Friday, May 31, 2024

Though The Scientific, Rationale, And Moral Case For The Sanctity Of Life May Prevail In The Mind, Hearts Are Still Hardened.


Though the scientific, rational, and moral case for the sanctity of life may prevail in the mind, the pro-abortion movement still has a hold on the hearts of many.  Carrie Gress, writing for The Federalist, explains:
For decades, pro-lifers have tried to communicate rich and important truths about babies, motherhood, and the family, yet the polls and the culture continually show these efforts are falling upon deaf ears. We make impassioned and intellectually rigorous arguments, and then they dissolve in the red robes and bonnets of “The Handmaid’s Tale” activists. That one image instantly conveys more than words can say.
What, then, do the red-robed, bonneted handmaids communicate? They say wordlessly, albeit untruthfully, that this is what the pro-life movement wants for women: forced pregnancy and fertility cults. Pro-lifers want to take away the very life most women live and supplant it with something unimaginably bad. They want your freedom…the left has successfully placed in the minds of most women a false binary: We either stick with the savvy, attractive, ambitious, and career-oriented women held up by the culture, or we are handmaids, doormats, silently enslaved as our bodies pump out more babies. It is one or the other… The left, through strong visuals, has masterfully undermined our most reasoned arguments and best compassionate pleas. [1]
Never underestimate the power of visuals as they can have an influence on the mind and heart that can be every bit as powerful as any intellectual argument and in fact, they are used to either solidify the intellectual case made for any given position or at least make a propagated position on any given matter appear reasonable and intellectually sound no matter how false, deceptive, dangerous, morally repugnant, factually incorrect, and preposterous it may be and as Gress points out in her column, the forces of darkness use visuals to great effect.
Pornographic and sexually explicit images have sexually exploited women and can produce in the minds of men unrealistic expectations of women in terms of their physical appearance.
Romance novels and movies produce in the hearts and minds of women standards and expectations most men are not able to attain or live up to and not just in terms of their appearance, but also in terms of resources and financial security no matter how hard they might try.
We are often bombarded by commercials advertising products that are seemingly beneficial, but sometimes, when we decide to try the product for ourselves, it doesn’t turn out to be what we had expected but instead far less than what we had expected and then we feel cheated.
The most clever of con-artists and scammers use imagery in an attempt to defraud potential consumers (i.e. ponzi or pyramid schemes) who are in a vulnerable state and in such desperation that their judgment is clouded and therefore lack the discretion and discernment that they otherwise might have had to see through the deceptive ploys and tactics and which would have saved them from being victimized.
There are even professing charitable organizations that will use images, including those of impoverished and starving children, to get people to donate to their professed cause by way of emotional manipulation when in reality their motives for doing so have nothing to do with alleviating the misery of impoverished and starving children but are self-serving with most of the funds going to enrich the owners, founders, and operators of such organizations unbeknownst to their donors.
And in academia, we are confronted with imagery that depicts a supposed beginning and history of our universe with diagrams of various life forms, including man, descending from a single-celled organism, a geologic column representing purported epochs, eras, and periods throughout the history of the earth, and depictions of alleged transitional forms between fish and land animals, birds and reptiles, rodents and horses, and apes and men; all for the purpose of leading us to embrace a certain philosophy regarding the origins of no matter how much of a lie it is.
In museums, we are met with displays of an alleged period in time depicting events and a way of life to be accepted as fact, even if it has no basis in fact at all.
So-called scientists have even gone so far as to take a single tooth that could have come from any animal and make an entire ape-man image out of it and until it was found that it did not belong to any ape-man after all but to a pig. [2] 

The public believed that it was from an ape-man and all because they did not know the difference between actual science and a theory being passed off as scientific fact and many still do not know the difference to this day and as a consequence, multitudes around the world have been and are still being systematically deceived into believing cleverly and elaborately crafted lies because of a blind and unquestioning trust in the teacher in the classroom, the professor at the lectern, the reporter in front of the news camera, and the documentarian on the television or internet; those same lies by which they are being deceived also being affirmed by the entertainment industry and religious leaders and organization.

The use of imagery inspired by The Handmaid’s Tale, a dystopian television series in which Christianity is misrepresented and vilified, which consists of the long red robes and the large white bonnets featured in the series and even worn by some pro-abortion activists during protests against pro-life legislation and judicial rulings is not the first time imagery has been used in an attempt to harden hearts against the pro-life movement and has been used to deceive many into killing and supporting the killing of innocent unborn children.
In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, an avid proponent of Darwinism by the name of Ernst Haeckel proposed what is called ontogeny (embryonic development) recapitulating (repeating) phylogeny (evolution) or the theory of recapitulation.  He stated:
By a tenacious heredity these gill-clefts, which have no meaning except for our fish-like aquatic ancestors, are still preserved in the embryo of man and all the other vertebrates. They disappear after a time. Even after the five vesicles of the embryonic brain appear in the head, and the rudiments of the eyes and ears at the sides, and after the legs sprout out at the base of the fish-like embryo, in the form of two roundish, flat buds, the fetus is still so like that of other vertebrates that it is indistinguishable from them
The substantial similarity in outer form and inner structure which characterizes the embryo of man and other vertebrates in this early stage of development is an embryological fact of the first importance ; from it, by the fundamental law of biogeny, we may draw the most momentous conclusions. There is but one explanation of it-heredity from a common parent form. When we see that, at a certain stage, the embryos of man and the ape, the dog and the rabbit, the pig and the sheep, although recognizable as higher vertebrates, cannot be distinguished from each other, the fact can only be elucidated by assuming a common parentage. [3]
To simply put, the theory of recapitulation, which Haeckel made popular and widely accepted  by the public, scientific, and academic communities, claimed that the alleged similarities shared by very different creatures at the earliest stages of embryonic development was evidence suggesting that all living things, including man, evolved from a common ancestor and even went on to publish a lithograph which he had created depicting a comparison of human embryo development with that of the embryos of a number of different animals thinking it would vindicate the theory:
But there was just one problem.
The drawings were not based on any actual observation of embryonic development of any sort.  He had fabricated them and they were proven to be fraudulent soon after he had produced them.  Actual photographic images of different embryonic development comparisons clearly show that the difference between a human embryo, even in its early stages of development and that of any animal to be as night and day:
                                                                     Image credit:  Ernst Haeckel


                                                                       Image Credit:  Dr. Michael Richardson for the actual embryos; 
                                                                       Comparison display by Acts 17 Apologetics
But despite his theory of recapitulation being thoroughly discredited, his infamous drawings have still been widely circulated throughout the vast majority of scientific textbooks and the theory of recapitulation continues to be taught in the halls of academia at large including the claims of human embryos possessing gill slits and tails in their earliest stages of development.  This theory has also been known to be routinely propagated by abortionists to countless women being faced with an unwanted or unplanned pregnancy in an effort to convince them that they are not killing a human being but are only killing a fish or a rabbit.  After all, if the baby inside the womb is just a parasitic animal, why not just terminate it if you don’t want to put up with the inconvenience of carrying to term, right?
And in spite of the fact that it has been scientifically proven that the unborn are just as human as those out of the womb and that they are every bit as self-aware as the rest of us born into this present life, hearts remain hardened.  I would agree with Gress that it is not simply enough to destroy the intellectual arguments used in defense of abortion and against the sanctity of innocent life; the heart must be won over as well which now appears to be the issue here.  It is always possible to win the arguments and the debates on the pro-life issue or any issue for that matter, and we need to continue winning those debates and arguments, but winning an argument does not always win over the heart.
And granted imagery can be useful in the formation of analogies, metaphors, and illustrations in assisting the targeted audience in their comprehension and understanding of truths and facts being communicated and just as the forces of evil will use entertainment in an attempt to poison minds against what is right and good, so pro-lifers must also invest in entertainment to turn people towards what is right and good and for every Handmaid’s Tale that is poisoning women into shedding the blood of the innocent lives inside their wombs, so there needs to be a movie or series that softens their hearts into respecting and regarding the life inside their wombs, even if some of them decide to give their babies up for adoption.  A lie propagated by the abortion lobby, is that women who experience an unplanned pregnancy cannot be successful in life unless they have an abortion and as Gress emphasizes in her column, women who have unplanned or unwanted pregnancies can still fulfill their initial dreams and go on to lead fairly prosperous lives.  She states:
Women are drawn toward what is aspirational and interesting, the personal and personalized, that which is fun and beautiful. Look at any glossy magazine, social media influencer, or Hollywood starlet. For better or worse, they convey the elements women want in their lives.  This is the key for the Handmaids; women in a flash can envision themselves in that situation and know instantaneously that it would be just awful — no matter how silly or fictional it may be.
Not only do we need positive images to convey our message that combats the Handmaid idea, but we also need something that women want to see happen in their lives. This is also why presenting upper-class or high-status women would be much more effective than using lower-status women as models. The aspirational is powerful. [4]
What is also needed with that upper-class or high-status imagery is information and counsel on what women facing a pregnancy out of wedlock can do to better their situation for both themselves and their child.  The attaining of that upper-class or high-status lifestyle doesn’t just happen.
Continuing further:
Pro-lifers know the power of stories but often are not telling the right ones. The stories we tell usually center around success stories of women who have been in very tight and gritty situations that somehow come out much better for not having had an abortion. These are great stories for fundraising. What potential pro-life donor doesn’t love to hear how his dollars could be spent to help women and babies?
But if we consider this kind of story from the viewpoint of the women we hope to target, it suddenly isn’t such a great story to tell. [5]
Now that I don’t understand since these success stories of women who chose to preserve the lives of their children instead of killing them have a happy ending for both them and their children. 
And this where the flaws in Gress’s piece begin:
Perhaps part of our problem is that donors, who are predominantly male and therefore more abstract, want to donate to that which appeals to them instead of what appeals to intended female recipients. A simple way to move forward is to figure out the right language to connect the interested donors with messaging that resonates with women. The key is to find new visuals, new stories, and new narratives that speak to women’s minds and hearts. [6]
If a sense of moral duty is what appeals to men donating to pro-life causes, then I suppose we could say that is true but then would beg the question as to where women’s sense of moral duty is at.  What else could appeal to a male donor but a sense of moral duty?  But nevertheless, I do agree that interested donors need to be persuaded and convinced to investing in messaging that resonates with women and speaks to their minds and hearts.  Gress continues on:
For example, instead of bland images of women cuddling a child, what about images of a woman in the world with her child/children? Instead of creating yet another academic journal, why not a glossy and compelling magazine? [7]
But why be rid of the image of the woman cuddling a child to make way for the woman in the world with her child/children.  There’s room for both.  And why not a glossy and compelling magazine to accompany the academic journal?
Instead of another well-reasoned master class on faith or family values, why not a visually beautiful home show that features healthy women and children, with a script that conveys our message? [8]
Those well-reasoned master classes on faith or values are still needed, but why not place the visually beautiful homes consisting of healthy women and children alongside them?
Instead of another film related to a rough life redeemed, what about a storyline with compelling women living an attractive life that includes humor and wit, kindness, and beauty? But that can also communicate that having children is a matter of self-interest, not self-destruction.  Instead of another book arguing for pro-life principles, why not a novel with rich maternal characters in the plot? [9]
And I would have nothing wrong with that because the realm of fiction in both literature, film, and even video games needs to be engaged across the genre board but I wouldn’t diminish redemption themed entertainment or books arguing for pro-life principles as the battle needs to be engaged on every front that it is found.
Conservatives have largely depended on the truth about women and children to be the message, while continually cycling through the debate in a kind of crisis mode. But imagine what could happen if we coupled truth with beautiful imagery and powerful messaging with a long-term view? If we had the confidence to proactively form the culture instead of just reacting to it? It’s then that the hearts and minds of women could finally be transformed and restored into something that is both beautiful and life-giving. [10]
She finally clarifies the same point that I have been trying to convey all along: A combining of truth and fact with beautiful imagery and powerful messaging with a long-term view.  If only she had clarified that point sooner, meaning educational and informative non-fiction hand-in-hand with fiction and across the entertainment and genre board.
And the following in Gress’s column, I save for last as it leads into the conclusion of this blogpost:
Women don’t want to think of themselves in an awful situation. It feels scary, unfamiliar, and enervating, instead of empowering, exciting, or inspiring. It stirs up fear instead of hope for women not in that direct situation. [11]
But whether anyone wishes to think upon these things or not, evil, hardship, grief, misery, pain, heartache, and suffering in some form or fashion come upon all of us just as seasons of goodness, joy, and happiness come to us as well and refusing to face that truth will not shield us from the adversities and troubles of this life because we live in a world that is filled with adversity and trouble but it has not always been so.
For in the beginning, when God created this world, it was a world peace, happiness, and joy in which was enjoyed a perfect harmony and unity between God, man, and nature.  There was no evil, death, adversity, grief, sorrow, pain, misery, or hardship of any sort until the day that the first man Adam and his wife Eve, the first woman, did something that was forbidden to them by God to do and that was the eating of the fruit of a certain tree called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, having been warned that in the day that they ate thereof, they would surely die. (Gen. 2:16-17, 3:3) and when they did not heed the warning and admonition of the Lord forbidding them to eat of that certain fruit, sin entered into them, corrupting their very inward nature and turning their inward being into that which God did not intend for when God had created the heavens and the earth, He created everything to be good, including man, but when Adam and Eve had eaten of that forbidden fruit, they then ceased to be inwardly good and became inwardly evil and that inward corruption of their once good and pure nature brought upon them the sentence of death as they had been warned (Gen. 3:19) but the sentence of death did not stop with Adam and Eve because the sin that entered into them was then passed down to all of mankind since we all descend from them (Rom. 5:12) and because of the inherited corruption of our nature, we all sin and as a consequence, we all die (Rom. 6:23) and not only did sin bring death to mankind, but it also brought decay corruption, grief, misery, pain, and hardship to all of creation which is why it is written that the entire creation travails in pain to this day. (Rom. 8:19-22)
Sin does not merely affect just our actions or even the words that come out of our mouths, but it affects our very thoughts, the attitude of our heart, and our motives which is why it is written that man is not defiled by that which is from without but from that which is within (Mt. 15:11, 17-20) and it is because of this inward defilement that even our own goodness is tainted, making it impossible for us to attain a state of moral perfection as demanded of us by God Almighty who is morally perfect and when we take time to examine ourselves before our Creator and not just our outward performance, but our inward condition, it is only then that we come to understand how it is that we all sin and fall short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23) and albeit some fall further short of His glory than others, we all nevertheless fall short and such an honest examination of ourselves may be ever the most humbling experience that we ever have because it is then our moral imperfections and flaws are revealed to us, but it can also be the most terrifying experience that we may be faced with knowing full well that all sin will eventually be judged and punished because a perfectly good and holy God cannot allow evil to persist forever.  A day comes when it must be dealt with in righteous judgment and that includes they who remain in their sin and persist in their evil ways and in light of our inherent corruption, our situation may appear to be a hopeless one as our sin is what estranges and separates us from God and they who die in their sins are left separated and estranged from Him for all eternity but we have not been left without hope, for God who made us is also a God of love and mercy who, because of His great love for us is not willing that any should perish but that all would come to repentance. (2 Pet. 3:9)
And in His love for us, He has shown us mercy in Christ Jesus, His only begotten Son, whom He sent into the world to take away our sins and by the shedding of His blood was redemption bought thereby satisfying both the demand for the penalty, which He, being without any sin (2 Cor. 5:21, Heb. 4:15) took upon Himself, to be paid for all sin and granting mercy in His death upon the cross and by His resurrection are we made justified in Him (Rom. 4:25) so that anyone placing full trust in Him alone for the forgiveness of sin and salvation will not have to face eternal damnation, but be made a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven and granted eternal life and it is in calling upon Him for the forgiveness of sins and believing that God raised Him from the dead that we are saved from an otherwise terrible everlasting judgment (Rom. 10:9, 13) and it is by Him that we are reconciled to our Creator (2 Cor. 5:18) and with the cleansing of our sins which reconciles us to our Maker, we inwardly transformed and made anew; (2 Cor. 5:17) that spiritual transformation and awakening which causes us to no longer desire to follow after selfish and worldly pursuits but after those things that pertain to the Kingdom of Heaven, (Mt. 6:33)
to no longer take pleasure in those things that are evil and displeasing in the sight of the Lord, but in that which is good, right, and pleasing in His sight,
to no longer desire to walk in the lies of this present world, but only in the truth that comes from Christ Almighty, (Jn. 14:6) no longer placing our hopes in the things of this present world, but looking forward to that new and better world to come, (Rev. 21-22)
to no longer rely on worldly resources, men, or even our own power, abilities, skills, and wisdom for our needs and provision but upon God who is able to meet all of our needs, (Mt. 6:25-33) recognizing that the resources of this world and even the people He brings into our lives are but instruments and vessels through which God meets our needs and that the skills, power, knowledge, and wisdom by which we might acquire our provision are provided and instilled in us by God,
to no longer fear what men can do to us, but rather fearing the God before whom we will have to one day give an account for how we lived our lives, (Mt. 10:28)
to no longer look to corruptible institutions within our society for direction and order in our lives but to God who, by His written Word has given us laws and precepts to be applied to our lives and which serve to produce and maintain an ordered life, and who, by His Holy Spirit which comes to dwell within us upon repentance, establishes in our lives a course and direction in our lives to pursue for His glory,
to no longer seek our own glory but the glory of God,
to no longer rally behind corruptible men, but instead behind the incorruptible God in Heaven bearing in mind that those men and women God raises up for our edification are but instruments and servants of His for that respective purpose to which He has called them,
to no longer seek to align ourselves with the things of darkness but only with the things of the light,
to no longer trust in the wisdom of the world but only on the wisdom and knowledge that comes from above, nor depend on corruptible earthly authorities to swiftly administer justice, but only in the power of God to deliver us from evil.
And just as we are made spiritually alive in Christ, so also we will one day be delivered from bodily death itself when our present bodies are changed from that which was born into corruption into that which is without corruption (1 Cor. 15:51-55, 1 Thess. 4:13-18) and finally, creation itself will also be delivered from the curse of sin when it is made anew and when it is made anew, there will be no sin, no evil, no darkness, nor any curse.  There will be no death, no decay, nor any pain, nor any hardship, no oppression, no misery, no cruelty, no despair, or any grief for all of these things will have passed away with the old corrupted creation.
Instead, in this new and undefiled creation, there will only be life, light, goodness, happiness, joy, peace, and contentment before the Lord God Almighty. (Rev. 21-22)
God is presently calling as many who are willing to accept His offer of mercy, redemption and forgiveness out of the present darkness of this world and to turn away from the sins by which they are otherwise condemned to an everlasting and fearful punishment of unrelenting torment in the fires and darkness of Hell for He, as our Creator would rather that all would be made citizens of His Kingdom in which there is nothing but an everlasting goodness and joy for the Almighty takes no pleasure in punishment, but in love and mercy yet sadly, many persist in taking the broad wide path that leads to destruction and eternal damnation because they despise the very truth that leads to the salvation and transformation of the soul, and they reject the incorruptible authority of God Almighty because they prefer sin over righteousness and the things that bring death over the things that produce, sustain, and preserve life.
Once we break down the intellectual, philosophical, political, and religious barriers that may obscure and blind men to the Gospel of salvation, and even if we are able to present the most reasoned and logically sound defense for the faith and for the authority of God’s Word and are able to counter the strategies and tactics of the forces of darkness with great affect, in the end, it all comes down to what the attitude of the heart towards God is and their attitude towards God affects their attitude towards those things held precious in the sight of the Creator and if they refuse to receive the love of God, then they will have no love for that which is loved of God and if people do not carry the love and fear of God within them, then they will never have any regard for the lives formed and shaped within the womb.
Going back to Carrie Cress’s column, to her credit, she has some wonderful ideas as to reach and attempt to soften the hearts of women considering killing a child in their womb that they did not anticipate being pregnant with, but no matter how much positive and inspiring imagery is displayed before them and no matter how many pro-life movies and pro-life themed entertainment is produced, if a woman is resolute to shed innocent blood, then there may be nothing that can be said or done to change their mind or heart because she has chosen to be selfish and evil rather than to be selfless and righteous and has chosen to be an instrument of Satan rather than be a servant of God and to be a producer and perpetuator of death rather than a producer, sustainer, and preserver of the things of life.
And likewise, those who are have made themselves resolute in rejecting the love and mercy of God will never be persuaded to turn from their sin and call upon the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins so that they may be saved from eternal damnation no matter what might be said or done to persuade them to repentance and no matter how compelling the evidence in support of the Gospel message and the authority of the scriptures by which it is delivered is placed before them, but I pray that those of you who are reading this and have yet to call upon the name of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins will not be so resolute in rejecting His offer of redemption, but that you will allow your hearts to be softened towards the things of God and that you might take some time to examine yourself before your Creator and not just your outward performance but also your inward person as well because it is not just our actions and words that we will have to give an account for when we stand before our Creator, but also the thoughts of the mind, the motives and reasoning driving the choices and decisions we make and the things we do, and the attitude of the very heart and once we understand that we are judged not just on our outward performance but by the condition and attitude of our inward being as well, it is at that point that we begin to see how we always fail to measure up to the standard of moral perfection which is required of us by God in order for us to become members of His Kingdom due to our inherent moral imperfection and that we cannot meet such a requirement on our own merit, but only by the merit of Jesus who took upon Himself the demanded penalty for sin on our behalf.
If you, reader have not done so already and would like be sure that you have place in the Kingdom of God and in the new and better world to come, then I would urge you to call upon the name of Jesus Christ today to take away your sins so that you can be sure of your salvation.  It is but a simple prayer of sincere repentance away:
"Lord Jesus I need you.
I realize that I am a sinner
who has fallen short of the glory of God
and that my goodness falls short
of your standard of Moral perfection.
Please forgive me of all of my sins.
Come into my heart and into my life
to be the Savior and Lord of my life.
Make me into the servant and follower
that you want me to be.
In your name Lord Jesus, I pray.
Know that God is not concerned with the words that you use to call upon Him forgiveness, but with the attitude of your heart and if you have, with all sincerity, have asked Christ to forgive you of your sins, placing your trust in Him only for your salvation and in nothing else, then your sins are forgiven and your place in Heaven is certain.
End notes
1.  Carrie Gress, “The Pro-Life Movement Has A Storytelling Problem,” The Federalist, April 22, 2024
2.  Gregory, W. K., “Hesperopithecus Apparently Not An Ape Nor A Man,” Science, 66(1720), 579–581, December 16, 1927
[Hesperopithecus most commonly known as Nebraska Man]
3.  Ernst Haeckel, “The Riddle of the Universe At The Close Of The Nineteenth Century,”
pp. 65-66, Harper & Brothers Publishers, New York and London, 1905; translated by Joseph McCabe
4.  Carrie Gress, “The Pro-Life Movement Has A Storytelling Problem,” The Federalist
5.  Ibid
6.  Ibid
7.  Ibid
8.  Ibid
9.  Ibid
10.  Ibid
11.  Ibid
Scripture references:
1.  Genesis 2:16-17, 3:3
2.  Genesis 3:19
3.  Romans 5:12
6.  Romans 6:23
7.  Romans 8:19-22
8.  Matthew 5:11, 17-20
9.  Romans 3:23
10.  2 Peter 3:9
11.  2 Corinthians 5:21
12.  Hebrews 4:15
13.  Romans 4:25
14.  Romans 10:9, 13
15.  2 Corinthians 5:18
16.  2 Corinthians 5:17
17.  Matthew 6:33
18.  John 14:6
19.  Revelation 21-22
20.  Matthew 6:25-33
21.  Matthew 10:28
22.  1 Corinthians 15:51-55
23.  1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

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