Thursday, February 18, 2021

Responding To A Speculator’s Predictions About What Policies Of The Coming New World Order May Entail And How We Can Resist And Hinder Them

I came across a SM post speculating about policies that may be enacted when the coming New World Order is established [1] and especially when the coming Anti-Christ is revealed.  The list consisted of the following:


Destruction of the family
Chip implants
Mass infertility
Replacing animal foods with synthetic meats
Ration Food and Resources
Take over farming
Legalize pedophilia and sexualize children
Carbon Tax
Artificial wombs
One World Government
One World New Age Religion
Digital World Currency

Let me start out with what the Bible says to for sure expect:


1.  The Anti-Christ will control the entire world (Rev. 13)

2.  There will be an entity, likely a religious one embraced by the entire world but it will not last.  (Rev. 17)  One can only speculate as to what sort of religious system it will be.

3.  There will be a one world currency which will be necessary for controlling the world economy and thus for the Mark of the Beast to be implemented.  (Rev. 13:16-17)  Prophecy does not require that currency to be digital.  It is possible that there will be an attempt to implement a digitized currency, but the attempt will fail and lead to economic disaster.

4.  There will be a Mark implemented by the Anti-Christ that may very well be administered by way of a chip implant in the hand or forehead. (Rev. 13:16-17)

5.  In the day that the lawless one is revealed, sin and evil will abound as never before throughout the world because that which continues to restrain will no longer be restraining so in that day, terrible and abhorrent things like pedophilia, sex trafficking, and bestiality may become legal and even normalized and it should be no surprise if attempts to twist and pervert the things that God has created become wide-spread and acceptable and it is for these things and much more that the world will find itself subject to eventual judgment.

6.  The private industry will not be abolished.  There will still be buying and selling.  (Rev. 13:16-17, 18:11, 15, 17)  People have to have money to buy things and in order to sell something, they have to own something.  You cannot sell what you do not own.

7.  The only good news is that the reign of that dark kingdom will be short-lived and will fall to a kingdom of everlasting light wherein will be only life, where only truth exists, and in which only righteousness dwells and in which death, sorrow, grief, suffering, and pain will be no more. (Rev. 19-22)

8.  But for the present time, there is a power and a force that continues to hinder the increasing evil and prevents the lawless one from being revealed. (2Thess. 2:6-7) As long as that hindering power remains in place, the N.W.O., no matter how far it progresses, will never be able to carry out all of that which it desires to do.

Even if we should see the establishment of the foretold ten kings before our Lord and King returns to catch up the Church, they still will not have the power and authority that they will under the rule of the Anti-Christ for as it is written that they “receive power as kings one hour with the beast.” (Rev. 17:12)

There is no telling as to what level of authority they will have before the appearing of the Anti-Christ, but, if they do not receive the power of kings before the Anti-Christ receives power, then no doubt that any power they do possess beforehand will be limited and it will be whatever limitations that are placed on them that will prevent them from doing everything they otherwise would be able to do but once the power that prevents the Anti-Christ from being revealed is removed, then so will the limitations placed upon the power and authority of these ten coming kings.


Will there be cloning of human beings?
Will scientists succeed at creating artificial wombs?
Will synthetic meat replace real meat?
Will a carbon tax be implemented?
Will there be unnecessary food rationing?
Will they succeed at destroying the family?


No one really knows for sure.  The Bible makes no specific comment on the above.  The powers that be or the coming powers that be may or may not succeed at implementing all or any of the above depending on how vigorously we resist the New World Order’s advancement and policies.

What number of defeats, failures, delay lengths, and set-backs the coming N.W.O suffers is dependent upon the choices we make now and what actions we are willing to take.  The N.W.O does not just simply acquire its power from high places, but rather, it is empowered from the bottom.  There is a foundation upon which it rests.  There are roots from which it has sprung and from which it derives its strength which is why it is not enough to merely expose and attack the wickedness at the top, but what empowers that wickedness from the bottom must also be discovered, exposed, and attacked as well, and with every bit as much intensity as the evil that resides at the top, if not even more so, for that which is at the top, is the result of that which is produced at the bottom. 

For every earthy power and authority is built upon and rests upon a foundation which is made of a religion from which springs a set of principles which defines the culture of every nation and society and sets the course for each affecting the manner in which education is taught, news and information is reported, the kind of entertainment that is produced, and the manner of authority governing that nation and that people.

It is written that the coming New World Order will be unlike any other power before it. (Dan. 7:7  )  It will be a conglomeration of different political systems reflective of previous powers as its description by the Apostle John indicates (Rev. 13:2)  and therefore will made of every religious, economic, philosophical, and political system that there ever has been. 

The spirit behind this power is an experimenter determining which system will sell best to the world and he is also aware that no one religious, economic, philosophical, or political system will be enough to win the entire world over to him at large.  That is why in the end that his system will compose of the most appealing and unifying elements of every system before it, while discarding everything else unappealing and deemed divisive and it is under such a system that he will succeed in acquiring the most captives. 

But there is also another Spirit whose plan and course have not been given to change.  He has seen all things from the beginning to the end and every possible outcome because He Himself is the beginning and the end (Rev. 22:13) and is from everlasting to everlasting and whose Kingdom shall have no end.

It is He who is the source of all truth because He is truth (Jn. 14:6) and the arbiter thereof, being the definer of right and wrong, good and evil because He is the source of all life because by Him all things were created and therefore every though entertained, every motive held, every word spoken, and every deed done will be judged by Him and before him all of mankind shall stand to receive their judgment; some will be given everlasting honor, others everlasting contempt.

Every earthly power shall come to its end and be made subject to rule of the King who is everlasting.  He has placed before us laws and precepts necessary for the governance of our very lives and to keep our steps in order.  They are not burdensome but necessary for our own good and to keep in check our unbridled passions and wicked actions, for without them, evil would go unchecked and unchallenged.

When God had first created the earth, man was given dominion over all things on earth and was commanded to be fruitful and multiply but there was only one thing forbidden from him and that was fruit from a tree called the knowledge of good and evil. (Gen. 2:16-17)

But when the first man Adam and his wife Eve, from whom all of mankind descend, had partaken of that forbidden fruit, sin entered into them and brought eventual death to them and then was passed to all of mankind which is why all men sin and all men die (Rom. 5:12) because the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23) and causes us to become estranged from our Maker for that which is without sin cannot have fellowship with that which is sin and that which is sin cannot stand before that which is sinful.

Sin has defiled our very souls.  It perverts our thoughts, corrupts our motives, produces twisted and warped desires, leads to the speaking of careless words that are hurtful, cruel, deceitful and full of lies, and to actions that are evil in the sight of our God.

Even when we desire and try to do that which is good, sin, being ever present with us, always cancels out every kind word spoken and every good deed performed which is why we can never gain or earn the favor of our Maker but His favor is freely given without price when we come to the realization that favor is bestowed upon us, not because of our own goodness but because of His goodness because our own goodness is ever tainted by the nature in us corrupted by our inherited sin but in order for us to receive that favor, we are required to turn away from our sin and call upon the One who is able to take away our sins and redeem us from what would otherwise be a terrifying judgment of eternal torment to which all wicked and unrepentant persons will be subject.

All sin and evil must eventually be punished, including our own if we do not turn away from it, but redemption has been made possible in a way by which the required penalty is met on our behalf and mercy is offered; that being accomplished by Christ Jesus who, by His death on the cross and shed blood, took upon Himself the sin of all mankind and suffered the penalty that we otherwise would have to suffer for all eternity and then after His death, was raised from the grave for our justification and now presently sits at the right hand of God the Father and who will return again one day.

By placing our trust in Christ alone for the forgiveness of sins are our souls cleansed and just as our souls are cleansed from all sin and spared the terrible judgment we would otherwise face, our bodies themselves will one day be redeemed from the corruption, death, and decay to which they are presently subject (1 Cor. 15:51-55, 1 Thess. 4:13-18) and finally, creation itself will one day be liberated from the curse that came upon it because of sin with the passing away of this present world with its evil and the creation of a new and better world in which death is no more, where sin and evil have no place, where there is no decay, no more sorrow, grief, hardship or pain but only righteousness, peace, life, and happiness. (Rev. 21-22)

But before we can hope to defeat the present darkness from without, we must first have dealt within us the darkness from within which is made possible by Christ if we will only but turn to Him, humble ourselves before Him, asking Him to forgive us of our sins, and to let Him bring about in us the transformation necessary in our minds, hearts, and souls to be the vessels and servants that will be pleasing in His sight and which will bring honor and glory to Him in everything we do.

Every soul who turns to Christ is a defeat for the spirit behind the coming New World Order because the more souls turn to Christ, the weaker the powers of darkness become.  That is why they relentless fight to hold captive as many souls as possible by blinding them to the truth of the Gospel message with various lies and deceits through the invention of philosophies and religions that exalt themselves against the truth of God’s word, by seeking through various means to harden hearts against the message of redemption, relentlessly hurling diverse intellectual challenges against the Word of God and its authority, infiltrating the ranks of the Church to lead as many astray from the truth of God by introducing various falsehoods, causing discord, leading as many saints as possible into sin so as to discredit the testimony of their professed faith, and when that fails, intimidating and shaming them into silence and from obeying the commands and teachings of our Lord by way of various persecutions.

And when the truth of the God who made us cannot be refuted or perverted, it is then suppressed in unrighteousness for that which is built upon lies will always seek to silence anything possessing truth and finding a basis in fact.

But the strength of the wicked one is not found in the silencing and suppression of truth because truth and those determined to proclaim it will always find a way to undermine, circumvent, and bypass any attempts to silence it, but rather his power and the power of his government find their strength in the rejection of truth by those whom they seek to take captive and rule over.

For it is when enough of the world rejects the truth of the Gospel, that the God who offered it will send upon mankind a strong delusion that they should instead believe lies and it is at this time when that which has hindered and restrained the evil will be taken out of the way that lawless one, the one who is called the Beast and Anti-Christ will be revealed (2 Thess. 2:6-12) and will solidify the power of the kingdom out of which he will arise over the entire world.

For even if the likes of Bill Gates, George Soros, Biden, and the vast majority of our own respective government were to be arrested, incarcerated, and executed for their crimes, and even if the Chinese Communist Party and all remaining Communist governments around the world were to fall and those powers governed by the oppressive Islamic system of Sharia law were to be overthrown, the greatest hindrance to the New World Order will not be in mere government reform or regime change but in a change that must take place in the heart of every man, woman, and child beginning at the bottom and then working its way to the top.

It is a transformation of the mind, heart and soul that is only made possible in those who are willing to submit themselves to it and it can only be done by that which is able to bring about that transformation by the redeeming of the souls of those who are willing to turn away from their sins and walk according to the manner commanded by the Redeemer who gave Himself for them in order to make their redemption possible.

And it is also the duty and mission of all those who have embraced the message of the Gospel to take that message to those who have yet to hear the Gospel message of repentance and be persuaded to receive it but in order for us who are in Christ to effectively accomplish that mission entrusted to us, we must also look to our own ranks and take the necessary measures to ensure that our members are kept clean by not allowing sin or falsehood have any place among our congregations but rather everything introduced into our ranks must be tested and if found contrary to the teachings of the scriptures divinely inspired by the God who delivered to us the Gospel (2 Tim. 3:16) must be rejected and all professors of the faith, whether lay persons or persons in leadership, must be held accountable for their conduct and behavior, and if necessary, removed from our midst (Mt. 18:15-17, 1 Cor. 5, Titus 3:10) that they not be able to bring shame and disgrace upon the name of our Lord and give the enemies of the faith reason to mock our faith and blaspheme the name of our Lord.

But in order to effectively bring accountability to our ranks and leadership, we need to study and get to know the scriptures delivered to us so that we may be better able to expose any falsehood infiltrating our ranks and hold accountable those members whose way of living, associations, and doctrine are contrary to their professed faith.

Because in keeping our own house clean, we will be better able to accomplish in the world that calling that God has given to His people according to the respective capacity and role that He has called each and every one of us to.

Today, it seems that many churches are more concerned with growing their numbers than they are with winning souls when it is far better that there be a congregation of 5 or 10 souls who have come to repentance, than it is to have a multitude that remain unsaved and unconverted.

Just because a church contains a multitude does not necessarily indicate a multitude of saved souls and yet because many of our church leaders are more concerned with gaining the favor of the world over the favor of Heaven, they are willing to refrain from speaking on very critical matters and even refrain from the preaching of the full counsel of the Gospel message in order to get as many within the doors of their respective church as they possibly can.

While the love and mercy of God is often preached about and that He has instilled purpose and meaning into our lives, what is far less preached is that our God is also a holy and righteous God who is also a God of justice and must eventually punish sin and evil, but yet many do not have a proper understanding of what sin is or the consequences that result for it and because they do not have a proper understanding of sin, they remain blind to their need of sincere repentance and redemption because many within our religious establishment refuse to preach on sin and judgment.

Do they not realize that in order to persuade a man to embrace the saving Gospel of Christ that he must first be persuaded that he is need of redemption and without which, he will have nothing to look forward to but an everlasting judgment consisting of never-ending torment in a place called Hell?

But gets even worse than that.  Not only will they avoid preaching against sin, there is an increasing number of church leaders who claim that you can be a practicing LGBT, murder babies, elect political leaders who affirm, and impose the affirmation of the same, live a promiscuous lifestyle, commit adultery against your spouse, abide in any other gospel aside from the Gospel of Christ delivered to us by the scripture and still enter into Heaven contrary to the clear teachings of scripture.

Scripture commands us to turn away from all of these things that condemn the unrepentant soul to an eternity in the torments of Hell, but rather than risk offending their audience who might not otherwise put up with the preaching of a sound Gospel and the teaching of sound doctrine, those entrusted to teach the Word of God and to preach the Gospel of repentance would rather simply avoid anything deemed controversial and lull their congregants and audience into a false peace and a false sense of security because they favor the praise of men above the praise of God and seek to heap to themselves earthly treasures that they will leave behind for others rather than the treasures and rewards of Heaven that they will possess for all of eternity.

Because many within the Church have not heeded the admonishment of scripture to not be conformed to the ways of the world, they are being influenced and changed by the world rather than being the change in the world on behalf of Christ that they should be and in doing so, they are playing into the hands of the spirit behind the coming Anti-Christ and empowering the New World Order that will inevitably arise due to a turning away from the God who made the world, a rejection of the Gospel of redemption, and the instruction of scripture.

There is nothing that delights the powers of darkness more than when the saints of God disqualify themselves and are made useless for the Kingdom of Jesus, or when they become so much like the world that they are supposed to be reaching for Christ, that they instead fall into the trap of doing the bidding of our enemies.

Before we can have any hope of defeating the darkness without, wherever it may be found, we have to make sure that the darkness within us is defeated first because if the darkness within us is not subdued, then we will end up finding ourselves defeated and even becoming a part of the darkness without that we had set out to fight against.

If there is going to be a Great Awakening, it must first start in the house of the Lord before it can envelope the unbelieving, but the Great Awakening does not just start within the four walls of our places of worship.  It must begin in each and every single one of us and then, those of us in whom it begins, must have in us an unrelenting determination to pass it on to any others willing to receive that Great Awakening and to be partakers in it but for those of us who are determined to be the light.

And the Great Awakening that begins within us must consist of the following:


1.  Embracing the Gospel of Salvation and no other Gospel.

2.  A commitment to honoring God in everything we do which requires a life committed to that which is good and righteous in His eyes and abstaining from anything that displeases Him.

3.  Obedience to all that God commands us and obeying Him above all else. (Acts 5:29)

4.  Standing upon the authority of the divinely inspired Word of God, diligently studying it so that we may know and abide in its instruction and testimony, and relying on the sufficiency thereof and nothing more, and not only that, but teaching others to do the same.

5.  Seeking the honor of God above that of man and the riches of Heaven above the riches of this present world. (Mt. 6:19-34, 10:28, Mk. 10:30)

6.  Standing firm and remaining faithfully obedient to Christ in the face of all forms of opposition no matter how hostile or severe knowing that there is a reward that awaits the steadfast to which the suffering and persecution that we may undergo will never compare.

7.  As often as it is required, dedicating ourselves to the defense of the faith when its truth is challenged in any way, shape, or form. (1 Pet. 3:15)

8.  Preserving the soundness of doctrine (Jude 3) and maintaining accountability within our own ranks (Mt. 18:15-17, 1 Cor. 5, Titus 3:10) so that the body of Christ may be able to carry out its purpose on the earth for which it was established.


You may find yourself lacking confidence in civic authorities, distrusting the media, despising the entertainment industry, questioning the academics, and even doubting scientific data.  You may even find yourself fearing that even the most respected and honorable institutions may betray you.  There is a reason for why that it is: 

Man is by nature corrupt and corruptible and from corruptible men come corruptible institutions and no man nor any institution will ever be worthy of our complete trust.  Only that which is incorruptible is worthy of our complete trust and that one incorruptible authority and person is Christ Jesus who will one day return to establish an incorruptible government (Rev. 19-22) and who presently is offering redemption to any who will receive it from Him.

But presently, there is a power that blinds us to our corrupt state and our need of redemption and in doing so, leads us to unquestioningly trust in authorities and institutions that are corruptible by convincing us that they will not err, lie, deceive, or oppress and that all counsel they give and every policy they enact is for our benefit when in reality such is not always the case; they in fact can err, advise only in their best interest, and enact policy that is oppressive, unjust, evil, and cruel, but even when the corruption and wickedness in the high places of power and influence are exposed, we are still deceived into thinking that we who have not attained to those places of power and influence are somehow beyond the corruption and wickedness they commit and therefore remain blind to the fact that they who are at the top and they who are at the bottom do share one thing in common in that both the ruling and influential classes at the top and their subjects and perceived subjects at the bottom are all born of the same corruptible nature, both are in need of redemption, and both will stand to face judgment together which is why both are called upon to repent and place their trust in the very Redeemer who is able to take away the sins of both so that they need not face the punishment that they would otherwise be subject to or receive the sentence that would otherwise be handed to them.

If you have not done so already, I would urge you this day to place your trust in the One who is without sin and beyond error and incorruptible. (Heb. 4:15) Turn away from your sins and the dark and wicked things of this world. Call upon the Savior to cleanse you from your sins and all unrighteousness so that you may be forgiven of your sins and be reconciled to the Father from whom we were once estranged before coming to Christ and in doing so, the Holy Spirit will come to dwell in you through which that transformation necessary will be made so that you may be ready to fight against the darkness by the light of God’s truth in His Word given to us and under the guidance of Christ through the Holy Spirit.

If you are not sure what to pray, here is an example of what to pray:


"Lord Jesus I need you.


I realize that I am a sinner
who has fallen short of the glory of God
and that my goodness falls short
of His standard of Moral perfection.
Please forgive me of all of my sins.
Come into my heart and into my life
to be the Savior and Lord of my life.
Make me into the servant and follower
that you want me to be.
In your name Lord Jesus, I pray.


Know that God is not concerned with the words that you use to call upon Him forgiveness, but with the attitude of your heart and if you have, with all sincerity, have asked Christ to forgive you of your sins, placing your trust in Him only for your salvation and in nothing else, then your sins are forgiven and your place in Heaven is certain.

End notes    

1.  Bondservant Mark, “New World Order Agendas,”  Anon Up

Scripture references:

1.  Revelation 13

2.  Revelation 13:16-17

3.  Revelation 17 

4.  Revelation 18:11, 15, 17

5.  Revelation 19-22

6.  2 Thessalonians 2:6-7

7.  Revelation 17:12

8.  Daniel 7:7

9.  Revelation 13:2

10.  Revelation 22:13

11.  John 14:6

12.  Genesis 2:16-17

13.  Romans 5:12

14.  Romans 6:23

15.  1 Corinthians 15:51-55

16.  1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

17.  Revelation 21-22

18.  2 Thessalonians 2:6-12

19.  Matthew 18:15-17

20.  1 Corinthians 5

21.  Titus 3:10

22.  Acts 5:29

23.  Matthew 6:19-34

24.  Matthew 10:28

25.  Mark 10:30

26.  1 Peter 3:15

27.  Jude 3

28.  Hebrews 4:15

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