Saturday, January 1, 2022

Two Opposing Spirits Cannot Co-exist Together (First Blogpost of 2022)


Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene was not explicitly endorsing the dissolution of the union has some have made her most recent twitter posts out to be, [1] but the reality, due to the increasing ideological divide, the dissolution of the union, as undesirable as it may be, is not beyond possibility and those who dare call secessionists “traitors” have not yet accepted the inconvenient truth that it is impossible for a nation to remain united when two ideological factions are constantly at war with one another and while that war has been confined to that of propaganda and information warfare, it very well could turn into full-blown shooting war and perhaps the only way to prevent that from happening is for the two ideological factions to go their separate ways.
There is an ideological faction that adheres to the following:
That the world and the universe, and all that is in them were created by God Almighty
That the God who created the universe is the sole source and arbiter of truth, the sole definer of our reality, what is good and evil, right and wrong, sacred and profane, holy and unholy, pure and corrupt, and what is light and what is darkness.
That He created mankind in His image.
That He created all men equal.
That men should seek after Him according to the dictates of their own conscience.
That it is before God Almighty, and not man, before whom we will all have to give an account for the things that we have done in this present life; that the righteous before Him will be rewarded and honored and that the wicked and unbelieving will be punished.
That all men will be judged according to one standard and one law regardless of gender, age, color, nationality, ethnicity, occupation, economic or social status.
That it is from the God who made us, and not any man, that we receive in us those beneficial laws and moral standards designed to maintain order and peace and which are designed for the good of all.
That it is God, not man, who defines what our rights are as pointed out in our Declaration of Independence [2] upon which our Constitution is founded.
That though times may change, God never changes with the times and therefore neither does His truth nor His laws nor what He has declared to be right and wrong, good and evil. What was true in the day that God made man is still true today.  What was declared to be lawful and unlawful in the day that the law of God was given to man is still lawful and unlawful today and will continue to be so forevermore.
What was good and evil in the eyes of God yesterday is still good and evil now and will continue to be so forevermore.
That our faith and trust for all things must be placed in God Almighty and not in corruptible men or in any institution consisting of corruptible men and who are limited in their resources, wisdom, and power.
That all good things received are owed to the goodness and kindness of the God who made us and that we owe Him due reverence for the favor He bestows upon us and that if we are to continue receiving His favor, we must strive to do that which is good and pleasing in His eyes and to avoid all things that may bring about His displeasure and subject us to judgment.
That all men are accountable for their actions and the choices that they make and must be subject to the consequences of those choices and actions; that acts of goodness should be praised and rewarded while acts of evil must be condemned and punished, and that their should be no excuse or justification of wicked acts nor should there be any condemnation of the innocent.
That all men are responsible for their own welfare in accordance to the capacity and capabilities instilled in them by their Maker.
That we should care for the poor, the widowed, orphaned, needy, physically and mentally handicapped with the use of our own time and resources and in accordance with our own discretion and what each and every one of us has purposed in our hearts to do.
That the education of children begins in the home and that it should be in the hands of parents to decide how their children should be educated and that any educational or academic establishment should be run by locale communities; the curriculum being decided by those citizens supporting and participating in those establishments rather than solely by a centralized authority.
That the purpose of government is to maintain order and peace and to protect its citizenry from hostile entities from without and within the nation and that any established government must be one that that acknowledges that the rights of men come from God and not mankind and which strives to uphold, preserve, and protect those rights.
That governing authorities and officials are to serve the public trust and the interests of all people and not just a favored constituency, demographic, or class.
That no economic bracket should be made to pay more taxes and revenue than another but that all people pay the same percentage.
That all elections are to be an honest representation of the will of the people and that there must be safeguards in place to ensure that all electoral results, regardless of the outcome will be accurate and that those rightfully chosen for the office they ran for are not defrauded but given their rightful place and that any who have obtained their office by fraudulent means should be disqualified and removed from the position they had gained by dishonest means.
That a strong private capitalistic sector is necessary for a strong and thriving economy and that businesses, aside from those laws necessary to ensure that their employees are not exploited or subject to needless dangers and that their consumers are not defrauded, should not be burdened excessive and unnecessary regulations.
That all men have a right to do what they see fit with their own property and lands as long as what they do does not bring harm to their fellow citizens.
That all men have a right to protect themselves, property, those dear to them, and their fellow man with whatever degree of force they deem necessary and that they cannot always rely on the proper authorities to do so as those proper authorities may at times be unable or unwilling to punish those who would disturb the peace and do harm to their fellow man or worse yet participate in corrupt and evil acts themselves.
That all men, regardless of what evil they have been accused of, should be regarded innocent until they are proven guilty beyond a shadow of any doubt.
That no man or institution is worthy of our full trust but that all people of influence and authority must be subject to the same level of scrutiny as anyone else.
That men receive lasting purpose and meaning from God alone and are given their gifts and talents in accordance to that purpose and calling instilled in them.
And then there is that ideology that denies the existence of a Creator, rejects His authority and with that, His moral laws and precepts. 
That same ideology denies the existence of absolute truth, claims that there is no right and wrong, adheres to a subjective reality which even goes so far as to deny even the most basic of facts, despises that which God has declared good and takes pleasure in that which He has called evil, calls wrong what God has called right, and what God has called wrong, it declares to be right, and what God has declared to be good it declares to be evil and what God has called evil, it calls good.
It is an ideology that treats man as being no more or less significant than any beast, declares that there are some people made more superior than others and that not every life is of equal value.
It is an ideology under which not all people are subject to the same set of standards but rather under which different classes and categories of people are subject to different standards with the favored and ruling classes being granted liberties and privileges that the unfavored, lower, and subjugated classes and groups of people are not granted.
Under the rule of this ideology, the corruption and wickedness of the favored, high, and ruling classes are ignored and excused and they who be of such classes are allowed to get away with evil for which those of the deemed lower and unfavored classes would be severely punished.
The innocent and law-abiding are condemned and the wicked and lawless are excused, justified, and honored.
Acts of goodness are condemned and while evil works are praised.
The successful are penalized and they who are lazy are rewarded for nothing.
Those in power care nothing for the welfare and interests of the public but only about their own interests or worse, devote themselves to powers of darkness and the only interests they may seem to care about besides their own are of those they favor and deem worthy.
They rob from those who have and give what they have stolen to those they deem to be in need.
They have no tolerance for any kind of dissent and suppress anything that might challenge what they decide is truth, right and wrong, good and evil demanding full unquestioning trust in their judgment by those subject to them and seek to control every facet of daily life.
To simply put, it is the spirit of liberty against the spirit of tyranny,
light against darkness, God against Satan,
Heaven against Hell.
As it is written:
Can two walk together except they be agreed? (Amos 3:3)
And again:
“what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?
and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath the that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?” (2 Cor. 6:14-16)
And in the same way, how can the spirit of liberty be at peace with a spirit of bondage?
The two cannot co-exist with one another and this is exactly anyone, whether they be on the right or even on the left seem to recognize.
Contextually, as I mentioned earlier, MTG was making a theoretical statement, but even if she was advocating for what has been termed a “National Divorce,” or a dissolution of the Union into at least two different nations, it is because she and others who have advocated for the dissolution of the union recognize that there are forces and ideologies that are so diametrically opposed to one another that they simply cannot co-exist within the same borders any more than a man can co-exist with a robber under the same roof or a woman in the same house with a man who has raped her and abused her.  Both either have to go their separate ways or one will destroy the other.
It is no different with the spirit and ideology of liberty and the spirit and ideology of tyranny:  The two must either go their separate ways or one will overpower and destroy the other and it is not just “conservative” secessionists who recognize this but even left-leaning figures like comedian Sarah Silverman understand this as well:
I mean, this may be a negative thought, or a positive one I don’t know, but if people aren’t getting along, like in a relationship, they break up. You know? So why don’t we just, finally just realize that this, these states aren’t working, and like divide up into like two or three countries?...
 Like USA 1 and USA 2? And they can be USA 1, like the conservatives can be USA 1 because they love being number one and it means something to them, and I’d love to have that be theirs, they can be USA 1, we’ll be USA 2, and we’ll be allies. [3]
Only Silverman was, as far as anyone knows, was not being called a traitor or accused of calling for a civil war for advocating for the dissolution of the Union.  Only Marjorie Taylor Greene was, [4] even though she was not in the seemingly controversial tweet explicitly calling for the break-up of the United States but simply accepting a possible and very likely scenario that could be the end result of the increasing ideological divide that has been taking place in America.
Contrary to what her detractors claim, secession, in and of itself would not cause a civil war.  If anything at all, it would PREVENT a civil war and needless bloodshed.
The spirit of liberty does not seek to impose its will on anyone but will simply allow they who despise its principles to depart in peace, but the spirit of tyranny always imposes its will on those who would be free of it and may stop at nothing to hold captive those who would separate themselves from it.
If any attempt by any number of states to secede and form their own nation does lead to civil war, it will not be started by those who simply wish to go their separate ways, but by they who seek to hold them captive and those critics of MTG’s tweet allegedly calling for a “National Divorce,” are undeniably of that spirit; they would wage war to hold captive any of us who would be free of them and of the Dystopian way of life they desire to see imposed upon the entire nation.
There is only one thing that would ever prevent the break-up of the United States and that is if enough people were to turn away from their wicked ways, seek out, and fall upon their faces in repentances before the Lord God who made the heavens and the earth and all that is in them and from whom springs forth the spirit of liberty; and it is a liberty that begins not with a liberty that is political, economic, or even social, but it is a liberty that begins inside the inward person of which the outward liberties that we hold dear but before the inward man can experience liberty, it has to be understood what it is that the inward man must be made free from before they can decide whether or not to accept the liberty offered to them.
Many look to acquire and preserve for themselves an outward liberty and to free themselves from the shackles of a manifested tyranny, but most are blind to an inward bondage into which all men have been born; that inward bondage being inherent in all mankind due to fateful actions of the first man and woman from whom all mankind descend.
When God created the heavens and the earth, there was only life, peace, and harmony.  None of the evils, sufferings, griefs, sorrows, miseries, and hardships that we have been subjected to were present in that perfect world and it was a world in which more liberty abounded then there ever has been since, even under the best of circumstances and before the first man Adam and his wife Eve, the first woman, in the form of two certain trees, a choice was set before them:  Life or death.  The two trees set before them were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 2:9).  The tree of life would have enabled mankind to live forever (Gen. 3:22) but the tree of the knowledge of good and evil of which they were told by God not to eat from, brought death to them as a consequence (Gen. 2:16-17 3:3, 19) for in the day that they ate of that forbidden fruit, sin entered into them, corrupting their inward person, and as a consequence, they eventually died, but not only did the sin enter into Adam and his wife, it then was inherited by all of mankind who descends from that first couple and therefore because we are all inherently sinful, we all sin and therefore as a consequence, we all die (Rom. 5:12) which is why it is written that the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23) but not only did sin bring death and decay, but it also subjugated all of creation to a curse that brought upon it every kind of suffering, struggle, hardship, adversity, pain, sorrow, and grief (Rom. 8:19-22) but worst of all, sin has caused man to be born estranged from the Maker with whom he would otherwise have perfect and direct fellowship because that which is sinful cannot dwell in the direct presence of a Holy God who is without sin and hates sin.
Sin is not merely confined to an outward act or even ill and carelessly spoken words, but it is the corrupted condition of our inward nature affecting our very thoughts, motives, and even the attitudes of our hearts which is why it is written that it is not which goes into a man that defiles him but it is what comes out of him that defiles him (Mt. 15:11, 18-19) and that it is the inward person that needs to be made clean in order for that person to be made clean in the eyes of God (Mt. 23:26) and it is because of sin being present in us that despite our best efforts to lead a morally upright life and to do what good we purpose to do in our hearts to our fellow man, that our own goodness, yes even that of the best of us, falls short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23) and the day is coming when all sin will be judged and punished for neither it nor those who remain in sin will have any place in the Kingdom of God or the promised and better world to come (Rev. 21-22) for all men will be made to give an account for every spoken word and every deed and not only that, all will be judged even of their very thoughts, motives, and desires for one corrupt thought, one moment of covetousness, and even one spoken lie will find anyone guilty before God and stain their soul with sin.
Because of the disobedience of Adam are we born as captives of an inherently corrupt condition and in danger of a judgment more dreadful than we can imagine and which demands not only eternal separation from God, but everlasting punishment for the unrepentant sinner but in His love and mercy, God is not willing that any should perish but that all would come to repentance (2 Pet. 3:9) and therefore has provided mankind a way of escape from what would otherwise a terrifying everlasting judgment and He has provided us that way of escape in Christ Jesus, His only begotten Son who came into the world to offer Himself up for our sins; the sinless Christ (2 Cor. 5:21, Heb. 4:15) dying on behalf of inherently sinful man and it is in His death upon the cross and the shedding of His blood that satisfied both the demanded penalty of sin and granted the plea for mercy for mankind and it is in His resurrection from the dead that our faith in Him is made justified (Rom. 4:25) and it is His victory over death that also gives us the promise, for those of us who place our trust in Christ alone for the forgiveness of sins, of also being liberated from death as well when these corruptible bodies of ours are changed into an incorruptible form (1 Cor. 15:51-55, 1 Thess. 4:13-18) that is no longer subject to death because sin, off of which death feeds, will not be present in the incorruptible forms into which our bodies will one day be changed and finally, creation itself will be liberated from the bondage of the curse that came upon it because of sin when it is made anew and made free of sin, death, decay, and every evil, suffering, misery, hardship, sorrow, pain, and grief that there is today.
In that new and better world, only light, life, happiness, joy, peace, and contentment before God Almighty will be present. (Rev. 21-22)
A day is coming when though the wheat must grow up alongside the tares, that there will come a separating of the two; the righteous from the unrighteous.  The children of God from the children of Satan when in that day, the children of God will be gathered into the Kingdom to come and the children of the wicked one will be cast into everlasting darkness and torment. (Mt. 13:24-30, 37-40)
And if there is to indeed be a dividing of America, might it be then that God is perhaps in the process of separating they in whom the fear of Him still resides from those in whom there is no fear of Him so that He might not punish the righteous alongside the unrighteous nor the just alongside the unjust, or the innocent alongside the guilty?  For if there is to be judgment upon America in our day, then it would be better for the children of God to be separated from the persistently unrepentant wicked among us by way of a dissolution of the union rather than that they should suffer needlessly alongside those who have wholly given themselves over to evil and have subjugated themselves to that spirit of tyranny for perhaps by way of dividing the United States into at least two different nations, the righteous will be spared the judgment intended for the unrepentantly wicked and it may be that any among the righteous who have yet to repent may consider the meaning of what is taken place and fall upon their faces before God Almighty and turn away from their unbelief and wicked self-serving ways and if indeed this is to be, then they in whom the fear and reverence of God still resides would do well to remembered that they have not retained the liberties and way of life they have held dear by happenstance but have done so by the grace and mercy of God and that they need to remember the divine benefit rendered unto them and show their appreciation for it by striving to give honor and glory to God in all things that they do, to walk in His truth alone and not in the lies of the wicked one, to do those things good and pleasing in His sight and to avoid those things that He has declared evil, to place their faith in Him for their provision, to deliver them from evil, and to sustain them in difficult times, rely on Him for the wisdom and guidance needed to direct them in a good course, and remember that when God gives an abundance, it is not so that we may spend it upon our selfish desires and lusts but so that we may be a blessing to any less fortunate than we are, and that the gifts and talents given to us are not so that we may exalt ourselves, but so that we can exalt the things of God and those things good, honorable, and pleasing in His sight, and that every cause be carried out, not in our own name or authority or in that of any man, but in the power and authority of the God who has made us, in whom we are redeemed, and in whom we find purpose, meaning, unfailing hope, peace, and deliverance.
But if we make light of, neglect, and even reject that inward spiritual liberty offered to us in Christ Jesus our Lord, then we will lose the outward liberties that we have taken for granted and have held so dear because it is by embracing the inwardly transforming spiritual liberty in Christ Jesus that we eventually obtain the outward liberties that we so desire for it is upon the natural and moral laws and principles of the God who made all things that the liberties we hold dear rest upon and which inspired the very Constitution by which these God-given rights and liberties are protected.
But if it should come down to it, it would be far better that the nation be divided in two wherein one remains a refuge for the freedom of all to seek after, worship, and follow God as they see fit and for prosperity to abound, and in which men can live according to the dictates of their own convictions rather than be a united nation under tyranny and oppression and in which misery reigns for though I myself look forward to that separation from the world when the Church of God is caught up to meet Him in the air (1 Thess. 4:13-18) so as to spare it from the wrath to come upon the face of the world when the sin and evil  thereof should reach that measure, no man knows when that will be.  It may very well happen today or it may not happen for generations to come, but in the event that it is still longer in coming than we who look forward to it might believe, let there continue to be a place of refuge where the people of God and worship Him and learn His ways in peace and from that place, take forth the Gospel message of Jesus Christ that offers redemption to any willing to receive it, even if that should mean the dividing up of nations so as to sever the righteous in whom the fear of God is from they who take pleasure in wickedness and who have no desire to come to Christ in repentance.
For those of you reading this who have not yet come to repentance in Christ, you remain at a crossroads and what you decide to do upon hearing the Gospel of salvation and the call of repentance will not only determine the course the rest of your life, but where you will spend eternity but be warned that God will not allow they who choose the darkness instead of the light to dwell in His Kingdom of light nor alongside those who have embraced His light and have become children of His Kingdom for the God of all creation will not suffer His Kingdom to be a divided one and therefore, if you wish to become a part of a land and a world free of darkness, death, decay, evil, misery, suffering, pain, grief, and sorrow but wherein dwells only light, life, happiness, joy, and peace, then I would urge you reader to turn away from your sins and away from your self-serving, self-gratifying and evil acts and call upon the name of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins now so that you may be assured a place in the good world that He has promised to those who have given themselves over to Him and not be cast away into outer darkness wherein there is only torment and all it takes to be saved from the fiery damnation that otherwise awaits and to be transformed into a new and better person is but a simple sincere and heartfelt prayer:
"Lord Jesus I need you.
I realize that I am a sinner
who has fallen short of the glory of God
and that my goodness falls short
of your standard of Moral perfection.
Please forgive me of all of my sins.
Come into my heart and into my life
to be the Savior and Lord of my life.
Make me into the servant and follower
that you want me to be.
In your name Lord Jesus, I pray.
Know that God is not concerned with the words that you use to call upon Him forgiveness, but with the attitude of your heart and if you have, with all sincerity, have asked Christ to forgive you of your sins, placing your trust in Him only for your salvation and in nothing else, then your sins are forgiven and your place in Heaven is certain.
End notes:
1.  Michael Luciano, “Marjorie Taylor Greene Suggests ‘National Divorce,’ Gets Smoked on Twitter: ‘Officially Declare Yourself a Traitor,’” Mediate, December 30, 2021
2.  The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776
3.  Tom Pappert, “'Why Don't We Break Up?': Comedian Sarah Silverman Says America Should 'Divide Up Into Like Two Or Three Countries,” National File, September 16, 2021
4.  Luciano, Ibid.
Scripture references:
1.  Amos 3:3
2.  2 Corinthians 6:14-16
3.  Genesis 2:9
4.  Genesis 3:22
5.  Genesis 2:16-17
6.  Genesis 3:3
7.  Genesis 3:9
8.  Romans 5:12
9.  Romans 6:23
10.  Romans 8:19-22
11.  Matthew 15:11, 18-19
12.  Matthew 23:26
13.  Romans 3:23
14.  Revelation 21-22
15.  2 Corinthians 5:21
16.  Hebrews 4:15
17.  Romans 4:25
18.  1 Corinthians 15:51-55
19.  1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
20.  Matthew 13:24-30, 37-40

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