Sunday, November 10, 2019

Developments In Israel And Among The Jewish People That Could Be Precursors To Prophetic Fulfillment

There are two developments taking place within the nation of Israel and among the Jewish people that could very well be precursors to prophetic fulfillments.

The first development unfolding is that the so-called Palestinian movement is losing credibility; its lies becoming even more desperate with its current President, Mahmoud Abbas claiming that the so-called Palestinians are actually the biblical Canaanites, or descendants of the Canaanites in order to claim indigenous status.  [1-6] The Canaanites were a people whom God dispossessed of the promised land due to their wickedness and which was given over to the Israelites who are destined to be its permanent inheritors. (Ex. 32:13)

The last that is ever heard of the Canaanites or anyone of Canaanite descent was during the first century A.D. (Mt. 10:4, 15:22, Mk. 3:18)  Since that time, they have never been heard from again.  As far as history is concerned, the Canaanite peoples no longer exist.

In his address to the U.N., the lie of Mahmoud Abbas already fell apart from day one when Abbas claimed the Canaanites and Abraham as the forefathers of the Palestinians which was a self-sabotaging claim:

By the way, our Canaanite forefathers... The Torah says... and I do not want to go into history or geography... From the days of the Canaanites and to this day, [our forefathers] have not left this land. They were here before our patriarch Abraham. We were. Since before our patriarch Abraham..."[2]

The story did not garner much attention until 2019.

In order for a people to qualify as being indigenous, they would have to be the original inhabitants of the promised land from a historical and biblical standpoint, that was true of the Canaanite peoples, but not so of Abraham and his descendants.  The promised land was given over to the Israelites by divine decree.

If the so-called Palestinian peoples are descendants of Abraham, then they are no more indigenous to the land than the Jews are; in fact they are more foreign to the land than any Jew. Therefore, If Abbas hopes to convince anyone of his indigenous claim to the land of Israel, he cannot claim Abrahamic descent.

His claims become even more Preposterous.  According to a number of other sources, Abbas claimed that the promised land was inhabited 5,000 years ago by Arab-Canaanites [3, 4] but the Arabs did not even exist 5,000 years ago.  The great flood likely had not yet taken place (Gen. 6-8) which happened before Abraham was even born.

It gets even worse for Abbas in a dispute with Benjamin Netanyahu according to World Net Daily in which Abbas contradicted his Canaanite descent claim once again:

BIN reported Rabbi Yosef Dayan, a member of the Sanhedrin and a descendant of King David, reacted to Abbas' claim with humor.

BIN reported: "The rabbi related that the last time Prime Minister Netanyahu met with Abbas, he told him that he was willing to make concessions but first, he wanted to settle an old and outstanding debt between the Palestinians and the Jews. 'When Moses came down from Sinai, a Palestinian stole the stone tablets. We want them back. They are precious artifacts worth millions of dollars.' 'No,' Abbas retorted. 'We don't have them and we don't keep those laws. We weren't there.' 'Exactly,' Netanyahu countered. 'Now let's talk about whose land it really is.'" [4]

WND also pointed out, in citing Sanhedrin member Rabbi Yosef Dayan, that if Israelis were to accept the latest claims by Abbas, the Jews would have to drive the Palestinian people out of the land as commanded in the Torah. [5] Is Mahmoud Abbas so blind to the implications of his Canaanite claim?

The Palestinians have yet to show any historical claim to the land of Israel but there is more than enough scriptural and historical evidence on the side of the Jews to show that the land of promise is rightfully theirs by divine decree.

And what is there to set the Palestinian people apart from the rest of the Arab world?  They adhere to the same religion, speak the same language, and abide in similar traditions and customs.  Furthermore, Arabs have not had a significant presence in the Holy Land until the sixth century A.D.

And now, the latest Palestinian lie is far less convincing than even the first.  An even lesser known development that ought to kill the Palestinian movement for sovereign statehood is that two reports have surfaced claiming that a vast majority of Arabs in Israel may actually be of Jewish descent. [8-9]

MEMRI had reported that Mahmoud Abbas claimed that David Ben-Gurion, a leading figure in the Zionist movement, hated Arabs and that due to this alleged prejudice, did not want to bring Jews residing Arab nations into the land of Israel [6] but whether Ben-Gurion held such a prejudice, this author does not know and is irrelevant since such prejudice does not reflect the attitude of the present generation of Israelis.  According to some sources, it is likely that Ben Gurion did not hold the intense prejudice against Arabs as claimed by Abbas, [8, 9] at least not to the point of shunning Arabs of Jewish descent.

Also, an Israeli organization has been actively seeking out those of Jewish descent amongst the Arab nations and populations in order to convince them to return to Judaism, and is not opposed to Arabs of Jewish descent relocating to Israel despite stating that relocating them is not their objective; [7] a far cry from the claims of intense hatred by Jews towards Arabs made by Abbas.

But what may be the most shocking revelation of all is that a high number of Palestinians, including members of the Palestinian leadership have a Jewish background. [9] It is not a subject openly discussed amongst Palestinians yet ought to render a two-state solution pointless.  All it would take would be for enough people amongst the Palestinians to have enough courage to demand that an open discussion of Jewish ancestry and what it means for them to take place which in turn might lead to the abandonment of the two-state solution and a religion that demands the death of Jews.

If that were to be the case, it would make way for a number of prophetic fulfillments to take place such as the building of another Jewish Temple, the conditions set for the battle of Gog in which Gog and the nations joining him in their attempt to pillage and destroy Israel are overwhelmingly defeated by an act of God who will intervene on Israel's behalf and deliver her from the invading nations. (Ezek. 38-39)

Such an event would serve as a final testimony and warning to an unbelieving world for it is written by what happens to Gog and the nations who join him in their attempted invasion of Israel, the entire world will know that there is a God in Heaven (Ezek. 38:23) by whose hand the entire universe and everything therein was created and that they will have to stand before their Maker one day to give an account for everything that they have done in this present life.

That forthcoming event may very well serve as a final effort to convince the world to turn away from its sins and to embrace the God by whose death and resurrection the forgiveness of sins has been made possible but sadly, there will still be many who will refuse to heed that final warning and will be subject to endure the worst time in history to come upon this world; a time so terrible that our Lord has said that except that those days be shortened, all life will be destroyed. (Mt. 24:22)

The sin of this present world will eventually reach that measure that will subject it to a period of judgment and wrath unless it turns from its wickedness and embraces the Savior who has constantly stretched out His hands in love to offer forgiveness and mercy to any who will repent and place their trust in Him alone for salvation and no other name nor in their own righteousness because the righteousness of man falls short because of the ongoing presence of sin in him and no other name has the power to grant the salvation that can only come through Christ Jesus who gave Himself over to pay the demanded and required penalty for our sins so that we by placing our trust in Him would be saved.

And in speaking of the hope of salvation that can only come through Christ, a paradigm shift is beginning to take place amongst some Jewish people in that one fifth of American Jews believe that Jesus came as God in the flesh [10-23] and is the Son of God. [15-18, 21, 23] A third, however, believe that Jesus was simply a spiritual leader and a rabbi, but not God. [10-23]

This increasing openness towards the Gospel is the next development that this post seeks to cover and it has been this very development that has gained far more attention than the previous developments mentioned.

One fifth of an entire generation of Jews may not seem like large number, but it is a larger number than that of previous generations and that is what makes it significant, but there are other religions to which Jewish millennials are reported to be open to considering besides Christianity.  While previous generations have considered the practice of Judaism as being a prerequisite to being a Jew, millennial Jews do not believe that adherence to Judaism in and of itself makes them Jewish, but rather believe that it is their lineage that makes them Jewish.  They take pride in their Jewish identity and the vast majority Jewish millennials consider themselves to be religious Jews, but they do not believe that adherence to other faiths, including Christianity, disqualifies anyone from being a Jew. [10-20]  They are also much more open to interracial marriages than Jews of previous generations and more tolerant of multiculturalism and pluralism. [10-14, 19]

A website called True Free Thinker said that traditionally, what has constituted as being Jewish has been viewed in three-fold way:

Much like many other “religions” such as Catholicism, Islam, et al., Judaism, or being Jewish, is viewed in a threefold way: 1) theology, 2) genetics, 3) culture/family. Thus, one can be Jewish whilst only embracing any one or two of these—hence secular Jews, for example. [22]

And while the above may be true concerning Jewish identity, as far as the Jewish point of view has been concerned, it must be noted that it is not true with religions such as Islam or Catholicism since one can only be considered a Muslim or Catholic if they embrace the theology of that religion but what sets Jewish millennials apart from the Jews of previous generations is that adherence to Jewish theology is not a prerequisite to being a Jew, but that Jewish identity goes beyond any particular religion, whereas Jews of previous generations have placed much more emphasis on the observance of Judaism as being a definer of one who identifies as Jewish.

A majority of Jewish millennials also say that God is a God of love [10-14] with a third of them claiming that He wants a personal relationship with mankind. [10-19]

Now whether or not this paradigm shift amongst American Jewish millennials is reflecting any paradigm shift amongst Jews of the same generation throughout the rest of the world is not known, but if it is, then what we are witnessing is a slow and gradual opening of the eyes of the Jewish people to the truth of the Gospel, but that does not mean that a nationwide repentance in Israel is underway just yet.  Scripture says that a general repentance amongst the Jews will not take place until the forthcoming tribulation. (Zech. 12)

The book of Revelation in chapter 11 paints a very grim picture of the city of Jerusalem which is at that time compared to the immoral city of Sodom and the idolatrous Egypt. Whether this is going to be reflective of the attitude of all Jews throughout the world at that time is not known, but it just goes to show that at that time, Jerusalem will have descended into immorality and will have opened itself up to all kinds of religious and spiritual faiths, but it is not until a series of events that take place (Rev. 11:11-13) that we finally see a turning point in the spiritual state of the nation of Israel in which the fear of God will enter into the inhabitants of Jerusalem that causes them to give glory to God.

Whether or not the upcoming generation of Jews in America spearheads a long hoped for and awaited Great Awakening in America remains to be seen, but regardless of whether or not you are a Jew or Gentile, the long desired third Great Awakening does not begin with political leadership, any political party, an academic institution, a renown entertainment figure, a best selling book, movie, or music album, any particular group of people, or even a church.

That Great Awakening begins inside each and every one of us first by prayer and following the guidance of Christ according to the role, gifts, talents, and callings He has placed in each and everyone of us and it is the kind of Awakening that does not begin with outward superficial changes, but it is one that begins inwardly and manifests itself outwardly and this is the kind of Great Awakening we need:

1.  A return to the purity of the Gospel.

2.  Unwavering trust in the authority of scripture.

3.  A renewed commitment to diligent study of the scriptures and to the teaching of the full counsel thereof.

4.  A revived vigilance of preserving sound doctrine within our members.

5.  A return to holding accountable members for things said a done contrary to the doctrines of our faith and if necessary, purging ourselves of those among us who refuse to repent of sins harbored in their lives and of the preaching and propagation of things contrary to scripture.

6.  Heavy investment in apologetics (making the best, rational, and reason-based defense for our faith including presenting any necessary historical, scientific, and archaeological evidence for our faith)

7.  An unwavering zeal for our Lord and a determination to preach the Gospel to as many as will hear.

8.  Steadfast faith and unwavering courage in the face of hostility, persecution and rejection

9.  Dedicating ourselves to setting our sights on those things heavenly and eternal instead of the temporal things of this world.

10. Knowing our adversary is and making ourselves ready for his attacks, resolving not to underestimate the power and resources of the evil forces at work while retaining our hope in the everlasting victory we have in Christ who will one day vanquish all evil.

Anything that does not include the above is not the product of a Great Awakening, but the product of a Great Apostasy.

End Notes:

1.  Max Gelber, "Another Abbas Lie:  Palestinians are the Real Canaanites," United With Israel, March 27, 2017

2.  "Palestinian Authority President Abbas: 'This Has Been Our Land Since... The Canaanites'; Since Cromwell, Israel Has Been 'A Colonialist Enterprise' Unconnected With Judaism; 'We Won't Accept America As Mediator With Israel'; PLO Must 'Reexamine The Agreements' With Israel," MEMRI, January 16, 2018

3.  David Rosenburg, "Abbas to UN: 'We are the Canaanites,'" Arutz Sheva 7 (Israel National News), February 2, 2018

4.  WND Staff, "Surprise! Look who claims 'We are Canaanites," World Net Daily, August 18, 2019

5.  Ibid

6.  MEMRI, Ibid

7.  Mordechai Goldman; Al Monitor, "Israeli group searches for Arabs with Jewish Ancestors," IsraPundit

8.  Hillel Fendel, "Jewish-Roots Arabs in Israel," September 8, 2009

9.  Adam Eliyahu, "Palestinian Terrorism's Jewish Roots," Breaking Israel News, March 26, 2019

10.  Ben Sales, JTA, "Jews for Jesus Study says Jewish Millennials Are Religious---But Not Affiliated,"

11.  Ben Sales, JTA, "Jews for Jesus commissioned a study on Jewish millennials.  Here's what it found," 

12.  Ben Sales, JTA, "Jews for Jesus poll: 1/5 of Jewish millennials believe Christ was God," 

13.  JTA, "Study: One-fifth of Jewish millennials believe Jesus is the son of God," November 1, 2017

14.  External Source, "Study: One-Fifth of Jewish Millennials Believe Jesus Is The Son of God," 

15.  John Waage, "Survey: 1 in 5 US Jewish Millennials Believe Jesus Is Son of God," CBN, November 1 2017

16.  John Waage; CBN, "1 in 5 Jewish Millennials Believe Jesus Is the Son of God," 

17.  CBN; Admin, "Survey: 1 in 5 US Jewish millennials believe Jesus is son of God," Gateway News, November 2, 2017

18.  John Waage; CBN, "1 in 5 US Jewish Millennials Believes Jesus Is the Son of God," 

19.  "Study:  One-Fifth Of Jewish Millennials Believe That Jesus Is The Son Of God," 

20.  Dean Smith, "Poll: Jewish Millennials express an unusual interest in Christ,", November 3, 2017

21.  Veronica Neffinger, "Survey: 1 in 5 Jewish Millennials Believe Jesus is the Son of God," 

22.  "Growing number of Jewish millennials believe Jesus is the son of God," True Free Thinker

23.  CM Contributor, "Survey: 1 in 5 Jewish Millennials Believes Jesus is the Son of God," 

Scripture references:

1.  Exodus 32:13

2.  Matthew 10:4

3.  Matthew 15:22

4.  Mark 3:18

5.  Genesis chapters 6-8

6.  Ezekiel chapters 38-39

7.  Ezekiel 38:23

8.  Matthew 24:23

9.  Zechariah 12

10.  Revelation 11:11-13

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