Monday, August 21, 2023

Tucker Carlson Is Right About This One: Drugs Cannot Solve Every Problem


Tucker Carlson is right about one thing:  Drugs (legal or illegal) cannot solve every problem in life.  That is not to say that there are not some prescribed and over the counter medicines that are not beneficial physically.  There are some that help us go to sleep, relieve viral symptoms, relieve bodily pain, and in some cases, can even be an effective aid in fighting off ailments. (i.e. ivermectin, and hydroxychloroquine are effective remedies against COVID and have even been known to be effective cancer fighters.  Fenbendazole is also a known cancer fighter as well) but when it comes afflictions that are not of the body but of the mind, heart, and even the soul, they ultimately fail and even if they do bring some short-term relief, in the long-run, they do not really address the cause of the affliction.
They cannot really address the excruciating heartache that may come with a devastating loss.
They cannot cure afflictions like depression, bipolarism, or OCD.
They cannot rid anyone of torments like schizophrenia.
And most importantly, they cannot change the nature of man.
In some cases, those drugs purported to be effective treatments for such conditions are either ineffective or worse, exacerbate the problem they are said to cure.
As the Breitbart item citing Carlson states:
It turns out the entire premise behind the most commonly prescribed antidepressant drugs appears to be completely wrong.
These drugs are known as SSRIs. They’re ubiquitous…
Antidepressants are supposed to cure depression. That’s why they’re prescribed. And yet, over the same period that SSRI prescriptions have risen 3,000 percent, the suicide rate, may be the most reliable indicator of all of depression has not fallen in the United States. In fact, the suicide rate has jumped by 35 percent. That’s a huge increase. That’s a lot of dead people.
Now, drug makers admit that their products may be part of the reason for the increase in suicide. The makers of Prozac, for example, can see that young people who take that drug have an increased risk of suicide compared to those who took a placebo.
Think about that for a second. A drug that’s supposed to make you less sad may make it more likely that you will kill yourself. How is that allowed? [1]
Even left-leaning actor and scientology adherent Tom Cruise, with whom I would normally disagree on a host of other issues had stated in an interview on the Today Show over ten years ago, was cited by Carlson stating:
All it does is mask the problem, man, and if you understand the history of it, it masks the problem. That’s what it does. That’s all it does. 
You’re not getting to the reason why. There is no such thing as a chemical imbalance. Drugs aren’t the answer that…[2]
Yes, even someone like Tom Cruise understands what most people, be they Christian or non-Christian, religious or irreligious, rightwing or leftwing, fail to because we have been led to believe that psychological and behavioral disorders are caused by some sort of chemical imbalance or even a bad diet but having experienced first hand the agonizing torment and sting of oppression and having known people with schizophrenia, OCD, and bipolar disorder, I know that nothing can be further from the truth because the people I know who have suffered from the aforementioned disorders have taken medication for them but which have been ineffective.
These disorders can be caused by a past trauma that the afflicted individual.
They can be caused by their upbringing.
They can also be caused by a vital need unmet in that person’s life for which their soul is crying out (and that can be a little different for everyone)
And there are those that are caused by malevolent unseen powers.
But in any case, the only way to effectively treat the disorder is attacking it at its very source or by way of divine intervention in that person’s life.  Apart from either one, there is no hope for a lasting peace or recovery for the afflicted; they will find themselves subjugated to a lifetime of misery, pain, and torment whether they take prescription drugs or not and the torment can become so severe that the afflicted will long to die so much that they will even take their own lives.
But the afflicted still look to the pharmaceuticals because they are looking for a “quick” fix to their problems rather than go through the process of attacking the affliction at its source which means recognizing the root of the disorder from which they suffer and then addressing it from there because effective deliverance can be a very painful and even terrifying process or the afflicted may even be too embarrassed to reveal the source of their affliction and so rather than deal with pain at its cause.
And then there are those cases in which the afflicted, although they hate the effects of the cause, know the cause and yet refuse to attack the affliction at its cause and would rather just cover the symptoms because they refuse to rid themselves of that which is giving life to the affliction.  They might find some kind of pleasure in the cause of their affliction or somehow find security in the cause and therefore, continue to hold onto the cause rather than rid themselves of it, and so, they will insist on just being satisfied with attempting to minimize the negative effects of their affliction rather than just ridding themselves of it altogether but this will only keep them in perpetual bondage and in many cases, leads to their destruction and even premature death (death before their time is due).
It is no different with a drunk or druggie who recognize that their addictions are impoverishing them, causing instability within themselves, bringing needless chaos to their households, causing tumult and drama within their relationships and in some cases, even ruining and destroying them altogether, but yet refuse to stop drinking and stop using and it is because despite the deplorable condition and state of both mind and body that their addictions bring them to, they still think that they are benefiting somehow from the alcohol or drugs and may even find pleasure in them unaware that the very things in which seem pleasurable to them, that they think they are finding peace and security in is actually destroying them.
It is also the same way with what politics we give ourselves to.
People hate the effects of bad political decisions.
They hate the overregulation.
They hate the excessive taxation.
They hate the enabling of criminals and the miscarriage of justice against innocent law-abiding citizens.
They hate the corruption within our government and other institutions.
They hate the attacks on their Constitutionally protected liberties.
They may claim to stand for one thing or be against another.
And yet they persist in retaining the very leadership responsible for enacting the policies they claim to know are destructive to their respective communities, states, and the entire nation and which they claim to be against which means that there is a disconnect within them that needs to be addressed, just as there is a disconnect within the drunkard or druggie that needs to be addressed, and just as there is a disconnect within they who are suffering from a psychological affliction or disorder and in many cases, can be a spiritual disconnect and one that requires a spiritual transformation that sets the captive free of their addictions, begins the recovery process from their afflictions, and causes them to be morally aligned with their Creator.
But in order for the needed transformation to take place, there first has to be a recognition that a transformation and inward change needs to take place and in order for there to be a recognition of the need for that inward transformation, the one who has yet to embrace that transformation needs to be made aware of their current spiritual state and that their current spiritual state is in need of a transformation into one that is better than the state that they are in and in order for them to be persuaded to embrace that needed change, they need to understand how it is that the current spiritual state that they are in falls short of what they were created to be and granted, there be those who have fallen shorter of what they were meant to be than others, we have all fallen short nonetheless (Rom. 3:23) and in order for us to understand how it is that we fall short of what we were created to be, we have to understand what causes us to fall short in the first place which is why we have to go back to the beginning for by going back to the beginning, we then understand what God created this world to be and how He intended mankind to be and how the world fell from what God intended to be into the present state that it is in now.
In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, He had called everything good. (Gen. 1) meaning He had created everything to be according to His desire.  There was nothing in the world that He had made that was evil or that caused any sadness, grief, pain, suffering, strife, discord, hardship, or turmoil and there was no death therein or decay.  It was a world of life, light, and peace, unity, and harmony between God, man, and nature.
But that ended when mankind did one thing that was forbidden to him.  There was a certain tree called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil from which man was told not to eat from being warned by God that in the day that he ate thereof, he would surely die (Gen. 2:16-17, 3:3) but rather than heed the warning, he ate of that forbidden fruit and when he did, a corruption entered into him defiling his inward being and staining his very soul.  This inward corruption, is called sin which turned that which was created to be good, to be by nature evil.  Though most may understand sin by a bad act or even ill-spoken words, it is much more than that, for sin is not merely confined to a bad action or callous evil-spoken words, but rather the actions and choices made and the words spoken are but the outward manifestations of the inward corruption which influences not only our words and actions, but also our very thoughts, motives, and the attitudes of the heart and with that first act of disobedience by which sin entered into man and with sin came death (Gen. 3:19) but that sentence of death did not remain confined to just the man who committed that act of disobedience because the sin that entered into that man, being the first man Adam, and also into the first woman Eve, being his wife, whom he had joined in that transgression, (Gen. 3:6) but the sin that entered into them was then passed down to all of mankind because it is Adam, the first man and his wife Eve, the first woman, from whom all of mankind descend which is why all sin (Rom. 5:12) and why all die as a consequence (Rom. 6:23) for death finds its power in sin for where there is no sin, there is no death but still the consequences of that disobedience did not just stop there but the taint thereof affected all of creation which is why it is written that the entire creation groans and travails in pain to this day. (Rom. 8:19-22)
For those who adhere to the Genesis account as history, to them, it explains how the world went from being the world that God had created it to be to the world that is not what He intended, but as for those who dismiss the Word and Scripture of God as foolishness, they have no explanation for the evil, suffering, grief, and hardship that is in this world but instead they have questions.  The most commonly asked question and challenge is “if God is so loving and so good, then why is their so much evil and suffering in the world?” It is especially a common challenge from those who have suffered either a devasting loss or have experienced and witnessed firsthand a lot of suffering and evil.  The general answer to that question is that he didn’t create the world to be a place of evil and suffering.  He had created it to be a place of goodness, happiness, and peace. But as a consequence of man’s disobedience, it became a place filled with evil and suffering.
And when we experience suffering, witness the suffering of others, and are victimized by the evil of others, and when a child dies prematurely due to, for example, a terminal illness or a seemingly healthy young woman suddenly drops dead of an acute aneurysm or heart-attack, or an upright young man’s life is cut short by some accident, when children are subject to famine, or a person is born with a debilitating defect, or when calamity and tragedy that should only come upon the wicked befall those who are innocent and good, when the productive are subject to poverty and futility, or when a wife or husband loses their spouse after but a brief season together, it is an outrage and unfair and when such unseemly things take place, how tempted we are to shake our fists at our Maker.  How tempted we are to accuse Him of being unfair and unjust and we ask “What did that woman ever do to deserve her life to be cut short?” “What did that man ever do wrong that he should die at such a young age?” “What evil was in that child that they should not live a full life?”  “Why must good and godly people die young?” and “Why are the wicked allowed to live to old age?”
There is a wrongness about it.  These are things that happen and that even we ourselves experience that ought not be and should not be and there is a reason why we feel that way and why these things are unacceptable in our sight and that is because though we be born into a world in which death reigns and in which evil and every kind of hardship, misery, and suffering abound it is not the world that we were meant for, but rather we were meant for a better world and a world in which these things do not exist; a world in which there is only life, goodness, happiness, peace, and joy and so why then are we born into such a world and subjugated to its evils and miseries?
But then again, perhaps it is not the earth or this present life that in and of itself that is so bad but rather it has been what has corrupted and tainted the earth that is evil and it is the griefs, sorrows, pains, miseries, hardships, and evils that ruin the joys that we were otherwise meant to have in this present life and yet they are allowed so that we do not grow so attached to this corrupted and evil world nor place our hopes in the things of this present life, but so that we might set our sites on that new and better world for which God has intended us to be a part and so why then are we born into this world full of trouble and not into a world without trouble except that perhaps the reason why is that before we can ever be ready for an incorruptible habitation, the present corruption must first be dealt with and dealt with it will be for the day is coming when the sin and evil in this world and the corruption thereof will reach its measure at which point all evil will be vanquished and eliminated and all sin punished but that means the punishment of those who have taken pleasure in the things that are evil in the sight of God and that means that such will not be a part of the world we were meant and created to be a part of but for them, there is nothing to look forward to except a place where all that which evil and sinful will be sent and that is a place of everlasting and unrelenting torment and darkness beyond what anyone could possibly imagine; a place in which there is only weeping and gnashing of teeth; a place in there are only the unceasing screams of agony and astronomical pain.
For those who might think to cry out to God for justice, think well about what you are asking for His Word warns us, “Woe unto you that desire the day of the Lord! To what end is it for you? the day of the Lord is darkness, and not light.  As if a man did flee a lion, and a bear met him; or went into the house, and leaned his hand upon the wall, and a serpent bit him.  Shall not the day of the Lord be darkness, and not light? even very dark, and no brightness in it?” (Amos 5:18-20)
If tragedy, calamity, destruction, grief, misery, and sorrow abound now, how much more it shall be in the day of judgment for it will not be just those whom we recognize to be evil who will face judgment, but even those seemingly good and innocent in our eyes and we shall wonder as to why wrath must fall upon them as well.  The day of judgment will make no distinction between men and women, young or old, adult, child, or infant, nor will it discriminate between skin-color, lineage, nationality, or ethnicity.
And it will not only be just those whom we hold in contempt and utterly despise who will be affected.  It will also affect those whom we hold in high regard and even love and care for very deeply including our children, spouses, brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and close friends.  That day will fall upon not just those we think are deserving of the day.  It may also fall upon those who, as far as we are concerned, don’t deserve it.  So, whenever you ask why God just doesn’t do away with all the evil and suffering that we experience in the world, think well about what you are asking and what you think God ought to do.
The day of judgment will come soon enough and soon enough every soul will have to give an account for everything said and done but not only will the words they have spoken and the things that they have done be subject to judgment, but so will the very thoughts and motives that drove them to speak the things that they have spoken and do the things that they did because the goodness and holiness of God will require Him to act against the evil and wickedness of this world when it has reached its measure for if He does not act against evil and if sin is not punished, then He could no longer be good or holy for by not punishing evil, He would be an enabler thereof and enabling evil, He cannot do, and therefore He must punish it and He must punish it wherever it may be found and in whomever it is found and that without excuse or exception, but if He forbears punishment and if He delays the day of wrath, it is only because He takes no pleasure in destruction, or in punishment, or in judgment, but would rather show love and mercy and it is out of His love for mankind and His desire to show mercy that He is not willing that any should perish but that all would come to repentance. (2 Pet. 3:9)
We look and long for a material and outward deliverance, but God desires for us an inward deliverance; deliverance from our inward inherent corrupted nature.
We judge by the outward appearance and by performance but God judges us from the inside out and though we cry for deliverance from injustice, misery, suffering, affliction, sickness, disabilities, grief, sorrow, pain, and all manner of hardship, evil, and corruption, God calls us first to a deliverance that requires a change from within ourselves; a change of heart and mind and a cleansing of the soul for before the things from without became defiled and before even the body was subjected to death and decay, it was our inward person that was defiled and therefore it is our inward man the must be redeemed for as it is written, it is not that which is without that defiles us but that which is already within (Mt. 15:11, 18-20) which is why it is demanded of us for the inward to be cleansed that the outward may be cleansed as well (Mt. 23:26) for without the inward cleansing, the outward performance will profit us nothing for it is because of the inward defilement that we will never be redeemed by our own merit for it is because of our inward corruption that our own goodness falls short of the goodness required and demanded of us by God (Rom. 3:23) which is perfect goodness and moral perfection for that which falls short of perfect goodness cannot inherit the Kingdom of God nor can it ever dwell in a world designed only for goodness for if that which fell short of the glory of God was admitted into the incorruptible Kingdom, then that Kingdom would no longer be incorruptible but corruptible and would be defiled just as the earth and everything in it has been defiled because of that corruption that resides within mankind and it is this corruption that we call sin that causes to be estranged from our Creator and keeps us shut out of the Kingdom of Heaven for it is by sin that we are condemned before Almighty God and it is sin by which we are all made in danger of being cast into a place of everlasting darkness and an eternal unrelenting torment for that is the penalty of all sin and that is the sentence that the justice of God demands of all sin.  Even one sin, no matter how seemingly insignificant, is enough to damn someone to hellfire for all eternity.  Even one unwholesome thought is enough to prevent men from inheriting the Kingdom of God for if even the slightest amount of sin is allowed into the Kingdom of God, then the whole Kingdom would be defiled for sin never remains small but grows and spreads for as it is written, a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. (1 Cor. 5:6, Gal. 5:9)
It all may seem unfair, unjust, and even unreasonable that we should be damned on account of our failure to attain to moral perfection, but yet that is justice in its perfection and in its purity and with such incorruptibility comes the most severity, but we are not delivered from damnation by our own merit which is defiled by sin ever present within us, but we are saved from eternal damnation by the grace of God through faith (Eph. 2:8-9) for the salvation offered to us is not earned, but is given to us freely to any who ask and are willing to turn away from the sins by which we are damned and it is in love for us that grace is shown and it is through grace by which mercy is offered to us and it is in mercy that redemption has been purchased on our behalf and it has been purchased by one in whom there is no sin (2 Cor. 5:21) and it is because He is without sin that He was that perfect sacrifice needed to purchase redemption on our behalf (Heb. 7:26-27) and this perfect sacrifice on our behalf is the one who was with God in the beginning and who is Himself God (Jn. 1:1) and who came into the world as a man (Jn. 1:14) to take away the sins of the world and the man by whom the sins of the world are taken away is Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God (Jn. 3:16) who offered Himself unto death upon the cross on which His blood was shed for us for in His death was redemption purchased and the demanded penalty for all sin satisfied and after having purchased by His death our redemption, He was raised again from the dead that we, by faith, would be made justified in Him and by Him (Rom. 4:25) for if we will but confess with our mouths that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead, we shall be saved from our sins (Rom. 10:9) for it is by calling upon His name in faith, and in sincere repentance, for the forgiveness of sins that we are delivered from what would otherwise be a fearful and frightful everlasting torment (Rom. 10:13) for it is by the forgiveness of sins that our souls are made clean and by the cleansing of the soul from the stain and taint of sin are we made anew in Christ Jesus (2 Cor. 5:17) and are reconciled to God the Father (2 Cor. 5:18) from whom our sin had once estranged us and it is because of this transformation that no longer do we want to do those things that are evil in the sight of God but only good.  No longer do we want to abide in anything but His truth for He is the way, the truth, and the life. (Jn. 14:6) No longer do we want to take pleasure in the things of darkness but only in those things that are of the light, no longer do we want to pursue after those things that are sinful, but only after righteousness, purity, and holiness.  No longer do we want to be caught up in worldly affairs but only in heavenly affairs, no longer seeking to store up for ourselves temporal treasures on this earth, but treasures up in Heaven which will be everlasting treasures, (Mt. 6:20) no longer should we seek after the favor and praise of men, but only the praise and favor of God, no longer should we have fear of those that can only bring temporal affliction and bodily harm and death, but only God who is able to cast both body and soul into hell for all eternity where there is nothing but everlasting torment, (Mt. 10:28) no longer should we be following after the ordinances, traditions, customs, and counsels, wisdom, and laws of this present world, but only after the precepts, virtues, laws, doctrines, wisdom, knowledge, counsel, and instruction that comes from God alone, for as it is written, “be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God,” (Rom. 12:2) and we should not judge after the manner of the people of this present world, which is by outward appearances, but if we are to judge, we must judge with righteous judgment (Jn. 7:24) which is the words that are spoken, manner of conduct and behavior, and deeds and actions performed.
For though this redemption and transformation of our souls in Christ may not eliminate all suffering or rid us of all evil in the world, it can most certainly enable and empower us to lessen it.
And just as our souls are made anew and transformed in Christ Jesus, so then we also look forward to being liberated from bodily death which shall take place when our present forms are transformed from that which was born corrupt by reason of sin into that which is made incorruptible (1 Cor. 15:51-55, 1 Thess. 4:13-18) and in which sin has no presence for death has no power over that in which dwells no sin.
And finally, creation itself will be liberated, when it is made anew and into that better world that we are promised in which there is no sin, no evil, no death, no decay, no corruption, no darkness, no pain, no suffering, no grief or sadness, no hardship, nor any turmoil, hate, or discord, but only peace, love, contentment, happiness, joy, and harmony before the Lord God Almighty. (Rev. 21-22)
If you desire a better world in which no evil or suffering of any sort exist but have not done so already, I would urge you to turn away from your sins and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus for the forgiveness of sins so that you are not shut out of that better world to be desired and longed for but so that you may have assurance that you can take your place there.  It is but a simple but sincere prayer of repentance away:
"Lord Jesus I need you.
I realize that I am a sinner
who has fallen short of the glory of God
and that my goodness falls short
of your standard of Moral perfection.
Please forgive me of all of my sins.
Come into my heart and into my life
to be the Savior and Lord of my life.
Make me into the servant and follower
that you want me to be.
In your name Lord Jesus, I pray.
Know that God is not concerned with the words that you use to call upon Him forgiveness, but with the attitude of your heart and if you have, with all sincerity, have asked Christ to forgive you of your sins, placing your trust in Him only for your salvation and in nothing else, then your sins are forgiven and your place in Heaven is certain.
End notes:
1.   Jeff Poor, “FNC’s Carlson: ‘Drugs Are Not the Answer to Every Human Problem’ — ‘Possible that Pfizer Is Not the Solution,’” Breitbart, July 26, 2022
2.  Ibid.
Scripture references:
1.  Genesis 1
2.  Genesis 2:16-17
3.  Genesis 3:3
4.  Genesis 3:19
5.  Genesis 3:6
6.  Romans 5:12
7.  Romans 6:23
8.  Romans 8:19-22
9.  Amos 5:18-20
10.  2 Peter 3:9
11.  Matthew 15:11, 18-20
12.  Matthew 23:26
13.  1 Corinthians 5:6
14.  Galatians 5:9
15.  Ephesians 2:8-9
16.  2 Corinthians 5:21
17.  Hebrews 7:26-27
18.  John 1:1
19.  John 1:14
20.  John 3:16
21.  Romans 4:25
22.  Romans 10:9
23.  Romans 10:13
24.  2 Corinthians 5:17
25.  2 Corinthians 5:18
26.  John 14:6
27.  Matthew 6:20
28.  Matthew 10:28
29.  Romans 12:2
30.  John 7:24
31.  1 Corinthians 15:51-55
32.  1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
33.  Revelation 21-22

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