Monday, February 24, 2020

Can't Have Your Cake And Eat It Too

It seems that cases of sexual harassment and sexual assault have become so rampant in the entertainment industry that the Actors Union in that they have issued some rules intended to combat sexual harassment when filming sex-scenes.  The easiest solution would be to get out of the business of filming and performing sex scenes yet instead, actors and producers think that they can somehow minimize victimizations by unwanted sexual advances and maintain an industry that promotes sexual immorality and invokes lustful fantasies.

Women involved in this kind of undignified business have been known to protest and cry against sexual harassment and objectification while justifying their participation in the porn industry and other related venues as a form of art. 

They will say that how they dress and their participation in pornographic activity is no license for men to initiate or persist in behavior towards them that they may not wish to reciprocate and while there is no argument against that and though no one is saying that women who are involved in performing sex scenes for a film or who give themselves over to posing on a magazine cover with either little or no clothing, or who simply choose to wear less than modest apparel and behave in a lewd fashion are looking to be sexually victimized, the truth of the matter is that such behavior on the part of women does heighten the risk of being victimized, whether they want it to or not.

What women and even girls need to understand is that how they do dress and present themselves does invoke certain feelings and sensualities within men and while many men may choose not to act on what they are feeling, not all men can be expected to exhibit that kind of self-control and some will even justify their unwanted and inappropriate behavior towards women on the basis of her wearing certain apparel or behaving in an immodest and lewd fashion.

Granted that there is no justification for a man to simply impose himself upon a woman just because she is dressing or behaving in a certain way, women who continue to dress immodestly and involve themselves in activities promoting lewdness and immorality are inviting trouble and unwanted attention to themselves that they otherwise could avoid and in this case, they are acting no differently than the family leaving on a vacation who neglect to set their security alarm and lock all the doors to their home and expects that it will not be robbed, or the woman who carelessly leaves her purse on the park and expects that it will not be stolen or rifled through, or the man who thinks he can leave his car unlocked and expect that no one is going to hotwire it and steal it.

The family who leaves their house unlocked and unsecured may not be asking for it to be burglarized.  The woman who leaves her purse on the park bench may not be asking for it to be stolen.  And the man who leaves his car unlocked may not be asking for anyone to steal it.

But there is no doubt that if proper measures are taken in each of these cases that the chances of victimization are greatly reduced.

It seems that whenever it comes to sexual exploitation and objectification that men are always to blame and while there are things that men can do on their part to minimize the strength of the lustful passions within them that might lead them to do things they ought not be doing, almost nothing is ever discussed about what women on their part can do to not feed the lustful passions within men any more than what they already receive.

While men can minimize their hormonal sensualities by avoiding strip clubs, staying away from any pornography, adjusting the content filters on their computers to block sexual content, looking the other way when a woman in revealing clothing crosses his path, and abstain from watching movies and television programming with strong sexual content, there are things that women can do to not feed or strengthen the inward lusts within men that may raise the risk of victimization:

1.  Wear modest clothing.

2.  Avoid anything having to do with the porn industry.

3.  If pursuing an acting career, refuse to do any sex scenes and pursue only those venues and roles where such is not required.

4.  Avoid posting any lewd or immodest images of themselves on the internet or anywhere for that matter.

As I said in a previous post, there are inevitable consequences to our behavior.  And just like the last post, I can only expect howls and wails of protest, shaming, and name-calling from women objecting to the content of this post only because they refuse to take personal responsibility for their actions and accept the consequences for how they choose to behave and what they decide to do with their lives, but this I said ahead of time to any who object:  “You can’t have your cake eat it too.”

Meaning, you cannot do whatever it is you please and demand to be free from the consequences thereof because there is a God in Heaven who has established boundaries, moral laws, and precepts for our own good and to shield us from those things that will inevitably result in our hurt and destruction, but if we reject His standards, we will bring hurt, heartache, and destruction upon ourselves that we otherwise could have avoided.

But we are all by way of an inherently corrupted nature, rebellious and naturally resent and reject any kind of boundaries or limits regardless of who they are set by.  Obedience does not come to us naturally, but is something that we have to be taught and conditioned towards.  Before sin entered into us by way of Adam and Eve who were the first people to have lived and from whom we are all descended, man was created for fellowship with his Maker and to do the things pleasing in His sight, but when he ate fruit from a certain tree that he was told by God not to eat from, (Gen. 2:16-17) sin entered into him and from Adam, we have inherited in us a sinful nature (Rom. 5:12) and therefore, even when we try to do that which is good and right in eyes of our Creator, we are always falling short of His moral standard which is perfection.  The moral standard of God demands that we be perfect, not just in our actions, but in our speech, thoughts, and motives and even the smallest fault in that is enough to disqualify us from entering into His presence and into His Kingdom because that which is pure and holy cannot dwell with that which is profane and impure and that is what sin has made us in the sight of that which is without sin.

For they who die in unrepentant sin, there is only one destination for them and that is a place of unimaginable eternal torment called Hell where they will also spend eternity away from their Maker because every sin committed requires punishment because that which is evil and wicked in the sight of God must face justice, but our Creator is not only a God of justice, but He is also a God of love which is why He desires to show mercy to all and to forgive sins which is why Jesus Christ came into the world as God in the flesh (Jn. 1) to die on the cross for our sins and be raised from the dead so that anyone who will believe on Him for salvation will not face eternal damnation, but be granted salvation and eternal life.

It is in Christ that both the demand for justice and need for mercy and forgiveness of sins were satisfied and by whom redemption has been made possible for anyone willing to turn away from their sins and call upon Him for the forgiveness of sins that grants us salvation and eternal life.

If you are not sure what to say, here is an example of a prayer you can pray:

"Lord Jesus I need you.
I realize that I am a sinner
who has fallen short of the glory of God
and that my goodness falls short
of His standard of Moral perfection.

Please forgive me of all of my sins.
Come into my heart and into my life 
to be the Savior and Lord of my life.
Make me into the servant and follower
that you want me to be.

In your name Lord Jesus, I pray.


The Lord is not concerned with the words that you use as but only with the attitude and sincerity within your heart and if you have, with all sincerity, have asked Him to forgive you of your sins and to be your Savior and Lord, you are already saved and will one day spend eternity with Him forever.

End Notes:

Associated Press, “Actors' union issues new rules for sex scenes with 'intimacy coordinators,'”
Fox News, January 29, 2020

Scripture references:

1.  Genesis 2:16-17

2.  Romans 5:12

3.  John 1

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