Sunday, August 8, 2021

Free Speech Does Not Kill People. It Enlightens Them.


Some time ago, a Beltway Report claimed that the Biden creature administration stated that free speech was killing people. [1]   Though they did not use those exact words as the publication’s header made it appear, they did say that COVID related misinformation was killing people and that Social Media operators were not doing enough to quell the posting of so-called misinformation.

If any governing authority is given power to dictate what is and what is not misinformation regarding public health and safety, then they may clearly declare what is and what is not misinformation regarding anything including politics, history, science, and even religion and all in the name of public interest.  That is why their attempts to censor anything challenging their propagated narratives must be stopped at all costs because authority has not been given to them to do so either constitutionally nor by divine decree and if we do not do everything that can be done to override their attempts at censorship regarding COVID-19 or electoral integrity, they will proceed to censor that which challenges their favored narratives regarding even greater matters that have lasting life-changing and life-course directing ramifications for all people.

The despots seem ever so vigilant in suppressing that which they deem to be a threat to their power and interests so why then are we not just as vigilant in stamping out any attempts to implement censorship at the civic level?

Free speech does not kill people, it enlightens them.  Censorship and restricted speech is what kills people because it keeps them ignorant and poisoned by lies.  It is only when there is freedom of speech that truth best flourishes and in which knowledge abounds.

Granted that in the realm of free speech, various opinions, political, philosophical, and even religious leanings will no doubt compete for the hearts, minds, and souls of the masses and lies will exist alongside truth, but it should be left to each person to decide for themselves what they will adhere to and what information has merit, but it should never be left to any man nor any earthly power to determine for everyone else what is truth or fact and what is a lie or what is true knowledge or disinformation because man is too evil and too stupid to make such decisions for others, but instead, let each person be their own moderator.

Only the incorruptible source of truth and knowledge has the right and the ability to declare what is truth and fact and until He comes to reign upon the earth, it must needs be that the wheat and the tares be left alone to exist alongside each other for if we attempt to uproot the tares, we may uproot the wheat along with it but it is only at the appointed time that the source of truth and fact will Himself separate the wheat from the tares; the wheat being gathered unto Himself to live with Him in His Kingdom and the tares cast into everlasting fire.

What makes that His right alone is that this source of all truth, wisdom, and knowledge, and this definer of all that is right and wrong, good and evil is the God who created the universe and it is by His hands that all things were made that were made and it is before Him that all mankind will stand and be judged, each person according to all that they have done in this present life.

When God created the heavens, the earth, and all that is in them, there was no blemish in them nor any decay, corruption, nor anything that brings, hardship, grief, pain, or sorrow because evil had not yet entered into the world but when man was created, he was granted more liberty and freedom than anyone after him has ever experienced, but there was only one thing forbidden him and that was a certain tree called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  He was warned that in the day that he ate of it, that he would surely die (Gen. 2:16-17) but sadly, he did eat of that fruit and when that happened, sin entered into him and corrupted him and therefore brought eventual death to him, and from him, all of mankind has inherited this sinful and corrupted condition which causes all to sin (Rom. 5:12) and as a consequence, death comes to all people (Rom. 6:23) because all of mankind is born into sin and estranged from their Maker from whom we are made separated by our sin because no sin can stand or dwell in the presence of Him who is without sin for it has tainted and continues to taint and spoil all that it touches and it is for this cause that sin must face eventual punishment and they who die in their sins will not be able to dwell in the Kingdom of Almighty God, but instead have nothing to look forward to but an everlasting punishment which, apart from a means of redemption, is the only remedy.

But the God who made us is not willing that any should perish but that all would come to repentance (2 Pet. 3:9) which is why He has provided us redemption in Christ Jesus, His only begotten Son, who came to us as God in the flesh, (Jn. 1:14) and who offered Himself up as that much needed and perfect sacrifice on the behalf of sinful man who cannot save himself by his own merit since his goodness is ever tainted by sin that is ever present within him. 

Though sinful man may have the capacity to perform acts of goodness and speak kind words, sin causes him to also perform wicked acts and for cruel thoughtless words to come forth from him and it ever dirties his thoughts, hardens his heart, corrupts his motives, and clouds his understanding.

Therefore, it took a sinless man (2 Cor. 5:21, Heb. 4:15) to be that perfect sacrifice for sinful man and it is by His blood that redemption is purchased and by His resurrection are we made justified in Him (Rom. 4:25) if we will but call upon Him to forgive us of our sins, placing our trust in Him alone for the redemption of our souls.

The day is coming when, just as our souls are cleansed from the stain of sin by the blood of our Savior, so our bodies will also be liberated from death and decay, when they are changed from that which is corruptible into an incorruptible form (1 Cor. 15:51-55, 1 Thess. 4:13-18) which is free from sin and no longer subject to death itself.

And lastly, creation itself shall also be liberated from the curse that came upon due to sin (Rom. 8:19-22) when this fallen earth passes away and a new and better world is made in its place wherein there is no curse, no sin, death, decay, corruption, evil, hardship, sorrow, grief, heartache, nor anything to cause pain, but instead will only be truth, light, happiness, joy, peace, and contentment beyond measure. (Rev. 21-22) 

But even now our Creator has not left Himself without witness for He has provided evidence of His existence in all of creation and there are testimonies without number of His work in the affairs of men so that His glory and power might be made known.  He has written His law into our conscience, calls out to our hearts and souls, and instructs us in scriptures divinely inspired of Him.  Even a careful study of history will testify of His guiding hand, but there be those who would, in their evil, suppress all evidence of His existence and those things that might lead many to embrace the Gospel of Salvation because there is no truth in them because they have no love thereof and not only do they reject the truth which leads to the redemption of the soul, they will do all in their power to prevent they who would otherwise come to Christ in repentance from doing so by suppressing and silencing all that might win hearts and minds over to Christ Jesus

But they who are so sure of what they believe on need not fear a challenge.  They feel no need to suppress and silence the dissenting voices by force because they are confident that a strong defense for what they believe to be the truth will expose and discredit that which they believe to be a lie.

But they who would suppress and silence that which challenges their favored narratives are doing the work of the evil one who once held his place close to the throne of God but was cast away therefrom when he was lifted up in pride and exalted himself against his Maker (Is. 14:12-21, Ezek. 28:12-19) and from that point on led man into sin when he deceived the first woman Eve, to eat of that forbidden fruit which she then shared with her husband Adam, being the first man (Gen. 3) thus causing them and all of mankind who descend from them to become captives of sin and subject to death in both body and soul which then gave him justification to claim lordship over all the kingdoms and nations of the world (Mt. 4:8-9, Lk. 4:6-7) and who by way of his various subtleties and devices seeks to hold as many souls captive as he can and to make inept and useless for the service of the Kingdom of God, they who would faithfully follow and serve the God by whom they have been redeemed by causing them to disgrace themselves by leading them out of the way of godliness into unrighteousness, distracting them with the cares and pleasures of this present world and life away from the things of the Kingdom, bringing against them various persecutions and threatening them therewith, discouraging them by bringing against them various hardships, sowing needless discord amongst the saints, lulling the congregations into a complacent false sense of security that they may be kept blind to the enemies infiltrating from without and the dangers rising up from within, leading men astray from sound doctrine with various false doctrines, planting seeds of doubt concerning the faith and the authority and sufficiency of scripture in the minds of those who profess to follow Christ, and even overthrowing the faith of some with cleverly crafted lies of which there are many.

Those whom the enemy of God takes captive, he will hold onto by blinding them to that which would draw them out of their sin and into the salvation offered to them by our Lord and King, by suppressing any knowledge that might lead the souls of men out of his grasp by persuading them of the truth of the Gospel of salvation, through threats of various persecutions and adversities, and by poisoning their minds against the faith.

But they who come the Lord come and follow Him willingly but if they should turn away from Him for any reason, He will not stop them from turning away if all efforts to convince them to remain in the faith should fail, but nevertheless, a fearful judgment awaits they who would set themselves against the Almighty and take pleasure in sin instead of righteousness, in darkness instead of light, and in evil instead of that which is good for if they will not subject themselves to the God who created them and offers redemption, then God will have no place for them in His presence or in His Kingdom

But until the day of judgment, He has given all of mankind an opportunity to turn to Him willingly which is why He has allowed to this day both truth and falsehood, godliness and ungodliness, good and evil, purity and corruption, righteousness and unrighteousness, and the things of both light and darkness to exist side by side as the age-long war between God and his adversary Satan is waged for the souls of men in which the hearts of all are tested and in which each person will decide to either side with God or Satan and what side they choose will determine their eternal fate.

But those under the power and influence of the wicked will keep as many as they can under sin, in darkness, blind to the truth of God’s Word, and in ignorance in order to see the souls whom they hold captive destroyed.  These children of the devil refuse to co-exist alongside the wheat who be the children of God and therefore will seek to destroy the wheat from out of their midst so that they may continue to enslave, oppress, torment, afflict, bring misery to, and damn to hell as many souls as they can.

But it is only in the realm of free speech where the hearts of men can truly be tested to see with whom they will side in this war between God and the devil but in a nation or kingdom in which the ruling powers allow for nothing other than the narratives they favor, the hearts of men can never truly be tested and their true loyalties remain hidden within them.

The reason why such wicked powers arise and persist is because they who could prevent their rise to power or can overthrow those wicked powers already in place refuse to do so because they fear the cost required of them and they fear it more so than they do the God before whom they will stand and before whom all men must stand and who is able to restore that which is taken, make all things new, heal that which has been broken, sustain in adversity, see to every need, vindicate the faithful, sustain in adversity, deliver from evil, and wipe away every tear.

It is only when the fear of God resides in enough people that wicked powers may be suppressed for it is impossible for the wicked to long establish rule over a people who are righteous and in whom the love and fear of the Lord resides but it is when a people turn away from serving God that wicked powers arise and establish their rule and with that may be the loss of freedoms and liberties that the people have had and what we need to look to in overthrowing wicked powers and authorities is not our own strength or even our own courage which can fail, but in the unfailing power of the God who enables us and gives us the strength that we need to overcome the wicked and who also gives us that unshakeable courage that we need to take a firm and unwavering stand against evil.

By all rights they who think they can uproot what they perceive to be the tares among the wheat without destroying the wheat alongside the tares and they who would try to silence that which dissents from their preferred narrative must not be granted power nor should they be retained for at that point they have taken on that which is reserved for the returning King alone and no other; they have at that point made themselves out to be God who alone is the Maker of truth and when they have taken on that which is reserved for God only, they must then be reminded and shown in no uncertain terms that they are not God, but mere men, not the deciders of what is truth and reality, but instead are subjects to the truth and reality already defined by the Maker of this universe.

Only the one who is the source of all truth and knowledge and spoke the universe and all things therein into existence has the right to separate the wheat from the tares and it is only He alone who gets to decide who must be censored and silenced and by what means, not sinful and corruptible man at any level because he is just too stupid and evil to decide such things for his fellow man, even if he is in a position of power and influence.

Until the King returns to set things as they should be, let every man say and preach what he will.  Let every system of thought be set before every person.  Let all the facts regarding any matter be presented before the people that each man may make an informed and well thought out decision as to what to believe in, trust, place his faith in, pin his hopes on, adhere to, follow, embrace, devote himself to, and worship for it is before God that all will give an account for what they have given themselves over to and to whom and what they have devoted and dedicated their lives and souls and if there be any who seek after God, then, as it is written, “they should seek God if haply they might feel after him and find him”. (Acts 17:27)

If you happen to be one who is seeking after God right now, He is but a prayer away and offers to all mercy and the forgiveness of sins to any willing to turn to Him and away from their sinful and wicked ways being made possible by Christ Jesus whose death on the cross and resurrection from the grave satisfied both the demanded penalty for sin and the need for mercy, enabling redemption and forgiveness of sins to be granted to anyone calling upon the name of Jesus alone and trusting in Him only for eternal salvation.

But if you are not sure as to what to exactly pray and want to ask Jesus into your heart and to forgive your sins, here is an example of what might be prayed:


"Lord Jesus I need you.

I realize that I am a sinner
who has fallen short of the glory of God
and that my goodness falls short
of your standard of Moral perfection.
Please forgive me of all of my sins.
Come into my heart and into my life
to be the Savior and Lord of my life.
Make me into the servant and follower
that you want me to be.
In your name Lord Jesus, I pray.



Know that God is not concerned with the words that you use to call upon Him forgiveness, but with the attitude of your heart and if you have, with all sincerity, have asked Christ to forgive you of your sins, placing your trust in Him only for your salvation and in nothing else, then your sins are forgiven and your place in Heaven is certain.


End notes:


1.  Staff Writer, “Biden Regime: Free Speech Is Killing People, We Must End It,” The Beltway Report, July 24, 2021

Scripture references:


1.  Genesis 2:16-17

2.  Romans 5:12

3.  Romans 6:23

4.  2 Peter 3:9

5.  John 1:14

6.  2 Corinthians 5:21

7.  Hebrews 4:15

8.  Romans 4:25

9. 1 Corinthians 15:51-55

10. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

11.  Romans 8:19-22

12.  Revelation 21-22

13.  Isaiah 14:12-21

14.  Ezekiel 28:12-19

15.  Genesis 3

16.  Matthew 4:8-9

17.  Luke 4:6-7

18.  Acts 17:27

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