Sunday, November 10, 2019

Are These The Mummified Remains Of A Dinosaur Or A Weasel?

In December of 2017, it was reported that what looked like the mummified remains of some kind of a dinosaur with flesh still on its bones.  The discovery was made in an abandoned subway station in a small town called Jaspur in the district of Uttarakhand, located in India. According to evolutionary teaching, it should be impossible for an animal to be dead for millions of years with flesh still on it in an unfossilized condition. [1, 10, 11, 13-15] The dinosaurs that are said to best resemble the animal are Dromeosaurids or Coelophysis. [1, 4, 6, 8-10, 12]

Nothing could be really said about what kind of an animal it was except that until a number of tests were done on the remains to determine what animal it was, but to be faced with the possibility of a discovery defying all conventional thinking was a scenario that scientists could not believe they were experiencing, being puzzled at the unusual find and admitting that it looked like a dinosaur. [3-8, 11-13]  The remains were also sent in for carbon dating to reveal its age [2, 3, 8, 9, 12-15] although as one source points out [14] it is very clear that the remains are not millions of years old.

One common yet implausible theory was that the animal was the distorted fetus of a goat, but the creature looks nothing like a goat.  However, according to Earth Touch News Network, a science news source, at least two paleontologists stated there was nothing mysterious about the discovered remains, with paleontologist Thomas Holtz Jr. of the University of Maryland stating that "no scientist is baffled"; [17] an insult to the expertise and intelligence of the highly credentialed scientists who were attempting to identify the animal and were at least considering the possibility, however uneasily, that it could be just as be easily a dinosaur as anything else.

Holtz went on to claim that the carcass was that of a mammalian carnivore which he believed to be of what is known as a mustelid. [18] The order of Mustelidae consists of animals such as weasels, ferrets, ermines, minks, badgers, wolverines, skunks, stoats (similar to weasels and ermines but smaller in size) martens, fishers, otters, Meerkats, and mongooses.  Most mustelid species possess the elongated torso which characteristic of weasels and other related animals as well as otters.

Holtz also claimed that the carcass possessed leg bones and other mammalian features not found in dinosaurs and went on to further insult the scientists involved in the research of the discovered remains by saying, "…it only 'looks like a dinosaur' if you don't know what dinosaurs look like..or for that matter what mammal skeletons look like." [19]

Another paleontologist, Leigha Lynch of Oklahoma State University concurred with Holtz's opinion by stating that the carcass possessed mammal like limb bones and that the hip bones were distinctly mammalian and different from that of birds and reptiles. [20]

Well, at least any known birds and reptiles in existence today.  Even dinosaur bones have more in common structurally with many mammals than they do with birds and any presently existing reptile, plus the so-called bird hips and lizard hips are not structured the same as that of living birds and reptiles.

It is very doubtful that these two close-minded individuals ever got the privilege of personally taking part in examining the remains of the unidentified animal themselves before declaring their professional, or should I say, not so professionally handled opinion much less an objective one.

Details of the remains that the two paleontologists interviewed by Earth Touch News did not mention were that the bones were hollow and possessed only three toes. [21] Mammals typically do not have hollow bones and Mustelids possess more than three toes on their limbs.

This author acquired copies of the images of both the mystery creature and the skeletons of a weasel and mongoose to be compared by readers to decide for themselves what they could be:

                                                                     Image A:
                                                                                                                 Photo credit:  International Business Times

Image A:  Remains of an unknown animal which appears to have a tail reptilian in nature, forelimbs shorter than its hind limbs, an S shaped neck and a narrow elongated skull.

                                                                     Image B:
                                                                         Photo Credit: Ghedoghedo, CC BY-SA 3.0, 

Image B:  Weasel skeleton; skull structure different from those in images A and C in that the face is flatter and back of the skull more pointed.

                                                                        Image C:
                                                  Photo credit: Polyoutis, CC BY-SA 4.0

Image C:  Is more similar to image A than B in skull structure but Image A has a longer neck than that of B or C, plus the heel bone of Image A appears longer than that of Image C.  Still the possibility of the unidentified creature being a mongoose or other similar creature cannot be ruled out, but so far, no word has come about on the actual identity of the animal.

Unfortunately, some of my fellow Young Earth Creationists, when this story broke, may have irresponsibly declared the unidentified remains as that of a dinosaur instead of waiting for more information to come out about its identity.  No word so far on the actual identity of the animal, but if it has not turned out to be anything significant, those who have hastily declared it to be a dinosaur will probably have been forced to print retractions.  It wouldn't be the first time either and such an irresponsible jump to conclusions only serves to damage the credibility of the YEC movement and with it, Christianity.  But if per chance it does turn out to be what it appears, then, as one source pointed out, [16] the implications of that would be huge.

But I foresee that a day may come that discoveries will be made that will force evolutionists to face the music; such discoveries will not be able to be denied or covered up and conventional ways of thinking will have to be abandoned whether they want to or not.

Already, there is a long list of discoveries made over the years that have thoroughly discredited their uniformitarian doctrine which teaches that fossils and geologic formations were produced over long periods of time rather than a short period of time and in spite of those discoveries, they persist in the systematic deception of the public in order to blind them to the reality that there is a God who made us and all life in the universe and before whom we will have to give an account one day when we stand before Him.

Our Creator has set a clear standard of right and wrong and we have all fallen short of that standard because we are born into a condition called sin which we have inherited from Adam, the first man that God created when he and his wife Eve, ate fruit from a tree called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (Gen. 2:16-17, chapter 3)  It was the only tree from which God told them not to eat from, but when they disobeyed, sin came into the world and was passed to all man and as a consequence, death upon man followed. (Rom. 5:12, 6:23)

At that same time, there also arose, because of sin, a separation between God and man because the sinless God cannot allow sin which defiles to be in His presence or His Kingdom, man is separated from God by that sin which, if man remains therein, condemns him to eternal torment because God, being good and Holy beyond what we envision as being good and holy, has no choice but to punish sin because a good God cannot allow evil to go unpunished, but because God also loves man and is merciful, He offers forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead so that we who place our trust in Him for the forgiveness of sins may be saved and restored to fellowship with our Maker.

End Notes:

1.  Rachel Bishop and Michael Havis, "Mysterious dinosaur-like creature discovered with flesh still on its bones leaves scientists baffled," Mirror, December 15, 2017

2.  Michael Havis, "Mystery as partially preserved corpse resembling a dinosaur is found with flesh still on its bones in India," Daily Mail, December 15, 2017

3.  "'Dinosaur' Corpse With Flesh Still On Bones Discovered," Unilad, December 15, 2017

4.  Patricia Grannum, "Dinosaur-Looking Animal Found With Flesh On Its Bones In India, And Scientists Are Puzzled," Inquisitr, December 15, 2017

5.  Michael Havis, "Jurassic Park for REAL: Scientists STUNNED to find DINOSAUR with flesh still intact," Daily Star, December 15, 2017

6.  Web Desk, "Mysterious dinosaur-like creature discovered with flesh still on its bones," Ary News, December 16, 2017

7.  "Dinosaur-Like Creature Found In Uttarakhand With Flesh Still On Its Bones,"
India Times, December 16, 2017

8.  News Nation Bureau, "OMG! DINOSAUR? Bizarre creature with flesh on bones found in Uttarkand, resembles a tiny dinosaur," News Nation, December 16, 2017

9.  "Scientists Stunned to Find Dinosaur With Flesh Still Intact," Weirdly Strange, December 16, 2017

10.  Hinakshi Bhatia, "DinoLike Creature With Flesh On Its Bones Found In Uttarakhand," Mensxp, December 16, 2017

11.  Jackson Rubem, "Find dinosaur with flesh and bones in a small town of India," Jackson Message, December 17, 2017

12.  India Today Web Desk, "An electrician from Uttarakhand found a dinosaur-like creature's corpse with attached flesh and it's freaking us out!" India Today, December 18, 2017

13.  Katie Serena, "Dinosaur-Like Animal Carcass Discovered With Flesh Seemingly Intact," 
All That's Interesting (ATI), December 18, 2017

14.  Matthew Loffhagen, "Scientists Baffled Over Half Preserved Dinosaur-Like Corpse Found In India," Outer places, December 21, 2017

15.  Raven, "Mysterious Creature Discovered In An Abandoned Electrical Substation,", December 23, 2017

16.  "Partially preserved 'dinosaur corpse' found in abandoned subway---still has flesh on its bones,"  Good Times, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, December 26, 2017

17.  David Moscato, "No, this 'mystery creature' is not a dinosaur," Earth Touch New, January 9, 2018

18.  Ibid

19.  Ibid

20.  Ibid

21.  Ivan, "Researchers find skeleton of supposed dinosaur with flesh still attached to its bones," Ancient Code,

Scripture references:

1.  Genesis 2:16-17

2.  Genesis 3

4.  Romans 5:12

5.  Romans 6:23

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