Monday, August 28, 2023

Some Suggested Actions That Conservatives And Christians Must Take To Impact The Culture Are Amazingly Basically The Same


As I was reading a commentary piece that was reviewing a Breitbart radio segment by Alex Marlow about what Actions Conservatives Should Take Instead of Complaining, do you know what I discovered?  The actions suggested by Breitbart’s Alex Marlow, that conservatives should be taking to impact the culture in the name of advancing conservative values are basically the same actions that the Church should be taking to impact the culture for Christ.  For those of you who may not understand how this is, I invite you to read further so that afterward, you may understand why I say this.
In the news item, the first thing that Marlow is cited as stating is that:
Conservatives must avoid philosophical and political self-censorship with family, friends, and peers because persuasion begins at the personal level. [1]
In the same way, Christians must avoid religious, philosophical, and political self-censorship with family, friends, and peers because persuading them to embrace our faith begins at the personal level.

The next thing he states is:
You have to try to persuade them at all costs and find a way to get through to them the best way you can. It’s not usually yelling at them or beating them over the head, and it doesn’t happen overnight, but over time. [2]
Likewise, Christians have to try to persuade those whom they desire to see won over to Christ of the reality of His truth and of the Gospel of salvation and find a way to get through to the lost as best they can, but it does not come by way of yelling at them or beating them over the head and souls are not always convinced over night to embrace Christ and turn away from their sins.  That is a process that can also take time because there are a lot of barriers that have to be addressed that might be keeping them in unbelief such as intellectual barriers, religious and philosophical barriers, emotional barriers, and the attitude of the heart and we need to be prepared to address as best we can every obstacle and barrier of the heart and mind and give as satisfying of an answer that we can to their every objection in order to reach the soul but that also means that in the process, you have to risk making them angry,
you have to risk facing ostracization,
you have to risk facing ridicule and discrimination,
and you have to risk facing hostility.
In some cases, you must be prepared for civic punishment.
You even have to be willing to risk facing violence and even death itself.
And you must be mentally and emotionally prepared that even the people whom you hold dear including close friends, parents, spouses, and even your children could themselves face or be threatened with any degree of harm which could include even death itself.
But remember this that when you face any degree of persecution or the threat thereof, no matter how severe, you are not being asked to make any greater of a sacrifice or take any higher of a risk than what has been asked of anyone else and there is this promise: The greater the sacrifice, the greater the reward to come which will surpass anything we may be required to risk and endure on account of the name of Christ. (Mk. 10:30)
But one great reason evil prevails is due to the cowardice of those who should be standing against and who are able to do something about it but will not because they fear man who is only able to kill the body at worst but cannot kill the soul more than they do a God who is able to cast both body and soul into a place whose torment is far worse than death or any kind of evil, suffering, or hardship that we might ever face (Mt. 10:28) but who is also able to grant a compensation that will surpass any evil done to us on account of His name.
The item went on to list the next action he was reported as stating:
Voters must hold elected officials accountable. [3]
Likewise, Christians must hold their leadership accountable
(In some denominations, this may be difficult to do as in sects such as the Catholic or Anglican churches, of which the Episcopal in the US is also a part, an unelected religious leaderships appoints a clergyperson to serve in each congregation, whereas in sects of a more democratic nature and those congregations that are not affiliated with any established denomination, are able to expel their leadership and replace them with a leadership congregants see fit to serve in their respective place of worship but as for congregations who affiliated with a sect whose leaders are appointed over them instead of being elected, they may have to separate from the denomination and form their own independent fellowship, if they deem the leadership of that respective sect too corrupt, self-serving, and refuses to uphold the dictates and doctrines of their professed faith, which can be a difficult and hard fought process.)
It also needs to be noted, that the Church governing system was created to be a semi-democratic system: (Acts 1:16-26, 6:1-6) The congregants elect elders, elders elect deacons and Pastors who may eventually be promoted to the rank of Bishop (one who oversees more than one congregation) (1 Tim. 4:14, 5:22)
As far as voters are concerned, in order to hold their leadership accountable, they need to be well-versed in the founding documents of our nation so that they can determine for themselves whether proposed policy at any given level of government is in violation of those founding documents rather than relying on a so-called Constitutional expert to make that determination for them and furthermore, when they succeed at electing officials and representatives whose platforms aligned with the most essential matters of our day, they need to make sure that the officials and representatives elected govern in accordance to the platform they ran on.
But in order for Christians to hold their leadership accountable as well as each other accountable for both conduct and what teachings they bring into their respective congregations, they need to become well-versed in the doctrines and dictates of their respective faith; not in a catechism or a denominational statement of faith but the divine statement of faith which is the Bible for the scripture therein testifies of itself to be divinely inspired of God (2 Tim. 3:16) which makes it infallible and inerrant which is why all teachings and things introduced into the Church need to be examined by the scriptures and judged accordingly and not the other way around.
But sadly, the average citizen has not taken time to examine our founding civic documents for themselves, nor do they take time to examine the performance record of their respective representatives and elected officials and so blindly continue to retain in office corrupt and wicked officials who have no interest in serving the public interest and constantly violate the very principles they swore they would uphold because their understanding of the Constitution and how our civic system was originally designed to work is based on what they are taught in our academic institutions and what is reported in the media and thus the understanding formed in their minds of what our civic rights are supposed to be and how our civic system was designed to work is warped, twisted, and misguided.
And likewise, tragically, most professing Christians never take time to read and study their scriptures but instead fully rely on their Pastor, a seminarian, theologian, a radio preacher, a TV evangelist, or even a blogger for their doctrine instead of allowing the scriptures themselves to provide them their doctrine and they render the scriptures in accordance to how they have been taught to render them, the manner of which may or may not be correct depending on how they are being taught, never thinking to compare the manner in which they are told to understand the text to the context of the text itself and therefore they are led into embracing teachings and doctrines that violate the dictates of their faith and biblical teaching without even knowing that they are embracing things contrary to the faith that they claim to hold to and are led into tolerating, endorsing, and celebrating things that they are supposed to be condemning and standing against and if they do not know the scriptures that they are supposed to be studying, then how can they ever hold each other accountable for what they say and do and ensure that their leadership upholds the dictates and teachings of their faith as taught in scripture?
And without the means for accountability, the results for both a church and a Constitutionalist Republic end up being basically the same in that complacency sets in members of both, both institutions fall prey to mass infiltration and over time, both become further and further removed from their intended purposes and become less and less recognizable as they are led further and further away from the principles, doctrines, virtues, and values upon which they were built until they can no longer be called what they had once been because they can no longer be seen as being any different from any other system in nature as they had once been before.
There is a reason why accountability is highly critical in the body of Christ amongst its members (Mt. 18:15-17, 1 Cor. 5:1-8, 11, 13, Titus 2:10, 13) and a reason why we are warned repeatedly in scripture against false prophets and false teachers. (Mt. 7:15-20, Acts 20:28-31, 2 Corinthians 11:3-4, 12-15, Gal. 1:6-9, 1 Tim. 1:19-20, 4:1-3, 7, 5:22, 6:3-5, 20-21, 2 Tim. 2:16-18, 23, Titus 1:10-16, 2:11, 2 Pet. 2, 3:15-16, 1 Jn. 4:1-3, Jude) but unless Christians take time daily to study the very scriptures by which their faith, doctrine, and creed are delivered, how will they ever be able to detect the interlopers, infiltrators, saboteurs, rabble rousers, charlatans, and heretics who come in among them?
But the better they know the scriptures by which the faith they embrace has been delivered and the more well-versed they are in the teachings thereof, the better able they will be to detect those heretics and infiltrators who creep in among them and deal with them accordingly and the better able they are able to do so, the better able they will be to preserve and uphold a doctrine and faith unblemished as it was first preached and delivered to the saints.
If the Constitutionalist Republic is to retain its identity and kept set apart from the rest of the world, its people must be diligent in holding fast to the principles upon which it was built, ensure that they are applied to all of our institutions, that they are taught and passed down to each and every generation, and that they are well-versed in its history and in the instructions of the founding documents by which they can hold current leadership accountable. 
Likewise, if the Church is to be a light to the world as it was created to be (Mt. 5:14), it must, to the best of its ability, keep pure the doctrine upon which it was built, uphold the instruction and teachings with which it was entrusted, and ensure that its members do the same and to not allow anyone or anything to remove it from the mission and purpose for which it was intended.
Marlow was then quoted as stating:
We need to get local and get people grooming the next generation of talent, getting people civically engaged, making it cool to be civically engaged at a local level, and try[ing] to start identifying, spotting, and supporting talent over the next generation of politicians.  [4]
In the same way, discipleship begins with local congregations and not just with once-a-week Sunday church services, but also a Sunday school curriculum and not just for children, but also curriculum geared for teens and adults, and youth group and Bible study meetings throughout the week as well and not only that, encouraging those being discipled to get actively involved with church activities.
It is when congregants not only attend regularly, but are also given opportunity to serve as well, that the Church will be better able to spot individuals with the gifts, talents, and passions suited for the type of service and calling that God has placed on them which all men are commanded to put to use for the glory of God (Mt. 25:14-28) and for the expansion of His Kingdom through the winning of souls over to Christ Jesus our Lord, Maker, Redeemer, and King for it is often in the Church that men discover their calling and purpose in Christ and it is within the Church that every generation of worship leaders, pastors, evangelists, and teachers of the faith are raised up, trained, and prepared.
There is nothing to say that the Republic as our founders intended it to be cannot be restored but Marlow states a cold hard truth that impatient members among the MAGA crowd don’t necessarily like to hear:
It cannot be done overnight, and we would like for things to be done overnight. [5]
It may take years, even decades if not generations, to restore America back to what it was originally intended to be and that is assuming that this present world is destined to last that long.  Not everything is going to be resolved in one election cycle or in one Presidential term, or even two Presidential terms and not everything can be resolved with elections or even with political policy, no matter how godly and principled the political candidates we support, vote for, and elect may be, and no matter how beneficial the policies that are passed may be either.
And likewise, it is always possible for entire neighborhoods, communities, counties, states, provinces, and even entire nations at large to be converted over to a steadfast faith in Christ Jesus and to adopt the scriptures that preach the Gospel as their final authority for truth and instruction in godly and upright living, but again, that is not something that can be expected to be done overnight.  That is something that will take time; generations even.
The next thing Marlow states is a task much easier said than done for several reasons that I will not go into on this post (it might turn into a multi-volume book if I try):
Of course, the most important thing of all, whoever gets to Washington next, you’ve go to drain the swamp. [6]
While we can agree that those who we succeed at electing must do everything they can on their part to “drain the swamp,” from where they are at, it is going to take a lot more than just bailing water.
You must also identify the breaches from which that filthy water flows and repair them, you must dive down to the bottom of that swamp to find and identify the plug that is holding that dirty water in but even that is not enough.  It must be attacked at its source and that means uprooting the fountain from which that filthy water is spewing forth and replacing it with a fountain that brings forth clean water but the matter of draining the swamp goes beyond just mere politics because the swamp is not merely a political problem, but a spiritual problem which I cover more extensively in another blogpost [7] and will elaborate more on later in this post but nevertheless, if the swamp is not attack at its source, the filthy water is just going to keep flowing back into the halls of the government we want to see purged of its evil and corruption because it is not flowing from the top down.  It is rising from the bottom up.
It is the same way within the body of Christ.  The swamp does not just reside within the halls of Washington D.C. or any other seat of civic power throughout the world.  The swamp has also invaded and infested the Church as well and it did not just all of a sudden manifest itself within the government of each respective denomination.  It worked its way into the congregations and from there made its way into our Sunday school classes, our pulpits, our youth groups, our seminaries, and finally into the office of the bishop and into the courts and halls of the bishop councils.
You can fire and oust from their positions all the wicked, corrupt, heretical, and apostate leaders and persons of influence you want, but again, if you don’t attack the swamp within the church at its source, the filthy water is just going to keep flowing back in and we have been given resources that enable us to deal with the swamp at its source, but sadly we are not utilizing those resources like we should be.
And lastly, Marlow states:
We need to vote out everyone who is not a fighter…You’ve got to find your way to do your part, and it’s beyond just showing up and passively voting at this point. [8]
Likewise, Christians need to do more than just show up to church every Sunday.  They need to be actively about the business of the King every day of their lives in accordance to each of their respective callings.  The person they are in within the church, they need to be outside of the church and every day of the week and be a light to everyone around them, letting it shine forth everywhere they go and not be driven into hiding it nor hide the fact that they are a follower of Christ.  They need to include and honor God, not just with their Sunday worship, but in everything they do and the only thing that should determine their course in life and the choices they make should be the dictates of their professed faith.
And just like we need political leaders who are courageous fighters in the civic arena, we also need leaders in the Church who are fighters as well and who are not afraid to take on controversial matters (we are a people called to controversy after all), and who are able to serve as examples of steadfastness, faith, and courage but so that we may be blessed with leadership that is steadfast in the faith, unwavering in their commitment to Christ, unafraid any opposition they may face, dedicated to the teaching and upholding of sound doctrine, willing to hold accountable unruly, heretical, and sinful-living members, and committed to standing against and confronting evil wherever it may be found, we need to rid ourselves of those who are cowardly compromising appeasers who refuse to take action against unruly members, who harbor bringers of heresies and false doctrines within our midst, who allow sinful-living members to disgrace us and the name of our Lord, who flee controversy, and who capitulate to the demands of the ungodly at the expense of truth and godliness and we rid ourselves of cowardly, passive, groveling appeasers by voting them out if we can, demanding their resignation, and if we can’t vote them out, by separating ourselves from them by either joining ourselves to another fellowship that has been blessed with faithful, steadfast, courageous leadership or establishing a fellowships of our own in which we can establish the leadership that we need.
The stated actions that both conservatives and Christians must take to advance the respective causes to which they are called are not going to begin with our leaders or even those members of celebrity and influence.  That must start with each and every one of us.  We, on an individual basis, have to begin applying them in accordance to the ability given to us be that small or large and with the resources we are given, be they vast or little and from that point on, we can influence our households, neighborhoods, and communities for the better, and from there, we can begin to impact our respective states and even the entire nation.
But in order for us to apply the right actions and the right principles for the betterment of our country, we have to be sure that we ourselves have undergone a necessary change in not just our minds and hearts, but even our very souls so as to be sure we are no longer a part of the problem that we are seeking to see resolved because the one thing in common that we have with our political leaders and religious leaders, is that a swamp resides in each and every one of us and we will never be able to succeed in draining the very thing of which we are a part (we’d have to flush our own selves down the toilet as well) for the leadership established, be it political or religious, did not all of a sudden become corrupt.  They brought the corruption in with them because the corruption that resides within them is that same corruption that resides in each and every one of us because it is an inherent corruption traced all the way back to the first man and the first woman God had created, but He did not create mankind to be corrupt.  He did not even create man to even be inherently or inwardly corrupt for it is written that when God created the heavens and the earth, created everything and declared everything, including man, to be good. (Gen. 1) but He did also give mankind a choice and a choice between life and death between in the form of two trees, one being the tree of life, which would enable man to live forever, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (Gen. 2:9) The tree of the knowledge of good and evil was the only thing withheld from the first man Adam, and the first woman Eve, Adam’s wife, having been warned of God that in the day that they ate thereof, they would surely die. (Gen. 2:16-17, 3:3)
But tragically, they chose death when they, despite having been warned of the consequences, had eaten that forbidden fruit that they were told not to eat and it was in that day, that the figurative swamp was born; the swamp of sin and it was in that day that as a result of that first act of disobedience, that sin entered into them and when sin entered into them, then so did death (Gen. 3:19) for it is by sin that death receives its power, but sin and death were not confined to just Adam and Eve, from whom all of mankind descend, but was passed down to all of us, because we all descend from them, (Rom. 5:12) for sin is not merely confined to an outward act or even wrongly and evil spoken words, it begins from within because it is an inward corruption that influences not only speech and actions, but also defiles our thoughts, darkens our hearts, corrupts our motives, and poisons our attitudes and because sin is the corrupted condition of our inward human nature that produces within us things that are contrary to what God created us to be and because of this corrupted condition, we all sin and as a consequence, we all die (Rom. 6:23) just as Adam and Eve did but the consequences of sin have not been kept confined to just man alone, but have, by way of a curse, been extended to all of creation which is why the creation groans and travails in pain to this day (Rom. 8:19-22) which is why the earth is filled with famines, sickness, disease, death, decay, misery, evil, suffering, hardship, cataclysms, grief, pain, and sorrow of every sort and severity but worst of all, our sin has made us to be estranged from our Creator for that which is sinless and incorruptible cannot join itself to that which is filled with corruption and sin and when we take time to examine ourselves before the Lord God Almighty and not just our acts and even the words we speak, but also every thought, motive, and attitude of our hearts, it is only then we begin to understand how we all fall short of the glory of God which (Rom. 3:23) which is moral perfection and why we are all in need of redemption by which also comes that inward transformation that makes us no longer a part of the figurative swamp though we still be in it and in His love and in His mercy, God has provided us redemption on our behalf in His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, who came to earth as a man to offer Himself up to death on our behalf and did so by His death upon the cross on which His blood was shed and by the death of Him in whom there is no sin (2 Cor. 5:21) was the demanded penalty for sin satisfied and mercy granted and after having offered Himself up as that needed perfect and unblemished sacrifice, (Heb. 7:26-27) He rose from the grave so that we may be made justified in Him by our faith in Him for the forgiveness of sins and the salvation of our souls (Rom. 4:25) from what would otherwise be an unimaginably agonizing terrifying, fearful, judgment and punishment filled with an unrelenting torment from which there is no relief day or night for that is what must be done with all sin and with those who remain in their sins, but those who call upon the name of Christ for the forgiveness of sins are saved from that judgment (Rom. 10:13) and are assured a place in Heaven and in the new and better world to come and with the forgiveness of sins comes the inward transformation of our souls (2 Cor. 5:17) and reconciliation to God from whom our sins had once separated us (2 Cor. 5:18) and it is that transformation hat causes us to no longer desire to follow after selfish and worldly pursuits but after those things that pertain to the Kingdom of Heaven,
to no longer take pleasure in those things that are evil and displeasing in the sight of the Lord, but in that which is good, right, and pleasing in His sight,
to no longer desire to walk in the lies of this present world, but only in the truth that comes from Christ Almighty, no longer placing our hopes in the things of this present world, but looking forward to that new and better world to come, (Rev. 21-22)
to no longer rely on worldly resources, men, or even our own power, abilities, skills, and wisdom for our needs and provision but upon God who is able to meet all of our needs, recognizing that the resources of this world and even the people He brings into our lives are but instruments and vessels through which God meets our needs and that the skills, power, knowledge, and wisdom by which we might acquire our provision are provided and instilled in us by God,
to no longer fear what men can do to us, but rather fearing the God before whom we will have to one day give an account for how we lived our lives, (Mt. 10:28)
to no longer look to corruptible institutions within our society for direction and order in our lives but to God who, by His written Word has given us laws and precepts to be applied to our lives and which serve to produce and maintain an ordered life, and who, by His Holy Spirit which comes to dwell within us upon repentance, establishes in our lives a course and direction in our lives to pursue for His glory,
to no longer seek our own glory but the glory of God,
to no longer rally behind corruptible men, but instead behind the incorruptible God in Heaven bearing in mind that those men and women God raises up for our edification are but instruments and servants of His for that respective purpose to which He has called them,
to no longer seek to align ourselves with the things of darkness but only with the things of the light,
to no longer trust in the wisdom of the world but only on the wisdom and knowledge that comes from above, nor depend on corruptible earthly authorities to swiftly administer justice, but only in the power of God to deliver us from evil.
Upon a sincere and heartfelt repentance that causes us to call upon the name of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins, we are made no longer a part of the swamp of this present world, but we are now made a part of the life giving water that are of Christ that we are commissioned to share with any willing to receive it (Mt. 28:19-20, Mk 16:15-16) and in doing so, we do our part to purify and decontaminate the filthy swamp waters thereby turning them into clean profitable freshwaters.
And just as our souls are made clean from sin, so one day also will we be liberated from bodily death when our bodies are transformed from that which is corruptible into that which is incorruptible (1 Cor. 15:51-55, 1 Thess. 4:13-18) for in that which is incorruptible dwells no sin and where no sin is, death is not.  And finally, creation itself will be delivered from the curse that came upon it because of sin when it is made anew into a creation in which there is no sin, no death, no curse, no decay, no evil, no pain, no grief, no misery, no sorrow, no hardship, nor any suffering of any kind but only peace, joy, harmony, and happiness before the Lord God Almighty. (Rev. 21-22)
If you want to be sure that you are not a part of the swamp of this evil world, I urge you to call upon the name of the Lord Jesus today for the forgiveness of sins so that you may be cleansed of the swamp stain of sin and thus become a vessel through which the life-giving water that comes from our Maker can be offered to any willing to receive it so that they too can be redeemed in Christ and also be turned into faithful servants and vessels of His as well.  It is but a simple sincere heartfelt prayer of repentance away:
"Lord Jesus I need you.
I realize that I am a sinner
who has fallen short of the glory of God
and that my goodness falls short
of your standard of Moral perfection.
Please forgive me of all of my sins.
Come into my heart and into my life
to be the Savior and Lord of my life.
Make me into the servant and follower
that you want me to be.
In your name Lord Jesus, I pray.
Know that God is not concerned with the words that you use to call upon Him forgiveness, but with the attitude of your heart and if you have, with all sincerity, have asked Christ to forgive you of your sins, placing your trust in Him only for your salvation and in nothing else, then your sins are forgiven and your place in Heaven is certain.
End notes:
1.  “Alex Marlow: Actions Conservatives Should Take Instead of Complaining,” JoshWho News, August 12, 2022
2.  Ibid.
3.  Ibid.
4.  Ibid.
5.  Ibid.
6.  Ibid. 
7.  D.H. Manheim, “It Is Not Enough To Simply Drain The Swamp,” Contender’s Edge, September 18, 2022
8. JoshWho News, August 12, 2022
Scripture references:
1.  Mark10:30
2.  Matthew 10:28
3.  Acts 1:16-16
4.  Acts 6:1-6
5.  1 Timothy 4:14
6.  1 Timothy 5:22
7.  2 Timothy 3:16
8.  Matthew 18:15-18
9.  1 Corinthians 5:1-8, 11, 13
10.  Titus 2:10, 13
11.  Matthew 7:15-20
12.  Acts 20:28-31
13.  2 Corinthians 11:3-4
14.  2 Corinthians 11:12-15
15.  Galatians 1:6-9
16.  1 Timothy 1:19-20
17.  1 Timothy 4:1-3, 7
18.  1 Timothy 5:22
19.  1 Timothy 6:3-5, 20-21
20.  2 Timothy 2:16-18, 23
21.  Titus 1:10-16
22.  Titus 2:11
23.  2 Peter 2
24.  2 Peter 3:15-16
25.  1 John 4:1-3
26.  Jude
27.  Matthew 5:14
28.  Matthew 25:14-28
29.  Genesis 2:9
30.  Genesis 2:16-17
31.  Genesis 3:3
32.  Genesis 3:19
33.  Romans 5:12
34.  Romans 6:23
35.  Romans 8:19-22
36.  Romans 3:23
37.  2 Corinthians 5:21
38.  Hebrews 7:26-27
39.  Romans 4:25
40.  Romans 10:13
41.  2 Corinthians 5:17
42.  2 Corinthians 5:18
43.  Revelation 21-22
44.  Matthew 28:19-20
45.  Mark 16:15-16
46.  1 Corinthians 15:51-55
47.  1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

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