Saturday, June 1, 2019

Ex-Gays And Children Raised By Gays: Two Parties Who Need To Make Their Voices Heard In The Gay Marriage Controversy

We have heard perspectives from members of the LGBT community as to why they feel justified in engaging in the way of life they have chosen for themselves and why they demand that the rest of society not just simply respect their right to live as they choose but to emulate and celebrate their lifestyles and we have also have heard from those opposed to homosexuality and why they feel that LGBT behavior should not be celebrated or emulated. 

One side justifies LGBT behavior on the basis perceived sexual orientation which they claim they were born with.  The other justifies their opposition on the basis of moral and theological reasons and who have repeatedly stated that the affirmation of the LGBT lifestyle will have dire consequences for society.

But two parties to the controversy who have been largely ignored have been ex-gays and children who have been raised by homosexuals.  And why?  Because the mainstream media has been under the control of antichrist leftists who have been in full support of the imposing the homosexual agenda upon the rest of society.  

They don't want the public to know that it is possible for a homosexual to abandon homosexual practices or that their sexual orientation might be subject to change thus enabling them to become happily married to one opposite of their gender and go on to raise children with that spouse which is why you might not hear anything about ex-gays from the antichrist liberal mainstream media.  

Nor do they wish to cover the testimonies of those who have been raised by homosexuals but due to the negative effects of being raised by two women or two men, instead of by a proper mother and father, now have reason to be opposed to the homosexual life style and the elevation thereof.  Their testimonies might discredit the highly propagated belief that there is no difference in the development of children raised by homosexuals than that of those raised by a heterosexual couple if the mainstream media dared to cover them.  A few from both parties have made their voices heard, but many remain silent for fear of retaliation from the LGBT community in which they grew up.

CNS News published an article covering the experiences of at least four adults who shared their experiences of being raised by homosexuals and how it affected them. [1]  Before the Supreme Court made gay marriage legal, their stories submitted to a federal court could very well have been the reason why that court and the fifth circuit of appeals court upheld Louisiana's gay-marriage ban along with those of other remaining states that still retained their bans before they were all finally over turned by the Supreme Court:

In her brief, Dawn Stefanowicz described her experience living in a same sex household.  "I wasn't surrounded by average heterosexual couples...Dad's partners slept and ate in our home, and they took me along to meeting places in the LGBT communities.  I was exposed to overt sexual activities like sodomy, nudity, pornography, group sex, sadomasochism and the ilk...There was no guarantee that any of my Dad's partners would be around for long, and yet I often had to obey them...My rights and innocence were violated...As children, we are not allowed to express our disagreement, pain, and confusion....Most adult children from gay households do not feel safe or free to publicly express their stories and life-long challenges; they fear losing professional licenses, not obtaining employment in their chosen field, being cut off from some family members or losing whatever relationship they have with their gay parent(s).  Some gay parents have threatened to leave their children with no inheritance if they do not accept their parent's partner du jour."

"I grew up with a parent and her partner(s) in a household in which gay ideology was used as a tool of repression, retribution, and abuse," B.N. Klein wrote of her experience with a lesbian mother.  "I have seen that children in gay households often become props to be publicly displayed to prove that gay families are just like heterosexual ones."
Klein said she was "taught that some Jews and most Christians were stupid and hated gays and were violent," and that homosexuals "were much more creative, artistic" because they were not repressed and were naturally 'more feeling.'" [1,2]

That is to say, more empathetic, compassionate and understanding.  Klein, went on to say in her brief:

"At the same time I was given the message that if I did not agree (which I did not), I was stupid and damned to a life of punishing hostility from my mother and her partner...They did this with the encouragement of all their gay friends in the community and they were like a cheering squad.  I was only allowed out of my room to go to school.  This could go on for weeks.  I was supposed hate everyone based on what they thought of my mother and her partner.  People's accomplishments did not matter, their personal struggles did not matter, and their own histories were of no consequence.  The only thing that mattered is what they thought of gays." [1, 3]

This is compassion?  This is understanding?  This is love and tolerance?  This is child abuse.
CNS News did, however, go on to state that not everyone who testified of their experiences being raised by gay parents was necessarily negative, but nonetheless, because they lacked having both a proper mother and father in their lives, there were consequences to their development.   Oscar Lopez stated that while his lesbian mother and her partner were not abusive, he, due to the lack of a father, experienced what he recalled to be a great deal of sexual confusion which led him to prostitute himself as a teenager to much older men because he needed to feel loved and wanted by men that were roughly the age of his father, but when ties with his father were reestablished in 1998 for which he credited the traditional marriage laws in his state at that time, which he says prevented his mother from cutting his father entirely out of his life, that is when he described a pivotal transition in his life that led him "from being lost and sexually confused to being stable and romantically fulfilled." [1, 4]

And finally, Katy Faust, came to oppose same sex marriage due, not to being abused, but simply due to the fact that she believes that it would deny children a right to be raised by both parent figures and enslave them to a same sex household as she was. [1, 5]  Further details of three out of four of the testimonies can be found by clicking on links inserted in the CNS News article cited in this post or directly from the cited source section of this post itself.   CNS News did not provide a link to the Dawn Stefanowicz brief, but this site was able to acquire a direct link to her brief which is also provided in the end notes section

What these types of testimonies reveal is that children do develop better in a stable, responsible, and loving household in which both a mother and a father are present than they do in a same-sex household, even under the best of conditions.  They also reveal that perhaps homosexuality is not necessarily a genetic phenomena, but more or less, a psychological one and an issue of behavior because clearly, the people who filed the court briefs stating their reason for opposing same sex marriage are not gay but have gone on to enjoy stable heterosexual marriages and raise families of their own the way God intended.

And just because people may currently be living a homosexual life style, that doesn't mean that they continue to submit themselves to that way of life as has been the case with many former homosexuals, and what is meant by a former homosexual or "ex-gay."  There is hardly, if any mention at all of ex-gays in the mainstream media.  In the liberal run media outlets, you might read or hear about those who attempted to leave the gay lifestyle but for whatever reason fell back into it, but as for those who have renounced homosexuality as a way of life and have succeeded in either abstaining from homosexual behavior and all other sexual activity or have gone on to lead a successful and stable heterosexual lifestyle, there is either little or no mention of them because the mainstream media enjoys reporting about cases of those who claimed to have tried but failed, but never on the successes.  You will only hear about the success stories from Christian and Conservative media outlets.

Each ex-gay testimony is about each person's experience with their struggle with same-sex attractions and homosexuality and they do not all cite a single cause or reason for having been gay; the causes vary, but nonetheless, they all cite success in leaving a lifestyle they knew to be displeasing in the eyes of their Creator.  Some of them were able, for the most part, to eventually eliminate their same-sex attractions and go on to enjoy a happy and successful heterosexual marriage while others who may still contend with their same-sex attractions have just simply committed themselves to live a life of celibacy.  They decided that they did not want a sexual orientation to define them nor did they want the same-sex attraction they contended with to govern their behavior, actions, or course of life and so they made a choice to submit themselves to the standards of an Authority greater than themselves or any man, institution, organization, or government.  They decided to abide in the dictates and standards of their Maker whom they acknowledged to be the source of morality; of right and wrong and to embrace Christ Jesus who died on their behalf for their sins, taking that unfathomable penalty of sin upon Himself so that they would not have to.

There are a lot of testimonies that could be documented but there is neither the time or space for it here on this post.  The testimonies are too lengthy in detail but here are some excerpts from at least two ex-gays regarding their conclusions concerning their former homosexual identity and their homosexuality in general; the first being that of former homosexual Dave Bailey who told Lifesite News that homosexuality was a "sexual addiction and dependency", not a condition to be socially accepted or celebrated.  He also said that upon receiving Christ as his Savior that he wanted to become "more like Jesus, more Christ like" and that the more he began to act upon this desire, "the more his homosexual desires began to decrease" and that furthermore, he never looked at himself the same way again, but differently "through the eyes of a Savior who he now realized-loved him unconditionally." [6]

And the second being that of Cymone Lonon, a former lesbian who recounted to Christian Post her same-sex lifestyle as having been derived of a lack of love from her own immediate family.  She recounts growing up in an unstable household and in what could be described as a dysfunctional family.  She then confessed to having found what she thought was love from another woman on an intimate but unhealthy scale.

She confessed that in doing so, she had exchanged the truth of God for a lie and committed the sin of serving the creature more than the Creator and that her relationship with her partner caused her to distance herself from her friends and family as she "sank deeper in with the young woman she was dating." "Any extra money went towards her and entertaining us rather than giving back and encouraging others like I once did" Lonon explained.

She further went to explain that she "couldn't find peace in the midst of the situation and felt the unhealthiness of the relationship weighing on her.  She didn't like the person she was becoming because it was so far from the person she had been." [7]

To make a long story short, she repented before God and experienced the kind of unfailing love through Christ that she had been longing for her whole life.  Extensive details of the testimonies can be found by visiting the links to the cited sources provided at the bottom of this post.

The reason why the LGBT in their so called demands for equality and tolerance has done everything they can to suppress testimonies and accounts of gays successfully becoming ex-gays and adults citing negative consequences from first-hand experience of having been raised, even in the best of circumstances, in a gay run household.

The LGBT does not merely want to persuade the public into accepting their agenda and into promoting their lifestyle as being healthy, normal, and even right, but their goal is to enslave hearts and minds.  That is why they have been known to coerce and threaten ex-gays and those raised by gays into silence, because if enough ex-gays and gay-raised adults went public with their experiences and testimonies, it might possibly cause the general public to reconsider the claim that people are born gay and that children raised by gays are no different in their development than they who are raised by children, but this author nonetheless, to any ex-gays and those raised by gays and have suffered negative consequences as a result, even in the best of circumstances, makes this appeal:

Make your voices heard by whatever means you can.  Yes, the LGBT may attempt to make your lives miserable.  They will call you names like "homophobe" "hater" "Bigot" and so on.  They may even threaten you with violence and harm.  You may lose friends and be cut off from family members.  Your jobs and livelihoods may be threatened.  You could very well lose everything.  There is a price for exposing the lies of those forces of evil with the light of truth, but think about the dire consequences to be faced by future generations if you let the LGBT community of which you were once a part of cower you into silence. 

You are not being asked to make any greater sacrifice or pay a higher price than others before you who boldly confronted the evils of their time and labored to shine the light of truth upon the darkness of their day and to dispel the lies thereof to the liberating of many who were held captive and oppressed.

It is time to think more about the far reaching consequences of remaining silent and letting something evil and harmful to society flourish unchecked and unchallenged than what could happen to you if you challenge the lies the LGBT has propagated.

There is nothing hateful about presenting all of the facts that need to be known on both sides of the debate, nor is there anything homophobic about making a theological or moral objection to homosexuality or the affirmation thereof, and there is nothing bigoted about sharing about how you managed to escape the homosexual lifestyle whether you were once gay or brought up in it as a child.

It takes unwavering courage to challenge the status quo and the lies that have poisoned the minds of multitudes and to remain true to the principles and beliefs you profess to hold to.  There are Christian business owners and other individuals who have risked everything they have to remain faithful to the dictates of their God and to avoid doing or saying anything that might give the appearance of approving of something contrary to the dictates of their faith and most of their cases have been pending in the court system because their first amendment rights were not being respected and now that the Supreme Court has affirmed and made legal gay marriage nationwide, churches and other organizations are at risk of losing their tax exempt status but nonetheless many have expressed there resolve to remain true to the dictates of their faith and conscience even if it means facing persecution by either the public, government, or even both because to them their loyalty to their God is more important than the favor of man and because they look forward to a life and rewards far better than the temporal glories of this life (Mt. 5:12, 19:20) and they know that one day, they will be vindicated for their loyalty to their Christ both in Heaven and in history, and it is their faith in that promise and their desire for the praise of God that gives them that unrelenting courage.

And it is to that God to whom we must look for that courage to expose the lies propagated in this dark world.  If we look to our own selves for that courage, that courage may fail, but when we look to the God who is able to give us the courage we need to do that which is right in His eyes, knowing that He will reward and vindicate us in time, then we need not fear what man may do to us and it is only right that you make your voices heard and share your stories.  

Therefore I urge you to set your sights on the everlasting glories that will far outweigh any persecution you may face for making your voices heard. (Rom. 8:18)

But it would be a crime against Heaven to remain silent.  The scripture warns us that he who knows what is right but does not do it has sinned against God (Jas. 4:17).  Decide which is worse.  To face the displeasure of man or the displeasure of God.  For me the answer is clear:  I would much rather face the wrath of man than the wrath of God and to stand with God against man than with man against God.

If the LGBT seeks to silence all public debate on gay marriage and if they are threatening to ruin your reputation and even do harm to you for speaking out against their agenda, be encouraged that this is a sign that history is not on their side and that the facts are not on their side either.  They only want their side of the debate to be heard.  They refuse to let those who disagree with them state their case for fear that they will not retain the hearts and minds of the public to the extent that they do now if their detractors were allowed as much of a voice as they.  They do not want to win hearts and minds over to their cause but instead seek to enslave them.

Those who are confident that the truth is on their side need not silence the dissenters as they are confident that truth will eventually prevail.  They advance their cause not by coercive means but by persuasion.  Lies will attempt to silence truth, but truth merely presents its case.  This in itself ought be enough to embolden you and I urge you to seek out the God who can give you the courage to act, for it may be by making your voices known that the tide of this evil may be hindered and know that though you risk making enemies, you will still have friends and allies ready to stand by your side and give you what aid they can.

And to the body of Christ: It is vitally important that we lend whatever support and aid that we can to ex-gays and those adults who were raised by homosexuals and who, due to the consequences of their upbringing, have reason to oppose the LGBT's desire to impose their way of life upon the rest of society for it may be that if they are aware that they have friends and allies, the more likely they may have the courage to make their voices known to the public.  And the more of these two parties make their voices heard, the more the tide of evil may be hindered.

1.  Lauretta Brown, "Adults Raised by Gay Couples Speak Out Against Gay 'Marriage' In Federal Court," 
CNS News, January 23, 2015

2.  "Dawn Stefanowicz Amicus Brief," De Leon v. Perry;
In The United States Court Of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, filed August 15, 2014

3.  "B.N Klein Amicus Brief," De Leon v. Perry;
In The United States Court Of Appeals For the Fifth Circuit, filed August 15, 2014

4.   "Robert Oscar Lopez Amicus Brief," Brenner v. Armstrong a.ka. Grimsley v. Armstrong;
In The United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, filed November 21, 2014

5.   "Katy Faust Amicus Brief," De Leon v. Perry; 
In The United States Court Of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, filed August 15, 2014

6.  Pete Baklinski, "Ex-gay ma: 'Homosexuality is just another human brokenness,'"
Lifesite News, October 20, 2014

7.  Jeffery Scott, "Testimony of Ex-Gay Member of Texas Megachurch: 'Thank You for Loving Me More Than She Ever Could,'" Christian Post, September 9, 2014

Scripture references:

1.  Matthew 5:12

2.  Matthew 19:20

3.  Romans 8:18

4.  James 4:17

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