Saturday, April 23, 2022

A Biden Creature Admission


The Biden creature admits that we do not derive our rights from governing powers, but instead are born with rights that we yield to the government. [1]  

As much as we would all hate to admit it, he is right.  But in saying this, the Biden creature is admitting that there is a power higher than that of any earthly power that determines what our rights are and that no earthly governing power is able to determine what the rights of man are nor are they able to give or take away the rights that we are born with unless we allow them to.
And when we yield our rights to an earthly power, we are then elevating them to be the deciders of what rights and privileges we have and don’t have when we yield to them that power, we then also make those authorities set over us the deciders what is right and what is wrong, what is good and what is evil and the arbiters of what is fact or fiction and what is truth and falsehood.
In doing this, we make them God over us and this is the hope and desire of any would-be tyrannical and despotic regime but in order to achieve this, they deem it necessary to rid the populace, over whom they seek to hold power, of anything and everything that they perceive to be a rival moral and spiritual authority.
Is it then any wonder even voluntary prayer to God in the public school system risks running afoul of punishment and even civil suits from the likes of God-hating law firms like the ACLU (the Anti-Christ Legal Union) and Americans United for the Separation of Church and State? (Should be called Anti-Christs United for the Separation of Church and State)
Should it be any wonder that even the voluntary reading of the Bible in class is no longer permitted?
Or should it really be a surprise that any and all challenges to the pseudo-science being propagated in our academic institutions is being suppressed by way of terminating teachers and professors who would dare dissent from the favored narratives of the establishment or punishing students who might have the sense to question what is being taught to them?
But the effort to eliminate all moral and religious competition by those powers seeking to control every aspect of our lives is not confined to the court rooms or the halls of academia, nor is it confined even the chambers of the governing bodies over us, but it is at work within the media, social media, our entertainment industry and those efforts have even infiltrated the houses of worship and the likes of the Biden creature will deceive us with any promises that they can but have no intention of keeping, cause or allow for any catastrophe, use any degree of pressure, issue any number of threats and scare tactics, demoralize us any way they can, and use any means of coercion that they can to drive us into surrendering our natural and God-given rights to the powers that be and to submit whatever degree of control of our lives that they desire and they will do everything they can to eliminate from our lives, culture, minds, hearts, and souls any moral or spiritual authority that opposes the way of life they might seek to impose upon us.
There is a great battle and war raging for the hearts, minds, and souls of men, but it is not a political war or an economic one.  It is not even merely a culture war, but a spiritual one and a war whose beginnings are traced back to when a certain celestial being who, due to his beauty, wisdom, and high position, was lifted up in pride (Ezek. 28:12-19) and in his immense arrogance, tried to make himself equal to the God who created him and who created all things both seen and unseen, declaring:
I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:
I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will be like the most High. (Is. 14:13-14)
But he was cast from his position along with a number of the angelic host who sided with him against the Almighty and it was in that day that he became Satan or the Devil, and it was also in that day that his war with God was brought to the earth that God had created; a world that was once without evil and in which there was peace and unity between God, man, and nature, but the Devil, being that serpent in the garden, disrupted and destroyed that harmony and fellowship when he led the first man Adam and his wife Eve to disobey a command given to them by God and a command more important than all the rest and it had to do with fruit from a certain tree in the garden in which they lived and tended which was called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  Adam and Eve were allowed to eat the fruit from any tree they wished, but it was the fruit from this particular tree that they were not allowed to eat having been warned that in the day that they should eat of it, they would die. (Gen. 2:16-17, 3:3)
But through his subtlety, the serpent deceived the woman Eve into partaking of that forbidden fruit who then gave it to her husband who then joined her in the transgression. (Gen. 3:6)
It was by causing the first man and woman to disobey their Maker that Satan had succeeded in the following:
1.  He succeeded in causing sin to enter into man.
2.  He caused man to be brought under the sentence of death. (Gen. 3:19)
3.  He ended the direct fellowship that God and man shared with one another.
4.  He caused sin, through Adam, to enter into all of humanity (Rom. 5:12) and causing all of humanity to be subject to death (Rom. 6:23) and to be born estranged from their Maker because of an inherent sinful nature that influences not just the outward behavior of men or even what comes out of their mouths but which also defiles their thoughts, corrupts their motives, and darkens the attitude of the heart.
5.  He caused a curse to be brought upon the entire creation which is why it is written that the creation groans and travails in pain. (Rom. 8:19-22)
6.  By causing man to disobey God, Satan felt justified in claiming lordship over the kingdoms of the world, (Mt. 4:8-9, Lk. 4:6-7) which is why he is called the prince of this world. (Jn. 12:31, 16:11)
By causing man to sin, Satan turned the world into what it presently is today; a world filled with and subject to everything that God never desired for humanity or to be in His creation; a world filled with death, decay, evil, misery, suffering, hardship, grief, pain, and sorrow of all kinds, levels, and degrees that there ever has been or could be.  And it was after sin came into the world that this ongoing war and contest between God and Satan became an age-long war for the souls of men. 
The adversary has by various means tried to blind as many as he can to the truth of our Maker who is the source of all truth. (Jn. 14:6) and has tried to turn and keep as many as he can away from submitting themselves to the authority of their Creator and from faithfully serving Him by keeping them ignorant of the knowledge of the God who made them, by hiding from them anything that might lead them to Him, by misrepresenting God and His ways, by hardening hearts and poisoning minds against their Maker, and when all else fails, Satan will resort to intimidation, threats, and even violence against those who side with God against him.
No doubt that Satan had scored a series of victories when he caused the end of a pristine perfect and beautiful world but nonetheless, the Creator continued and still continues to call as many as are willing back to Him and out of the darkness cast over them by Lucifer and his minions and servants. 
Man was brought into a seemingly hopeless state when sin entered into him because even the best efforts of men to live an upright life before God Almighty and to do those things that please and honor Him fall short of what He requires which is nothing short of moral perfection (Rom. 3:23) because of sin being ever present in them and how it must have been delightful to Satan to see multitudes of souls stained with sin and separated from God Almighty and shut out of Heaven because of sin and to see countless blinded to their sinful state and trusting in their own righteousness and goodness cast into an eternity of unimaginable torment in the fiery depths of Hell; forever separated from their Creator before whom they might have otherwise lived in peace, harmony, and joy forever.
As long as Satan can keep man blind to his spiritual condition before God, the better able he is to lead men into an everlasting punishment from which they will never escape.  Sin taints and ruins more than we know and can comprehend.  There is a reason why God cannot allow anything sinful to dwell in His Kingdom and why He cannot allow entry into Heaven to those who remain in their sins, and why all sin, including those who remain in their sin, must eventually face judgment because the God of Heaven is perfectly good and holy which also means that His justice is also perfect and is carried out with a greater severity than the justice of man.
Men may try to justify and make excuses for the acts of the wicked and because of this, many who should have punished for their evil deeds end up escaping justice and go on to do more evil and in some cases evil worse than what they had carried out before but when we stand before God Almighty, no excuses and justification for anything evil in His sight will ever be accepted but all found guilty will face justice and all evil and all sin will be punished no matter how seemingly insignificant, but yet this present world with all the evil, sin, corruption, darkness, death, and suffering therein continues to abide because the God who made the universe and everything in it takes no pleasure in judgment or punishment but would rather that man turn away from his sin, evil, and the dark things that he has aligned himself with, submit himself to his Maker, and embrace those things that are good and right in the eyes of the Almighty because the God who made us is not only a God of justice and who must eventually eliminate all things evil in His sight, but He is also a God of love and mercy and it is because of His love for us all that He is not willing that any should perish but that all would come to repentance (2 Pet. 3:9) and He has achieved redemption on our behalf that we could never obtain for ourselves; that redemption being obtained on our behalf in Christ Jesus, the only begotten Son of God, who came as a man, living a perfectly moral and upright life before God and keeping His entire law without fail and it was His sinlessness (2  Cor. 5:21, Heb. 4:15) that made Him qualified to pay the demanded penalty for all sin on our behalf, that penalty being death, which He paid by the shedding of His own blood on the cross upon which He was crucified and it was at that moment that He also experienced separation from His Father; a separation that He had never felt before and a separation that is unimaginable and known only to those spending their eternity in the torments of Hell, thereby satisfying both the demanded penalty for sin and the need for mercy upon mankind for the penalty for all sin is not just the death of the body, but an ongoing eternal death as well but after having completed the demanded payment for sin through His death on the cross, Christ Jesus was then raised from the dead in order for our faith in Him for our salvation and for the forgiveness of all sin would be justified. (Rom. 4:25)
By His sinlessness, Christ demonstrated His power over sin.
By His death on the cross, Christ purchased redemption on our behalf.
By His resurrection, Christ conquered death, Hell, and the grave and reconciles all to the Father who call upon the name of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins and salvation.
It is through repentance in Christ Jesus that the soul is cleansed from sin and liberated from what would otherwise be an everlasting punishment dreadful beyond imagination.
It is upon repentance that the inward man is transformed from that which took pleasure in those things wicked in the sight of the Lord and pursued after self-centered worldly ambitions to that which desires to please and honor God in all things and whose priorities are centered around the things of God and not around worldly pursuits.
And just as our souls are cleansed from sin and we are inwardly transformed upon submitting ourselves to Christ, so one day we look forward to the day that our bodies to be changed from vessels that are corruptible and in which dwells a sinful nature with which we contend with daily and which is subject to death into bodies in which dwells no sin and which are neither subject to corruption or death. (1 Cor. 15:51-55, 1 Thess. 4:13-18)
And finally, creation itself will be liberated from the bondage of the curse when it is made anew and in this new creation, there will be no sin, no death, no evil, no decay, no suffering, no pain, no grief or sorrow, and no hardship of any degree but instead, there will only be comfort, peace, joy, and happiness before God Almighty who will make His dwelling among men. (Rev. 21-22)
For in that day, this present world with all of its evils will be done away with and the prince claiming ownership of it and all those who have followed and aligned themselves with him will face judgment shall be cast away into everlasting damnation (Rev. 20:10-15) and as the day of our Lord’s return draws near, the more desperate and aggressive the forces of darkness both seen and unseen become and the tighter their grip on souls held captive becomes and their devices, resources, and vessels that they use to oppose the Gospel of salvation, to hinder its spread are vast and seem to be ever increasing, and to turn as many as they can away therefrom seems to be on the increase and though we may be dismayed at the increase of evil, know that the increase of evil will also bring the day of our Lord that much closer for it must needs be that all evil must eventually meet its end but if He forbears, it is because He takes no pleasure in judgment but would rather that all men would turn away from their evil sinful ways and submit themselves unto Him willingly and this should also be the desire of all those who profess to follow Christ and presently, a choice is laid before us as to whom and what we will serve.  Do we serve the Creator of the universe who is the source of all truth, the definer of what is good and evil and right and wrong, and the decider of what our rights and privileges are or do we set up for ourselves an authority to decide that for all of us?
History repeatedly shows that it never goes well for any nation or people who yield the liberties with which they are born and allow an earthly power to declare for them what is right and wrong, good and evil, and truth and falsehood for whenever men are given or permitted such power, they not only try to control what we think, they may seek to control every aspect of life:
They will control as much of the economy as they want.
They will tax you as much as they want from you and spend your tax dollars on whatever they see fit and they will not care if they tax you into a penniless and impoverished state.
They may end up deciding as to how you spend your money, how much you should spend, and what to spend it on as well as what not to.
They may take control of all means and production and dictate to producers and merchants as to what produce and what not to and how much to produce, what to sell and not to sell and at what price to sell.
If they desire something that you have, they will seize it from you.
They may ship those whom you hold dear off to fight in wars waged to serve the interests of those in power and those whom they failure regardless of how much blood is needlessly shed.
They may even declare as to where you can go and where you cannot go, what to wear, what to eat, when you can come out of your home and when to stay inside your home, who you can and cannot marry, how may children you can have and whether or not you can have any at all.
Whom they will favor they will favor and whom they disfavor they will disfavor.
Whom they will show mercy they will show mercy and whom they seek to punish, they will punish.
Anyone deemed useless and undesirable for any reason they will seek to eliminate from society.
They will even tell you what to preach and what you cannot preach.
They will tell you as to what you can and can not worship as God and what they permit you to worship, the manner in which to worship and even if they do permit worship of the one true God, they will still no doubt try to interject themselves and attempt to influence and even control how He is worship, how we serve Him, and dictate to us as to what commands of His to obey and not to obey and what from His inspired scriptures we can preach and what we cannot.
And they will make whatever laws, decrees, and regulations they desire and however many they will desire.
And this is the kind of tyranny and despotism that can take place when a people reject the authority of the God who made them:  They yield their God-given rights up to that which they choose to rule over them and when that happens, it can be very difficult, though not impossible, to get those rights back but in such situations, it requires a return to God to get those rights with which we are born returned to us for before there can be a liberty manifested outward, there must be an inward liberty of the mind, heart, and soul and if an oppressive form of governance is to be cast off, there must first be a submission to the laws, counsel, and precepts of God Almighty.
If we would avoid the tyranny of men, then it is God who must made King over us and if we would have liberty, it is God who is to be the source of our liberty and not any man.
Your Creator will not tax you into poverty.  In fact He asks far less of us in tithes and offerings than most governments and He will not demand more from one economic class than He will  another. (Ex. 30:13-15)
He desires that all be generous and demonstrate kindness to those in need willingly and leaves it up to us to decide who needs our help and who does, who we are able to help and who we are not able to and to what extent we are able to help them and to aid those things that pertain unto Him. (2 Cor. 9:7)
He has no law dictating to us specifically as to what we should buy or not buy or how much of our money we should spend.  He just asks that we be wise with our finances (Prov. 21:20) and to not put our substance to those things that are evil in His sight nor towards persons and entities aligned against Him and doing those things that are not pleasing in His eyes.
He has no law specifically dictating to any merchant, producer, or manufacturer as to what they can and cannot sell or what they can or cannot produce or at what price they should sell or how much of a certain thing they should produce.  All He asks of the private sector is that is that it does not use its services, skills, and talents for wicked purposes, that they do not defraud their customers (Lev. 19:36, Deut. 25:13) or exploit their employees but have regard for their welfare. (Deut. 24:14-15, Mal. 3:5)
He has no law specifically telling people where they can or cannot go, when to go inside your home or when to come out of your home. 
He has no law stating as to how many children you can or cannot have; that is between you, your spouse and God.
He has no law telling us who we can or cannot marry provided that we marry within the confines of His Holy law which states that marriage is to only be between a man and a woman, (Lev. 18:22-23) and that the two spouses are not to be immediate family, (Lev. 18:6-19) that whom we choose to marry is spiritually and morally compatible with us, (2 Cor. 6:14-18) that they are of marital age, (1 Cor. 7:36) and that they are not presently spoken for or married to someone else. (Ex. 20:14)
He has no law telling us what to wear in so long as we dress modestly. (1 Tim 2:9) But if you wish to dress lewdly around your husband or wife or, if you happen to be one of those eccentric type, wear nothing at all within the privacy of your own home where no one can see the two of you that is your business and that of your spouse and no one else’s.  Just keep it behind locked doors and covered windows.
He has no law telling us what we can eat or not eat, what sabbaths we can or cannot observe or what holidays and holy days we can or cannot observe.  That is between each person and God Almighty. (Rom. 14:1-6, Col. 2:16) The Levitical dietary laws and cleanliness laws are but a divine health advisory.
He is no respecter of any person (Acts 10:34) and holds everyone to the same standard (Num. 15:16) regardless of age, gender, skin color, ethnicity, nationality, lineage, economic or social status and will judge all people according to that same standard because He has made all men in His image (Gen. 1:26) and from one blood have all nations descended. (Acts 17:26)
He will not devalue the life of any person but has created all things for His glory and instills in each and every person the interests, desires, gifts, talents, and passions that are aligned with each respective purpose and calling. (Rom. 12:4-8, 1 Cor. 8, 12:4-10, 29-30) He will not assign or call anyone to something that will only result in failure and disappointment or to something at which they will not excel.
He will have mercy and compassion on the poor, sick, weak, vulnerable, ailing, maimed, crippled, broken-hearted, broken in spirit, those who are lonely, and those who mourn.  He will not discard them as rubbish as men may do.
I don’t know about the rest of you out there but I find more liberty in the law of God than I do in the laws of any man for when men rule apart from the law and authority of God, there is either lawlessness and disorder or there are laws without end that serve only to be an unreasonable and even impossible burden for the people to bear. (i.e. COVID regulations that have bankrupted many, destroyed many livelihoods, and have driven many into hopeless and despair causing many to tragically take their own lives.)
But in the law of God, there is both liberty and order, but that is not to say that we are saved by the law for by the letter of the law we are condemned as is revealed to us when we examine our speech, actions, and even our own motives and thought life before the law of God for no one is able to keep the law perfectly and that is what is required for moral perfection and it is our failure to do so in one way or another that condemns us before God who demands nothing less than moral perfection.  The purpose of the law, aside from governing how we behave and live, was to reveal to us our sinful condition and our need for redemption for as the Apostle Paul wrote in his Epistle to the church in Rome:
I had not known sin, but by the law:…but when the commandment came, sin revived and I died.  And the commandment which was ordained unto life, I found to be unto death.  For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it slew me. (Rom. 7:7-11)
But in Christ, by whom we are liberated from eternal condemnation, we live under a new law that is the law of grace by faith for as it is written, by grace we are saved and not of ourselves lest any man should boast. (Eph. 2:8-9)
Therefore, we do not walk in the law of God to obtain His favor for in Christ Jesus who saves us from ours sin that brought us under condemnation, we have received His favor and now strive to keep His laws and commandments out love for Him who redeemed us and out of gratitude for the forgiveness of sins we have received; our desire to walk in the laws, precepts, and counsels of God and to abide in His truth alone serving as evidence of our salvation and our spiritual transformation in Christ.
Who will you allow to determine what your rights are?  The incorruptible God who made you or corruptible men to whom you do not owe your existence? 
Who will you look to for truth?  The God who is the source of all truth and therefore the truth or men who reject the truth that comes from God and desire to be set up as the sole arbiters of truth? Who will you place your trust in for order and direction in life? The God of who is able to provide order needed for a peaceful and prosperous society and who is able to lead and guide us in the direction that we ought to go or men whose order only proves to be grievous and overbearing and who are either without a sense of direction or whose direction will only lead us into squalor, darkness, misery, and despair?
Who will you look to for fairness and justice?  God who will judge every one fairly and who is able to right what is wrong or men who may commit injustice and refuse to carry out justice against those who do evil?
Who will you trust to have your best interests at heart?  The God who knows what is best for each and every one of us or men who may claim to know what is best for us but only do what is best for them regardless of who it hurts and destroys in the process?
Who will you trust to deliver you from all evil?  The God who will one day eliminate all evil from the face of this earth or men who instead of delivering from evil end up enabling and participating in evil?
Who will you trust for meaning and purpose in life?  The God who is able to instill in each and every one of us the gifts, talents, interests, and passions in line with each respective calling and purpose or men who may declare and assign a role in which we may never desire or excel in and who themselves have no other purpose beyond their own selfish and wicked pursuits?
And who will you trust to give you eternal peace?  The God who is able to cleanse our souls from sin and redeem us from our iniquities so that we need not worry about where we will spend our eternity or men who have no power to redeem and are likely unredeemed themselves?
In whose Kingdom do you determine you will find the most liberty?  The Kingdom of God which will be from everlasting to everlasting just as He is from everlasting to everlasting or in the kingdoms of men which last only for a season whether that season be short or long?
We presently have a choice as to who and what we will serve but we all end up becoming servants of something or someone and we would do well to choose wisely as to whom and what we will serve and give ourselves to because whom and what we serve not only can influence the course of our present life but will also determine where we spend our eternity and whether we are raised up to everlasting honor or everlasting shame and contempt.
If you seek a liberty that begins from within, a life of meaning and purpose, and eternal peace, I would urge you reader, if you have not done so already, to call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation.  It is but a simple prayer of repentance away:
"Lord Jesus I need you.
I realize that I am a sinner
who has fallen short of the glory of God
and that my goodness falls short
of your standard of Moral perfection.
Please forgive me of all of my sins.
Come into my heart and into my life
to be the Savior and Lord of my life.
Make me into the servant and follower
that you want me to be.
In your name Lord Jesus, I pray.
Know that God is not concerned with the words that you use to call upon Him forgiveness, but with the attitude of your heart and if you have, with all sincerity, have asked Christ to forgive you of your sins, placing your trust in Him only for your salvation and in nothing else, then your sins are forgiven and your place in Heaven is certain.
End notes:
1.  Matthew Holloway, “WTF Did Biden Just Say? [Video],” Patriot United, September 9, 2021
Scripture references:
1.  Ezekiel 28:12-19
2.  Isaiah 14:13-14
3.  Genesis 2:16-17
4.  Genesis 3:3
5.  Genesis 3:6
6.  Genesis 3:19
7.  Romans 5:12
8.  Romans 6:23
9.  Romans 8:19-22
10.  Matthew 4:8-9
11.  Luke 4:6-7
12.  John 12:31
13.  John 16:11
15.  John 14:6
16.  Romans 3:23
17.  2 Peter 3:9
18.  2 Corinthians 5:21
19.  Hebrews 4:15
20.  Romans 4:25
21.  1 Corinthians 15:51-55
22.  1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
23.  Revelation 21-22
24.  Revelation 20:10-15
25.  Exodus 30:14-15
26.  2 Corinthians 9:7
27.  Proverbs 21:20
28.  Leviticus 19:36
29.  Deuteronomy 25:23
30.  Deuteronomy 24:14-15
31.  Malachi 3:5
32.  Leviticus 18:22-23
33.  Leviticus 18:9-16
34.  2 Corinthians 6:14-18
35.  1 Corinthians 7:36
36.  Exodus 20:14
37.  1 Timothy 2:9
38.  Romans 14:16
39.  Colossians 2:16
40.  Acts 10:34
41.  Numbers 15:26
42.  Genesis 1:26
43.  Acts 17:26
44.  Romans 12:4-8
45.  1 Corinthians 8, 12:4-10, 29-30
46.  Romans 7:7-11
47.  Ephesians 2:8-9

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