Saturday, August 14, 2021

What Men And Women Have In Common


Legislation requiring women to register for the draft inches closer for a vote in congress as a draft of the legislation has been approved by the Senate panel [1] but if women are required to register for the draft, then who will take care of the children? Who will fill the occupational voids left by men who have gone off to war in the past? Who will serve on the home front?

If they are captured on the battlefield, has ever been taken into consideration that they could be raped by their captors or sold as a sex slave? How does PTSD affect them in comparison to men?

But don’t get me wrong:  I am not opposed to women serving in a combat role of their own volition.  Women need to be allowed and given an opportunity to follow their dreams and ambitions, whatever they may be, and show the world what talents and skills they have to offer as any man because we are all created by a God who instills in each and every person the very dreams, ambitions, gifts, and talents to empower them to carry out our each respective role for His glory and the betterment of mankind.

But that there are tasks best carried out with a man’s strength and things best done with a woman’s touch cannot be denied.  While neither gender is made morally or intellectually superior to the other, that men and women are created physically different from one another and that their thinking processes are not necessarily the same cannot be disputed and it is those differences that influence the interests of both men and women and what designs them to be able to carry out the respective roles that they were both created to carry out.

Yet what the two genders do have in common are as follows:


They are both created in the image of God and are given dominion over the entire earth. (Gen. 1:26)
All men and women are descended from one man and woman. (Gen 3:20, Acts 17:26)

Both the first man, called Adam and the first woman who was called Eve were created in a state of innocent and moral perfection and nothing was forbidden them except one thing: The fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (Gen. 2:16-17)

Both disobeyed that one command and were punished for it and subjected to a curse. (Gen. 3)

But not only were they themselves subjected to a curse, but upon their disobedience, sin entered into them and produced in them a corrupted nature which was then passed down from them to all of mankind since all descend from them. (Rom. 5:12)

Since both men and women have inherited sin from Adam and Eve (Rom. 5:12) both are born estranged from their Maker because of sin and both are subject to death as a consequence of sin. (Rom. 5:12, Rom. 6:23)

Not only has the sin of Adam and Eve brought death to all of mankind, but a curse upon all of creation which causes it to be in constant pain, suffering, and struggle. (Rom. 8:19-22)

Both men and women are subject to the same divine law (Num. 15:16) and will be judged accordingly.
Both have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. (Rom. 3:23)

Neither one can acquire favor and reconciliation with their Creator nor gain entry into the Heavenly Kingdom by their own goodness because the goodness of both is tainted by sin that is ever present within both influencing not only their actions or the words that come out of their mouths but also their very thoughts and motives.

But God is not willing that either men or women should perish but that both come to repentance. (2 Pet. 3:9)

He has provided redemption on the behalf of both genders through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Maker who was sent to earth to redeem them from out of their sins so that both can obtain eternal salvation in placing their trust in Him alone and no other.

When Jesus was crucified and raised from the dead, both the demanded penalty for sin was satisfied and forgiveness made possible for both men and women.

Both genders are faced with one of two eternal destinations depending upon the attitude they hold towards their Maker: Heaven or Hell.

If both die in their sins, they have nothing to look forward to but everlasting punishment in the fiery torments of hell because that which is sin and in sin cannot be in the presence of the sinless and incorruptible God.

But if both are willing to turn away from their sins and place their trust in Christ alone who offers them redemption, then their place in Heaven is made sure and just as their souls have been cleansed from by the power of the blood of Christ, so the bodies of both will also be liberated from death when their corruptible forms subjected to sin are changed into forms incorruptible and free of sin (1 Cor. 15:51-55, 1 Thess. 4:13-18) and will be brought into a world immensely better than the one in which we presently live for the in that world promised to us who have embraced Christ, there will be no sin, death, suffering, hardship, grief, sorrow, nor anything to cause pain because all of those things will have been done away with. (Rev. 21-22)

Both have the capacity to choose good or evil, righteousness or unrighteousness, godliness, or ungodliness, purity or corruption, to be reconciled to their Maker or to be at enmity with Him.

There are men and women who will choose to follow Christ, learn the ways of God and walk therein, who will stand in the authority of His Word alone and trust in the sufficiency thereof in all that it addresses, who will set their sites on the world to come which will last forever and not on the things of this present life which will one day come to an end, who will fear God above men, seek His honor, praise, and favor above that of this evil world, who will trust in Him to provide for all their needs, to deliver them from evil, and sustain them in times of adversity and hardship.

But there will also be men and women who will reject Christ because they have more pleasure in sin instead of righteousness, evil instead of goodness, darkness instead of light, and because the love this present world more than the world to come, have placed their hopes in the things of this present life instead of the things of the next, fear men more than God, seek the favor of men above that of God, temporary rewards and honors above the eternal honors and rewards of the everlasting Kingdom, and make other things their gods instead of giving their devotion to the one true God who made them and offers forgiveness and reconciliation to them if they would only repent, and who in their evil and hatred for God align themselves with evil spirits in their rebellion against their Maker.

They who align themselves with the Creator of the universe will be raised up to everlasting honor and live in eternal peace, contentment, joy, and happiness but they who persist in setting themselves against their Maker and reject His offer of redemption and reconciliation will be under everlasting contempt and subjected to everlasting punishment and imprisoned in a never-ending darkness away from the presence of the Maker.

What side will you choose today?  Will you choose Heaven or Hell, God or Satan? Good or evil? Righteousness or unrighteousness, Purity or corruption?  Where you spend eternity depends upon which side you choose and is the most important decision that you will ever make in your life and affect the course of your life and in ways unexpected for better or for worse.

If you find yourself wanting to embrace and follow Christ today, then all that is needed is a prayer of repentance and full trust in Him alone for your salvation:


"Lord Jesus I need you.


I realize that I am a sinner
who has fallen short of the glory of God
and that my goodness falls short
of your standard of Moral perfection.

Please forgive me of all of my sins.
Come into my heart and into my life
to be the Savior and Lord of my life.
Make me into the servant and follower
that you want me to be.
In your name Lord Jesus, I pray.




Know that God is not concerned with the words that you use to call upon Him forgiveness, but with the attitude of your heart and if you have, with all sincerity, have asked Christ to forgive you of your sins, placing your trust in Him only for your salvation and in nothing else, then your sins are forgiven and your place in Heaven is certain.


End notes:


1.  Rebecca Kheel, “Senate panel votes to make women register for draft,” The Hill, July 22, 2021


Scripture references:


1.  Genesis 1:26

2.  Genesis 3:20

3.  Acts 17:26

4.  Genesis 3

5.  Romans 5:12

6.  Romans 6:23

7.  Romans 8:19-22

8.  Numbers 15:16

9.  Romans 3:23

10.  2 Peter 3:9

11.  1 Corinthians 15:51-55

12.  1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

13.  Revelation 21-22

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