Monday, October 10, 2022

Why I Could Not Burn My MAGA Hat, Even If Trump Did Turn Out To Be A Major Disappointment


Former Arizona Senate candidate Daniel McCarthy was an avid Trump supporter until the J6 protest rally during which a number of protesters were entrapped into entering the Capitol building with some trying to break in through other entry points and during which small scale rioting had erupted.  McCarthy called the protest and the alleged breach of the Capitol to be nothing more than a staged event and accused President Trump of being a pawn of the cabal.  He has also condemned Trump for not firing the mad doctor Anthony Fauci from his advisory position on the COVID 19 task force for his endorsement of some GOP political candidates perceived as being establishment minded. [1]
He is perhaps angry that Trump never signed the insurrection act or ordered his supporters at the J6 rally to storm the capitol and kill the corrupt legislators who either aided in or were complicit in the stealing of the 2020 Presidential election.  He may even be angry that Trump chose Mike Pence instead of him as his VP and I am sure that virtually all Trump supporters can agree that Mike Pence was not the best choice for a VP as was shown by his final act in the final certification of election results likely fraudulent rather than rejecting the delegate votes and sending them back to the states wherein there was possible fraud and making them address any possible fraud and error so as to ensure that the results were honest, fair, and accurate.
We can only hope and pray that if and when Trump runs for office again, that he will choose a more trustworthy running mate.  Most Trump supporters and MAGA adherents are, like McCarthy, disappointed that he did not declare martial law or sign the insurrection act to set things right after the entire system at every level refused to take any meaningful action to ensure that anything that could be responsible for tainting and compromising the integrity of the election results was swiftly and effectively addressed so as to assure the public that the results were fair and honest and are disappointed that, when he had the opportunity, did not order nearly a million of his supporters at the J6 Stop The Steal protest and rally to forcibly wrest power from the treacherous legislators and most of those who did allegedly breach the Capitol building did not break in.  They were let in for the purpose of entrapping them in order to bring frivolous charges against them for which most remain incarcerated to this day without a trial.  More were arrested for just simply being at the protest.
Why Trump, in his final days in office, did not pardon those unjustly arrested and falsely charged with a crime, no one knows.  But the pardoning of political prisoners has been a promise that he has made if he is re-elected in 2024, or by some miracle reinstated sooner and it is a promise that we must all pray he will keep so that justice will be done on behalf of those unjustly charged, imprisoned, and in some cases, even sentenced.
And granted that Trump did not do everything we had hoped he would or carried out the actions against the Devil State that we thought he should have when he was in the position to do so, he had also done more to defend and uphold our Constitutional liberties, strengthen our nation economically and militarily, and defend our national sovereignty than we thought that he would. [2-11]
After officially announcing his 2016 bid for the Presidency, most of us did not trust him.  I know I never trusted him then.  I had more trust in Ted Cruz as I found him to be more like-minded with what I believed in than Trump and therefore, not only did I vote for him the primaries, I wrote his name in on the write-in section of my general election ballot, but at the same time, I also resigned myself to the fact that if given only one of two choices with whom to side be it Donald Trump or that wicked Hillary Clinton, Trump would have been the least bad option and I praise God that there were enough voters who were wise enough to hold their noses and cast their votes with that least bad option and not heed the foolish counsel of those who told them to “stay home and don’t vote!” for then if we had all listened to that counsel, we would have subjugated ourselves to a much worse evil under Clinton than under Trump but when Trump, against all odds, had taken office, he was found to be more politically and Constitutionally like-minded with those holding to solidly conservative and Constitutionalist values than we thought he would be.
But even if Trump were to disgrace himself in some form or fashion or turn out to be an elaborate deceiver and not the man that he has had us all believe him to be, as tempted as I would be in the event of such, I could not bring myself to burn my MAGA hat as Daniel McCarthy had done out of his anger and disappointment towards Trump, and while it is true that Trump coined the slogan that has practically become a household saying, the slogan, Make America Great Again or MAGA, symbolizes and represents a desire and a longing that has resided in all of us.  To restore America’s greatness.  MAGA implies three things:
That America was once great, has lost its greatness, and can be great again. 
MAGA represents more than just a man no matter how tied and associated to a man the slogan may be.  Make America Great Again represents a longing, desire, and a demand for reforms necessary to divert our country from the destruction and eventual tyranny that it is on the path to; those demands goals being for the preservation and restoration of our nation to the greatness that once was.
Therefore, burning a MAGA hat, at least to me, is not just condemning a man for his political shortcoming and not carrying out the actions against the Devil State that we may have all hoped that he would do.  The very act thereof makes it appear to be an attack upon the very hope and goal of restoring America to the greatness it once had and preserving and strengthening the life of liberty by which America is defined and though Mr. McCarthy may not have intended the burning of a MAGA hat to be an attack on that hope, he clearly did not consider the implications as to the appearance of that action.
Just because the man to whom the slogan, “Make America Great Again,” may be flawed in his character, may not have always made the wisest of choices in selecting members of his administration and task forces, and may not have taking the actions that we would have loved to see against the Devil State, the stealing of the 2020 presidential election, and the ANTIFA/BLM riots that had been widespread throughout many of our major cities, and even in the worst case scenario the man who is credited for the slogan were to turn out to be a charlatan or a treacherous henchman for the Devil State and the Satanic Cabal, however remote that is, does that make the hope and dream of making America great again an evil thing in and of itself?
Does that make a prosperous private sector, secure borders, a strong military and national security apparatus, dependable law enforcement, protecting the integrity of the electoral process, a trustworthy judicial system, a fiscally responsible government, representative leadership that seeks nothing more than the best interests of the public, and the preservation, upholding, and the protection of liberties such as the freedom of speech, the free exercise of religion, the right to bear arms, and the right of citizens to not be subject to unwarranted searches and seizures bad things in and of themselves just because the man who has come to represent all these things may at times disappoint us?
Does that make the protection of innocent life, parental participation and leadership in the education of their children, respect for traditional family values, self-sufficiency, and reverence for religious teachings and moral values errant just because the man who professes respect for these things may at times himself be errant?
He may have coined the slogan that sums up the hope and desire to better our nation and to restore to it the greatness and glory that it once had, but he never invented that hope nor is he the source of it.  All he ever did was breathe new life and energy into that already ongoing movement to preserve and even restore the freedoms that have defined our nation, maintain the peace, safety, and order that has kept it stable, to restore the economic prosperity that has strengthened it, and to restore strength and dependability to our armed forces and national security apparatus that have protected it from both foreign and domestic threats.
And by breathing new life into that dream and hope of making America great again, he then became a standard bearer and representative of everything that defines our nation and what is vital to its prosperity, security, stability, and to the preservation of the liberties that we have enjoyed and taken for granted and during his time in office, he was able to lay down precedents for us to maintain and build upon for the betterment, deliverance, and the restoring of our nation to what its founders intended.
But if we really are to Make America Great Again, then we need to seek out the foundational source of America’s greatness and what is that source?
Is that source to be found in a strong independent thriving private sector?
Is it to be found in a strong military and national defense system?
Is it to be found in a principled representative leadership working in the best interests of all?
Or is it to be found in the Constitution that was designed to protect the very liberties that define our country?
The greatest definer of America is not its military, economy, representative government, or any of its institutions but what has defined America is freedom and it is this freedom that has made an innovative, prosperous, and independent private sector possible which in turn has produced a strong economy.  It has also made possible the unfettered unhindered dissemination of knowledge and information, the ability to practice one’s respective faith and to live in accordance to such and the dictates of their own conscience without fear of civic persecution.  It has made possible the ability to access and possess all necessary means to defend one’s self and all that they hold dear from anything and anyone who might do them harm.  Freedom has also empowered parents to raise up their children in the manner they see fit and to see them educated in accordance to what they deem appropriate and for people to pursue whatever goals, dreams, ambitions, and opportunities that they can and in accordance to their abilities.
But over time, we have been seeing the freedoms that define our nation coming under increasing and more aggressive assault.  We have been seeing an assault upon our economic freedom by way of excessive and unreasonable taxations and regulations which is also an attack upon our ability to be self-sufficient and thereby making us increasingly dependent upon public services for assistance.  Law abiding citizens who defend themselves, their families, friends, and fellow man against anyone who would do them harm risk having frivolous charges filed against them and the right to bear arms is under constant assault by various legislative attempts at both the state and federal levels to make it as difficult as possible the ability to acquire the necessary means for self-defense and even to ban certain types of weaponry from law-abiding citizens.  If the legislators cannot ban the possession and sales of fire-arms outright, they will then attempt to ban any fire-arms and other means of defense that might place citizens on even ground with those who might attempt to take away their freedoms or commit acts of injustice against them
The right to bear arms comes under such aggressive assault because it guards an even more crucial freedoms being the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press and the free exercise of religion which also includes the right of each citizen to live in accordance to the dictates of their own respective faith and conscience; it is upon these liberties, being summed up in both the First and Second Amendment of our Constitution, upon which all other liberties within our Constitution rest. 
If the Second Amendment of our Constitution is overthrown, weakened, or abolished, then so will go the First Amendment of our Constitution which is also under constant assault and even more so than our Second Amendment for within halls of government funded academic institutions, any thought, any philosophy, doctrine, opinion, or information challenging or dissenting from the favored narratives, doctrines, opinions, and philosophies of those in charge of such establishments is crushed with the termination of faculty and the punishment of students who dare question, challenge, or dissent from those favored narratives, doctrines, philosophies, and opinions that the powers that be over those institutions demand that faculty propagate and that students embrace, however errant those philosophies, doctrines, narratives, and opinions may be and however wrong, untrue, and nonfactual they may be and often times the courts have sided with those crush the dissenting voices within those tax-payer funded halls of academia, those within the Devil State aligned Mainstream Manure Pile who dare report to their viewers much needed truthful and honest information are ousted from their positions, and users of the likes of Fartface, Twitter, You Tube, Instagram, Reddit, and Pinterest are censored and banned for posting information that challenges the propaganda of those powers who own and operate them; one major reason why Contender’s Edge is present and active on various different platforms.  Furthermore, there are countless cases of persecution by our government at various levels against people of faith who seek to live in accordance to their professed faith from small business owners to police officers, sitting judges, county clerks, and members of our armed forces.
Wherever there is free unfettered speech, truth abounds but the more restricted the speech, the more hindrances the propagation of truth faces for they who propagate lies by nature will do all that is in their power to suppress anything and everything that would even so much as question the false and misguided narratives that they poison the minds of their subjects with for it is only when the lies by which the people have been deceived are discredited that the power of those who hold the hearts and minds of the people captive with their lies and deceptions is shattered for before a people can be fully subjugated, their hearts, minds, and souls must first be subjugated because it is within mind, heart, and soul of a man that slavery begins and if slavery begins there, then it must needs be that freedom also begins there as well for when a people are free in mind, heart, and soul, it is then they are truly free and a people who are free inwardly can never truly be subjugated outwardly for it is by way of an inward liberation that outward liberations will eventually manifest themselves in the form of academic and intellectual liberation,  philosophical and religious liberation, economic liberation, innovative liberation, artistic liberation which will finally lead to a political liberation leading to the removal or dissolution of a tyrannical and oppressive government and the formation of a government representative of the will and interests of the public dedicated to preserving those liberties gained and that liberty begins with the rejection of lies and falsehoods and the acceptance of truth, a commitment to abide therein and to share it with others that they too may be set on the path to freedom for freedom begins with truth which is why it is written that the truth will set you free. (Jn. 8:32) but what is that truth which sets us free and from what does it set us free?  It is a truth that cannot come of man but from a power that is above man himself for without that source of truth it is impossible for men to know the path to true freedom.  This truth that is able to bring freedom must be a truth that remains unchanged even though the laws, customs, traditions, opinions, doctrines, philosophies, cultures, societies, and entire civilizations produced of men may be subject to change for a truth that is subject to change in any way, shape, or form, or is subject to ever changing opinion cannot be called truth at all, nor could it ever really bring freedom to anyone.  The truth that brings freedom must be as ever fixed and inflexible and as unchangeable as the very laws of nature themselves which hold all things together and keep everything in their proper order.
In his work, Empty Pews And Selections From Other Sermons On Timely Topics, Madison Clinton Peters, then Pastor of a First Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia Pennsylvanian, claimed in one of his sermons, that French statesmen, Alexis De Tocqueville, best known for his two volume work, Democracy In America, had reported the following to his respective government:
Some years ago, De Tochneville, the distinguished French statesman, was commissioned by his country for the purpose of studying the genius of our institutions.
In reporting to the French Senate, he said : “ I went at your bidding, and passed along their thoroughfares of trade. I ascended their mountains and went down their valleys. I visited their manufactories, their commercial markets, and emporiums of trade. I entered their judicial courts and legislative halls. But I sought everywhere in vain for the secret of their success, until I entered the church. It was there, as I listened to the soul-equalizing and soul-elevating principles of the Gospel of Christ, as they fell from Sabbath to Sabbath upon the masses of the people, that I learned why America was great and free, and why France was a slave.” [12]
To those who dispute the cited claim, I will grant this concession that it does not appear in the work, Democracy In America itself but nevertheless, the cited claim allegedly made by Tocqueville is still consistent with the credit that he undeniably gives to the Christian faith in its role for the formation of our nation and to the greatness it possessed in his day. [13-14]  It is, however, theoretically possible that Madison Clinton Peters had access to a correspondence between Tocqueville and his respective government from which he cited the alleged statements made by Tocqueville to his government about what he learned to be the source of America’s greatness that has been lost to us but the source of America’s greatness, Tocqueville concludes, is not the freedom that comes from without but the freedom that begins from within; a freedom that is not carnal but spiritual and a spiritual freedom founded upon truth and the only one who can be the sole decider of what truth is the source of truth (Jn. 14:6) who is as ever unchanging as the truth that proceeds forth from Him (Mal. 3:6, Heb. 13:8) What He has declared to be truth in the past is still truth today and will always be truth and if He be the source of truth, then He is also the source of our liberty and the freedom we long for because true freedom is founded upon truth which comes from the source of truth who is also the God who created of all things and without Him, nothing was made that was made. (Jn. 1:3)
And if the manifested outward freedoms that we have enjoyed are the product of an inward spiritual freedom, then it is important as to what it is that we must ensure that we are inwardly free from in order to acquire and obtain the manifested liberties that we claim to hold dear for the better we understand what it is that we need to be inwardly free from the better we will understand what it is that we need to do in order to strengthen and hold fast to that which we are losing and regain that which has been taken from us already.
The worst form of bondage and slavery is not that which comes in the forms of the chains, prisons, plantations, concentration camps, and gulags that we see or in the form of iron-fisted dictatorships, spiritual tyrants, oppressive monarchs, and corrupt and wicked legislators, judges, executive branches, self-serving bureaucracies, greedy and exploitive corporations, depraved entertainment, deceptive academic institutions, dishonest media, hostile social media platforms, poverty, disease, handicapped conditions, unstable and tumultuous households, petty divisions, broken families, famine, or even war and violence; these are all but the final product of that unseen captivity that is ever so subtle, even undetectable and through its elaborate and crafty deceptions may even present to us that which appears to be freedom but in reality is not freedom, causing all they who embrace it to end up in the captivity they sought to avoid, subjugated to the oppression and tyranny they feared, and the prison of an everlasting eternal damnation that they dreaded.
It is a captivity that the source of our liberty never intended for us for when He made the heavens and the earth and all that is in them for when He first made man, man had enjoyed a perfect liberty for in that perfect liberty there was also perfect harmony with nature and perfect unity and fellowship with the God who made him but the one thing forbidden to the first man whom is called Adam and the first woman called Eve, Adam’s wife who are the first man and woman from whom all of mankind descend was a certain tree called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for they were warned of God that in the day that they ate the fruit of that tree, they would surely die (Gen. 2:16-17, 3:3) but yet by way of a lying spirit, that perfect freedom was stolen from them when they ate of that forbidden fruit (Gen. 3:6) for in that every day, they were then taken captive by sin, a condition that corrupted their once pure and innocent nature and stained their very souls and it is that inward corruption that came not only into them due to their one act of disobedience against God, but it also passed down to all of mankind (Rom. 5:12) which is why it is written that it is not that which comes from without that defiles men but that which comes out of them (Mt. 15:11, 18-20) but that inherent corruption into which we are all born produces in us that which would otherwise not be in us and manifests ourselves in our behavior, conduct, actions, and speech but not only does it influence our outward performance and the choices that we make but defiles our thoughts, hardens and darkens our hearts, corrupts our motives, and produces wrong attitudes.
Because of eating that fruit that they were told not to eat from, not only were Adam and Eve made inwardly corrupt by the sin that entered into them, they also received upon themselves the sentence of death. (Gen. 3:19)
They were led to believe that the partaking of that fruit would grant them an even greater freedom and liberty than that which they already had but instead of being given freedom, they were taken captive by that lying spirit who deceived them into partaking of that forbidden fruit for instead of becoming as gods as they were told by that evil spirit, (Gen. 3:5) they fell to a status inferior than what they were created in, and contrary to the assurance of that deceiver who told them that they would not die from the partaking of that forbidden fruit, (v. 5) death came upon them and instead of becoming more enlightened as he had claimed, (v. 5) they were not made any the wiser but instead were covered in shame but the consequences of Adam’s disobedience was not confined to just him and his wife Eve, but the consequences were passed down to all of mankind.
Since all of mankind descends from Adam and Eve, so then has the sin that entered into them also passed down to all of us and with that the sentence of death upon all people because we all sin which is why it is written that the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23). 
Therefore, sin has taken all men captive which has then made him subject to death, but the consequences of sin still do not remain confined to men, but have also extended to all of creation for by reason of sin, a curse has fallen upon all of creation which is why it is written that all of creation groans and travails in pain to this very day (Rom. 8:19-22) and it is because of this curse that all of creation, alongside man, is subject to death and decay and every kind of evil, misery, suffering, grief, and pain that there is and ever could be for the taint of sin corrupts, perverts, twist, distorts, and destroys everything it touches and it is for this reason that sin and all evil must, when it has reached a certain measure, face divine judgment and that includes everyone who dies in their sinful condition, but not only has the disobedience of Adam subjected men to an inherently inwardly corrupted nature and eventual death and has made him estranged from His Maker and furthermore has subjugated all of creation to a curse, his disobedience also gave that wicked lying spirit justification for claiming lordship over all of the nations, kingdoms, and empires of the world (Mt. 4:8-9, Lk. 4:6-7) which is why he is called the prince of this world (Jn. 12:31, 16:11) and it is this prince of this world who is the source of all tyranny and oppression for as it is written, he is the one who has “weakened the nations!”, (Is. 14:12) who has spread his terror throughout the earth, (Is. 14:16) who has brought destruction upon the earth and refuses to release his prisoners (Is. 14:17) and who destroys his own land and murders even his own people (Is. 14:20) and this evil spirit who claims lordship over the entire earth is that same evil spirit, that fallen covering cherub who once stood by the throne of God (Ezek. 28:14) who is called Lucifer and Satan who, in his immense pride, thought to make himself equal to his Creator but for such was cast out of his position in Heaven (Is. 14:11-21, Ezek. 28:12-19) and thus began that age-long war between God and Satan which also began the war for the souls of men when he tempted and deceived Eve into eating the forbidden fruit who then gave it to Adam who also ate of it as well; he presented to them what appeared to be a greater freedom but instead only led them and all of humanity into the bondage of sin, the tyranny of death of death and decay, estrangement from the Lord God Almighty, and the imprisonment of eternal damnation for there can by no means be anyone whose sin has not been cleansed admitted into the Kingdom of Heaven lest even Heaven become just as defiled by our sin as the earth itself.
The first ever recorded lies to be told was by the Devil himself which is why is called the father of lies (Jn. 8:44) and it is by those lies that he told to deceive Adam and Eve into eating that fruit that brought into them the sin that was then passed down to all of humanity and by which Satan kills men which is why he is also called a murderer (v. 44) and in claiming lordship over the entire world, he has lead and continues to lead peoples, nations, tribes, kindreds, tongues, empires, cultures, societies, empires, and entire civilizations into oppression and subjugates them to spiritual tyranny, social tyranny, academic tyranny, economic tyranny, and eventual civic tyranny and he does so by blinding men to the truth that sets them free, by suppressing any knowledge that might lead men to that truth, and threatening anyone who might embrace that truth and share it with others with all manner and variety of persecution and not only threatening them but also carrying out those threats so as to hold as many souls captive as he can in order that they might be forever damned and separated from their Creator but because God is not willing that any should perish but that all would come to repentance. (2 Pet. 3:9)
While His justice demands that all sin be punished and all evil to be vanquished, and though His holiness cannot permit sin to defile His Kingdom, our Creator is also a God of love and mercy and it is His love and mercy that brought Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God (Jn. 3:16) to be the offering needed to take away the sins of the world and He, being without sin (2 Cor. 5:21) was that perfect sacrifice needed and required to take away the sins of the world (Heb. 7:26-27) and  being that perfect sinless sacrifice, He offered Himself to be put to death upon the cross whereupon He was crucified and upon which His cleansing blood was shed and by His death was the demanded penalty for sin satisfied and mercy granted and after having been put to death for our sins was raised from the dead so that our faith in Him for the forgiveness of sins and the salvation of our souls would be justified. (Rom. 4:25)
Just as oppression and tyranny begin with the enslavement of the heart, mind, and soul by way of sin so freedom begins from within when men accept and the freedom offered to us in Christ Jesus with which comes a spiritual transformation by which we are made anew in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17) that makes us to no longer desire to follow after selfish and worldly pursuits but after those things that pertain to the Kingdom of Heaven,
to no longer take pleasure in those things that are evil and displeasing in the sight of the Lord, but in that which is good, right, and pleasing in His sight,
to no longer desire to walk in the lies of this present world, but only in the truth that comes from Christ Almighty, no longer placing our hopes in the things of this present world, but looking forward to that new and better world to come, (Rev. 21-22)
to no longer rely on worldly resources, men, or even our own power, abilities, skills, and wisdom for our needs and provision but upon God who is able to meet all of our needs, recognizing that the resources of this world and even the people He brings into our lives are but instruments and vessels through which God meets our needs and that the skills, power, knowledge, and wisdom by which we might acquire our provision are provided and instilled in us by God,
to no longer fear what men can do to us, but rather fearing the God before whom we will have to one day give an account for how we lived our lives, (Mt. 10:28)
to no longer look to corruptible institutions within our society for direction and order in our lives but to God who, by His written Word has given us laws and precepts to be applied to our lives and which serve to produce and maintain an ordered life, and who, by His Holy Spirit which comes to dwell within us upon repentance, establishes in our lives a course and direction in our lives to pursue for His glory,
to no longer seek our own glory but the glory of God,
to no longer rally behind corruptible men, but instead behind the incorruptible God in Heaven bearing in mind that those men and women God raises up for our edification are but instruments and servants of His for that respective purpose to which He has called them,
to no longer seek to align ourselves with the things of darkness but only with the things of the light,
to no longer trust in the wisdom of the world but only on the wisdom and knowledge that comes from above, nor depend on corruptible earthly authorities to swiftly administer justice, but only in the power of God to deliver us from evil.
And the more of us embrace the forgiveness of sins offered to us by the Savior of the world and submit our hearts, minds, and souls to the transformative power of the His Spirit, the greater of a difference we will see in how households are run, how marriages are maintained, how children are raised, in the sincerity and authenticity of religious leadership, in how education is taught, how news is reported, in how business is conducted and how the private sector is operated, in what is affirmed in our entertainment industry, and in the manner of governance we live under.
The changes that many may so long for will never begin in the halls of government, nor can we rely on it to begin within the religious establishment or in the classrooms of academia nor in the newsrooms of our media or the studios of our entertainment industry or in the factories and offices of our private sector.
They can only be acquired when men submit themselves to the Messiah who is able to inwardly transform them spiritually and morally and such lasting change for the better can only begin at the base and from there work its way into our religious establishments and then into academia, the private sector, the media, entertainment industry and finally government itself.
Making America Great Again does not begin with our economy, our schools, our military, protected borders, our national security, our law enforcement, our colleges and universities, our courts, legislative halls, executive office, media, entertainment system, any dynamic political figure, or any Pastor or man of the cloth able to eloquently preach a sermon from the pulpit, nor with any prolific writer, but it must begin with a spiritual transformation that begins within each and every one of us for the misery of a nation will never end nor can it ever obtain the greatness it seeks, nor escape eventual ruin and destruction until it says, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” (Ps. 33:12) For if we will turn away from our sinful, selfish, and wicked ways and call upon the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins and submit ourselves to His authority, to His teachings, His laws, His precepts, and His counsels, only then will we be made truly free and only then will our nation have any hope of being truly great and seeing any measure and glory that it once had restored to it, but as it is written, we must seek first the Kingdom of Heaven (Mt. 6:33) and tend to the affairs thereof and it is in that day that the rest that we seek as a people and nation will be added to us; peace, order, safety, prosperity, and freedom.
I don’t know about the rest of you reading this post, but to me, it seems no coincidence that MAGA has two meanings:  “Make America Great Again” and “Make America Godly Again” and though I have a cap that says “Make America Great Again,” if only there were also one that says, “Make America Godly Again,” for then I would place the two side by side for without godliness, there can be no greatness but the greatness that we should be seeking is not the greatness that the rest of the world seeks after but rather it must be the greatness that can only come from Heaven above but then that also must require that America be made a servant of Heaven above which can only be if America returns to the God upon whose laws, precepts, and counsels she was founded upon and which have produced the liberties that we have held dear and which our nation is best known for.
At present, any amount of liberty that we experience and live under is not that perfect liberty that is to come, but instead is but a glimpse and a shadow of that perfect freedom that is to come, and the perfect liberty that is to come begins with the cleansing of our souls from the sin by which we would otherwise stand condemned and then progresses to the eventual liberation from bodily death when these corruptible forms in which sin is ever present into forms incorruptible in which sin is no longer present and therefore no longer subject to death. (1 Cor. 15:51-55, 1 Thess. 4:13-18) and after our bodies are liberated from death, creation itself will be liberated from the curse with which it has been afflicted because of sin when it is made anew.
If any of you reading this post have not yet received that inward freedom of which our Lord speaks; that freedom from the sins by which we are eternally damned, then I urge you by the love of God to turn away from your sins and call upon the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins so that you may experience that inward freedom which is given to us by the cleansing of our souls from our sins which bring eternal damnation, thus saving us by the forgiveness of sins that we receive in Christ from what would otherwise be an everlasting punishment of an eternal torment beyond imagination and comprehension for by calling upon the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and eternal salvation, do we not only receive peace and assurance about our eternity, we also receive into ourselves a sense of purpose, meaning, and direction in our lives that we never had before and can never receive from anything in this present life, a contentment and satisfaction that cannot be found in things material, and an unfailing hope that is not in this present world nor in the things of this world but in that new and better world to come wherein there is no sin, no death or decay, no evil, no darkness, no misery, sorrow, grief, no hardship, nor pain of any kind but only peace, joy, contentment, and happiness before the Lord. (Rev. 21-22)
It is but a sincere prayer of repentance away:
"Lord Jesus I need you.
I realize that I am a sinner
who has fallen short of the glory of God
and that my goodness falls short
of your standard of Moral perfection.
Please forgive me of all of my sins.
Come into my heart and into my life
to be the Savior and Lord of my life.
Make me into the servant and follower
that you want me to be.
In your name Lord Jesus, I pray.
Know that God is not concerned with the words that you use to call upon Him forgiveness, but with the attitude of your heart and if you have, with all sincerity, have asked Christ to forgive you of your sins, placing your trust in Him only for your salvation and in nothing else, then your sins are forgiven and your place in Heaven is certain.
End notes:
1.  Staff writer, “GOP Senate Candidate Burns MAGA Hat and Slams Trump as a ‘Little B**ch,’”
Patriot United News, January 24, 2022
2.  “Donald Trump Achievements,” Conservapedia
3.  “Donald Trump’s Major Achievements,” Conservapedia
4.  “Donald Trump Achievements: The Courts,” Conservapedia
5.  “Donald Trump Achievements: Abortion,” Conservapedia
6.  “Donald Trump Achievements: Religious Liberty And LGBT,” Conservapedia
7.  “Donald Trump Achievements: Immigration And Border Security,” Conservapedia
8.  “Donald Trump Achievements: Veterans,” Conservapedia
9.  “Donald Trump Achievements: Trade Policy,” Conservapedia
10.  “Donald Trump Achievements: Foreign Policy,” Conservapedia
11.  “Donald Trump Achievements: Energy And Environmental Policy,” Conservapedia
12.  Madison Clinton Peters, “Empty Pews & Selections from Other Sermons on Timely Topics,” pg. 35, Philadelphia A. T. Zeising & Co. , Printers And Publishers, December, 1886

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13.  Alexis De Tocqueville, “Democracy In America Volume I,” pp. 26-46, Translated by Henry Reeve, Esq., Saunders & Oatley, London, 1835

[If the PDF link does not work, click on this link]

14.  Alexis De Tocqueville, “Democracy In America Volume II,” pp. 222-247, Translated by Henry Reeve, Esq., Saunders & Oatley, London, 1835

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Scripture references:
1.  John 8:32
2.  John 14:6
3.  Malachi 3:6
4.  Hebrews 13:8
5.  John 1:3
6.  Genesis 2:16-17
7.  Genesis 3:3
8.  Genesis 3:6
9.  Matthew 15:11, 18-20
10.  Romans 5:12
11.  Genesis 3:19
12.  Genesis 3:5 
13.  Romans 6:23
14.  Romans 8:19-22
15.  Matthew 4:8-9
16.  Luke 4:6-7
17.  John 12:31
18.  John 16:11
19.  Isaiah 14:12
20.  Isaiah 14:16
21.  Isaiah 14:17
22.  Isaiah 14:20
23.  Ezekiel 28:14
24.  Isiah 14:11-21
25.  Ezekiel 28:12-19
26.  John 8:44
27.  2 Peter 3:9
28.  John 3:16
29.  2 Corinthians 5:21
30.  Hebrews 7:26-27
31.  Romans 4:25
32.  2 Corinthians 5:17
32.  Revelation 21-22
34.  Matthew 10:28
35.  Psalm 33:12
36.  Matthew 6:33
37.  1 Corinthians 15:51-55
38.  1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

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