If They Hear It On Television…
If they hear it on television, especially from a so-called
authoritative source, they decide that it must be true and while granted the
mainstream manure pile does have an advantage over conservatives and
Bible-believing Christians when it comes to cable and satellite television, at
least on the internet, we have a more even playing field despite the fact that
big-tech and even government entities have attempted to change that to where
the globalist and far left entities can prevail over conservatives and Bible-believing
Christians on the internet just as they have done on radio and television.
Redvoice Media ran a 2 minute clip
in which podcaster Drew Berquist was discussing with Real America’s Voice
Grant Stinchfield as to the massive reach and influence that the mainstream
manure pile has over the masses and that conservatives and how in spite of the
advent of the internet and the ability to bypass censorship attempts by Big
tech through the production of multiple SM platforms and rival search engines
to that of google, conservatives still seem to be at a disadvantage insofar as
their ability to reach the masses goes [1] which is why we who have a love of the truth and wish to see it
broadcasted and circulated cannot expect our blogsites, websites, podcasts, or
SM pages to appear on a search engine and help us get the truth out. We have to do it ourselves and that takes
time and dedication which is why I do not rely on search engines or solely on
one SM platform but happen to be on several by the way (some being better than
others) in order to reach as many people as I can to the glory of God above and
I have always advised others to do the same and not only to reach a wider
audience, but also because you never know when one SM platform might go
belly-up (that’s happened to me) or if the administration of any given platform
(no matter how seemingly friendly) may decide that they don’t like you very
much and kick you off their platform.
And also as my way of helping conservative news outlets and Christian
ministries to be able to reach as many people as they possibly can, however
small it might be, on my blogsite I have a page in which I have a list of links
to various different biblically sound ministries and news outlets that appear
credible [2] but which
most people, including many professing Christians, don’t know about, but which
I believe do have valuable and useful insight that needs to be shared and which
publish information and news that receives little or no attention at all.
And so I encourage others who also have a website, blogsite, run an SM
platform, or are an SM user and who has a section on their respective page to
provide a list of different credible news and info outlets to do so and not
only do what you can to get the word out about them on your website, blogsite,
or SM account, but also do a print out of that respective list of Christian
ministries and conservative news outlets that you can distribute to your
family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances, and even to your own respective
places of worship.
And for any users on any given platform I encourage them to not just
click on an emoji reaction icon and not only comment on a post that contains
content they think is edifying, informative, enlightening, but also to share
and repost it because whenever you comment on a post, click on an emoji
reaction icon to indicate how you feel about that post, it can be an
encouragement to the original poster and when you repost their content, it
helps them get the word out but when no one shares their content or responds to
their posts, the original poster may not feel as motivated to continue posting
content and may find the time and effort they spend doing so to be fruitless.
What is ironic, however, is that the same people who believe virtually
everything that they listen to on television or even what they are taught in
academia, claim that you can’t believe everything that is published on the
internet and yet they are the ones being indoctrinated and brainwashed by
mainstream manure pile, the entertainment industry, and academia.
If they are told that there is no God, they believe it.
If they are told that everything came into existence through nothing
more than the unthinking and unplanning processes of time and random chance,
they believe it.
If they are told that man is a descendant of a single-celled organism,
they believe it.
If they are told that so-called climate change is an existential
threat, they believe it.
If they are told that the COVID virus has a high mortality rate, they
believe it.
If they are told that the COVID vaccines are safe and effective, they
believe it.
If they are told that an unborn child is nothing more than a pound of
meat, they believe it.
If they are told that all faiths, philosophies, and ideologies are
equally valid, they believe it.
If they are told that certain factions or groups of people are
dangerous and a threat to society, even they are not, they believe it.
If they are told that our electoral system is safe, reliable, and
secure, they believe it.
If they are told that that they can be racist and not know it, (I
forget what they call that) they believe it.
Their basis for what is right and what is wrong is dependent upon what
they are taught in academia, what they are told on television, and what is
dictated to them by the powers that be and so what they believe that whatever
they are told is right is right and whatever they are told is wrong is wrong,
and whatever they are told is good is good, and whatever they are told is evil
is evil, even if what they are being told to be evil is good and what they are
being told to be good is evil and what they are being told to be right is wrong
or that what they are being told to be wrong is right.
If they are told that a man can be a woman or that woman can be a man,
they believe it.
If they are told that there are more than two genders, they believe
If they are told that gender is not determined by a fixed biology,
they believe it.
They believe anything that they are taught and told by the very
powers, authorities, figures of influence, and institutions in which they trust
for direction and guidance without any consideration that what they are being
told could be a lie and may lead them to ruin and destruction in this life and
into eternal damnation in the next life and when they are confronted with facts
and arguments that challenge anything and everything that they have been led to
take as truth and fact, they may dismiss what they are being presented with, no
matter how factually sound and how reasonably sound, as being utter foolishness
and they may even react angrily when faced with the possibility that they are
being lied to and deceived by the powers, authorities, and figures of influence
in whom they have placed their trust because they have had no reason to believe
that those credentialed, authoritative, and who hold influence would ever
purposely lie to them, deceive them, and lead them astray.
It is as though they think that somehow those of power, authority, and
influence must possess a level of moral and intellectual superiority than those
who are not, because they are blind to the nature of man, measuring everything
by way of outward performance while ignorant of the condition of the inward man
which produces the thoughts, motives, and attitudes behind the actions and the
condition of the inward man but those who do understand the nature of man know
that the teacher and professor can deceive them as any cult leader, that
governing authorities can be every bit as corrupt and filled with greed as any
private corporation, that the media can spew lies as any slanderer, perjurer,
or charlatan, that those of celebrity can be every bit as perverse, immoral,
cold-hearted, arrogant, selfish, and lawless as any other person can be, and
that men can be victimized by any so-called law enforcer as they can be by any
It is the very reason why that no establishment or any institution is
immune from frailty, corruption, or evil because they are built, established,
and operated by persons corruptible and if men would take an honest examination
of themselves and not just their outward performance, but also their inward
person, they would then see their moral wretchedness. Some may dismiss that inward corruption as a
product of nature itself because they view themselves as no different than any
beast and may just regard themselves as some sophisticated animal, but even
they cannot escape the need for restraint upon what would otherwise be
unbridled passions for without such restraints we indeed would be no different
than any beast; no, we would be far worse and even far more destructive than
any beast and though some would count it as chance that concepts of morality,
right and wrong, good and evil, law, order, and justice, and even a belief in
the divine and in supernatural powers would set us apart from the animals which
are governed only by blind instinct and are thus just as much of a product of
nature as everything produced by that inward corruption that resides within
each and everyone of us, for those who believe in a God who made all things and
who is the source of truth and morality, and therefore the sole definer of what
is right and wrong, and good and evil, this has very serious implications.
For when a man examines himself before Almighty God, and not just
outwardly, but also inwardly, it can be the most humbling experience that he
might ever have and at the same time, it can also be the most terrifying
because he understands that he will one day stand before this God and have to
give an account, not just of his actions and words, but also his thoughts,
motives, and attitudes and if when he discovers that he has fallen short and
continues to fall short of that standard of moral perfection, then he must ask
the question: “What can I do to be
saved?” He knows that if he is not
redeemed of his sins and transgressions, that he faces a terrible judgment and
an afterlife filled with punishment and if God graciously presents him with
redemption, then it will be up to the sinner to decide as to whether or not he
is willing to accept the means of redemption offered to him.
For those of us who understand the nature of ideological warfare that
is taking place within our nation understand that it is not just about
politics, economics, national security, or even social issues but it goes far
deeper than that because the ideological warfare that is taking place within
our nation is not merely ideological, it is spiritual. It is a spiritual warfare between:
Light and darkness
Truth and falsehood
Life and death
Liberty and tyranny
Good and evil
Angels and demons
God and Satan
Heaven and hell
And the beginnings of that age-long conflict took place, not on the
earth, but within the Kingdom of Heaven itself when a certain angel, a guardian
of the cherub more specifically, thought to make himself equal with God and
tried to take for himself that which belonged to God alone which resulted with
him and those who joined him in his rebellion to be cast from their positions.
(Is. 14:11-21, Ezek. 28:12-19)
After being cast from the position he once held in Heaven, this fallen
angel came to the earth that God had created in which there was no evil, death,
decay, nor any grief, sorrow, hardship, or misery of any sort for it was
created to be a place of peace, happiness, joy, and with a unity and harmony
between God, man, and nature.
Man was given authority and dominion over all of creation (Gen. 1:26)
and there was nothing held back from him except for one thing: the fruit of a
tree called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil having been warned that
in the day they ate thereof, they would surely die. (Gen 2:16-17, 3:3)
But this fallen angel who is called Lucifer, but better known as Satan
or the Devil, caused the first man Adam and the first woman Eve, Adam’s wife to
eat of that very fruit that they were told not to eat from and he did so by a
lie and the lie was that they would not die and that they would become as gods
(Gen. 3:4-5) thus leading them to think that by eating of that forbidden fruit
they would attain a state superior than in which they had been created and
after having eaten of that fruit, instead of attaining to that superior state
that they thought, they were reduced to an inferior state and, just as they
were warned, the sentence of death came upon them (Gen. 3:19) but the sentence
of death did not stop with them, but that sentence of death was passed down to
all of mankind because in the day that Adam and Eve had eaten of that forbidden
fruit, sin entered into them; sin being the corrupted condition of human nature
and not merely confined by outward acts and words spoken, but it is the
corrupted condition of the inward person that influences not just outward acts,
behavior, and conduct, but also thoughts, motives, and attitudes and the sin
that entered into Adam and his wife Eve brought death to them because it is in
sin that death has its power and the sin that entered into them and brought
about their deaths was then also passed down to all of mankind (Rom. 5:12)
because it is from Adam and Eve into whom sin first entered that we all descend
and because we are their descendants, the sin that entered into them and
brought death to them also entered into us which is why we all sin and
therefore as a consequence, we all die (Rom. 6:23) and furthermore, because of
sin, a curse was brought upon all of creation which is why it is written that
the entire creation groans and travails in pain to this day (Rom. 8:19-22)
which is why in all of creation death and decay reign and all kinds of pain,
grief, sorrow, misery, suffering, and hardship abound.
Worse still, the transgression of Adam and Eve gave Satan
justification to claim lordship over the kingdoms of the earth (Mt. 4:8-9, Lk.
4:6-7) which is why he is called the prince of this world (Jn. 12:31, 16:11)
and worst of all, the sin into which we are all born estranges us from our
It is by a lie that Satan, by causing Adam and Eve to transgress that
one commandment forbidding them to eat of the fruit from the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil, caused sin to enter into them and then into all of
mankind and through sin brought death upon all men which then enabled him to
usurp the dominion that was given to man and it is that very lie by which Satan
caused man to be subjugated to sin and death that made him the father of all
lies and a murderer (Jn. 8:44) for the lie by which he brought death upon
mankind through sin was the first known lie ever told and it was by a lie that
he also stole the authority over the earth that God had once given to man which
is why he is called a thief (Jn. 10:10) and because of the curse that he caused
to come upon all of creation through sin, he is also called a destroyer. (v.
And by more lies than one, does Satan keep men subjugated to sin,
death, and damnation and he does so by causing them to be blind and unaware to
the corrupted condition of their inward nature that he might lead the
unsuspecting multitudes into an eternal and unrelenting torment for if their
eyes were opened to their true condition and were made to understand that they
are destined to stand before the God who made all things to give an account not
just for actions and spoken words, but even for their very thoughts, motives,
and attitudes, then they would see just how much they need to be saved out of
their sins and if they fear the judgment to come, then they will earnestly seek
God to find out what it is that they must do to be saved and in His love and
desire to show mercy, and offer forgiveness of sins, He will show them what
they must do for the Lord God who made us is not willing that any should perish
in damnation but that all would come to repentance (2 Pet. 3:9) and be saved
from the eternal hellfire and damnation to which they would otherwise be
condemned and He has already given us redemption which is found in Jesus Christ
our Lord and King who, being without sin, (2 Cor. 5:21) was that perfect
sacrifice required to take away sin (Heb. 7:26-27) which He did by His death on
the cross upon which He was crucified and on which His blood was shed and after
having satisfied the demanded penalty for sin by His death, He rose again from
the grave that we who place our faith in Him for the forgiveness of our sins
and for salvation may in Him be justified (Rom. 4:25) so that anyone calling
upon His name in all good faith and in sincere repentance calling upon the name
of Jesus Christ for salvation and for the forgiveness of sins will be saved.
(Rom. 10:13)
And because Satan, as a consequence of man’s sin, has claimed lordship
over the world, it should then be no surprise that those who would bring the
message of salvation in Christ should face difficulty in spreading this truth
out to as many as are willing to hear and receive it and he works tirelessly
every day and night and by many means to hinder and suppress this truth and he
does so by leading the people of God who are charged with preaching the Gospel
to disgrace themselves by various temptations, distracting them with cares and
worries of this present life and away from the affairs of the Kingdom of
Heaven, by causing them to fear the ridicule from, disfavor of, rejection by
threats, intimidations from, punishments and acts of violence, including death
itself, by the hands of men more than the God by whom all men will be judged
and given either their final reward or their final sentence, by causing them to
value the temporal honors and favor of men above the everlasting honors and
favors of God, by causing them to place their trust in the things of this world
to meet their needs rather than in the God who is able to supply all needs, to
place their hopes in this present life rather than the life to come, discourage
them and turn them away from serving and following Christ by way of sending
against them various hardships and adversities, by leading them out the faith
by way of cleverly and elaborate deceptions and false doctrines, by raising up
powers and authorities hostile to the Christian faith to carry out various
forms of persecution against any and all who dare to follow and faithfully
serve Almighty Christ, and by attempting to suppress and hide any knowledge and
information that might lead men to embrace the Gospel of Salvation.
If the conservative or right-wing community is being beset by
difficulties in getting their message and what they deem to be truth out to the
masses, then in order to find the answer as to why their philosophy would be
targeted for suppression one must find out what their ideology has in common
with the truth that comes of God, for if there be anything about,
“conservatism” as we here in America may understand it, and if there be
anything about the MAGA movement that might ever lead men to the knowledge of their
Maker and into a saving faith in Jesus Christ, then it should not be of any
coincidence that the MAGA movement and “conservatism” should also be targets
for suppression and though I am not about to go into an in-depth detailed
examination of as to what the tenets of “conservatism” may have with the
divinely inspired scriptures (2 Tim. 3:16) by which the Gospel is delivered and
from which it is preached, but I will just name a few:
Conservatism reverences and believes in the preservation of the
traditional family which is consistent with how God had designed it, beginning
with a strong stable marriage: (Genesis 2:18, 21-24) and that anything apart
from that design is a perversion and mockery of that which was designed of our
Maker. (Lev. 18:22-23, Deut. 22:5, Rom. 1:26-27, 1 Cor. 6:9-10)
Conservatism teaches that men should seek after God as he feels the
need to. (Acts 17:27)
Conservatism teaches the sanctity of innocent life and applies this to
even the unborn citing not only scientific evidences but will even appeal to
scripture itself. (Lk. 1:1-44)
Conservatism teaches that all men must be subject to the same laws and
standards. (Num. 15:16)
Conservatism teaches that men should be productive and live purposeful
meaningful lives. (Eccl. 9:10)
Conservatism teaches that men should do all that they can to provide
for themselves and their families and if they do not, they shouldn’t eat. (2 Thess. 3:10)
Conservatism feels no need to suppress dissenting opinions on any
matter nor does it believe that men have been given any authority to do
so. (Mt. 13:24-30)
Conservatism believes that men have the right to acquire the means to
defend themselves from any and all possible threats to themselves, their
property, and those whom they hold dear. (Lk. 22:36)
And if any disillusioned with globalist leftist ideology were to
consider conservatism and find out just how many things that it has in common
with scripture, they might, in comparing the tenets of conservatism with
scripture, in the process also begin to know and understand the truth about
their inward person and about their true inward condition and see that even
their own goodness, no matter how much good they try to do, is tainted by that
inward corruption to which they had once been blind, realizing that no matter
what they do, they will still sin and fall short of the glory of God (Rom.
3:23) and when they begin to understand that they cannot legitimately stand
upon their own goodness and upon their good works to admit them into Heaven, it
is then that they will realize that they can only rely on the redemptive work
of Christ done on their behalf or else face eternal damnation, and it will be
in that moment that they will cry out to Christ for the forgiveness of their
sins in sincere repentance and with full faith in trust in the redemptive work
Jesus has done on their behalf, and fully believing that He was raised from the
dead so that they who call upon His name will be saved.
Has anyone ever considered that the attempted censorship and even the
persecution of those who have challenged and dissented from the preferred
official COVID, climate change, and 2020 electoral narratives is not done as an
end unto itself, but is instead a means to carry out an agenda and a purpose
far more sinister and that perhaps that purpose is to suppress the truth that
sets us free from the bondage of sin, damnation, despair, and a meaningless
existence; that truth that offers the forgiveness of sins in Christ Jesus who
is the way, the truth and the life and is the only one and means by which any
can come to God? (Jn. 14:6)
For when men embrace the faith that brings them to salvation, not only
is their soul cleansed of all sin thereby reconciling them to God, (2 Cor.
5:18) but a transformation within them begins to take place for they are made,
in spirit, a new creation in Christ Jesus; (2 Cor. 5:17) that very change that
causes us to no longer desire to follow after selfish and worldly pursuits but
after those things that pertain to the Kingdom of Heaven,
to no longer take pleasure in those things that are evil and
displeasing in the sight of the Lord, but in that which is good, right, and
pleasing in His sight,
to no longer desire to walk in the lies of this present world, but
only in the truth that comes from Christ Almighty, no longer placing our hopes
in the things of this present world, but looking forward to that new and better
world to come, (Rev. 21-22)
to no longer rely on worldly resources, men, or even our own power,
abilities, skills, and wisdom for our needs and provision but upon God who is
able to meet all of our needs, recognizing that the resources of this world and
even the people He brings into our lives are but instruments and vessels
through which God meets our needs and that the skills, power, knowledge, and
wisdom by which we might acquire our provision are provided and instilled in us
by God,
to no longer fear what men can do to us, but rather fearing the God
before whom we will have to one day give an account for how we lived our lives,
(Mt. 10:28)
to no longer look to corruptible institutions within our society for
direction and order in our lives but to God who, by His written Word has given
us laws and precepts to be applied to our lives and which serve to produce and
maintain an ordered life, and who, by His Holy Spirit which comes to dwell
within us upon repentance, establishes in our lives a course and direction in
our lives to pursue for His glory,
to no longer seek our own glory but the glory of God,
to no longer rally behind corruptible men, but instead behind the
incorruptible God in Heaven bearing in mind that those men and women God raises
up for our edification are but instruments and servants of His for that
respective purpose to which He has called them,
to no longer seek to align ourselves with the things of darkness but
only with the things of the light,
to no longer trust in the wisdom of the world but only on the wisdom
and knowledge that comes from above, nor depend on corruptible earthly
authorities to swiftly administer justice, but only in the power of God to
deliver us from evil.
For it is this change that turns an evil person into a good person and
a good person into an even better one, that causes the perverse to pursue
purity, changes the lawless into law-abiding, makes the violent desire peace,
brings stability to the unstable, and turns the selfish to selfless.
It is the very inward change that makes the ungodly pursue after
and that produces better husbands, better wives, better sons and
daughters, better mothers and better fathers, better grandparents and better
grandchildren, better neighbors, better friends, better teachers, better
students, better employees and better employers, better leaders and better
subjects, raises up academic establishments with integrity, media that is
honest, entertainment that brings meaningful inspiration, businesses and
corporations that regard the welfare of the people who work for them and deal
honestly with their customers, and finally the establishment of civic
authorities seeking the best interests of all at heart.
The more who embrace this change, the weaker in power and influence
the prince of this world becomes which makes every conversion to Christ a
threat to his hold on the earth and not only is Satan’s power threatened by
they who turn to Christ and who faithfully follow and serve Him, but the power
he holds over the world will not last forever, for Christ has declared that
Satan will one day be cast out of this world (Jn. 12:31) and not only will he
be cast out of this world, he will be cast forever into eternal damnation where
he will be tormented day and night forever and ever without relief and not only
he himself, but all, both man and spirit, who have sided with him against God
(Rev. 20:10-15) and furthermore, just as we have been freed from eternal
damnation and cleansed of our sins, so also do we look forward from being free
of bodily death as well when our present forms in which sin dwells are changed
from that which is subject to corruption and death to a form in which sin does
not dwell and therefore is exempt from death and made incorruptible (1 Cor.
15:51-55, 1 Thess. 4:13-18) for wherein dwells no sin there is no death
and finally, creation itself will be liberated from the curse that was
placed upon it because of sin when it is made anew, and in that new creation,
there will be no death, no decay, no sin, no evil, nor any misery, or hardship,
pain, grief, or any sorrow of any kind, sort, severity, or degree (Rev. 21-22) but
only peace, contentment, joy, happiness, and harmony before the Lord God
Almighty. (v. 21-22)
If you have not done so already and desire to be on the side of truth
and seek to do that which is good instead of evil and desire to be part of a
new and better world to come, then I urge you to call upon the name of Jesus
Christ for the forgiveness of sins and receive Him as your Savior and Lord over
all of your life, for in doing so, you will have dealt a blow to the forces of
darkness starting in your own life. It
is only but a simple sincere prayer of repentance away:
"Lord Jesus I need you.
I realize that I am a sinner
who has fallen short of the glory of God
and that my goodness falls short
of your standard of Moral perfection.
Please forgive me of all of my sins.
Come into my heart and into my life
to be the Savior and Lord of my life.
Make me into the servant and follower
that you want me to be.
In your name Lord Jesus, I pray.
Know that God is not concerned with the words that you use to call
upon Him forgiveness, but with the attitude of your heart and if you have, with
all sincerity, have asked Christ to forgive you of your sins, placing your
trust in Him only for your salvation and in nothing else, then your sins are
forgiven and your place in Heaven is certain.
End notes:
1. “A Misinformed Populace That
Takes Everything Hook, Line and Sinker,” video clip taken from Grant
Stinchfield on Real America’s Voice, Red Voice Media
2. D.H. Manheim, “The Roster,”
Contender’s Edgehttps://contendersedge.blogspot.com/p/the-blog-roll-call_29.html
Scripture references:
1. Isaiah 14:11-21
2. Ezek. 28:12-19
3. Genesis 1:26
4. Genesis 2:16-17
5. Genesis 3:3
6. Genesis 3:19
7. Romans 5:12
8. Romans 6:23
9. Romans 8:19-22
10. Matthew 4:8-9
11. Luke 4:6-7
12. John 12:31
13. John 16:11
14. John 8:44
15. John 10:10
16. 2 Peter 3:9
17. 2 Corinthians 5:21
18. Hebrews 7:26-27
19. Romans 4:25
20. Romans 10:13
21. 2 Timothy 3:16
22. Genesis 2:18, 21-24
23. Leviticus 18:22-23
24. Deuteronomy 22:5
25. Romans 1:26-27
26. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
27. Acts 17:27
28. Luke 1:1-44
29. Numbers 15:16
30. Ecclesiastes 9:10
31. 2 Thessalonians 3:10
32. Matthew 13:24-30
33. Luke 22:36
34. Romans 3:23
35. John 14:6
36. 2 Corinthians 5:18
37. 2 Corinthians 5:17
38. Revelation 21-22
39. Matthew 10:28
40. Revelation 20:10-15
41. 1 Corinthians 15:51-55
42. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
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