Sunday, March 24, 2024

A Chimp, A Banana, And A Slug: Not Adding Up And Other Plot Twisters


                                                        Photo credit: Craig R. Sholley, Nanyang Technological University


                                                                      Image credit: png play

                                                          Photo credit: Carla Riblera, Psychology Today


Evolutionists have long touted that we are at least 96 percent genetically related to chimpanzees and routinely site this as evidence for evolution but it has also been claimed that we are also 70 percent genetically related to slugs, and at least 50 percent related to bananas [1]
Now from a layman’s perspective, that just does not make any sense because when you add up all up the entire percentage, that comes out to 216 percent.  That is 116 percent more than our entire DNA or genome to which the DNA and genomes of the chimp, slug, and banana are being compared to.  If, as evolutionists claim, we are at least 96 percent genetically related to a chimpanzee, then we can only be 2 percent genetically related to a slug and 2 percent genetically related to a banana.
If we are 50 percent genetically related to a banana, then we should only be 25 percent genetically related to a chimpanzee and 25 percent genetically related to a slug.  And if we are 70 percent genetically related to a slug, then we should only be 15 percent genetically related to chimps and 15 percent genetically related to bananas.
Provided that one of the three hypothetical claims were true, it would be more scientifically sound to claim that we are 70 percent genetically related to slugs and 15 percent genetically related to chimps and bananas, or to claim 50 percent genetic similarity to bananas and 25 percent genetically to chimps and slugs, or to claim 96 percent genetic similarity to chimpanzees and only 2 percent genetic similarity to slugs and bananas, then it would be to claim 96 percent genetic similarity to a chimpanzee, 70 percent to a slug, and 50 percent to a banana because at least when you add up total of hypothetical genetic percentages being  96 (chimp) +2 (banana) +2 (slug), 70 (slug) +15 (chimp) +15 (banana), or 50 (banana) +25 (slug) +25 (banana), you will not be going beyond a percentage of the entirety of the genome or DNA possessed, but because 96+70+50 goes 116 percent above the totality of the DNA and genome being compared to that of the three figures mentioned, that just does not seem to be a scientifically sound statement because it is impossible to have more than 100 percent of something because 100 percent defines a completion, a totality, and an entirety.  
Claiming to have anything beyond 100 percent of something just doesn’t make any sense from a logical standpoint because to claim that you have 120, 130, 150 percent of something can make no more sense than telling someone to draw a square circle or smell the color nine because it is impossible to draw a square circle (unless you consider an oval to be a square circle) and it is impossible to smell the color nine because nine is a not a color and you can’t smell colors.
And yet multitudes buy right into these preposterous figures without even thinking about it.  When scientists would have us believe in unscientifically sound figures, buy into biologically impossible claims, and deceive us into embracing nonsense, that tells me that wisdom has left the scientific community but not only has wisdom left the scientific community, but so has integrity and it turns out integrity appears to be lacking in their genomic and DNA comparisons in order to deceive the multitudes into believing an elaborate lie.  It needs to be understood that when DNA and genomic similarities are being compared, the evolutionists are only comparing a fraction of our DNA and genome with that of chimpanzees and other animals, and in some cases, even plants, and vice versa and not DNA and genomic structures in their entirety and this is a fact admitted by even their own sources.  For example, the American Society of Human Genetics also called AJHG admitted in conducting their comparisons:
To achieve an overall high sequence quality of the analyzed DNA fragments, stretches of four or more consecutive masked positions were removed from the sequence, and the resulting sequence parts were analyzed independently. Sequences shorter than 50 bp were discarded.
Analysis was restricted to alignments with ≥60 compared bases. Chimpanzee clones carrying ≥60 consecutive unaligned bases in addition to an aligned segment were judged to be potentially chimeric. [2]
Now why did they decide to compare human DNA with that of a cloned chimpanzee instead of DNA from a chimpanzee that wasn’t cloned?  And as for those of you out there who don’t know what is meant by “chimeric”, in as far as DNA analysis goes, is when a person or, in the case of a cloned chimpanzee, even an animal can possess DNA, from sources other than the natural parents, but it is a rare phenomena and in this case, they have already admitted to comparing the DNA of man to that of a genetically engineered animal.  The results have been compromised already.  The source goes on to state:
To identify the human counterpart of the unaligned sequence part, lower-ranking alignments were analyzed. In cases where alignments of two sequences of a potentially chimeric clone shared >10 identical bases, the entire clone was excluded from further analysis. To further avoid sequences that display multiple matches to the human genome, the alignment scores were compared with the scores of the second-best alignment in each case. Only when the difference between those scores was ≥10 were the alignments used for further analysis. [3]
But why were they even comparing human DNA to that of a genetically engineered cloned chimpanzee in the first place instead of that of a natural and normal chimp? And based upon the cited statements alone, the chimpanzee, whose DNA was used for the comparison, was not only cloned, but was likely produced with human genes and inserting human genes into animals is a form of genetic experimentation that has been frequently done with mice. [4] Going further:
To minimize the influence of potentially undetected nonorthologous comparisons in the sequence comparisons, we excluded the 2.5% of alignments with the highest extent of sequence differences from the analysis.  This corresponds to a threshold of 96% in the sequence similarity…For 7% of the chimpanzee sequences, no region with similarity could be detected in the human genome. [5]
Add the 4 percent differences to the 7 percent similarity in the chimpanzee sequence and you get a total of an 11 percent dissimilarity.  That means there is potentially an 85 percent genetic similarity between man and chimp altogether instead of 96 percent.  But that isn’t all.
SNPs that were not assigned to a chromosome, as well as SNPs for which the type of sequence change could not be determined unambiguously, were excluded. [6]
How much of a difference would THAT have made in the results?  If you don’t know the function or purpose of a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism, which is what SNP stands for, exclude it from the comparison as far they are concerned.
Another source, BMC Genomics, also stated that “In early works, divergence of human and chimpanzee genomes was estimated as roughly 1%. This estimate was based on the comparison of protein-coding sequences and didn’t consider non-coding (major) part of DNA” [7] and admitted in their own study that “DNA hybridization arrays were widely used for copy number variation studies,” [8] also admitting that the use of such altered the results:
In human, microarray assay revealed a relatively increased copy number of 134 and decreased - of six genes compared to the genomes of other great apes such as chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), bonobo (Pan paniscus), gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) and orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus). However, the figure of six genes with decreased copy numbers was certainly an underestimation because hybridization was performed using the probes for human genes. [9]
They also admitted another problem with earlier studies:
It is worth to note that the main complication of the earlier studies was connected with the quality of non-human genomes assembly. First of all, there were persisting several thousand gaps in the chimpanzee genome, which made a substantial fraction of DNA inaccessible for comparisons. Second, the final stages of apes genomes assemblies and annotations were performed using the human genome as a template.  This obviously bias results by “humanizing” great ape genomes thereby concealing some human-specific structural variations.  [10]
As did a publication called
Most nonhuman primate genomes generated to date have been “humanized” owing to their many gaps and the reliance on guidance by the reference human genome. [11]
And as if that was not already bad enough, PLOS ONE also revealed another factor that tends to compromise the integrity of the comparison results:
During routine screens of the NCBI databases using human repetitive elements we discovered an unlikely level of nucleotide identity across a broad range of phyla. To ascertain whether databases containing DNA sequences, genome assemblies and trace archive reads were contaminated with human sequences…The identification of such extensive contamination of human sequence across databases and sequence types warrants caution among the sequencing community in future sequencing efforts, such as human re-sequencing.
The danger in the propagation of errors in scientific discourse has been demonstrated in cases of both scientific fraud as well as incorrectly described or referenced experiments in reviews.
As sequencing technologies become more robust, efficient and affordable, the number of genome sequencing projects is increasing exponentially. While human DNA contamination has been a concern for both ancient and forensic samples, there has been no attempt to systematically identify or quantify human contamination in public genome databases since the advent of next generation sequencing or genome assemblies. Contamination of non-primate databases with human sequence confounds comparative analyses, gene annotation, and regulatory network analyses among many others.
Moreover, the identification of such contamination in non-primate databases would indicate that more robust pre-sequencing pipelines should be established to limit cross contamination among human genome sequences. We set out to determine whether, and to what extent, human DNA contamination could be identified in non-primate genome assemblies and other DNA databases. [12]
Yeah, that can be a problem.  Creationists have stated that if there could be conducted a comparison between human and chimpanzee DNA and genes without excluding any part of the DNA or genomes being compared, the DNA and genetic similarities would not be at the currently propagated 96 percent but estimate that the similarities might range anywhere between 70 and 89 percent. [13-17]
Even evolutionist sources admit that if no part of the compared DNA and genomes were ever excluded that the results would be different than what is being currently propagated.  For example, an evolutionist website called Futurism states:
…we are 99% chimp, but only if you exclude 25% of our genetic material from the study and 18% of theirs. [18]
But combine the total genetic material excluded, which would be 43 percent excluded from the study, and subtract that from 99 percent, to which most evolutionists do not hold to anymore anyway, and you may potentially---and that is potentially, mind you---get a 56 percent genetic similarity rate between man and chimpanzee, making us more genetically distant from primates and potentially more genetically similar to other animals, including those to which we bear little or no physical resemblance, from which, according to current evolutionary thought, we should be much further removed than from any primate or bear no genetic similarity to at all.
That would be a much lower similarity percentage than what is estimated by Young Earth Creationists if the DNA and genomes of man and chimpanzee were compared to one another in their entirety.
But evolutionists do not seem interested in accurate results and as one cited researcher in an article written by science columnist, John Cohen, stated, “In the end, it’s a political and social and cultural thing about how we see our differences.” [19] In other words, how we see our differences, including the differences between man and primate, have nothing to do with truth or fact and have nothing to do with science no matter how much the propagators of Darwinism may insist otherwise because there is an agenda behind the mass propagation and imposition of the evolutionary philosophy and it is not just a political agenda but a spiritual agenda; the political actions behind the propagation of evolutionary and the routine suppression of creationism being but a manifestation of the spiritual activity behind the political activity which began in academia before it entered into the halls of government, infiltrated our religious leadership, and permeated our entire culture seducing multitudes into believing a lie that does nothing more than lead them into spiritual darkness, moral bankruptcy and confusion, foolishness, and madness.  That same spirit that would have us believe that the entire universe and everything in it came about by unthinking and unplanning random processes over a vast period of time, that the first living cells arose from a non-living chemical compound, and from which every plant and animal descended, and that it is from a beast that man evolved, is also that same spirit that is persuading women to murder their unborn children, luring many to affirm and even engage in perverse sexual behaviors that are unnatural, poisoning the minds of our students, taking away the innocence of our children, corrupting, making evil the very institutions that we have trusted and relied on to bring and maintain stability within our society, causing needless division and violence amongst those who might otherwise be united in brotherly and familial love, doing everything in its power to suppress anything that might discredit the lies and falsehoods wherewith the minds and hearts of the captive souls have been poisoned, and what it cannot suppress, it will attempt to misrepresent so as to harden the hearts of those against that which would challenge and overthrow the lies within the hearts and minds of those whose souls are held captive because this very spirit who authors and exploits the various cleverly and elaborately crafted lies and falsehoods by which he holds multitudes in spiritual darkness is ever at war with that Spirit of light and life who seeks the liberty of his captive creation and rescue it from the darkness that the spirit of darkness, deceit, tyranny, death, decay, and destruction who has taken hold of it beginning with mankind for before the entire creation was brought under the afflictions, suffering, misery, grief, sorrow, pain, agony, anguish, decay, and violence to which it is presently subject, mankind was lead into a bondage, captivity, and spiritual darkness that he was never meant to experience but before mankind was brought into his present captivity which is a captivity not of visible chains or a prison with walls but with chains invisible and a prison unseen, and before even the creation of the world, this wicked spirit of darkness was once a spirit of light which served at the throne of that Spirit who is called the Father of lights (Jas. 1:17) and the God who is the Creator of all things that are in the heavens and in the earth and it is before the throne of the Maker that this spirit had once served for to be more specific as to what kind of spirit he used to be, he was a mighty angelic being who was called a covering cherub called Lucifer but he was lifted up in pride and an immense pride that caused him to seek equality with his Creator and to take upon himself that which belonged to God alone and as a consequence, was cast from the position he held before the throne of God (Is. 14:11-21, Ezek. 28:12-19) and it was in that day that Lucifer also became known as Satan or the Devil and after having been cast from his place along with those angels who had sided with him against the Lord God Almighty, he then, as a serpent, crept into a world newly created and before evil entered into it, this world was a world filled with life, light, peace, harmony, and unity between God, man, and nature and over this newly created earth man was given dominion and over all things therein (Gen. 1:26) to be a steward and a caretaker thereof and all that was in it.  There was nothing withheld from him except for one thing: a tree called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 2:9) for it was warned of man that in the day that they ate the fruit from that tree, that they would surely die (Gen. 2:16-17, 3:3) but then Satan in the form of a serpent crept, into that wonderful world that God had made and caused man to commit that one forbidden act that led him into that bondage and captivity from which has sprung every level, severity, degree, kind, and form of oppression, tyranny, despotism, and abuse of power known and experienced by man and he did so through a lie and it was a lie that promised to the first man Adam and the first woman Eve that if they ate of that forbidden fruit, they would become more enlightened and even divine and even falsely assured them that they would not die as they had been warned by God (Gen. 3:4-5) and it was that lie told to Adam and Eve that made Satan the father of lies (Jn. 8:44) for it was by this lie and his false promises that he brought man into a captivity that was never anticipated for instead of becoming more enlightened, Adam and Eve only became aware of the consequences of their disobedience that began to set in, starting with their eyes being open to a nakedness of which they were embarrassed and ashamed (Gen. 3:7) and instead of becoming divine, they were reduced to a status inferior to that in which they were first made, and instead of avoiding death, the sentence of death came upon them as they had been warned and eventually, they both died. (Gen. 3:19)
But the sentence of death did not end with just Adam and Eve, because when they had eaten of that forbidden fruit, something entered into them that resulted in their eventual deaths and what resulted in their deaths is a condition that entered into them that changed their nature into something that it was not before they had committed the transgression and opposite in nature to what God created mankind to be and that corrupted condition which transformed their inward person is what the Bible calls sin and it is sin that not only brought death to Adam and Eve, but it also brought death to the rest of us who are descendants of Adam and Eve (Rom. 5:12) for since we all descend from that first man and that first woman, we have also inherited them that same corrupted nature which causes us to all sin and fall short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23) and as a consequence die, for as it is written, the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23) and what must be understood about sin is that it is not just an act of evil, bad behavior, or ill-spoken words.  It is far more than that.  It is the inward corrupted nature of mankind that doesn’t just influence our behavior, actions, or even our speech, but it also perverts and darkens our thoughts, hardens our hearts, corrupts our motives, and produces within us wrong attitudes which is why it is written that man is not defiled by that which is from without, but only by that which resides from within us because it is that which resides within us that produces the manifested evils that we witness and even experience firsthand. (Mt. 15:11, 18-20)
But the effects of sin have not been confined to just man, but have extended to all of creation which is why it is written that the entire creation groans and travails in pain to this very day (Rom. 8:19-22) because every type, sort, degree, kind, and severity of grief, misery, sorrow, suffering, pain, adversity, and hardship are due to the curse brought upon it because of sin.
Furthermore, the disobedience of Adam diminished the dominion over the earth that God had initially given to man as his disobedience gave Satan justification to claim lordship over the nations and kingdoms of the earth (Mt. 4:8-9, Lk. 4:6-7) which is why he is called the prince of this world. (Jn. 12:31, 16:11)
So by a lie was man subjugated to the captivity of sin and with it death, thus making Satan who led man into the eating of that forbidden fruit which brought sin and death into the world not only a liar, but also a murderer as well. (Jn. 8:44)
And by that same lie which Satan led mankind into sin and death, did he also usurp the dominion that was initially given to man which is why he is called a thief (Jn. 10:10)
And by that lie was all of creation also subjugated to every kind of misery, grief, sorrow, pain, hardship, adversity, suffering, and evil known to man and not only that but also to a slow decay and death which is why Satan is also called a destroyer.  (v. 10)
And worst of all, because of the sin that Satan caused to enter into man by that first lie ever known to be told and which has brought death to all of mankind and into which we are all born, we are all estranged from our Creator with whom we would otherwise have a perfect unity and fellowship.
Because of how uncomprehendingly pervasive sin is and because the taint thereof twists, distorts, perverts, defiles, corrupts, and ultimately destroys everything that it touches, God cannot allow that which is sinful or in sin to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven lest Heaven be defiled just as the earth itself has been defiled and because of the impossibly high standard of moral perfection that man fails to meet due to sin being always present in him, (Rom. 3:23) it would seem that we would have no hope of escaping that fearful, terrifying, everlasting judgment of unrelenting torment in the eternal darkness and fires of Hell, but there is hope and a way of escape that our Creator in His mercy has provided for us because He is not willing that any should perish but that all would come to repentance (2 Pet. 3:9) because He takes no pleasure in judgment or punishment but instead would rather show love and goodness to mankind and the greatest act of love that He has shown us is this in that He sent Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son into the world, to take upon Himself the demanded penalty for the sins of the world which He did through the shedding of His blood upon the cross on which He was crucified for since He was without sin (2 Cor. 5:21, Heb. 4:15) He was able to be that perfect and unblemished sacrifice (Heb. 7:26-27) needed to take away our sins and after having offered Himself up to be put to death on our behalf, He was raised again from the dead so that we by faith may be justified in Him (Rom. 4:25) if we will, in sincere faith and repentance, call upon His name for the forgiveness of sins so that we may be saved from what would be an everlasting damnation. (Rom. 10:13)
And it is the forgiveness of sins that reconciles us to our Creator (2 Cor. 5:18) and along with it, a spiritual transformation (2 Cor. 5:17) that causes us to no longer desire to follow after selfish and worldly pursuits but after those things that pertain to the Kingdom of Heaven, (Mt. 6:33)
to no longer take pleasure in those things that are evil and displeasing in the sight of the Lord, but in that which is good, right, and pleasing in His sight,
to no longer desire to walk in the lies of this present world, but only in the truth that comes from Christ Almighty, (Jn. 14:6) no longer placing our hopes in the things of this present world, but looking forward to that new and better world to come, (Rev. 21-22)
to no longer rely on worldly resources, men, or even our own power, abilities, skills, and wisdom for our needs and provision but upon God who is able to meet all of our needs, (Mt. 6:25-33) recognizing that the resources of this world and even the people He brings into our lives are but instruments and vessels through which God meets our needs and that the skills, power, knowledge, and wisdom by which we might acquire our provision are provided and instilled in us by God,
to no longer fear what men can do to us, but rather fearing the God before whom we will have to one day give an account for how we lived our lives, (Mt. 10:28)
to no longer look to corruptible institutions within our society for direction and order in our lives but to God who, by His written Word has given us laws and precepts to be applied to our lives and which serve to produce and maintain an ordered life, and who, by His Holy Spirit which comes to dwell within us upon repentance, establishes in our lives a course and direction in our lives to pursue for His glory,
to no longer seek our own glory but the glory of God,
to no longer rally behind corruptible men, but instead behind the incorruptible God in Heaven bearing in mind that those men and women God raises up for our edification are but instruments and servants of His for that respective purpose to which He has called them,
to no longer seek to align ourselves with the things of darkness but only with the things of the light,
to no longer trust in the wisdom of the world but only on the wisdom and knowledge that comes from above, nor depend on corruptible earthly authorities to swiftly administer justice, but only in the power of God to deliver us from evil.
By a lie was man led into the bondage of sin and death, but it is the truth of the Gospel message of Salvation that sets us free (Jn. 8:32) for it is in Christ Jesus that we find this truth that brings that very freedom by which all others come forth for it is a freedom that begins not from without but from within for in Christ Jesus are we delivered from eternal damnation and spiritually liberated from the sin by which we would otherwise be condemned and just as our souls are cleansed and transformed by the cleansing blood of Christ that He offered up on our behalf, so one day, we will be made free of bodily death as well when our bodies which were born into sin are changed from that which is corruptible and in which sin dwells into that which is incorruptible and in which dwells no sin (1 Cor. 15:51-55, 1 Thess. 4:13-18) for in which dwells no sin, dwells no death and finally, creation itself will be liberated from the curse by which it is afflicted when Satan, who currently claims lordship over the nations and peoples of the earth, is cast out and faces his final sentence and defeat (Rev. 20:10-15) and when afterward the creation itself is made anew for when it is made anew, it will be a place in which there will be no sin, no death or decay, no evil, nor any curse, nor any grief, suffering, misery, sorrow, pain, hardship, or adversity, but only peace, contentment, joy, happiness, and harmony before the Lord God Almighty. (Rev. 21-22)
If you sense that something is not right or as it should be about the world around you and find yourself lacking trust in the things thereof and in the wisdom, philosophies, theories, and speculations of this world, and find your faith shaken in the things of man and unable to place trust in worldly institutions, and if you are beginning to doubt those things propagated by media, the proposals and decrees of governing authorities, the things affirmed and celebrated in our entertainment industry, and which are taught in the halls of academia, and if you find yourself doubting that which is even preached from the pulpit of a clergyman, no matter how credentialed those of influence, expertise, and authority may be, there may be a reason for that and it may be that God is trying to speak to you that you may know the truth, not as man claims it to be but as He has revealed it and it may be He is attempting to reveal it to you right now by undoing the lies by which you have been deceived and perhaps you are already beginning to realize that now but make sure you do not shut out the voice of the one who is the way, the truth, and the life (Jn. 14:6) or else you might find yourself abandoning one set of lies for another set and ones probably worse than the ones before but He who offered Himself up on our behalf for our sins will never lie for He is the author truth and is the truth and the truth which washes away the sins of those who will embrace it that they need not perish in eternal damnation but instead inherit the Kingdom of God and have everlasting life and if you have not done so already but would like to embrace the truth that sets free and redeems the soul from what would otherwise be an everlasting torment filled damnation, then I implore you reader, to call upon the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins so that you will be saved from what would otherwise be an everlasting judgment.  It is but a simple sincere prayer of repentance away:
“Lord Jesus I need you.
I realize that I am a sinner
who has fallen short of the glory of God
and that my goodness falls short
of your standard of Moral perfection.
Please forgive me of all of my sins.
Come into my heart and into my life
to be the Savior and Lord of my life.
Make me into the servant and follower
that you want me to be.
In your name Lord Jesus, I pray.
Know that God is not concerned with the words that you use to call upon Him forgiveness, but with the attitude of your heart and if you have, with all sincerity, have asked Christ to forgive you of your sins, placing your trust in Him only for your salvation and in nothing else, then your sins are forgiven and your place in Heaven is certain.
End notes:
1.  Jeff Schmerker, “10 Facts About DNA,” Integrated DNA Technologies, May 21, 2020
2. Ingo Ebersberger, Dirk Metzler, Carsten Schwarz, and Svante Pa¨a¨bo, “Genomewide Comparison of DNA Sequences between Humans and Chimpanzees,” American Society of Human Genetic, also called AJHG, Volume 70, Issue 6, pg. 1491, June 2002
3.  Ibid.
4.  Fei Zhu, Remya R. Nair, Elizabeth M. C. Fisher & Thomas J. Cunningham, “Humanising the mouse genome piece by piece,” Nature, April 23, 2019
5.  American Society Of Human Genetics, pp. 1491, 1493
6.  Ibid. pg. 1491
7.  Maria V. Suntsova and Anton A. Buzdin, “Differences between human and chimpanzee genomes and their implications in gene expression, protein functions and biochemical properties of the two species,” BMC Genomics; Volume 21 supplement 7, pg. 2, (PDF), September 10 2019
8.  Ibid. pg. 3 (PDF)
9.  Ibid. pg. 4 (PDF)
10.  Ibid. pg. 5 (PDF)
11.  Zev N. Kronenberg, Ian T. Fiddes, David Gordan, Shewetha Murali, Stuart Cantsilieris, Olivia S. Meyerson, Jason G. Underwood, Bradley J. Nelson, Mark J. P. Chiasson, Max L. Dougherty, Katherine M. Munson, Alex R. Hastie, Mark Diekhans, Fereydoun Hormozdiari, Nicola Lorusso, Kendra Hoekzema, Ruolan Qiu, Karen Clark, Archana Raja, Annemarie E. Welch, Melanie Sorenson, Carl Baker, Robert S. Fulton, Joel Armstrong, Tina A. Graves-Lindsay, Ahmet M. Denli, Emma R. Hoppe, Pinghsun Hsieh, Christopher M. Hill, Andy Wing Chun Pang, Joyce Lee, Ernest T. Lam, Susan K. Dutcher, Fred H. Gage, Wesley C. Warren, Jay Shendure, David Haussler, Valerie A. Schnieder, Han Cao, Mario Ventura, Richard K. Wilson, Benedict Paten, Alex Pollen, and Evan E. Eichler,
“High-resolution comparative analysis of great ape genomes,” Science; Volume 369, Issue 6393, June 8, 2018
12.  Mark S. Longo,Michael J. O'Neill,Rachel J. O'Neill, “Abundant Human DNA Contamination Identified in Non-Primate Genome Databases,” PLOS ONE, February 6, 2011
13.  Daniel Anderson, “Another evolutionary ‘truth’ now conceded to be myth,” Creation Ministries International, August 10, 2007
14.  Dr. David A. DeWitt, “What About the Similarity Between Human and Chimp DNA?” Featured in The New Answers Book 3, Answers In Genesis
15.  Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson, “Differences Between Chimp and Human DNA Recalculated,” Featured in Answers In Depth; Answers In Genesis
16.  Jeffrey Tomkins and Jerry Bergman, “Genomic monkey business—estimates of nearly identical human–chimp DNA similarity re-evaluated using omitted data,” Creation Ministries International, October 26, 2012
17.  Jeffrey P. Tomkins, Institute for Creation Research, “Comprehensive Analysis of Chimpanzee and Human Chromosomes Reveals Average DNA Similarity of 70%,” Answers Research Journal, 6 (2013)
18.  Tom Ward, “Do We Really Share 99% of Our DNA With Chimps?” Futurism, May 27, 2017
19.  John Cohen, “Relative Differences: The Myth of 1%,” Science Magazine, Volume 316, June 29, 2007
Scripture references:
1.  James 1:17
2.  Isaiah 14:11-21
3.  Ezekiel 28:12-19
4.  Genesis 1:26
5.  Genesis 2:9
6.  Genesis 2:16-17
7.  Genesis 3:3
8.  Genesis 3:4-5
9.  Genesis 3:7
10.  Genesis 3:19
11.  Romans 5:12
12.  Romans 6:23
13.  Romans 3:23
14.  Romans 8:19-22
15.  Matthew 4:8-9
16.  Luke 4:6-7
17.  John 12:31
18.  John 16:11
19.  John 8:44
20.  John 10:10
21.  2 Peter 3:9
22.  2 Corinthians 5:21
23.  Hebrews 4:15
24.  Hebrews 7:26-27
25.  Romans 4:25
26.  Romans 10:13
27.  2 Corinthians 5:18
28.  2 Corinthians 5:17
29. Matthew 6:33
30. John 14:6
31. Revelation 21-22
32. Matthew 6:25-33
33. Matthew 10:28
34.  John 8:32
35. 1 Corinthians 15:51-55
36. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
37. Revelation 20:10-15

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