Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Not All Cops Are Bad And There Is A Law And Authority Higher Than That Of Man And Without Corruption


Message to the Proud Boys and other Patriots:  Not All Cops Are Bad



[I never thought that this would turn into an actual blog post.  But it did.  I suppose that is what God willed.  It was intended to be a brief response to a news item that reported a loss of confidence in law enforcement among freedom-loving patriots, [1] but the Holy Spirit decided to make into a blog post.  News item in my end notes section]

Do not take you rage out on all law enforcement; just the members siding with the enemy.  We can still support the institution of law enforcement itself while still opposing the enemies within that institution.  As we oppose and fight against the enemies within that institution, we still need to recognize those law enforcement members who are doing what they can to prevent and quell the wanton lawlessness in their respective communities, who refuse to enforce harmful and oppressive laws and regulations that clearly have nothing to do with public interest, and which are in violation of our Constitutional rights

Just because some police have sided with the enemy, that doesn’t mean all have and those who haven’t need to make their voices heard.  It is not enough for them to say that they do not agree with the ridiculous and economically destructive COVID laws or that they do not agree with the wanton lawlessness of the ANTIFA/BLM or that they do not agree with laws that are infringing upon our God-given and Constitutional rights.  Their actions need to be consistent with their professed disagreements.
Conservatives and freedom-loving Americans have been actively supportive of law enforcement but that support is often put to the test when police and sheriff departments refuse to enforce laws that they should be enforcing, take meaningful action against lawless activity, and instead enable lawlessness, criminal activity, and enforce oppressive and harmful laws and edicts that violate our God-given liberties protected by our Constitution.

It is therefore up to members within law-enforcement to restore public trust in the institution by taking meaningful action against the wanton lawlessness in their respective communities, refusing to enforce harmful, oppressive, and unconstitutional mandates, enforcing laws that need to be enforced, and fulfill the oath they took to protect our Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.  That could even require defying the authorities they are under and that sacrifice may be demanded, but we are not being asked to sacrifice any more or less than what previous generations have before us.
Freedom and justice come with a price and that price can be a heavy one, but there is a reward for those willing to make the required sacrifices that will supersede that which may be required to be laid aside and given up.
I know that a lot of you out there in law enforcement have families to support and am well aware that you could very well lose your jobs for taking a moral stand against unjust laws, corrupt, and unconstitutional practices, but the pay check is not what you should be thinking about.  What you should be thinking about is what kind of adults you want your children to grow up to be.  Do you want them to grow up to be cowards who easily give in to threats and intimidation or do you want them to be steadfast and firm in their convictions and possess the courage needed to stand up for what they believe in?  It is not enough to simply encourage and tell them to stand up for what they believe in.  The example must be set.  They need to see true and sincere courage demonstrated and what it is to stand up for one’s sincerely held convictions and what may be required for such a demonstration to be fulfilled so that they themselves may be inspired to take a firm and unyielding stand in the causes they seek to forward and champion when required of them. 

They also need to understand that civic authorities are not the sole arbiters of what is right or wrong, but that there is an authority far higher than that of man who is the sole definer of right and wrong and it is His laws that all governance is established but because man is by nature corrupt, not every law or mandate established by the governing authorities is always just or done in the best interest of the public or in alignment with the higher laws of that Supreme Authority who has instilled in every culture, nation, and society a basic understanding of right and wrong but in order to determine whether our respective laws are in alignment with those of that Supreme Authority by whose hand all things were created and who has established an order governing all things and by whose power all things are held together and before whom all must stand and give an account for the things done in this life.

And it is this Authority that we need to fear and respect above all others. 

There are a lot of things that man can do to us.
He can mock, ridicule, and shame, and threaten us.
He can discriminate against us.
He can take away our livelihoods and jobs.
He can steal and destroy our possessions.
He can inflict bodily harm.
He can throw us in the prisons.
He can even kill us and those whom we hold dear.
But what he cannot do is inflict suffering upon us that is never-ending.

But the God who created us is able to inflict upon us all that can be inflicted upon us by man and even more than what man can do; Not only can He destroy the body, but He is able to destroy both body and soul in the everlasting torments in a place of eternal suffering called Hell itself which is why we need to be more fearful of what He can do to us than what any man or devil can do.  All men and every power will be brought before the Power above all powers and the King of all kings to receive their final sentence which will be immensely severe beyond imagination or a reward with glory beyond all imagining.

That which men cast out, the Creator will take in.
That which He steals and destroys, God is able to restore and replace.
That which is wounded, He can also heal.
That which is bound, He can free.
That which is despised, mocked, shamed, and ridiculed, He is able to vindicate.

But if there is to be any hope of seeing the vindicating power of our Maker supersede any suffering we may endure for the sake of principle, justice, and righteousness, we must be willing to submit ourselves to His authority above all others for though the ways of men be corrupt, the ways of our Maker are without corruption but perfect and blameless and it was in perfection and purity that the world all that is in it was created and in which dwelt no evil, suffering, grief, pain, or hardship of any sort nor anything to cause such until the day that the first man and woman from whom all of mankind descend disobeyed a certain command by our Creator at the behest of another voice at enmity with our Creator by eating of fruit from a certain tree that they were told not to eat from which was called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 2:16-17, chapter 3) on pain of death (Gen. 2:16-17, chpt. 3) and when they ate of that fruit, the world in its purity and innocence ceased to exist and became the world we presently know today with its increasing evil, instability, suffering, hardship, griefs, and sorrows, affecting not only man, but all of creation (Rom. 8:19-22) as a consequence of man’s disobedience.  After eating that forbidden fruit, sin entered into man, twisting his once pure nature, influencing not only his behavior, but corrupting his inward self as well and with sin came the penalty of death and as a result, all men die because all men sin (Rom. 6:23) because the sin that entered into the first man and woman, Adam and his wife Eve, was then inherited by all of mankind (Rom. 5:12) because all of us descend from them and because of our sinful state, we are born estranged from the God who made us, for just as the disobedience of Adam had separated him from God so our sin separates us as from Him as well.

And because sin is ever present within us, our own goodness will never be enough to reconcile us with our Maker and to deliver us from the judgment that must eventually come upon all of sin.

Sin does not just affect our outward behavior, but it also affects our inward person as well; perverting our thoughts, corrupting our motives, and darkening and hardening our very hearts for sin begins from within before it is made manifest outwardly which is why all sin, both inward and outward, will face punishment and it is that very inherent nature in us that makes fall short of that standard of moral perfection (Rom. 3:23) against which our own goodness will be measured and we will not be judged by how well we kept the laws of men, but by how well we kept the law of God which demands perfection and because we fail to keep the law perfectly, we are thereby condemned by it.  God gave us a standard by which order is brought to our lives and to restrain bad behavior and wicked actions, but it was never meant to bring redemption.  The law of God judges not just the outward person but the inward person as well and to compare our entire person to that law is the most humbling and even the most terrifying experience that anyone could ever undergo.  It is the most humbling because your pride and self-righteousness is challenged and even shattered.  And what makes that also most terrifying is that coming up short also means an everlasting punishment more severe than we even dare to imagine.

Sin affects more than we can comprehend.  It does not affect just humanity, but it also affects all of creation because by the sin of man came a curse upon the creation which has subjected it to the very same things that humanity is subject to and when evil reaches a certain measure, it must be punished and the more it increases, the closer that day comes but our Creator would rather not bring judgment.  Instead, He would rather show us love and mercy and it is out of His immense love for us that He has made redemption possible, not by our own efforts which are made imperfect by sin, but by the work of one who is without sin (2 Cor. 5:21, Heb. 4:15) being Christ Jesus who came as God in the flesh and who submitted Himself to death upon the cross on which His cleansing blood was shed and afterwards raised from the dead and it is in His death and resurrection that both the required penalty for sin is satisfied forgiveness is offered to all who will call upon His name to be saved, placing their trust in His redemptive work alone and in nothing else (Rom. 10:13) for in doing so, the soul is cleansed of sin so that upon death, we may be present with the Lord, no longer having to fear the judgment we would otherwise faith and with that salvation comes the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God thus signifying restored fellowship with our Maker in Christ and just as our souls are liberated from the damnation that would otherwise be faced so we will also be liberated from bodily death (1 Cor. 15:51-55, 1 Thess. 4:13-18) and finally, the creation itself from the curse that has plagued it by the creation of a new and better world wherein there is no sin, no evil, no death, no curse, nor anything to cause grief, pain, sorrow, or suffering of any sort. (Rev. 21-22)

But until then, we are in a world that is becoming increasingly evil, dark, and unstable.  We are in a war, but not a war that can be fought by force alone, but in a war for minds, hearts, and ultimately souls and it is a war not against flesh and blood but against unseen wicked powers (
Eph. 6:12) that have fought and continue to fight to hold as many as they can captive in their sin in order to oppress them, rob their lives of any meaning and sense of worth, and ultimately, to lure them into damnation for all eternity and they do so by their elaborate and cleverly devised lies, deceptions, distortions, misrepresentations, and suppression of the truth of the Gospel, and by attempting to discredit, intimidate, discourage, and persecute as many of the saints as they possibly can so as to render them useless for the Kingdom that delivers all who seek it out from the bondage of sin, the darkness of this present world, and from an immensely fearful and terrifying judgment to come.

Therefore, we must rally, not behind a political party or system, not behind an economic system, nor behind any denominational sect, governing authority, figure of influence, or any movement, which are all subject to corruption, failures, and shortcomings, but behind the incorruptible King of Kings in whom there is no fault and who will never disappoint or fail.  It is in His name and in His power that we participate in this age-long war between the forces of good and evil according to the capacity that our Creator assigns each and every one of us and when we are faced with opposition, what seem like overwhelming odds, and persecutions of any degree for His name’s sake, He is able to give us the courage necessary to faithfully continue serving His cause in spite of anything our adversaries may threaten and inflict upon us.

Our mission will not be an easy one; it often never is and will require sacrifice on our part; even sacrifices that are heavy and painful.  In some cases, we may even be required to lay down our very lives for the sake of the Gospel that liberates us from damnation, transforms the inward man and gives him a sense of meaning and purpose, and, if received by enough people, has the power to transform entire communities and nations.

But every evil done to us, the King will avenge, (2 Thess. 1:6) and we will be rewarded for the persecutions endured (Mt. 5:23) and for the sacrifices we make (Mk. 10:30) and we should be confident that the honors and blessings we receive from Heaven will exceed the losses and suffering we sustain in the name of our Lord and Savior, but it should be a terrifying thing to us to give into the fear of man rather than the fear of God or to value the favor and praise of man above the praise of God knowing that the honor and praise of our God exceeds that of any given to us by man, but that also the contempt from our King also exceeds the contempt that we suffer from man.

Therefore, we should always resolve to walk in the law of our King above the laws of any men should the two conflict (Acts 5:29) knowing full well that those earthly powers that be over us will be judged just as those under them will be judged and that judgment will be final and will not be reversed.  Therefore, for those of us who are in Christ, we should always strive for the highest honors that we can achieve that we may stand before the King with as few regrets as possible.
For the King we serve is a victorious King and therefore we should conduct ourselves, live our lives, and serve Him in a manner that demonstrates such recognition for in doing so, we will prevail over the forces of darkness even when it appears as though we are not and that is how we will be showing ourselves to be free men, even if we be under oppressive and wicked rulership because though the agents of oppression may be given power over our persons, they will never be able to gain power over the Spirit that lives in us just so long as we rely on the strength, courage, and power that comes not from within, but from above. 

Everyone is going to made to choose a side in the war between good and evil; light and darkness.

If you have not chosen a side which will you choose?  And why will you choose it?  Will you side with the God of light, truth, and righteousness, and who offers redemption to all who are willing to turn away from the sinful and wicked ways that displease Him?  Or will you side with the darkness and continue taking pleasure in those things sinful in the sight of our King?

Where you spend eternity and the course your life takes will be determined by which side you choose.

If you choose to side with the forces of Good then I urge you today to call upon the name of the God who is the source of all goodness.   Be willing to turn away from your sins today and place your trust in Jesus who is able to take away all sins.  If you are not sure what to pray, here is an example of what to pray:

If you are not sure what to pray, here is an example of a prayer of repentance that can be prayed:

"Lord Jesus I need you.

I realize that I am a sinner
who has fallen short of the glory of God
and that my goodness falls short
of His standard of Moral perfection.
Please forgive me of all of my sins.
Come into my heart and into my life
to be the Savior and Lord of my life.
Make me into the servant and follower
that you want me to be.
In your name Lord Jesus, I pray.



Know that God is not concerned with the words that you use to call upon Him forgiveness, but with the attitude of your heart and if you have, with all sincerity, have asked Christ to forgive you of your sins, placing your trust in Him only for your salvation and in nothing else, then your sins are forgiven and your place in Heaven is certain.

End notes:

1.  Shane Trejo, “‘F**k the Blue’: Pro-Trump Patriots Turn on Cops Protecting ANTIFA in Oregon.”

Scripture references: 

1.  Genesis 2:16-17 

2.  Genesis 3 

3.  Romans 8:19-22 

4.  Romans 6:23 

5.  Romans 5:12 

6.  Romans 3:23 

7.  2 Corinthians 5:21 

8.  Hebrews 4:15 

9.  1 Corinthians 15:51-55 

10.  1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 

11.  Revelation 21-22 

12.  Ephesians 6:12 

13.  2 Thessalonians 1:6 

14.  Matthew 5:23 

15.  Mark 10:30 

16.  Acts 5:29

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