Friday, October 9, 2020

A Rebuke To Dolly Parton Who Apparently Thinks That BLM Is A Civil Rights Movement

No Dolly, Opposition To BLM has nothing to do with white supremacy for most, as you seem to believe [1] and if you happen to be aware of the BLM mission statement, you should know that BLM, in its own words, has nothing to do with rectifying injustices or advancing civil rights for anyone.

According to the BLM mission statement, the goals of ANTIFA/BLM are to dismantle so-called heterosexual privileges, eliminate the “nuclear family”, which is the traditional and biblical model of the family as God designed it to be—read the book of Genesis—and impose affirmation of LGBT behavior which God has clearly declared in His Word to be sinful and displeasing in His sight. [2] What does any of that have to do with civil rights?

You claim to be a Christian, but yet have aligned yourself with and thrown your support behind organizations and people who are clearly anti-Christ and oppose everything you claim to believe in.

I don’t disagree that “people having to make themselves known and felt and seen,” but there is a right and a wrong way for people to make themselves known and seen.  Burning down buildings, destroying property, looting, hurting, and in some cases killing innocent people is no way to do that and yet you have given your sympathy to an entity whose agenda has nothing to do with injustice but has everything to do with destruction and the overthrow of everything we all hold dear.

I know that you are of that generation which witnessed firsthand the civil rights movement led by Martin Luther King Jr and likely have a vivid memory of that era.  I have only read about it because that was all before I was born.

Did Martin Luther King Jr. ever call on his followers to burn down businesses?
Did he ever call on them to steal, kill, and destroy?
Did he ever seek to overthrow the rule of law?
Did he ever try to do away with the free practice and exercise of religion in the public square?
Did he ever try to rewrite or erase our history?
Did he ever call for the removal of historical monuments?
Did he ever demand special privileges?
Did he ever attempt to silence opposition or those who disagreed with his views?


If he ever did, I’d sure like you to present some hardcore documented proof that this was ever the case, but according to what I do know about him, the Spirit that guided him is nothing like what is guiding BLM/ANTIFA.

Martin Luther King Jr. was a man of God.  He appealed to the authority of God.  He appealed to our Constitution which guarantees all citizens the same rights.  He never asked for a new Constitution.  He was not a man of violence and he called on his followers to refrain from the use of force.

Our Constitution has guaranteed all people the freedom to express their thoughts and in a land where there is freedom of speech, inevitably, there will be a diversity of thought which inevitably of course will reveal divisions over even very fundamental principles yet with the freedom of speech also comes the opportunity for civil discourse and debate, but ANTIFA/BLM are not interested in civil discourse and debate.  They no doubt want to silence anyone at odds with their philosophy and will use acts of violence if necessary.  Honestly, do you really think they are right in this?

You might call yourself a Christian, sing about Him, and reminisce over your humble faith-based upbringing, but unless the things that you give your approval and support to are also aligned with the Christian faith you profess and are not known to have a hostile agenda against Christianity, the praise you give to God before your audience is absolutely meaningless because the sincerity of that praise is hugely in doubt and you are nothing more than a singing stage actress who would have everyone believe that you are someone you are not. 

A true born-again Christian would not align themselves with baby-killers, those who affirm what God call us to disavow, or those who are hostile to the Gospel and are doing everything in their power to silence and stamp it out.  They would seek the praise of God above the praise of man, fear God above all else, and set their sights on the things of Heaven rather than the things of this life.

But instead, you have sided with baby-killers, given affirmation to sinful behavior that God has condemned, aligned yourself with those who are enemies of our Lord, and have valued the praise of men above the praise of God and have sought the things of this life instead of the things of the Kingdom. 

If you really want everyone to be convinced of the sincerity of your faith, you are going to have to do more than just simply claiming to be of the faith, sing about it, or even star in faith-based films.  Any fool can do all of those things, but that same person who gives public praise to Christ, who sings glory to His name, and who plays faith-promoting roles, must also be that very same person off the stage and off the screen.

If you really are who you want everyone to believe you are, you would not be siding, for any reason, with those who kill and forward the killing of innocent unborn babies.  You would not be giving affirmation to behavior which God has called sinful.  You would take special care to not align yourself with nor support those people and organizations who are driven by an anti-Christ agenda, nor would you want to forward any ambition that opposes, undermines, and seeks to discredit the saving Gospel of Christ and the authority of the scripture that have delivered that message to us.

I understand that you do not want to find yourself being judgmental, [3] but scripture does allow us to judge words and actions.  (Mt.7:15-20)  I am one who does not want to find myself judging someone by appearance, gender, color, ethnicity, past, handicap, social, or economic status, but there does come a time when we have to call out words and deeds for what they are. 

When legislatures forward the killing of babies even after they are born, when lawyers and God-hating individuals demand the removal of the Ten Commandments from the public square, crosses erected to honor fallen war heroes, try to shut down Christian clubs, penalize school sports coaches from praying on the field or in the locker room with students and others wishing to join them, threaten teachers who initiate or seek to participate in Christ-honoring activities on the campuses of academic establishments, and prevent even elective voluntary Bible courses from being taught in school, when school and college officials punish teachers, professors, and even students for presenting information and viewpoints that may challenge the favored narratives, and when people and businesses are punished and persecuted by governing authorities for abiding by and operating by faith-based principles and the dictates of their conscience, when private entities produce entertainment that encourages the exploitation of children, then we as Christians must stand up and call these things out for what they are:






And they have to be challenged and if at all possible, stopped regardless of the cost required of us.

The problems we face (racial, political, economic, moral) are but a symptoms of a much greater problem which is a spiritual problem and the spirit that we embraces determines our value system in every aspect of our lives and culture and when we turn our backs on God, what else can we expect except a lacking in morals, rampant injustice, widespread corruption in the business and political world, exploitation of the vulnerable, disregard for human life, no love within the family unit or for our fellow man, no compassion for the hurting, selfishness, pride, envy, jealousy, disorder, confusion, deception, and lawlessness? 

But if we will turn to God and seek Him out and commit ourselves to walking in His truth, we would then begin to see changes for the better in our society that could never have been brought about by a political party or figure, an activist movement, or anything else that we have placed our trust in because the change taking place would not be taking place from the outside in, but the inside out.

The world looks for outward changes, but God changes from the inside out; that changing of the inward man then being manifested outwardly because God is not interested in merely changing outward behavior, but He also wants to change the inward person so that in changing the inward man, that person will want to do those things that are good and pleasing to the Lord and do so out of love for and devotion to the Lord and not to earn God’s favor because no matter how good we try to be, we cannot because sin is ever present with us and has been ever since the fall of Adam when he had eaten fruit of a certain tree that he was commanded not to (Gen. 3) and as a result, sin entered into him and when sin entered into him, so did death as a consequence (Rom. 6:23) and thus the sin that entered into Adam also then was inherited by all of mankind who descended from him and as a result, we all sin and therefore, we all die. (Rom. 5:12)  We always fall short of God’s standard of moral perfection (Rom. 3:23) in some form or fashion and not just by careless words we speak, or our behavior and actions, but also by way of corrupt motives and evil thoughts

A day is coming when everyone will stand before God and give an account for how they lived their lives and even though you might think yourself morally superior to others, God is not going to compare your goodness to mine or my goodness to yours, or our goodness to that of anyone else.  He is going to compare the goodness of all humanity to the goodness of Himself.  Who among all men could ever possibly be as good and as pure as God knowing that we are judged from the inside out?  What hope can we ever possibly have of escaping eternal damnation when God’s law can be broken by even one impure thought knowing that the pure and sinless nature of God demands that all sin be eventually punished no matter how great or small lest He condone or even become complicit in the evil and sinfulness that He condemns?  There is none if left to our own efforts to achieve redemption; but there is hope if redemption has been done on our behalf and while the holiness of God demands punishment for sin, it is His love for man that causes mercy to be shown to all and for forgiveness of sins to be offered, and so in one man Christ Jesus, who knew and has known no sin, was the punishment for sin placed upon Him through the shedding of His blood and then His resurrection from the grave so that all placing there trust in Him will not face everlasting punishment, but will be cleansed and forgiven of all sins, restored to their Creator, enter into His presence upon death.

It is upon a willing acceptance as Christ as our Savior and submission to Him as Lord that He through the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in us and thereby we receive in us a nature and a desire to serve our Lord and King and to do that which is right and pleasing in His sight, but the good things we then do are not done to earn or retain His favor, but are rather done out of gratitude and appreciation for the grace bestowed upon us and the forgiveness of sins that we have received and if more people would open their hearts to the Savior, the better of a place our society and world would be.

I can only hope and pray that you will somehow come to know what being a follower of Christ really means and what it requires of us, what it is to honor God above men, to fear God above all else, to place Jesus above all things, to live a life that reflects your professed faith and gives glory and honor to God, to set your sights on things above rather than the things of this world which will one day pass away in favor of a new and better world to come, (2 Pet. 3:10-12, Rev. 21-22) that you will know what it is and what it requires to build up for yourself treasures in Heaven rather than on the earth, (Mt.  6:19-20) what is required to do so, and that you might severe your allegiances with those who have no love of or fear of God in them and join yourself to those who have the love of God in them, who faithfully abide in His truth, and look to the scriptures as their given authority in all things so that your end will be better than your beginning with as few regrets as possible and with as much heavenly honor as you can gain.

End notes: 


1. David NG, “Dolly Parton Weighs in on Black Lives Matter: ‘Do We Think Our Little White Asses Are the Only Ones That Matter? No!’” Breitbart, August 14, 2020

2. BLM Mission Statement; obtained by the Federalist in June 2020

3.  NG, Breitbart


Scripture references:

1.  Matthew 7:15-20

2.  Genesis 3 

3.  Romans 5:12

4.  Romans 6:23

5.  Romans 3:23 

6.  2 Peter 3:10-12

7.  Revelation 21-22 

8.  Matthew 6:19-20




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