Wednesday, December 16, 2020

What The Bible Says About The New World Order So-Called

There has been a lot of speculation about what kind of a political and economic system that the coming New World Order will be.  Some claim it will be a left-wing Communistic system.  Others have claimed that it may be dominated by the religion of Islam.  And there are those, such as the writer of the featured news item in the end notes section, who believe it will possess both Capitalistic and Communistic elements. [1]
Personally, I believe that it will be a system that will incorporate elements from every political, religious, and economic system that there ever has been.  It will not simply be an Islamic, atheistic or Communistic system.
The spirit behind this coming power has spent thousands of years experimenting with every religious, philosophical, political, and economic system that there ever has been and he knows very well that no single system is going to win the world over at large.
That is why he will most likely build the system on the what will appear to be the most beneficial and unifying elements of every system that has existed while discarding any elements that might disrupt that unity.
So to claim that it is going to be one kind of system or another is not that simple.  There has also been a lot of speculation as to how it will arise; any of a number of things which may or may not happen.  Whether it will be by a way of a crisis of their making or an unanticipated crisis that they might exploit to their own ends, we do not know.  Events leading to its establishment may be events that we have not even thought of and unanticipated even by our world leaders.
But one thing for certain is that scripture has foretold of a power that will take control of the entire earth for a brief time and by a careful study of scripture, here is what we can know for certain about it; sensationalism and speculation aside.
1.  The power structure 
It will consist of ten kings. It will be a conglomeration of the powers that came before it. Other passages of scripture depict this power as a beast with seven head and ten horns.  It may very well be possible that this governing power will start out as a ten-nation power but then three of them will merge into one.  It is also possible that the coming one world government will consist of seven nations and ten kings; three of whom just happen to rule over one that happens to be too vast for one king to manage.
One thing to take note of is that power represented by a multi-headed or multi-horned figure is not a centralized power but one in which different autonomous or sovereign entities share power but do not necessarily rule over one another.  They may also share a common language, culture, heritage, and a common political and economic system.
Three such examples are the four-headed beast, (Dan. 7:6) the ram, and the goat after his one horn is divided up into four horns. (Dan. 8)  I am not going to get into what powers the beasts preceding the coming global empire may be, but the ram clearly was representative of the Medo-Persian empire.  The Medes and Persians shared a common culture and heritage and shared power but never ruled over one another albeit the Persians were the more dominant power.
The Greek empire did start out as being centralized in one nation and under one authority whom we know to be Alexander the Great, but after his death, his empire was divided up between four of his generals who all became sovereign rulers over their respective territories; two of whom constantly warred with one another (Egypt and Syria)
The power represented by the Beast will also start out as being a decentralized power with power being shared by multiple sovereign entities but who will later give their power over to another who, according to the prophet Daniel, who will take his place among three of them.  At some point, he will displace three of these kings and take all power to himself.  At that point, all power will clearly be centralized in one man whom we know to be the Anti-Christ.
This coming power will be unmatched by any other earthly power; all other nations and kingdoms will be subdued and made subject to it (Dan. 7:7, Rev. 13:7) and yet will be unstable within itself (Dan. 2:41-43) making clear that not all those who are brought under this power will necessarily align themselves with it for the same reasons or necessarily be in agreement on what kind of a system they want this one world government to be and due to such disagreements, there may be power struggles from within which is why if we should see the foretold one world government manifest itself before the revealing of the Anti-Christ, it still may not be able to succeed in implementing all that it desires, nor will it succeed in bringing about the peace and unity it promises. The only one who will be able to do all according to his will and virtually without fail will be that man of lawlessness when he is revealed and assumes control. (Dan. 7:25, 8:12, 24-25, 11:36, 39)
It is this man who is destined to succeed where even the ten other kings who appear to come shortly before him will probably have failed or were not allowed to do, but what is interesting is that while the ten kings are depicted as being made manifest before the Anti-Christ is revealed, (Dan. 7:7-8, 24) they do not receive their power until he has arrived (Rev. 17:12) but will later turn their power over to him. (Rev. 17:13)
2. Policies that will be enacted
Apart from what the Bible tells us, there is no telling what all of the policies will be that will be enacted and enforced under the coming one world government.
Will there be a global military?  Obviously.
A one world currency?  Necessary to control the world economy
and that of every nation it will rule, so without a doubt.  Will there be a universal language? Most likely.  An end to borders?  When all power is delivered over to the anti-Christ, (Rev. 17:13) we know that they will disappear entirely.
3.  Does the Bible foretell a cashless society?  What will the global economy be like?
I know that it has been commonly believed and even insisted upon that a cashless society would be required for a global currency to be established and for the Mark of the Beast to be implemented, but there is nothing in scripture that indicates that a cashless society will be required for this to happen.
There will still be buying and selling in that wicked kingdom provided that certain conditions are met. (Rev. 13:17)  In order to buy, you have to have money and in order to sell, you have to own something to sell.  If the Anti-Christ government is supposed to be a Communist form of government in the sense that we understand, then how is it that there will be buying and selling taking place then?  How can you sell what you cannot own?  How can you buy anything when the government is taking all of your money from you?
In order for the Mark of the Beast to be implemented and enforced, all that would have to be done would be to set things in such a way so as to make debit and credit cards obsolete and make it impossible for you to withdraw your cash from an ATM without the mark no matter how deep your pockets are.
If push comes to shove, even if you could withdraw cash, a merchant or service provider could just simply refuse you service, business, and your money.
For further proof of an existing private sector when Christ returns, the eighteenth chapter of Revelation (Rev. 18:15-19) foretells the mourning of the destruction of Babylon which will be serving as the economic center of the world in that day and it won’t be just political leaders who will mourn its destruction, but it will be merchants and traders as well; merchants and traders are not civic rulers.
4.  It will be an evil regime at enmity with God
The evil and destruction done under the rule of the Anti-Christ will be carried out at levels unprecedented and likely at measures never seen before in the entire history of mankind.  Every rival power or anyone attempting to make war against him, regardless of religious, philosophical, political, or economic persuasion will be soundly and decisively defeated (Dan. 7:4, 23, 8:25, 11:36-45, Rev. 13:4) and the saints who are saved during the reign of the Beast will, starting half way into his reign, experience relentless persecution all over the world and likely at a severity never before seen. (Dan. 7:21, 25, 8:24, Rev. 13:7)
He will attempt to usurp the Temple of God in Israel by declaring himself to be God and demanding that he be worshipped by all as such, (Dan. 11:36-39, 2 Thess. 2:3-4) under pain of death (Rev. 13:15), even exalting himself against Christ and everyone aligned with Him. (Dan.7 :25, 11:36, Rev. 13:1, 5-6, 17:3)
It will also be a season during which everyone will have to make a choice between pro-longing their life or saving their soul as he will require all people on the earth to take a mark bearing his name and number in order to survive but it will be a Mark that will cost anyone who takes it, their very soul and their life anyway.
The good news is that the reign of the Beast will not last long and he will meet his end, (Dan. 7:11, 26, 11:45) but not by any earthly power, but by our returning King and the saints returning with Him (Dan. 7:11, Thess. 2:8, Jude 14-15, Rev. 17:8, chapter 19)
5.  After the destruction of the Beast
In that day, all surviving peoples who have not worshipped the Beast nor taken his Mark will be allowed to enter into the Kingdom that Christ will set up on the earth.  It will be an age where righteousness will be enforced in a way not ever done before and evil will be suppressed more than it ever has and eventually, we will be ushered into a new world free of all sin, evil, death, and every kind of suffering, grief, and pain. (Rev. 21-22)
6. What we presently have on our side
There is no telling how far along or how firmly established the New World Order will be before Christ returns to catch up His Church before the tribulation, but one thing that we do have on our side is that there is a restraining force which presently continues to hinder the powers of darkness (2 Thess. 2:7) which means that in spite of any gains made, the powers of the New World Order will always be subject to defeats and set-backs until that restraining power is taken out of the way, but just because the establishment of the Anti-Christ empire is inevitable, that does not mean that we should just simply surrender to it.
Until our Lord returns for us, we need to vigorously and actively continue to expose its wickedness, resist its devices, and do all that can be done to hinder the advancement of its agenda by whatever means necessary and as we do so, we must boldly preach the Gospel of our Lord with authority, confidence, and without apology.  We must continue to firmly stand upon the authority of scripture, be ready, as often as it is necessary, to give as reasoned of a defense for our faith (1 Pet. 3:15) especially if we find ourselves being brought before civic leaders as a testimony against them. (Mk. 13:9)
We must also be ready to face any degree of persecution required of us. We will always be ridiculed, shamed, rejected, and shunned by those with whom we try to share our faith, but we may also be faced with discrimination, loss of livelihood, punishment by governing authorities of any degree including prison. Some of us may even face torture and be required to lay down our lives for the sake of Christ.  But we are not being asked to sacrifice any more or less on behalf of the Kingdom of God than the previous generations before us or any who may come after us and the greater the risks and sacrifices we are willing to make.
If it had not been for the sacrifices made by the saints of previous generations on behalf of the Gospel, most of us would probably still be in sin and in spiritual darkness; going about life without any meaning and purpose, living in hopeless and despair, and with uncertainty about the life to come after death.  If the reformers had not been willing to sacrifice all that they had to lead the Church in their day back to the purity of the Gospel, the authority of scripture, and to make the scriptures accessible and understandable to all people, we would probably be subjected to a religion that could not be called Christianity and at the mercy of a Papal Caesar who would continue to suppress the truth of the scriptures in unrighteousness.
What a dishonor it would be to those previous generations of saints now passed on who had sacrificed so much in order for us to have the hope and peace that we have in Christ and to the memories of those who have and continue to lay down their lives for their faith, and what disregard it would be towards those who continue to risk themselves and everything they have for the sake of the Gospel and to remain faithfully obedient to Christ if we are not willing to stand firm in our own commitment to Christ when faced with persecution of any degree.
The sacrifices that we make will not go unrewarded (Mt. 5:10-12, Mk. 10:30) and we are promised that they who trouble us will receive trouble themselves (2 Thess. 1:6) and it is the promise of reward and vindication that has driven and still drives saints all over the world to make the sacrifices required of them and to even lay down their lives for the sake of the Gospel, seeking the honor and favor of God above that of man and this present world knowing that all men will stand before God to give an account of all things done and spoken and even for thoughts and motives harbored; the righteous receiving a glorious reward and the unrighteous receiving a terrifying and everlasting sentence.
Christ has also promised that the gates of Hell will not prevail against the Church (Mt. 16:18) no matter what comes against it.
Therefore, we are admonished not to be afraid of men who will be judged of God but to fear only God who is able to cast both body and soul into Hell itself (Mt. 10:28); the day coming in which not only will the soul of the wicked and unbelieving be tormented, but also in body as well (Rev.   20:11-15)
A day may come when we may no longer have the freedoms that presently grant us the right to freely preach the Word and live according to the dictates of our faith to rely on and so therefore, we must learn to rely on the authority of Christ which supersedes that of the authority of any man and begin living our lives accordingly.  If we serve a victorious King and risen Savior, then we, in every given circumstance with which we are faced, need to start living like we are subject to the King of Kings and to no one else knowing that the day is coming when all things will be brought under His feet and His rulership shall be enforced in all the world and we ourselves shall be reigning and judging beside Him (Rev. 2:26-27) being with Him, joint-heirs of all things (Rom. 8:17) and of a world better than this present one that we live in which, because of its corrupted state, shall pass away and be replaced by a world in which there is no evil, no  sin, no death, nor any curse, or anything that causes grief, sorrow, suffering, or pain of any sort (Rev. 21-22) because that was the was the world was before sin came into the world by the disobedient actions of one man, Adam, from whom all of mankind is descended.
Man was given a choice between life and death when he was created but instead of choosing life, he chose death when he ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil from which he was forbidden to eat. (Gen. 2:16-17)
When Adam disobeyed that one command, sin entered into him which brought death to both his body and spirit and because we are descended from him, we have inherited that corrupted condition from Adam which brings death to all of us (Rom. 5:12) and alienates us from the sinless and incorruptible God and because sin is ever present within us, no amount of good deeds or good behavior on our part will be enough to reconcile us to our Maker because sin does not just influence our behavior, actions, or even what comes out of our mouths, but also corrupts our very thoughts and motives and the day is coming when all sin and every sort of sin will be punished by the sinless and incorruptible God because justice must be carried out against it and because all have sinned and fallen short of His glory (Rom. 3:23) what hope is there for us to escape judgment unless there be one to take the required penalty for our sin in our place?  If we cannot attain salvation on our own merit, then we have nothing to look forward to but eventual punishment for all eternity, never to dwell in the presence of our Maker who cannot allow His Kingdom to be tainted by sin because sin taints, twists, and corrupts more than we know or comprehend.  Sin not only brought death to mankind and estranged him from His Maker, but it also subjected all of creation to a curse (Rom. 8:19-22) which is why with death came decay, sickness, and every kind of suffering, grief, and hardship that there could be.
But what is even worse is that when man sinned, he enabled the adversary of our souls and also the enemy of our God, to claim ownership of this world, for in falling in to transgression, man’s rulership of the earth was usurped by wicked spiritual forces who had beforehand rebelled against God, following after one who attempted to make himself equal with God (Is. 14:4-20, Ezek. 28:13-19) but was cast from his high position and who has worked and continues to work to bring the entire world under himself with all subtlety to draw every life and soul into bondage, darkness, and destruction.
But it is not the desire of God that the creation remain cursed or remain in darkness or left in the grip of evil forces, nor is He willing that man be forever separated from Him and subject to eternal damnation for though He be a God of justice, and justice on sin He must bring, He is also, He is also a God of love and it is His love for us that causes Him to desire mercy for us and reconciliation to us and it is His desire to show mercy that He has sent Jesus Christ our Lord, being without sin (2 Cor. 5:21, Heb. 4:15), to die for our sins, thereby satisfying the demanded penalty and making way for mercy to be offered, also raising Him from the dead so that we may be justified in Him if we will but place our trust in Him, calling upon Him for the forgiveness of sins (Rom. 10:13) so that we need not face what would be an otherwise terrifying judgment, but so that we by the grace of our Savior, may enter into the glorious Kingdom of our God and just as our souls are cleansed in Christ, so also will our bodies be raised up incorruptible liberated from death (1 Cor. 15:51-55, 1 Thess. 4:13-18) and finally, creation itself shall also be redeemed from its bondage by being made a new, for the day is coming when this present world in which we live shall pass away and a new and better world will be made in its place free of sin, liberated from death, and in which there will be no curse, but only blessing, peace, and joy. (Rev. 21-22)
But now, for every person, there is a time for choosing:  To side with the God who will bring about a new and better world, or to side with the forces of darkness who are working relentlessly to bring about that New World Order which we fear and yet will surely and sadly come to pass for a season as foretold in scripture.
As men increasingly reject the offer of redemption made by God through Christ Jesus, the enemy of God becomes ever more emboldened and presses all the harder to bring about his world empire as quickly as he can and to firmly establish it for as long as he can, but the more people side with our Messiah, the more hindrance and resistance this New World Order will experience, the weaker its grip on our world will be, and the more defeats and setbacks will beset it.
The New World Order is but part of a climatic battle in this age-long war between our Savior and a dark angel named Lucifer, better known as Satan, who seeks nothing more than to destroy as many lives and souls as he can and to spread as much darkness and misery as he can.  The cross which brought redemption us was historically a turning point in this age-long war, but the adversary nonetheless does everything he can to hinder the spread of the Gospel of salvation by blinding as many as he can to its truth, and making useless as many saints as he can for the work of the Kingdom.  He even thinks that he cand discredit and overthrow scripture.
Though he be destined for defeat, Satan still thinks that he can somehow win which is why he continues to wage his war against his Maker until the day he receives his final judgment and is cast, along with all of those who side with him, into an everlasting lake of fire where they will be tormented day and night without relief. (Rev. 20:11-15)
This age-long war in which we are caught up in is not one that can be one by military force alone because it isn’t a political or economic war.  It is a war for the hearts, minds, and souls of men and every person, at some time in their life, will be confronted with that fateful choice as to which side they will choose:  God or Satan.
For those who choose Satan, they will have nothing more to look forward to but a terrifying and everlasting judgment in the day that they stand before Christ.  Their victories will be turned into everlasting defeat.  Their celebrations will be turned to eternal morning.  Their laughter replaced with uncontrollable sobs, wails, and screams of agony from which there will be no relief as they will be cast into outer darkness forever and left to suffer an unimaginable punishment that will never end.
But for those who choose Christ, their mourning will turn to joy.  Their defeats will be turned into everlasting victory.  Their sacrifices rewarded.  Their efforts on behalf of the Kingdom vindicated.  Their sufferings replaced with glory that will supersede the present hardships and that is what we need to be looking forward to, living our lives in such a way that show just how certain we are of obtaining these things.
If you want to make absolutely sure that you are on the right side of history and have peace about your eternal state, I would urge you to examine yourself before Christ today and call upon His name for the forgiveness of sins.  If you are not sure what to pray, here is an example of a prayer to be brought before the King:
"Lord Jesus I need you.
I realize that I am a sinner
who has fallen short of the glory of God
and that my goodness falls short
of His standard of Moral perfection.
Please forgive me of all of my sins.
Come into my heart and into my life
to be the Savior and Lord of my life.
Make me into the servant and follower
that you want me to be.
In your name Lord Jesus, I pray.
Know that God is not concerned with the words that you use to call upon Him forgiveness, but with the attitude of your heart and if you have, with all sincerity, have asked Christ to forgive you of your sins, placing your trust in Him only for your salvation and in nothing else, then your sins are forgiven and your place in Heaven is certain.
End Notes:
1.  Lowell Ponte, “The Great Reset: What our globalist overlords are planning,” World Net Daily, November 19, 2020
Scripture references:
1.  Daniel 8
2.  Daniel 7:6
3.  Daniel 7:7
4.  Revelation 13:7
5.  Daniel 2:41-43
6.  Daniel 7:25
7.  Daniel 8:12, 24-25
8.  Daniel 11:36, 39
9.  Daniel 7:7-8, 24
9.  Revelation 17:12
10.  Revelation 17:13
11.  Revelation 13:17
12.  Revelation 18:15-19
13.  Daniel 7:4, 23
14.  Daniel 8:25
15.  Daniel 11:36-45
16.  Revelation 13:4
17.  Daniel 7: 21, 25
18.  Daniel 8:24
19.  Revelation 13:7
20.  Daniel 11:36-39
21.  2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
22.  Revelation 13:15
23.  Daniel 11:36
24.  Revelation 13:1, 5-6
25.  Revelation 17:3 
26.  Daniel 7:11, 26
27.  Daniel 11:45
28.  2 Thessalonians 2:8
29.  Jude 14-15
30.  Revelation 17:8
31.  Revelation 19
33.  2 Thessalonians 2:7
34.  Mark 13:9
35.  1 Peter 3:15
36.  Matthew 5:10-12
37.  Mark 10:30
38.  2 Thessalonians 1:6
39.  Matthew 16:18
40.  Matthew 10:28
41.  Revelation 20:11-15
42.  Revelation 2:26-27
43.  Romans 8:17
44.  Revelation 21-22
45.  Genesis 2:16-17
46.  Romans 5:12
47.  Romans 3:23
48.  Romans 8:19-22
49.  Isaiah 14:4-20
50.  Ezekiel 28:13-19
51.  2 Corinthians 5:21
52.  Hebrews 4:15
53.  Romans 10:13
54.  1 Corinthians 15:51-55
55.  1 Thessalonians 4:13-18


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