Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Even If The Biden Creature Were Removed From Office...

Even if the Biden creature were to be removed from office or even pass away from this life, that still would not provide us any relief as Kamala the Harlot would immediately succeed him.
If that happens, she is not going to be the incoherent shambling mess that the Biden creature is.  She will know where she is at all times.  She will be one who will think clearly.  She will know exactly what she is doing.  She will carry a higher degree of charisma than the Biden creature.
She will be unwavering in her determination to fulfill her ambitions and to carry out the agenda that she stands on and possess more tenacity than the Biden creature.  She will abuse her power more so than even the Biden creature.  She will show herself in no uncertain terms that she, and no one else, is in control of her presidency.
Things under the rule of the Biden creature are already bad enough, but if Kamala the Harlot takes over, it will only get worse.
Discrediting the Biden creature will have been a walk in the park in comparison to what it will take to discredit Kamala the Harlot.  Many on the left see the Biden creature as a liability, but if Kamala the Harlot demonstrates strong leadership, her favorability will be greater than that of the “No Where man.”
A demonstration of strong effective leadership will be to the Harlot’s advantage; something that the Biden creature is lacking in and therefore will be able to more effectively rally those of that same wicked and foul spirit as she is around her.
Different adversaries require different strategies.  What was effective against one adversary may not be so against another.
We already know the weaknesses of the Biden creature that can be exploited to our advantage, but, aside from the terrible and destructive policies both have campaigned on and have sought to implement, and which need to be thoroughly discredited, stopped, and overthrown, have we discovered any flaws and weaknesses of Kamala the Harlot that we can exploit to great effect?
What are her strengths? 
Can that which is perceived to be her greatest strengths and attributes be used against her? 
What are her devices? 
Can any of them be turned against her?
And yet she is just one of numerous vessels and devices within the arsenal of an even greater adversary but how ignorant of his many devices that we are and yet his servants are more aware of our devices than we are of theirs and until we cease to be ignorant of the strategies, plans, and devices of the forces of darkness and until we have a proper understand as to their nature and how they wage their warfare, we will not know how to wage our warfare against them and therefore will find ourselves subject to more defeats than victories and what victories we achieve will be but short-lived and what ground we manage to retake, will be taken away again and that which we have maintained will be taken away as well.
In this age long war between good and evil, freedom and tyranny strategies change and one set of players is succeeded by another.  Though we succeed in removing one set of wicked players, there will be others to take their place and though we may see through one set of lies, another set will be fabricated, and though we may succeed in exposing and thwarting a set of wicked plots, new plots and plans will be devised and so shall it ever be until that age-long war is brought to its final conclusion.
But the nature of the conflict is not merely political nor can it be won by mere force alone.
For the evils that we witness are but the symptoms of a foundational cause that must be as actively addressed as the resulting symptoms and the foundational nature of the conflict is not one of flesh and blood (2 Cor. 10:4) but is instead a spiritual conflict of which the material conflicts are symptoms.
It is a conflict between:
The rule of law and lawlessness
Order and disorder
Clarity and confusion
Liberty and oppression
Freedom and tyranny
Love and hate
Impartiality and favoritism
Fairness and unfairness
Justice and injustice
Truth and falsehood
Fact and fiction
Holiness and unholiness
Purity and corruption
Godliness and godlessness
Righteousness and unrighteousness
Principled and unprincipled
Selflessness and selfishness
Morality and immorality
Right and wrong
Light and darkness
Life and death
Good and evil
Angels and demons
Salvation and damnation
Heaven and Hell
God and Satan
This age-long war goes all the way back to when a certain covering Cherub at the throne of God was lifted up in pride and in his pride tried to make himself like the most-high God, wanting to be worshipped as God is worshipped, and as a result was cast from his position (Is. 14:11-21, Ezek. 28:12-19)
He then took his war to the earth and thus the war for the souls of men began when this fallen cherub called Lucifer, also known as Satan, had caused the first man Adam and his wife Eve, from whom all of mankind descend, to disobey their Creator by doing the one thing that was forbidden to do:  There was a certain tree called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil from which they were told not to eat on pain of death. (Gen. 2:16-17) But in the day that they ate therefrom, sin had entered into them and with that came death as a consequence.
But before sin had entered into the world, there was only life.  There was nothing to cause pain, grief, misery, suffering, nor sorrow of any kind.  There was peace and harmony between man and nature and he was able to meet and fellowship with his Maker face to face.
But when sin entered into the world, it entered into Adam and his wife Eve and as a result, they eventually died because of their sin for they had been cut off from that tree of life (Gen. 3:22) which would have enabled them to live forever and because sin entered into them, death came to all of mankind because the sin that entered into Adam was then inherited by all of mankind and as a result all sin and therefore all die (Rom. 5:12) for as it is written, the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23) and with sin came not only death but a curse that changed the entire creation itself subjecting it, along with man, to every grief, pain, misery, sorrow, evil, wickedness, suffering, and hardship that there ever has been or could be since the fall of man in the garden in which he was placed, (Gen. 2:8) and lastly, the fall of man gave that serpent, who is the devil, who tempted and deceived Eve to partake of that forbidden fruit who was then joined by Adam in the partaking of that fruit (Gen. 3:6) justification to claim dominion over the kingdoms and nations of men, (Mt. 4:8-9, Lk. 4:6-7) which is why he is called the prince of this world (Jn. 12:31, 16:11).
Satan’s finest and greatest victory was when he caused man to fall in the garden for in doing so, he succeeded in causing man to be alienated from His Maker.  He succeeded in bringing death into the world.  He succeeded in ruining creation.  And he succeeded in claiming dominion over the kingdoms and nations of the world.  He also succeeded in causing man to be made subject to the law of sin that is at work in all men and which causes all men to be estranged from their Maker, placing them under condemnation and in danger of eternal damnation for the sin that entered into Adam and then was passed down to all of mankind not only kills the body but also casts the soul into the fiery torments of Hell itself from which there is no relief and where there are only the wails and howls of agony and everlasting darkness and separation from the Lord God who made all things.
Sin is not just a wrong or wicked act.  It is that corrupted condition of the nature of man which no only influences his actions and spoken words, but also his very thoughts, imagination, motives, and attitude of his heart which is why it is written that which comes out of man is what defiles him (Mt. 15:11, 16-20) because he is already inwardly defiled by the taint of sin, making that which comes out of him the visible manifestation of the inward corruption that is within him which is only restrained by his conscience and earthly governments set in place for the purpose of maintaining an orderly society and keeping the peace (Rom. 13:1-7) and the giving of those laws and precepts of God which instruct all in the way of living that is good and right in His sight and though men may desire to do that which is good and right, because of sin being ever present within him, his own goodness falls short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23) which is moral perfection; a standard made impossible to attain by our own faulty efforts and which is a standard higher and more pure than that of any man or earthly power and because of sin’s defiling and corrupting nature, that which is sinless, pure, and holy cannot allow that which is under sin into its presence which is why all who are under sin cannot enter into Heaven or into the direct presence of God and why sin must face eventual punishment and why they who remain in their sin have nothing to look forward to but everlasting punishment from which there is no relief because the goodness and holiness of God require that eventual justice be done upon it, but the God who made all things is not only a God of justice, but He is also a God of love and mercy who is not willing that any should perish but that all would come to repentance and be delivered out of their sins and from what would otherwise be a torment and punishment beyond imagining. (2 Pet. 3:9)
And in His love, He has provided redemption for us; redemption that cannot be achieved by our own efforts which fall short, but by the goodness of Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, who being sinless (2 Cor. 5:21) was that perfect sacrifice (Heb. 4:15) who offered Himself up on behalf of sinful man and after shedding His blood upon the cross was raised from the dead that we would be justified in Him (Rom. 4:25)
In His perfect obedience to the law, He conquered sin.
With His death and shed blood, He bought our redemption.
And by His resurrection, He conquered death, Hell, and the grave, making our faith in His redemptive work on our behalf justified in Him.
He has made sure the final defeat of that fallen angel Lucifer and those who follow him and by His promised return, will bring his evil reign to an end but presently, the devil, since the fall of man, has fought and still continues to fight against his inevitable doom, blinding as many as he can to the truth of the Gospel of Christ by which men are redeemed and transformed by the forgiveness of sins.
He strives to hold as many souls as he can captive by blinding them to the darkness within them as well as to the darkness around them, by hardening their hearts against the God who made them, poisoning their minds against the truth that sets free by devising elaborate falsehoods beyond count, by lulling men into a false sense of peace and security by blinding them to their need for salvation, and by attempting to suppress anything and everything that might open the eyes of the lost to the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, convince them of their fallen state, their need for redemption, and persuade them to repent of their sins and call upon the name of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins that they might be saved from being taken away into eternal damnation.
The enemy also seeks to turn the lost away from the Gospel through lies and misrepresentations of the faith, by causing godly men to disgrace themselves and bring shame upon the name of the Lord by leading them into sin, by infiltrating the ranks of the saints to lead them astray with a myriad of false doctrines and heresies, even to the overthrowing of the faith of some, by diverting their attention away from the things of God to the cares of this life, by causing them to value the pleasures, treasures, and honors of this present world rather than the treasures, joys, and honors that await them in Heaven, to be more fearful of man who can only kill the body than of God who is able to cast both body and soul into Hell and who will bring to an end this present world and everything that pertains thereto, by discouraging, demoralizing them by bringing upon them all manner of adversity, hardship, misery, grief, sorrow, and suffering even to the point of causing them to fall away from faithful heavenly service, by shaming and intimidating them into silence, and by attempting to frighten them with various persecutions, and by lulling them into complacency and laziness.
Satan has and still relentlessly tries to dim and snuff out the light of Christ in the world as much as he can and to make as useless as possible, the saints for the kingdom and worse yet the saints have allowed it to happen, giving away victories that could have been won because as Christians, we have neglected to maintain our members, not just within our own respective congregations but even in our own lives as well:
We do not pray as often as we should, which should be done daily.
We have neglected regular study of the Word of God and lack adequate knowledge of the scriptures when we all ought to be as well versed in them as we can be; Biblical literacy is so lacking in some cases that some professing saints cannot even explain what the Gospel is.
We have counted insufficient the instruction of the divinely inspired scripture for all things pertaining to this life and have instead look to the wisdom of this world for guidance and counting it superior to that of the Word of God.
We have allowed into our midst false doctrine that has eroded trust in the authority of scripture which has, in many cases led to a departure from the faith.
We have relied on inferior understanding when we should be calling out to God for wisdom.
We have trusted in corruptible institutions for our needs when we should be placing our trust in God for our needs.
We have cowered before men when we should be fearing God more than men.
We have tolerated and even affirmed that which is sinful and evil within our congregations when we should have been holding accountable those members unrepentantly living in sin and adhering to those things contrary to the instruction of God and we have harbored them within our ranks when we should have cast them out.
We have been divided over petty matters of no consequence when we should be putting aside such differences to unify around all things essential.
We have failed to uphold and maintain biblically sound doctrine within our ranks.
And even when the scriptures are taught, they are only taught selectively and are not taught or studied in their full counsel.
We have failed to earnestly contend for the faith as we are admonished to do.
We have been ill-prepared to give as sound and reasoned defense for our faith when required to do so.
We have underestimated our adversaries and have been ignorant of their devices and strategies against us when we should know that we do face formidable foes and should be well aware of their plans, devices, and strategies against us.
We need to be a people who pray regularly. (1 Thess. 5:17)
A people who take time to read and study scripture on a daily basis (2 Tim. 2:15) so that we be able to know the God we profess to follow more than we do now, that we might know more about how He commands us to live our lives, what is good and pleasing in His sight and what is not, who we are in Him, where our priorities should be, what we can place our hope in and what we should not, what to expect as followers of Christ, and what the end-fate is for the entire universe.
A people who not only hears, reads, and studies the word, but who are also doers (Jas. 1:22) and teachers thereof. (Mt. 28:19-20)
A people who abides in Christ. (Jn. 15:1-10)
A people who stands upon the authority of the divinely inspired scriptures by which the Gospel is delivered.
A people who hold accountable those within their ranks whose conduct, way of living, and thinking are contrary to the teachings of scripture and who are willing to take disciplinary action against them when necessary. (Mt. 18:15-17, 1 Cor. 5, Titus 3:10)
A people diligent in their service to Christ.
A people vigilant in the preservation of biblically sound doctrine within their ranks.
A people whose leadership is dedicated to the teaching and the preaching of the Word in its full counsel without compromise or apology.
A people who stand upon the authority of scripture and rely solely on the sufficiency thereof.
A people ready to give a defense of their faith as often as necessary.
A people ready to earnestly contend for the faith as often as it is required of them (Jude 3)
A people who will not be ashamed of their devotion to Christ.
A people whose priorities are Christ and Heaven-centered and not self or worldly centered.
A people who value the treasures, rewards, and honors of Heaven more than that of this present world.
A people who fear God more than man. (Mt. 10:28)
A people resolved to obey God above man. (Acts 5:29)
A people who will not hide the light of Christ within them. (Mt. 5:14-16)
A people who refuse to conform to the ways of this present world, but only to the ways of Heaven. (Rom. 12:2)
A people committed to using their God-given gifts and talents to the glory of the Lord. (Mt. 25:14-30)
A people of unshakeable faith, even in the face of unfavorable odds and circumstances.
A people of steadfast and unmovable courage and not a people given to cowardice.
A people of an undying zeal for Christ.
A people unshaken by any kind of adversity or challenge.
A people who are ready to stand against and wage war against those unseen forces of darkness. (2 Cor. 10:4, Eph. 6:10-18)
And a people who strives to do all things in the name of Christ the King, trusting in the power of God in all circumstances and not their own strength, and in His wisdom rather than their own understanding and that the faulty counsel of this world.
If all of us who be in Christ were to do all of these things, we then would experience victory in our Lord such as we have never seen.  We would then see just how well the One who hinders the evil restrains the forces of darkness, frustrates their plans, how they are subject to defeats and set-backs, and just how difficult that restrainer makes it for the kingdom of Satan to exercise his control over the nations.
If we serve a God of victory, then we need to act accordingly, stop giving away victories that could otherwise be won, be willing to make whatever sacrifices necessary to achieve that victory, trusting that we will be rewarded and vindicated by God in Heaven above and that His reward will supersede any sacrifices required of us. (Mk. 10:30)
The present sufferings of this life and what we may be required to endure for the sake of the Gospel that we have been commanded to preach (Mt. 28:19-20, Mk. 16:15) are only temporary and will not compare to the everlasting victory to come or the eternal honors and glories to be received.
If anyone believes that they can somehow take a neutral stand in this age-long war between God and Satan and in this fight for the minds, hearts, and souls of men, they are gravely mistaken because the time is coming when everyone must and will choose a side; to side with either the God who has made Heaven and Earth and everything therein and who rescues and redeems the repentant soul from eternal damnation or with Lucifer who is responsible for bringing into the world all the present evil which is only ever increasing.
Your eternal fate will be determined by whether you choose to stand on the side of God or stand against Him.  I urge you to make sure you are on the winning side today.  If you feel the Holy Spirit calling you to repent of your sins and call upon Jesus to be your Savior and Lord, then I implore you to not wait another moment and let nothing hold you back from doing so:
"Lord Jesus I need you.
I realize that I am a sinner
who has fallen short of the glory of God
and that my goodness falls short
of your standard of Moral perfection.
Please forgive me of all of my sins.
Come into my heart and into my life
to be the Savior and Lord of my life.
Make me into the servant and follower
that you want me to be.
In your name Lord Jesus, I pray.
Know that God is not concerned with the words that you use to call upon Him forgiveness, but with the attitude of your heart and if you have, with all sincerity, have asked Christ to forgive you of your sins, placing your trust in Him only for your salvation and in nothing else, then your sins are forgiven and your place in Heaven is certain.
End notes:
1.  Gabriel Keane, “BREAKNG: Biden Accidentally Says Kamala Harris Is ‘Gonna Be’ A Female President ‘Pretty Soon’,” 
National File, August 23, 2021
Scripture references:
1.  2 Corinthians 10:4
2.  Isaiah 14:11-21
3.  Ezekiel 28:12-19
4.  Genesis 2:16-17
5.  Romans 5:12
6.  Romans 6:23
7.  Genesis 2:8
8.  Genesis 3:6
9.  Matthew 4:8-9
10.  Luke 4:6-7
11.  John 12:31
12.  John 16:11
13.  Matthew 15:11, 16-20
14.  Romans 3:23
15.  2 Peter 3:9
16.  2 Corinthians 5:21
17.  Hebrews 4:15
18.  Romans 4:25
19.  1 Thessalonians 5:17
20.  2 Timothy 2:15
21.  Matthew 28:19-20
22.  John 15:1-10
23.  Matthew 18:15-17
24.  1 Corinthians 5
25.  Titus 3:10
26.  Jude 3
27.  Matthew 10:28
28.  Acts 5:29
29.  Matthew 5:14-16
30.  Matthew 25:14-30
31.  Ephesians 6:10-18
32.  Mark 10:30
33.  Mark 16:15

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