Sunday, May 23, 2021

Good News For QAnons


Christopher Wray decides that the QAnon movement need not be investigated. [1]
He still believes that the movement may sometimes inspire violent attacks and admits that the identity of Q remains unknown but does not want to waste FBI resources to discover the identity of Q.

The QAnon movement has no desire to advance their cause through violence and Contender’s Edge has personally interacted with enough QAnon adherents frequently and has read enough of their posts and news items to know that they are generally good people, many of them godly followers of Christ, who do not want to see America plunged into darkness along with the rest of the world.  All they want is to keep America a free society and under a Constitutional rule of law.

They also want to see other nations have the same opportunity to embrace the liberties that America was founded upon.  Contender’s Edge finds information and news they post to be of value and worth investigating and also shares news and information regularly on Anon SM platforms but it must be understood that Anon posts and commentaries are their own opinions and are not necessarily shared by other Anons or the Contender’s Edge blogsite. 
It also needs be understood that not everything done or said in the name of Q or the QAnon movement is necessarily endorsed by Q or the movement.  Any acts of violence done in the name of Q or the movement rarely takes place those doing so are not representative of Q or the movement as a whole as most adherents are relatively peaceful and seek to advance their cause by peaceful and diplomatic means.

Contender’s Edge has been very gracious to the Anons and the movement but has maintained a neutral and objective stance on the Q plan itself and does not purpose to either prove or disprove the Q plan, but if everything that Q and the Anons post is a lie that can be easily discredited, then why is there such an effort by anti-Christ forces to silence them? 

Why is big tech actively censoring them? 

Why are the Anons being branded as terrorists by the Mainstream Manure Pile?

Plan or no plan, there is no doubt that there must be something to the movement itself to pose such a threat to the spirit of the anti-Christ who is directing the globalist forces.  Perhaps that spirit is not so threatened by what it presently is now as by what it could potentially become; a force that could have a hand in bringing about the long desired Great Awakening in our nation that the saints have longed for and an instrument mightily used by Him who presently hinders the forces of evil until He is taken out of the way (2 Thess. 2:7) at which point the epitome of all evil will briefly have his turn until he is cast out of this world by the returning King (Rev. 19-20) who will then establish His reign upon the earth to set all things right. 

It would be nice if indeed there is a plan underway to restore Trump back to his rightful place in the White House very soon and before 2024, but I am not one to pin my hopes in that.  Our hope must be in a sure plan that will not fail but is destined for fulfillment and there is such a plan being carried out since time immemorial for when God created the universe, He knew that evil would arise from out of His creation.  He knew that some of His creations would rebel and exalt themselves against Him.  He knew that there would be those who would sin against Him and that all evil and sin would have to face punishment, and that all who had sinned against their Creator would be required to face judgment and yet He had in place a plan for redemption, reconciliation, and restoration as well. 

The war between good and evil began in the Heavenly kingdom when a certain angel, a Cherub to be exact, who was close to the throne of God, in his pride attempted to make himself equal to God and as a consequence was cast from his position and destined for eventual eternal damnation (Is. 14:12-21, Ezek. 28:12-19) along with those angelic beings who sided with him against their Maker. 
That war was then taken to the rest of creation when this angel, called Lucifer or Satan led mankind to sin against his Maker by causing him to eat from a certain tree forbidden to him. (Gen. 2:16-17) 
Before sin entered into the world and with it death, there was perfect unity and fellowship between man and his Creator and harmony between him and all of nature but when Adam, that first man from whom we all descend ate of that fruit forbidden to him, sin entered into him and was passed on to all of mankind and with sin came death to all because all sin (Rom. 5:12) because death is the consequence of all sin. (Rom. 6:23) 
But sin not only brought death to mankind because of Adam, but caused the entire creation to be subject to a curse which has resulted in the suffering, hardship, and decay that is presently within it (Rom. 8:19-22) and worst of all, that serpent, whom we know today as Lucifer and more notably Satan or the devil usurped dominion over the entire earth which is why he has claimed lordship over the world (Mt. 4:8-9, Lk. 4:5-7) and is called the prince of this world. (Jn. 12:31, 14:30, 16:11) 

Before Adam sinned, God had given him dominion over all of creation (Gen. 1:26-27) but in his disobedience, the dominion given him was taken away by the adversary of our souls who holds captive and leads to destruction as many as he possibly can by blinding them to their fallen state. 
Men have been convinced to measure sin by way of outward performance and therefore believe that if they are upright enough in their speech and behavior that they might be able to redeem themselves from that corrupted state, and though man has been given divine precepts and laws profitable for maintaining an ordered life and which our foundational to a sound governance of society, they can never cleanse the soul of sin because sin is more than just an act.  It is the fallen condition of the nature of man which produces wrong thinking, selfish motives, and shameful thoughts which then bring forth bad behavior and wicked acts; all of which will be taken into account on the day of judgment.  
Every sin, no matter how slight, will be punished without end and how terrifying of a prospect that will be for anyone who should die in their sins and that no amount of good works is enough to atone for even one because even when we attempt to do good and live uprightly as we all should, because sin is ever present within us, we all fall short of the glory of God, which is moral perfection; (Rom. 3:23) a standard made impossible to meet due to sin living in us. 
We may act charitably to one person and burn with envy and jealousy towards another, embrace our spouse in the morning and have adulterous thoughts at night, praise God in one breath and curse our neighbor in the next or else the other way around.  We may love one person and yet have murderous hatred and contempt towards another, even for things not worthy of death itself. 
Only by honestly examining our own selves from the inside out, do we find how it is that we fail to attain the state of moral perfection required of us by our Maker which is not only the most humbling experience that anyone can have but it can also be the most frightening; humbling in the sense that when we examine our own moral state, not just by our outwardly actions and speech, but even our own thought and motives, we find that we are not truly as good and upright as we might think ourselves to be and frightening in the sense that a day is coming when we must all stand before the God who gave us life and give an account for all that we have done by whom we will be judged not only by the outward performance of our lives but even by our inward being including the nature of every thought and every attitude of the heart. 
We may be told to not murder, to not commit adultery, to not lie, and to not covet, but even one murderous, lustful, and adulterous thought is enough to condemn a man to the fiery torments and darkness Hell for all eternity.  Even one lie, no matter how insignificant, or one jealous or envious thought will prevent you from entering the Kingdom of Heaven because God in His perfect goodness cannot allow even the smallest of sins to go unpunished because even small sins eventually lead to greater sins because if He did, then He could no longer be good, nor holy because He would then be enabling sin and evil instead of opposing and stopping it. 

But our Maker is not just a God of justice but He is a God of love and mercy desires nothing more than to show mercy to us and to take away our sins, not willing that any should perish in their sins (2 Pet. 3:9) but that all would come to repentance and be saved out of our sins which is why He has provided us redemption in Christ Jesus who is without sin (2 Cor. 5:21,  Heb. 4:15) and because He is without sin, He was able to make Himself that perfect and acceptable sacrifice on our behalf through His death and resurrection.  In Christ Jesus was the demanded penalty for sin satisfied on our behalf and forgiveness of sins made possible for anyone who will but call upon the name of Jesus to be saved, trusting in Him alone for their salvation, and believing also that He died and rose again for our redemption. (Rom. 10:12) 

Just as sin estranges us from our Maker, so the blood of Christ which cleanses the soul of all iniquity reconciles us to Him, and just as sin subjected our bodies to death, so one day our bodies will be changed from that which is corruptible and subject to death to that which is incorruptible and liberated from death (1 Cor. 15:51-55, 1 Thess. 4:13-18) and just as sin subjected the entire creation to a curse of suffering, misery, and hardship, so then one day we shall see a new creation in which there is no curse for in it will dwell no sin and death will have no place. (Rev. 21-22) 

But as the time grows closer, so that wicked spirit called Satan, being that enemy of God and the epitome of all evil, will continue to fight all the more to hold lost souls captive and to turn as many hearts as possible away from Christ who offers, mercy, redemption, forgiveness, unfailing hope, and a sense of meaning and purpose where once there was none, and he will, with every means at his disposal, do all that he can to render they who have already given themselves to Christ inept for Kingdom service by his various temptations, lies, deceits, diversions, devices of fear, doubt, and manipulation, and diverse persecutions. 

But his defeat, no matter how relentlessly and fiercely he may resist it, has been made certain by the redemption of our very souls made possible by the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus. 

Therefore, let us place our hope, not in things that are uncertain and subject to failure, nor in a plan that may or may not be, but in that which is not subject to failure and is certain and while there is much that can and must be done to hinder, frustrate, and even turn back the tide of evil, it is Christ alone who will bring the final victory. 

Because victory over all evil is certain, we should live as victors and not as those defeated because we who are in Christ have the victory even when we appear defeated.  We should not be afraid of what man can do to us but we should fear above all else the God before whom we will stand and whose reward will be with Him. 

Man may hate us, discriminate against us, reject us, shun us, ridicule and mock our faith, revile us and falsely accuse us, rob us of our possessions and livelihoods, and inflict upon us various forms of violence and punishments that go even unto death for our faith, but what he cannot do is kill our souls or separate us from the love of God but God is able to take away as He is able to give and He alone is able to cast both body and soul into Hell and yet also able to grant honors greater than any man could ever possibly give. 

It is not the persecutions that will defeat us, but it is when we fear man above God, favor the honor of men above that of God, and become consumed by the cares and pleasures of this world instead of seeking first the things of Heaven that we suffer defeat. 

But when we retain an unmovable faith and steadfast courage in the face of evil and adversity, keep our minds and hearts focused on the world to come instead of the temporal things of earth, commit ourselves to doing that which is pleasing, good, and right in the sight of our Lord and King instead of those things that are sinful and wicked in His sight, conform our minds to the teachings and doctrine of our faith rather than the doctrines, philosophies, and counsels of this dark world, appeal to the authority and power of God instead of the authority of men, and look to Christ as our perfect example rather than imperfect men, no matter how insightful, influential, wise, knowledgeable, and powerful they may seem, it is then we have victory even when it appears that we do not.  The victories of the wicked are but temporary in comparison to the victory that we have in Christ which is an eternal one. 

This present world in which we live with all its death and evil is not the world that God created
but is a product and consequence of man’s disobedience towards his Maker and if we hope to be able to overcome the powers of darkness and be a fitting light in a the midst of dark places, we must first deal with the darkness that resides in each and every one of us.  Only when we deal with the darkness that dwells within us will we have any hope of being able to effectively combat and battle the darkness without, but not in our own strength or in the power of any political party or grassroots movement, but in the power of the God who is able to redeem those who will call upon His name for the forgiveness of sins. 

Let us all make sure that we are on the side of eternal victory.  If you are not sure whether or not you are on the side of eternal victory, I would encourage you this day to examine yourself before the God of victory and if you find yourself falling short of His glory, and we all do, and want to be sure that you are in right standing before your Creator, then I would urge you today, to repent of your sins and turn to Christ for your salvation so that you may be a partaker in His everlasting victory because apart from Him, there will be nothing more than everlasting shame. 

Choose this day repentance in Christ which will lead to the redemption of your soul through the forgiveness of sins which then will make you able to share in the everlasting victory and become part of the new and better world to come. 

If you would like to ask Jesus into your heart to be your Savior and Lord and to save you from out of your sins, here is an example of what to pray if you are not sure of what to pray: 


"Lord Jesus I need you.

I realize that I am a sinner
who has fallen short of the glory of God
and that my goodness falls short
of your standard of moral perfection. 

Please forgive me of all of my sins.
Come into my heart and into my life
to be the Savior and Lord of my life.
Make me into the servant and follower
that you want me to be.

In your name Lord Jesus, I pray.



Know that God is not concerned with the words that you use to call upon Him forgiveness, but with the attitude of your heart and if you have, with all sincerity, have asked Christ to forgive you of your sins, placing your trust in Him only for your salvation and in nothing else, then your sins are forgiven and your place in Heaven is certain.

End notes:

1.  Mark Meghan, “FBI Director Christopher Wray Decides There Doesn’t Need to Be an Investigation,” Patriot United News, April 18, 2021

Scripture references:


1.  2 Thessalonians 2:7

2.  Revelation 19-20

3.  Isaiah 14:12-21

4.  Ezekiel 28:12-19

5.  Genesis 2:16-17

6.  Romans 5:12

7.  Romans 6:23

8.  Romans 8:19-22

9.  Matthew 4:8-9

10.  Luke 4:5-7

12.  John 12:31

13.  John 14:30

14.  John 16:11

15.  Genesis 1:26-27

16.  Romans 3:23

17.  2 Peter 3:9

18.  Romans 10:12

19.  2 Corinthians 5;21

20.  Hebrews 4:15

21.  1 Corinthians 15:51-55

22.  1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

23.  Revelation 21-22


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