Sunday, August 9, 2020

Christ, Not the U.N., BLM, ANTIFA, Or Any Social Justice Cause, Is The Cure To Racism.


In response to the riots which were sparked by ANTIFA/BLM operatives in late May by the killing of suspected criminal George Floyd and the Trump administrations declaration of ANTIFA as a domestic terrorist organization, the U.N. declared that it would launch an investigation into alleged “systematic” racism within the U.S. federal government and American law enforcement agencies in an effort to address so-called human rights violations against rioters. [1, 2]

Never mind the fact the U.N. has not investigated or confronted members like North Korea, China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Cuba, and others whose human rights violations exceed that of anything human rights abuses committed by America in many decades, and granted that there are shameful events in America’s history that hopefully and prayerfully will never be repeated again, America has done much more to prevent human rights abuses and to rectify the injustices committed within its ranks than many other countries in the world.

We have abolished slavery and segregation and have passed legislation to ensure that the rights people of every skin color and ethnicity guaranteed to us by the Constitution are protected.  We have even passed “hate crime” legislation to combat racially motivated violence and crimes thus giving victims of racial injustice and discrimination laws and Constitutional amendments to which they can appeal if they should ever suspect that any evil done against them may have been racially motivated, so what more can possibly done politically that has not already been done? 

Exactly what does the U.N. propose to do that America has not already done to solve “systematic racism?”  It’s members should remove the beams out of their own eyes before they quibble about the specks in the eyes of others and yet even if members over whom rule notoriously oppressive regimes were held accountable for their wickedness, anything proposed by the U.N. or any other entity in whom trust has been placed to address the present injustices and hardships of the world will at best only address the manifest symptoms and behaviors of the evils that we see in America and throughout the world but will never address the root cause of them which is a spiritual inward problem that resides in every human being which no superficial means will be able to remedy.

While measures have been taken to discourage and restrain racially motivated injustices, crimes, and violence, racism, like any other evil, will never disappear entirely because it is a way of thinking and an attitude of the heart that must be changed within those who adhere to such shameful and reprehensible ideologies and attitudes and the only way that can happen is a transformation of the heart and mind which is only made possible through the transforming of the spirit brought about by submitting to the God who made all men, and made them all equal, recognizing that we have all sinned in some way and have fallen short of His glory, (Rom. 3:23) being that standard of moral perfection that we are all measured by but fail to obtain because of sin which does not just manifest itself in outward behavior and words that are spoken, but is also the warped and corrupted condition of our very nature that we have all inherited from Adam, the first man, because we all descend from him.

Before the sin of man, there was no evil, death, or suffering of any kind in the world but when Adam and his wife Eve disobeyed God by eating the fruit of a certain tree that they were told not to eat from lest they die (Gen. 2:16-17, and chapter 3), death came to them as a consequence of their disobedience, and into them entered sin which corrupted their nature and thus ended the personal and direct fellowship that they once had with their Creator.  As a result of sin entering into Adam and Eve, death came to them and to all who descend from them (Rom. 5:12) and the reason why death comes to all of mankind due to Adam’s sin is because is because we inherit Adam’s sin; not at all to say that we sin in the same way that Adam did, but we sin in ways of our own, and the sentence is the same for us as it was for Adam, but worse than the bodily death is that our sin separates us from our Maker, bringing also a spiritual death because the God who is without sin cannot allow in His presence that which is stained with sin and the Kingdom that is pure cannot allow into it that which is corrupt and therefore the only remedy for sin is punishment and that punishment for sin is great and they who die in their sins have nothing to look forward to except a dreadful and terrifying everlasting judgment for it must needs be that the God who is good must punish that which is evil in His sight for if sin be not punished, then God can neither be good nor holy because that which is good cannot suffer any evil persist where it dwells, but that same God who in His Holiness must meet the demands of justice is also a God of love and mercy which is why He has provided a remedy for our sin if we will but turn away from our sin and receive that remedy which is provided in Christ Jesus who offered Himself up to death on the cross in order that we who will turn to Him for forgiveness may be cleansed of our sins and granted entry into the Heavenly Kingdom, thus being saved from what would otherwise be an eternity of damnation and unimaginable torment.

Not only are our souls cleansed and released from condemnation, but one day, our bodies also will be liberated from death (1 Cor. 15:51-55, 1 Thess. 4:13-18) and after that, God will do away with this present world and all the evil therein, and set in its place a new and better world wherein all tears are wiped away, and wherein there is no sin, no evil, death, suffering, or anything that causes pain (Rev. 21-22) but will be according to God’s perfect design and desire.

Those former things that we presently contend with will be judged and done away with and they who persist in walking in them will be done away with as well.  Of one blood did God make all nations skin colors, and lineages (Acts 17:26) and for all people did He die and raise again from the dead, and by one law are all people governed (Num. 15:15-16) and all will be judged by the same standard and each will receive the judgment that is in accordance with their deeds be they good or bad, and to all people is the same plan of salvation applied and if we would but embrace the Savior and allow our minds and hearts to be conformed to His desire, we will no longer desire to continue in those things that we know displease Him, but we will want to honor Him in every way we can and in all that we do and to do those things that are pleasing in His sight.

It is then that we will no longer desire to harbor hatred or prejudice in our hearts towards others on the basis of their past, skin color, ethnicity, gender, or lineage.  No longer should we desire to judge others on the basis of their appearance, but by their very character which is demonstrated by the things that they say and do. 

Anything apart from the offer of redemption of our Savior who is able to transform the hearts, minds, and souls of those who call upon His name for forgiveness will fail to end racism and other forms of prejudice and hatred because “racism” begins within the heart and mind and it takes a transformed spirit to purge one of a racist attitude.  Legislation can only control “racist” behavior but can never eliminate it.  Demanding reparations from this present generation for the sins of past generations would only be an injustice to punish the children for the sins of their forefathers. (Deut. 24:16, Ezek.  18:1-24) If there were to have been reparations, they should have been demanded of those who had committed the offense in those past generations but because those previous generations have passed, that time is past.  Instead, let the children be punished for their own wrongdoings.  Defunding and abolishing the police will not put an end to racism.  In fact that will create a host of other problems and solve none.

The only thing we can do is hold accountable within the ranks of law enforcement those found committing injustices and that begins at the local level.  When that is done, the institutions established to maintain civic order in society will be able to regain public trust and carry out the purposes for which they were originally established and intended.

A civil rights movement can only bring awareness to racial problems and call for a correction of injustices, but will, in and of itself never be able to change hearts and minds; not if it does not preach the Gospel of repentance in Christ.  Racism will never be remedied merely by any law enforcement agency, education establishment, campaign effort, political party, or, much less, the U.N. which has clearly sold itself to a wicked spirit destined to bear rule over the entire earth for a brief time due to the world at large rejecting that very remedy that requires change within the life of every person.  It is a remedy that calls on us to turn away from those things that breed and perpetuate racism.  It is a remedy that rebukes pride and self-righteousness, challenges everything we have trusted to be true, and exposes evils to which we were once blinded. 

It is also a remedy that calls upon people to turn away from their sin and evil and away from all things that displease their Maker, to humble themselves before Him, to receive the redemption that He has provided for them in Christ Jesus who died for them and rose from the dead, to reject the lies that they had once adhered to and to commit themselves to walking in His truth only, to set their sights on the affairs of the Kingdom of God which lasts forever rather than the affairs of this world which will one day pass away, and to strive for the everlasting rewards of Heaven rather than the treasures of this earth which we will not carry with us.

But because men will come to prefer the darkness of Satan rather than the light of God, the pleasures of sin rather than holiness, to walk in the lies of the adversary of our souls rather than the truth of God, and because they refuse to humble themselves and confess that they fall short of God’s standard of moral perfection and that they need a redeemer to take away their sins and instead look to their own righteousness, they will embrace a man who will affirm their every vice, promise them a peace that will not last, and a prosperity that will cost them their very soul for all eternity.

But it is that rejected remedy to the racism we say we condemn that requires us to turn to the God who made all men in his image, and who calls all men to repent of their sins and call upon the name of Christ who died for our sins for the forgiveness of sins, and give ourselves over to Him who is able to change a heart of hate and prejudice to a heart of love and impartiality.  Anything apart from that is destined for failure and worse, will create more problems that what will actually be solved because the root and foundational cause of racism, just as is the case with any other kind of sin, evil, and injustice is a spiritual problem; a problem of the inward man.  Once that is dealt with, it is only then we will see the outward symptoms diminish.  They may not disappear entirely, but if all people would come to embrace the God who made them in His image, the evils that we see today would be far less than they are now, but if we continue to reject that remedy divinely prescribed, then the darkness and wicked of this world will only continue to increase.

It is not just white people who need to repent of racism, but black people, Hispanics, Native Americans, and anyone else who, for whatever the reasons may be, is harboring such a hateful and shameful attitude. The reasons for racism may vary.  Feelings of racial superiority can be one cause. Assumed merit of an entire people based upon the actions of wicked members of that people may be another.  And unforgiveness on the part of the wronged towards those who have wronged them in spite of all that has been done by the offending party to rectify the injustices can be another cause for racism but regardless of the reasons, such harbored attitudes, regardless of the justification for such, will face punishment on the day of judgment and it does not matter whether or not anyone harboring prejudice of any sort calls themselves a follower of Christ or not.  Such evils have no place in the Kingdom of God nor in the presence of a God who created all men equal which is why any professing Christians who harbor such attitudes need to repent because “racism” of any sort is not of the Spirit of God who is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34) and if God is no respecter of persons, then neither are we to be, for all men are subjected to one standard and to one plan of redemption for how can we call ourselves followers of Christ if we do not demonstrate the love and mercy of Christ to all people regardless of lineage, gender, skin-color, ethnicity, and nationality for to all people are we commanded to go and preach the good news of redemption (Mt. 28:18-20, Mk. 16:15-16) and to all people are we to teach the same doctrine, the same creed, the same faith, and the same baptism, and the same scriptures because in Heaven, we will not be divided into white, black, brown, red, yellow, male, female, Jewish, Gentile, or into any other factions because we will all be one in Christ and the light of Christ will shine all the more brightly in this dark world of evil and unbelief if we would but unite together under the banner of Christ and under those very precepts, virtues, morals, laws, and doctrines given to us by the God who redeemed us, while not allowing anything apart from the truth of God to divide us.

Man may show favoritism, but God shows none but subjects all people to the same set of standards and plan of salvation. Man may hold prejudices, but God judges without partiality.  Man may look on the outward appearance but God looks upon the heart.  Man may hold your past against you, but God is only concerned with what the attitude of our hearts are presently.

Today, He is calling on all people everywhere to repent of their sins, offering mercy and forgiveness to all who will.  If you have not yet received Christ as your Savior and Lord and feel the Holy Spirit urging you to turn away from your sins and to give yourself over to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords who created you and who bought the redemption He offers you by His blood shed upon the cross for you, then I strongly implore you to delay no longer.  For as it is written, today is the day of salvation. (2 Cor. 6:2)  There is no guarantee of tomorrow for anyone.  Our lives could be demanded of us at any moment and after that, the judgment.

If you desire to ask Christ into your heart and are not sure what to pray, here is an example of what to say:


"Lord Jesus I need you.

I realize that I am a sinner
who has fallen short of the glory of God
and that my goodness falls short
of His standard of Moral perfection.

Please forgive me of all of my sins.
Come into my heart and into my life
to be the Savior and Lord of my life.
Make me into the servant and follower
that you want me to be.

In your name Lord Jesus, I pray.



Know that God is not concerned with the words that you use to call upon Him forgiveness, but with the attitude of your heart and if you have, with all sincerity, have asked Christ to forgive you of your sins, placing your trust in Him only for your salvation and in nothing else, then your sins are forgiven and your place in Heaven is certain.

End Notes:


1.  David Kamioner, “U.N. examines alleged U.S. racism, ignores own members,”  LifeZette, June 17, 2020                  

 2.  David Kamioner; LifeZette, “Report: The United Nations Just Launched an Official Investigation Into “U.S. Racism”                                           Wayne Dupree, June 17, 2020                                                                                                                                                     


 Scripture references:


1.  Romans 3:23

 2.  Genesis 2:16-17

 3.  Genesis 3

 4.  Romans 5:12

 5.  1 Corinthians 15:51-55

 6.  1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

7.  Revelation 21-22

8.  Acts 17:26

9.  Numbers 15:15-16

10.  Deuteronomy 24:16

11.  Ezekiel 18:1-24

12.  Acts 10:34

13.  Matthew 28:18-20

14.  Mark 16:15-16

15.  2 Corinthians 6:2



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