveness of sins made available to all who will turn away from their sins and receive Jesus Christ to be their Savior and their Lord.

It is in Christ that we are liberated from eternal punishment.  It is in Christ that our bodies will eventually be liberated from death, (1 Cor. 15:51-55, 1 Thess. 4:15-18) and it is Christ who will liberate all of creation itself from the very curse that came to it because of sin. (Rom. 8:19-22)

This is what makes the death and resurrection of Christ  the most important victory in this age long war between God who is the redeemer of our souls, and Satan who is the adversary and destroyer of our souls:

1.  Salvation is assured to those who call upon His name (Rom. 10:12) and trust in Him for the forgiveness of sins (Jn. 3:16)

2.  Just as He has conquered death, so we too will be liberated from death (1 Cor. 15:51-55, 1 Thess. 4:15-18)

3.  The creation will be also be liberated from the curse that it is under (Rom. 8:19-22, Rev. 21-22)

4.  Satan's final defeat is made sure and death will be no more.  (Rev. 20:10-15)

But the war still rages on and will continue to do so until the return of our King and the establishment of His Kingdom which will be an everlasting one.

Even if we should see the wicked Democratic anti-Christ party fall and the Democratic Socialist Party (also known as the Communist party) were to be outlawed, the ACLU (Anti-Christ Legal Union) were to be shut down, the MSM discredited, the present academic establishments were to lose all public confidence, and even if sinister groups such as the freemasons, illuminati, and other similar Satanic entities were to be exposed and branded as treasonous terrorist organizations, even if nations like China lose their influence and the last vestiges of Communism are swept away and we see the fall of Sharia law in our day, and even if any or all of the other religions and cults of the world that oppose and even subvert the Christian faith were to fall out of favor, that age long war between Heaven and Hell will still rage on and simply take on a new phase since the forces of darkness will then regroup and restrategize,  new players will take the place of those removed, and the same lies upon which those thing presently opposing the Gospel have been founded will be retold in ways different than before and with them will come new lies and new deceptions.

Other powers and principalities will fill the void of those overthrown, power structures will continue to change, new enemies will arise, there will be still be ongoing attempts to infiltrate those institutions, organizations, movements, and entities intended to oppose, expose, and hinder the forces of darkness to destroy them from within by sabotage, leading them away from those good virtues and sound principles upon which they were founded, and causing them to stray from their intended purpose, and dark forces will continue to be hard at work behind the scenes to ensnare as many as they can and turn them against that which is good in the eyes of our Creator and the soul-saving Gospel of Jesus Christ which is why, even if crucial and important time-buying victories for the forces of good are achieved, we who stand on the side of Christ must continue to be ever about our Father’s business in maintaining our ranks amongst the saints and spreading the Gospel among the lost and we who value those liberties afforded by our Constitution must be ever vigilant in doing all that we can and required of us to keep them safeguarded.

It must be treated for certain that when the forces of evil prevail, they will do all in their power to capitalize on their victories, retain ground gained and expand their power, and prevent the forces of that which is good from regrouping which is why we must not allow our victories and the rewards that come with them to cause us to grow complacent, but must do all that we can to retain the ground we gain and build upon our accomplishments.

The war in which we are caught up in is more than just right verses left, Republican verses Democrat, Capitalist verses Communist, and so on.  This good against evil.  Light against darkness, truth against falsehood, holiness against sin, purity against corruption, and salvation against damnation.

It is not enough to simply keep our attention towards the present players on the world stage, but we must also keep a look out over the horizon for the players who will be raised up in their stead and be well informed of their devices and tactics that we may ready ourselves against them.

Conspiracy theories I only take with a grain of salt, mind you, but if there is one thing that the conspiracy theorists are right about, it is that there is far more happening behind the scenes than we realize and that those who are working and attempting to control institutions, direct trends, lead movements, and rule communities, states, provinces, regions, nations, kingdoms, empires, and civilizations from the shadows are not just men, but they are men and women operating under the direction of spiritual forces; some of God who seeks to draw through Christ Jesus, as many souls to Him and away from eternal destruction as He can persuade and some of Satan who seek to hold captive and hostage as many souls as they possibly can and who will stop at nothing to destroy as many lives and souls as they can.

The forces of darkness constantly cause men to doubt the message of redemption brought to us by the Gospel of Christ by their creation of false religions and lying philosophies intended to challenge the truth of our Maker, tries to turn their hearts away from Christ through the misrepresentations of the faith and by way of twisting the holy scriptures to make them out to say and teach things that they do not, attempts to overthrow the faith of professing saints by shaking their confidence in the authority of scripture, constantly tempts and entices men to do that which is displeasing to God in Heaven, tries to bring about despair and discouragement by bringing heartbreak and tragedy into the midst of God’s people and tries to turn them against the Savior who redeemed them by getting them to become embittered towards Him for the evil that came upon them, and attempts to convince them that the odds against them are too much for God to use them for anything meaningful.

And to this day, just as was done in the garden, Satan is constantly devising ways to take captive as many souls as he possibly can.  He has formed and experimented with various forms of philosophies, religions, and political systems to determine which will be the most effective in drawing as many souls to himself as he possibly can which is why there are many different belief systems with different doctrines, creeds, laws, and precepts and in many cases, different creeds within those different belief systems and there is no way of telling which one is the correct one unless there is an authority who is the sole definer of truth and from whom those laws defining right and wrong and good and evil come and such can only come from the God who made this universe.

Whereas there is chaos, confusion, and disorder with the adversary of our souls, there is consistency, order, and clarity with the God of truth because just as the Lord God Himself is unchanging (Mal. 3:6, Heb. 13:8) so are His laws which He has made for all people and by which all people will be judged. (Lev. 2422, Num. 15:16)  And just as He has made one set of moral laws for all men, so He has provided only one way of salvation for all men which is through Christ Jesus our Lord; not by any other name, nor by our own righteousness which is continuously stained by sin, but by the perfect righteousness of Christ who gave Himself for our sins and rose from the dead that we who place our trust in Him may be justified in Him.

If men would let themselves be governed by the laws of God and abide in the truth of our Savior, corruption within our civic leadership would be greatly decreased, the lies spread about by our media would be far less than they are now, the deception of our academic institutions would be diminished, our entertainment industry would be affirming that which is good and honorable, economic system would not favor one class above another, but would instead benefit rich, poor, and everyone in-between alike, and justice would more often be applied without partiality.

And if the Church would resolve to stand upon the authority of the scriptures given to it, seek always the favor of God above that of men, come to an understanding that our God measures success by faithful obedience and not the size of a congregation or the building that we worship in, demonstrate steadfast faith in the face of adversity, and unflinching courage in the face of opposition, regardless of how fierce, to the Gospel of redemption that it has been commissioned to preach, not shy away from controversy, dedicate itself to exposing evil works, be diligent in maintaining its members by preservation of sound doctrine and holding its members accountable for their conduct and that which comes out of their mouths, and committing itself by being ready to provide as reasoned and solid of a defense for the Gospel that it can, then it could serve as the moral and spiritual conscience that it was established to be, and the distinguishing light that it was created to shine.

If we would but attain and preserve the liberty we desire, we need to understand what the true source of liberty is and be willing to abide therein and be diligent in maintaining those principles upon which liberty is built while taking heed to not allow ourselves to be taken in by a false liberty which in the end only leads to the oppression and tyranny we fear.

We need to understand where this liberty begins and it is a liberty that begins within each and every one of us, a liberty that takes place with the liberation of our souls from the stain of sin which binds us to eternal damnation.  It is a liberty won for us by Christ Jesus who died for us and was raised again and it is upon our trust in Him, that our souls are rescued from the fearful and terrifying judgment that awaits the unrepentant and which instills in us a purpose and meaning to our lives that was not present before.  It is this redemptive liberation, by which our bodies will also be redeemed from the ravages of death and decay (1 Cor. 15:51-55) and which will be completed with a new creation in which sin is no more, death is abolished, and the curse is lifted. (Rev. 21-22)

It is by the receiving of this Gospel of salvation that we free ourselves from the fears and the lies that drive us under an oppressive yoke and it is by the preaching thereof that this liberty is offered to others and it is by the teaching of the truth of the Word of the God who made us by which all the devices of the wicked one, which are many, are put down.  

A day is coming when this war between God and Satan will reach a climax.  We are approaching a time unlike any other before it or will come after it.  And in that day, that which hinders the forces of evil will be removed (2 Thess. 2:7-8) and the forces of evil be allowed to prevail temporarily, but the reign of darkness will be short lived as Satan’s rule over the world will be brought to an end by the returning Messiah (Rev. 19-22) who will set up a Kingdom on the earth founded upon truth and righteousness but into which the wicked and unrepentant will not be allowed to enter.

Where do you stand today, reader?  If you desire victory everlasting, Christ is the everlasting victor with whom to side.  Lucifer is destined for everlasting defeat.  But with whom will you ultimately side?  Will you embrace Christ and receive forgiveness of sins, devote yourself to following Him and become a part of a coming Kingdom wherein dwells no evil or darkness but only goodness and light? Or do you love your sin too much and take more pleasure in that which is evil instead of that which is good?

Your eternal fate will be determined by what you decide about Christ.  If indeed you find yourself persuaded to embrace Him as Savior and Lord of your life, Heaven awaits.  But if you should reject Him and remain in your sin, you have nothing to look forward to except eternal darkness and fiery torment, but God would rather that this not be your fate (2 Pet. 3:9) but would rather that you would repent of your sins and place your faith in Jesus who died for you so that you would be saved.

Our Maker takes no pleasure in punishment but instead He takes pleasure in demonstrating love and mercy to mankind, but there will come a day when evil will reach a measure in which there will be no other recourse except to bring judgment, but you need not go through this coming judgment and you need not face eternity apart from your Maker where there is only ongoing torment without end.  All you must do is to turn from your sins and call upon Christ Jesus to be your Savior and your Lord, believing that He died on the cross for your sins and rose from the dead that you might be saved.  If you are not sure of what to pray when asking Him to become your Savior, here is an example of a prayer below:

"Lord Jesus I need you.
I realize that I am a sinner
who has fallen short of the glory of God
and that my goodness falls short
of His standard of Moral perfection.

Please forgive me of all of my sins.
Come into my heart and into my life
to be the Savior and Lord of my life.
Make me into the servant and follower
that you want me to be.

In your name Lord Jesus, I pray.


Know that God is not concerned with the words that you use but with the attitude of your heart and if you have repented of your sins and have called upon the name of Christ for forgiveness in the sincerity of your heart, then you have already been forgiven of yours sins and are assured entry into Heaven.

End Notes:

1.  Vincent Barone, “Tara Reade says she’s leaving Democratic Party after response to Joe Biden allegations,”  New York Post, May 9, 2020

Scripture references:

1.  Isaiah 14:4-20

2.  Ezekiel 28:12-19

3.  Genesis 2:9

4.  Genesis 2:16-17

5.  Genesis 3

6.  Genesis 3:9-24

7.  Romans 6:23

8.  Romans 5:12

9.  Romans 3:23

10.  Romans 8:19-22

11.  1 Corinthians 15:51-55

12.  1 Thess. 4:15-18

13.  Romans 10:12

14.  Revelation 21-22

15.  Revelation 20:10-15

16.  Malachi 3:6

15.  Hebrews 13:8

16.  Leviticus 24:22

17.  Numbers 15:16

18.  2 Thessalonians 2:7-8

19.  Revelation 19-22

20.  2 Peter 3:9

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