Saturday, October 26, 2019

Sinister Agenda: Is Depopulation A Foundational Goal Of The LGBT Movement?

While working on a previous blog post, I ran across a source that suggested, as conservatives and Christians have said, that there is a sinister agenda behind the LGBT movement and that sinister agenda involves a silent and slow death to the human race by propagating the lie that LGBT behavior is normal and a natural part of life and that gender is not determined by biology but by what gender one feels that they are which is why the LGBT community demands that their life style choice should not only be tolerated, but affirmed, endorsed, and celebrated.

Initially, the blog post of the author centered around examining whether LGBT behavior is influenced by genetics.  While this author does not entirely agree with the assessment of that author, the author, who goes by what appears to be a pseudonym called Darko Veleck, Veleck made some interesting claims worth investigating and some very valid points.  His first claim:

1. “We can clearly see young boys developing breasts when they are exposed to the increased levels of progesterone in their blood.

The packaged foods are loaded with estrogens and estrogen-like substances. This is done on purpose.”

That may or may not be true.  But if it is true, it would take an of God or government to make it stop and this author believes that the former may very well act before the latter.  Anyone who inserts hormones into food to alter the development a man from its natural course ought to be charged with "crimes against humanity" because such wicked acts are atrocity level acts, but again, I do not know if this claim is true.  More research and further investigation would have to be done to verify this claim but whenever anything is done to alter the natural course of human development those being subjected to such acts are in the long run harmed far more often than they are helped.

2.  “All this gender talk serves the same purpose which is depopulation of this planet through confusion.  What gender am I?  Every day new gender surfaces. All of a sudden, every twisted thought becomes a new gender.”

Sad but true.  There is said to be at least eighty-seven genders if not more.  The last I looked there was only two genders (male and female) and nothing in between.  What's next? 2+2=10?

What a tragic and dark day it will be when the average person does not know what biological gender they are.  And Darko nails it when he said that a denial of basic biology is done with the intent to sow confusion.  It is all part of a dark and sinister plan to make that which is clearly black and white out to have fifty shades of gray.  

That is what the doctrine of relatively is:  No absolutes.  Truth largely depends on your own point of few and is fluid.  It is not fixed or final.  It is just another way of saying that there is no such thing as truth and if there is no such thing as truth, then there is also no such thing as right and wrong.  There is no good and evil.  And if there is no good and evil, laws and moral are meaningless and civic authorities become useless as all men are left to their own devices.  And it is now taken to such an extent so as to deny basic facts and in this case, gender. A descent into madness.  Such is the result of rejecting a God who is the source of all truth, defining right and wrong and what is good and evil and who has created and defined our reality.

For there is a God by whom all things were created who is a God of order and does not sow confusion, but there is also at work a power that seeks to bring confusion in order that there be chaos and then destruction.  It has been his plan to do so from the beginning that wickedness was found in him.  And how did that disorder and confusion enter into the world.  When this wicked power through his cunning and deception led man into breaking the one rule that he was required to keep in that he was not to eat from a certain tree, (Gen 3) something called sin entered into the world through that man and with it, death and then with sin and death, a curse that has brought all manner of increasing and disorder upon the earth and because order and clarity cannot fellowship with that which is disordered and confused, our inherent sin keeps us separated from our Maker which can only result in eternal torment for us, but in His love for us, God came as a man to give Himself as a sacrifice to pay that penalty necessary for us to be restored to Him and then rose from the dead for our justification so that we who place our trust in Him alone for our salvation and in nothing else, would receive forgiveness of sins and be reconciled to our Maker.  It is in Christ Jesus, who came as God in the flesh by whom we are forgiven and cleansed of our sins and reconciled to the Father from whom our sins alienated us, and in time, just as our souls were redeemed, our bodies will also be redeemed 
(1 Cor. 15:22) even though they may still die.  And after our bodies have been redeemed, creation itself will be free from the curse that it is under because of the sin of man. 
(Rom. 8:19-22)

They who align themselves with a God of order aid in maintaining that sense of order desired of the Lord and they are used of Him to maintain a sense of balance desired of Him when they choose to abide in His truth and apply to themselves His moral laws and precepts.

But they who align themselves with the prince of darkness become instruments of disorder and destruction and will themselves, along with this prince of darkness will be sentenced to an everlasting destruction while they who have chosen the God who created an ordered universe will receive salvation everlasting.  This increasingly disordered world is destined to pass away along with they who cling to it (2 Pet. 3:13) but for them who make peace with their Maker and surrender themselves over to Him, they will be made a part of a new world where there is no confusion and no disorder.  Everything will be given clarity such as not ever experienced in this present world.

3.  “Because of the depopulation agenda, the young people are being exposed to the toxic noise they call music, the toxic garbage they call food and the toxic movies and advertisements that promote no gender and homosexuality.
Why do they do this?
Because our handlers know very well that the environment will stimulate the changes and they push this environment on us.
The older generation is more resilient but younger we are, the more susceptible we become to those frequencies. This is why the young boys are so feminine and the young girls are more masculine and looking for a more feminine man.”

Done to lead men into destruction and eternal damnation through cleverly crafted lies made to appear as truth and how do we counter these lies?  By counter them with truth in every venue these lies are found.  For every song that sings a lie, there must be a song that sings truth.  For every movie that propagates falsehood, there needs to be a movie that dispels it. And for every advertisement that affirms evil, there must be an advertisement that promotes what is good and it is placed upon those who know the truth to instruct the younger therein and prepare them to withstand the lies that will bombard them so that they are not deceived.

But before any of this can be done, we must, as a people and culture embrace that source of truth by which everything will be set aright.

4.  “It makes me laugh when I hear a gay person saying, “I am gay and proud of it.”
What is there being proud of ?”

Absolutely nothing.  There is no reason to be proud of something that is a distortion and mockery of the natural order of things but needs to be looked upon in shame and disgust but it is widely believed normal because we are told that it is and they who tell us so point to the animals, but even that is not the norm within the animal kingdom because if it were, it would spell the destruction of those species in which homosexuality became the most prevalent and man is no exception.

5.  “You never hear,  ‘I am a straight woman and proud of it, or I am a straight man and proud of it.’”

That is because heterosexuals are not known to be obsessed with their sexual identity and yet the LGBTs have an unhealthy obsession with theirs.  Their entire identity is centered around a twisted sexuality.  The LGBT movement is but one of many parts of an agenda that would desensitize us to the things of wickedness and even call good that God has declared evil and make us ashamed of that which God has called good and which we should receive with joy and thanksgiving but men are blinded to it.  Only the Spirit of God who is at work in the world convicting men of sin and calling them to repentance in Christ Jesus who died on the cross for their sins and rose from the dead can open the eyes of those who are blind to the dangers before them that they might turn away from that broad and wide path that leads to destruction and lead them to that straight and narrow path which is Christ who leads and guides into all truth because He is the truth.

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End notes:

Darko Veleck, "Is homosexuality genetically influenced?" HEALYOURSELF, September 6, 2019

Scripture references:

1.  Genesis 3

2.  1 Corinthians 15:22

3.  Romans 8:19-22

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