Friday, August 2, 2024

What is YOUR personal Constitution?


What defines a constitution was the subject of a blog written by someone who calls themselves BK Mac in a publication titled, Protect and Defend but the subject was not just confined to that of the written document that has served and still continues to serve as the law of the land that upholds and protects our God-given rights but rather, a constitution, in a broader sense defined as a set of values to which we hold that we refuse to compromise.
As an example of a certain set of values that BK Mac refuses to compromise, and which he states makes up his own personal constitution, he tells his readers:
I cannot stand the taste of a lie in my mouth, nor the sting of it in my ears. Therefore, I do not speak lies, and shall not tolerate lies from others…
I do not believe in hate…hate is easy, all one need do is allow themselves to engage in it. It is one with a weak Constitution, weak heart, and who is weak of mind, who engages in hate. This being part of my understanding of proper behavior, I do not hate any groups, nor individuals. I do not tolerate the hating of groups or individuals. This I will not compromise…[1]
I think we can all agree that these values make for a great personal constitution and to which there should be no compromise.  But if there is a notable creed that could serve as a good example for a type of constitution and to which many hold to as a personal constitution, it would be what is widely known in the Church as the Nicene Creed:
We believe in one God,
the Father almighty,
maker of all things visible and invisible;
And in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the Son of God,
begotten from the Father, only-begotten,
that is, from the substance of the Father,
God from God,
light from light,
true God from true God,
begotten not made,
of one substance with the Father,
through Whom all things came into being,
things in heaven and things on earth,
Who because of us men and because of our salvation came down,
and became incarnate
and became man,
and suffered,
and rose again on the third day,
and ascended to the heavens,
and will come to judge the living and dead,
And in the Holy Spirit.
But as for those who say, There was when He was not,
and, Before being born He was not,
and that He came into existence out of nothing,
or who assert that the Son of God is of a different hypostasis or substance,
or created,
or is subject to alteration or change
- these the Catholic and apostolic Church anathematizes. [2]
And for a more contemporaneous version:
We believe in one God,
the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
begotten from the Father before all ages,
God from God,
Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made;
of the same essence as the Father.
Through him all things were made.
For us and for our salvation
he came down from heaven;
he became incarnate by the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary,
and was made human.
He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered and was buried.
The third day he rose again, according to the Scriptures.
He ascended to heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again with glory
to judge the living and the dead.
His kingdom will never end.
And we believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Lord, the giver of life.
He proceeds from the Father and the Son,
and with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified.
He spoke through the prophets.
We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church.
We affirm one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
We look forward to the resurrection of the dead,
and to life in the world to come. Amen. [3]
It is a creed that most professing followers of Christ and the vast majority of Christian denominations hold strongly to and will not knowingly compromise on in any way shape, or form.  In fact if you’d like, every known religion, philosophy, and ideology in the world has some set central creeds and doctrines by which they are defined and which serve as a constitution that their respective adherents refuse to compromise on and will do all in their power to uphold preserve those essential tenets, creeds, and doctrines of that respective faith, ideology, and philosophy to which they adhere because they know that if there is any compromising or abandoning of those central tenets, that respective faith, philosophy, or ideology they profess to follow will either vanish away or succumb to a form that the original founders thereof never intended.
Whenever you visit a place of worship, or make an inquiry of any given institution, organization, movement, or even a place of business you probably will notice that they have what is called a core set of values or, as it pertains to places of worship and any given religious organization, a statement of faith, which consists of tenets and doctrines very essential to that congregation, sect, organization, institution, or place of business on which they may refuse to compromise under any given circumstances because if they did, then they would cease to be what they claim and so in that sense you could say that the respective statement of faith or that core set of values serves as a constitution for that place of worship, organization, institution, movement, or place of business but when that respective entity begins to compromise on those core set of values, that constitution by which they claim to adhere essentially becomes an archaic or dead letter that is never enforced and when that happens, that sect, fellowship, institution, movement, or organization will become far removed from the very core values and tenets upon which they were originally established no matter what it is they still continue to profess to adhere to and when that happens, they fail to carry out the mission and purpose they were established to do and that happens far more often than we realize.
For example, according to Barna Research, 50 percent or more of those who profess to follow Christ claim to hold to a biblical world view, that is the view that the Bible is the infallible, inerrant, inspired Word of God, authoritative, and sufficient in doctrine, but when asked more specifically about what they believe in, it turns out far less hold to a biblical worldview [4, 5] and it so turns out that most of those who claim to hold to a biblical worldview don’t adequately read nor study the scriptures for themselves on a regular basis.  According to one study, only 35 percent of professing Christians read the Bible once a week.  How fewer still who read and study the scriptures on a daily basis. [6]  Instead, it seems the vast majority of professing Christians receive their doctrine from Pastors, seminarians, TV evangelists, writers, bloggers, and youtubers and yet never bother to compare what they are reading and listening to, to the text, context, and full counsel of scripture and so never consider that they could be getting led astray by a false doctrine and as a result, many professing followers of Christ have been deceived by and are in turn propagating false doctrines without even knowing that they have been deceived nor are they aware that the things by which they have been deceived and are then in turn preaching are opposed to the scripture to which they profess to believe in.
As a result, the constitution they claim to hold, as it pertains to the faith and doctrine they profess to adhere, is compromised within them and in some cases, that constitution ends up being abandoned because it is no longer being upheld and enforced by those entrusted with enforcing it and when it is no longer being enforced and upheld by those to whom it is being entrusted and they to whom it has been entrusted are no longer teaching others to do the same, then they to whom it was once delivered end up abandoning it because they no longer feel that they can have any trust or confidence in it because they are not being admonished to read and study the very scriptures for themselves of which that constitution consists nor are they being taught to defend it against any and all attempts to undermine and overthrow it and so when they are faced with hard questions and challenging arguments, they are not able to give a satisfying and as reasoned of a defense as possible for what they profess to believe in and therefore are left questioning their professed faith which may eventually lead to an overthrow of that faith.
And they who might otherwise adopt the constitution of the Christian faith are not persuaded to do so because not only do they not see its principles being applied in the lives of many of those who profess to believe in it, they do not see it as something that stands out from anything else nor offering anything different than what the rest of the world offers them and remain both blinded and even hardened against its truth.
Now most professing Christians will confess that they believe in the God who created all things, but that does not mean that everything they believe concerning God or their concept of God is accurate
They may profess to follow Christ, but that does not mean that the Jesus that they are following or the gospel that they believe in is the Christ and Gospel first preached to the world by His Apostles and disciples.
They may profess to hold to a biblical worldview and yet hold to things that are actually contrary thereto. 
For example, according to a survey and research center called The State of Theology, the most recent surveys show that 48 percent professing evangelical Christians as claiming to believe that God both learns and adapts to different circumstances rather than being all knowing and unchanging, (Mal. 3:6)  that 65 percent of professing Christians believe that people are born innocent in the eyes of God instead of being born into sin, (Rom. 5:12) that 56 percent of professing Christians believe that Jesus is not the only way to salvation rather than being the only way to salvation, (Jn. 14:6) and the most disturbing trend being 43 percent of professing Christians denying the deity of Christ.  (Jn. 1:1) [7]
Their “Christian constitution” if you will, has been compromised or to put it another way, they have a compromised view and rendering of the Christian constitution and even a perverted and twisted one.
They are being led to believe that certain tenets of this Christian constitution doesn’t apply to them and were meant for another time, another culture, and for certain circumstances.
They are being led to believe that this Christian constitution doesn’t really say what it means or doesn’t mean what it says and that what it actually means must be hidden somewhere between the lines.
Therefore, it should be no surprise that many U.S. citizens don’t believe that the U.S. Constitution really means what it says or says what it means.  Has anyone ever heard the leftist argument that the Constitution is a “living breathing document” subject to change and interpretation in accordance to the times?
I have heard that claim myself as it is crafted with the intent to convince the public that the Constitution is subject to interpretation via the courts and cannot be approached at face value and so have us believe that the Constitution is more obscure than it actually is which is why gun control advocates will claim that the second amendment only applies to the colonial era and not to the modern weapons of our generation such as assault rifles but if we are to take the second amendment at face value, it doesn’t forbid the use of any particular weapons at all.  You could even own a rocket launcher or a tank if you wanted to, provided you had the means to acquire something of that caliber but the amount of money it would take to possess such weapons would be above the paygrade of and beyond the resourcefulness of most people.
It is also the subjective approach to the Constitution that has led some, especially amongst the younger generations, to believe that you can have freedom of speech while restricting so-called hate speech and censoring so-called misinformation and that people of faith can be entitled to the free practice of their respective religion and yet be compelled to perform tasks and service that violate the moral convictions of their respective faith.
Just as there has been an overreliance amongst professing Christians on Pastors, teachers, and seminarians for a proper understanding of the Christian constitution, which is contained in the scriptures from the first verse in Genesis to the last verse in the book of Revelation, so there has also been an overreliance on, once again, teachers, professors, legislators, members of the executive branch, and the courts to interpret the Constitution, which was designed to protect our God-given rights, for us and just as most professing Christians have not taken time to adequately read and study the scriptures, so most U.S. citizens have never taken the time to read the U.S. Constitution and study it for themselves that they might learn and know how our government was designed to operate and what their rights are under the law.
And if there is one thing that both the Bible, which is inspired of the Lord, and the U.S. Constitution, a document written by men, have in common is that neither were meant to be read and understood by just an elite upper class.  They were both meant to be read and easily understood by all people regardless of their status in society and neither were meant to say or mean anything other than what they say or mean.
Therefore, if a legislator or a judge claims that the second amendment does not cover the ownership of automatic or semi-automatic firearms when the text thereof does not forbid the ownership any kind of weaponry or that the first amendment does not cover offensive speech nor allows a man or woman of faith to refuse to perform any action that would violate the dictates of their respective faith, when the text thereof actually allows anyone to say whatever it is they will and to freely operate according the dictates of their respective faith and conscience, then it is simple:
The interpretation being imposed upon those amendments by that particular judge or legislator is wrong and the face value approach that the average citizen may take to those amendments---meaning that they interpret them within framework of the context presented---is right and they have no obligation to abide by the errant interpretation and any attempt to enforce the errant rendering should be seen as an act of tyranny and a clear violation of text.
And as it pertains to the scriptures, if a Sunday school teacher, youth Pastor, Associate Pastor, Pastor, priest, bishop, cardinal, or even the Pope himself claims that even certain portions of scripture no longer apply to us when the scripture themselves say otherwise, or that Jesus is not the only way to salvation, when the scriptures clearly declare otherwise, or that it is not a sin to end an unwanted pregnancy or that LGBT behavior is permissible in the eyes of God, then the rendering they impose upon the scriptures is wrong and in error and the plain sense face value approach to the scriptures taken by any given reader is right and if the text and context of any given scripture does not bear witness to the rendering or interpretation given, then such rendering or interpretation need not be accepted nor obeyed but needs to be rejected as a false doctrine or even a heresy no matter who it is coming from and no matter what position they may hold in the Church.
But there is one difference between the Bible and the U.S. Constitution and that is this:
Scripture cannot be changed nor altered; no man has the authority to do this no matter his level of influence or what position of power he may hold.  Any attempting to do so must automatically be counted a heretic not to be listened to nor obeyed.  But the U.S. Constitution is subject to change in the sense that amendments can be added to it or repealed and such has been done throughout its history as recorded in the document itself and this has served as both a good and evil thing.  Most of the amendments that have been added to the Constitution throughout its history have served to be beneficial.  The only amendment to be repealed from the Constitution was the eighteenth amendment which forbade the sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages; have been repealed by the twenty-first amendment because it was impossible to enforce on the federal level. [8]
But I dread the day when there will be calls for and even attempts to repeal either the first or second amendments or both outright, or alter either one or both in such away so as to make them more restrictive and I believe that day will come when enough people reject the compromised view of the Constitution that our academic establishments, the mainstream media (I call it the mainstream manure pile), and our civic establishments have deceived millions into accepting, and adopt the uncompromised rendering of the Constitution which can only be acquired when one reads the actual document for themselves without imposing an interpretation to which the text thereof bears no witness.
But because both the first and secondment amendments to our Constitution secure every other liberty that we have under the U.S. Constitution, if there is to be any alteration to either one, it should be an alteration that solidifies both and renders them unrepealable and unalterable from their present form under pain of treason.
They are so very vital and foundational to the preservation of our God-given freedoms that they cannot be negotiated or open to compromise in any way, shape, or form if we are to continue being a land and nation of liberty because if these two fall, then the rest of the liberties we enjoy and even take for granted will fall with them.  There is a reason why the first two amendments are the most often assailed and undermined out of all the amendments in our Constitution.
And that is because there is another constitution at work and which is opposed to the Constitution with which this nation has been blessed and which has served as well in safeguarding the liberties that we have enjoyed and profited from and it is a constitution that consists of the following:
That not all men are created equal.
That not all have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
That does not promote the general welfare of the public, but only the interests of the ruling and favored classes.
That seeks to crush all dissent and impose a conformity.
That respects an establishment of religion with which it will allow no competition.
That seeks to subjugate men to unreasonable searches and seizures.
That denies the due process of law.
That presumes guilt until innocence is proven rather than presuming innocence before guilt can be proven.
That citizens are not entitled to the means necessary for them to defend themselves and those whom they hold dear against criminal, foreign, and civic threats.
That seeks to deprive men of life, liberty, and property without due process of law.
And this constitution which the evil powers at work seek to implement is the product of a spirit different from the spirit of which the Constitution we know is a product and the reason why it wants to replace our present Constitution with its own constitution is because our present Constitution is the product of a spirit of truth and the spirit that is working to overthrow it is a spirit of lies that does everything it can in its power to suppress that which is truth and anything that might lead lost souls to this spirit of truth which is to the authority of that very spirit of truth that the founders of this nation appealed when they wrote and signed The Declaration of Independence upon which the Constitution rests, but it was upon a shared spiritual and moral constitution that most of the founder held in their hearts and minds upon which the Declaration of Independence rests and as is evident in the opening statements of The Declaration of Independence:
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitled them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to separate.
We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. [9]
Our current Constitution was designed to protect our rights to abide by our own personal constitutions and which may differ from person to person, but I must ask this of anyone reading this post, regardless of what your religious, philosophical, political, and ideological leanings might be, is your personal constitution consistent with the principles of the National Constitution that protects your right to abide by your own personal constitution which has, for better or worse, shaped and guided the course of your life?
The questions you need to ask yourself are these and what personal constitution you apply to yourself will determine whether or not it is consistent with the U.S. Constitution which upholds our God-given rights to abide in our own respective personal constitutions:
Do you believe that our rights are determined by God in Heaven above?  Or do you believe that our rights and liberties are determined only by man?
Do you believe that each person has the right to live their lives according to the dictates of their own respective faith, philosophy, ideology, and conscience and to freely apply and practice the tenets and doctrine of their respective faith, philosophy, and ideology?  Or do you believe that their practices must conform to the whims and demands of the powers that be and if required by the governing powers that be, to renounce their respective faith, philosophy, and ideology, and submit to that which is sponsored and favored by the state?
Do you believe that each person has the right to espouse whatever opinions they will and propagate whatever worldview they wish no matter how repugnant and offensive it might be to others?  Or do you believe that certain forms of speech and dissent should be outlawed or censored?
Do you believe that every person has the right to defend themselves and all that they hold dear against any and all threats regardless of what form in which those threats may come? Or do you believe that they should be made to be solely dependent upon the state for protection?
Do you believe that anyone who is accused of wrongdoing, no matter how troubling or disturbing, should be presumed innocent?  Or do you believe they must prove their innocence?
Do you believe that all people, regardless of developmental stage in life, age, gender, skin-color, ethnicity, lineage, nationality, economic or social status, are created equal in the eyes of God?  Or do you believe that some people are more superior or inferior to others?
Do you believe that all have a right to life?  Or do you believe some are more fit to live than others?
Do you believe that all people are entitled to the same rights and liberties regardless of regardless of developmental stage in life, age, gender, skin-color, ethnicity, lineage, nationality, religion, economic or social status? Or do you believe that some classes of people should be entitled to mor rights and liberties than others?
Do you believe that governing authorities must show probable cause and justification before conducting searches and seizures? Or do you believe they should be able to conduct searches and seizures without have to show a just cause?
Do you believe that all people, regardless of creed, religion, skin-color, age, gender, lineage, nationality, ethnicity, economic or social status should be allowed to pursue the dreams and ambitions that are placed upon their heart and in their soul and put to use their God-given gifts and talents as they have purposed in themselves to do without hindrance from the state so long as they are not causing harm to their fellowman?  Or do you believe that they should put their dreams and ambitions inside to serve the interests of the state?
How you answer these questions will determine whether or not you abide by a personal constitution that is consistent with the Constitution that was designed to protect and defend all personal constitutions and if you claim to value and believe in the Constitution that was designed to protect the liberties and freedoms that all person born and living within the borders of this country it was meant to entitle them to and yet find yourself abiding in a personal constitution that is opposed to the liberties and freedoms that our present U.S. Constitution protects, then it is time that you change your personal constitution into one that is in agreement with the U.S. Constitution and with the moral and spiritual principles upon which it was founded.
We are born with and into a constitution that is inherently at odds with the moral and spiritual principles that inspired not only our Declaration of Independence, but also our U.S. Constitution as well and it is a constitution that causes us to be by nature contrary to that perfect and incorruptible constitution under which the world was first created and the constitution of the world when it was first created was one of peace, joy, contentment, and happiness, and with a perfect harmony and unity between God, man, and nature but then another spirit entered in with a different constitution than that which is of God and the constitution with which that spirit entered into the newly created world with was one of pride, rebellion, death, and destruction and that spirit of that wicked and evil constitution which has brought so much evil, darkness, death, destruction, and misery into this world had once served at the throne of God until the day he, in his pride, thought to make himself equal to God and take for himself the glory that belonged to God alone and for that he, and those who followed him, were cast from their positions in Heaven.  That spirit who attempted to make himself equal with God was an angel serving as the guardian of the cherub called Lucifer and better known as Satan (Is. 14:11-21, Ezek. 28:12-19) and after having been cast from his position, then entered into the newly created world in the form of a serpent who then led man to commit a fateful act that would change the world that God had made into the world that we know today in its present form in which death, decay, evil, darkness, grief, sorrow, suffering, pain, adversity, hardship, turmoil, upheavals, and miseries of all sorts and severities abound and the fateful act that was committed was the eating of a fruit from a certain tree called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. (Gen. 2:9)
The first man Adam and the first woman Eve, the wife of Adam and the mother of all mankind, were warned by God that in the day that they would eat thereof, that they would surely die. (Gen. 2:16-17, 3:3) The choice between life and death was initially set before Adam and Eve in the form of two trees.  The tree of life (v. 9) and, as already mentioned, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
But Satan, in the form of a serpent, deceived Eve into eating of that forbidden fruit by falsely assuring her that she and Adam would not surely die (Gen. 3:4) but would become more enlightened and even divine but after she had eaten of that fruit and then gave Adam, being with her, that forbidden fruit of which she had already eaten, who also ate of it as well and it was in that moment that sin had entered into them and when sin had entered into them, the only thing to which they were enlightened was the shame of nakedness (v. 7) and instead of being elevated to a higher status, they were reduced to a form and state inferior to the one in which they were first created, and lastly, the sentence of death was pronounced upon them as they were warned (v. 19) for because of their transgression, they would no longer have access to the tree of life which would have enabled them to live forever. (v. 22)
They would now be subject to death brought upon them by the sin that entered into them when they had eaten of that forbidden fruit and eventually, they did die, but the sentence of death did not end with them.  The sin that entered into them and which caused their eventual deaths also entered into the rest of mankind since it is from Adam and Eve from whom we all descend (Rom. 5:12) and it is due to sin within us that we all die, because as it is written, the wages of sin is death. (Rom. 6:23)
Now sin is not merely defined by our actions or even by what we say, but rather it is the inherent corruption of our inward person that has produced in us a nature contrary to what God had intended for us to be which is why it is also written that we are not defiled by that which is without, but rather we are all defiled by that which is within (Mt. 15:11, 17-20) and because of sin, a separation or estrangement has been set between us and the God who made us and with whom, if it were not for sin, would have a perfect unity and fellowship and as a consequence, that which is sin cannot dwell in a Kingdom in which there is no sin and therefore any who is in sin cannot enter into the Kingdom of God because sin affects more than we can comprehend.  Sin is also the reason why all of creation groans and travails in pain to this very day (Rom. 8:19-22 and the reason why sin causes creation to groan and travail in pain is because sin taints, corrupts, distorts, perverts, defiles, ruins, and destroys everything that it touches which is why God cannot allow sin or anyone in sin into Heaven lest Heaven be as ruined and defiled as the earth has been.
Adam’s transgression also gave Satan justification to claim lordship over the earth (Mt. 4:8-9, Lk. 4:6-7) which is why he is called the prince of this world. (Jn. 12:31, 16:11)
By a lie, did Satan lead mankind into the transgression that brought him into the bondage of sin and death promising him what appeared to be something better than what they already had but which turned out to not be better than what they already had, but rather what they did receive was a bondage and an oppression which beforehand they never knew, robbing them of that which was perfect and replacing it with that which was less than perfect and swindling them out of a perfect freedom and into a captivity that they never had anticipated; the captivity and bondage of death and decay and not only with a lie did he bring mankind into the bondage of death and decay, he also brought all of creation under a curse brought upon it by sin, and also by that same lie, he caused the dominion that mankind would have otherwise had over the earth to be diminished and that very lie told by Satan which led to mankind to eat of that forbidden fruit, which then caused sin to enter into them which then caused them to be subjugated to death, brought a curse upon all of creation by way of sin, diminished man’s dominion over the earth, and by sin estranged him from His Creator is the first lie ever known to be told which is why Satan is called the father of lies (Jn. 8:44) and because of that lie which brought death to mankind through the sin that was brought into the world when Adam and Eve were led by that lie into the transgression that caused sin to enter into them which resulted in their deaths, he is also called a murderer (v. 44) and by the sin which was passed from Adam to all of mankind, he still continues to kill and he kills by way of sin, and because he was able to diminish the authority of man over the earth by way of the transgression that man was led into committing and thus justify claiming lordship over the earth, Satan is also called a thief (Jn. 10:10) and because of the curse brought upon all of creation by way of the sin that he caused to come into the world by that fateful act of disobedience that he deceived man into doing, he is also called a destroyer (v. 10) as he, by way of sin, has caused all of creation to be subject to a slow decay and death.
The constitution of Satan is one built on lies, sin, death, decay, evil, darkness, decay, destruction, and eternal damnation, but there is another constitution that is built upon truth, light, life, goodness, reconciliation, restoration, and salvation and a day is coming when the constitution of Satan will be overthrown and the constitution of God will be enforced upon the earth, but with the elimination of Satan’s constitution will also come the elimination of all who adhere to that constitution for though God Almighty may bear with the evil of this world for a time, He will not bear with it forever and there will be a day when the evil of this present world reaches the measure that will invite judgment upon it and a day is coming when all men will stand before God and give an account for all that they have done and it is at the judgment seat that the final honors and sentences will be handed out but if the Lord tarries and delays His justice, it is because He takes no pleasure in punishment, but in love and mercy because the God who made us is a God of love and mercy desiring to show His grace, favor, kindness, comfort, and compassion to all men who are willing to receive it and is not willing that any should perish but that all would come to repentance. (2 Pet. 3:9)
And in His love for us, He has shown us mercy in Christ Jesus, His only begotten Son, whom He sent into the world to take away our sins and by the shedding of His blood was redemption bought thereby satisfying both the demand for the penalty, which He, being without any sin (2 Cor. 5:21, Heb. 4:15) took upon Himself, to be paid for all sin and granting mercy in His death upon the cross and by His resurrection are we made justified in Him (Rom. 4:25) so that anyone placing full trust in Him alone for the forgiveness of sin and salvation will not have to face eternal damnation, but be made a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven and granted eternal life and it is in calling upon Him for the forgiveness of sins and believing that God raised Him from the dead that we are saved from an otherwise terrible everlasting judgment (Rom. 10:9, 13) and it is by Him that we are reconciled to our Creator (2 Cor. 5:18) and with the cleansing of our sins which reconciles us to our Maker, we inwardly transformed and made anew; (2 Cor. 5:17) that spiritual transformation and awakening which causes us to no longer desire to follow after selfish and worldly pursuits but after those things that pertain to the Kingdom of Heaven, (Mt. 6:33)
to no longer take pleasure in those things that are evil and displeasing in the sight of the Lord, but in that which is good, right, and pleasing in His sight,
to no longer desire to walk in the lies of this present world, but only in the truth that comes from Christ Almighty, (Jn. 14:6) no longer placing our hopes in the things of this present world, but looking forward to that new and better world to come, (Rev. 21-22)
to no longer rely on worldly resources, men, or even our own power, abilities, skills, and wisdom for our needs and provision but upon God who is able to meet all of our needs, (Mt. 6:25-33) recognizing that the resources of this world and even the people He brings into our lives are but instruments and vessels through which God meets our needs and that the skills, power, knowledge, and wisdom by which we might acquire our provision are provided and instilled in us by God,
to no longer fear what men can do to us, but rather fearing the God before whom we will have to one day give an account for how we lived our lives, (Mt. 10:28)
to no longer look to corruptible institutions within our society for direction and order in our lives but to God who, by His written Word has given us laws and precepts to be applied to our lives and which serve to produce and maintain an ordered life, and who, by His Holy Spirit which comes to dwell within us upon repentance, establishes in our lives a course and direction in our lives to pursue for His glory,
to no longer seek our own glory but the glory of God,
to no longer rally behind corruptible men, but instead behind the incorruptible God in Heaven bearing in mind that those men and women God raises up for our edification are but instruments and servants of His for that respective purpose to which He has called them,
to no longer seek to align ourselves with the things of darkness but only with the things of the light,
to no longer trust in the wisdom of the world but only on the wisdom and knowledge that comes from above, nor depend on corruptible earthly authorities to swiftly administer justice, but only in the power of God to deliver us from evil.
Every soul who is persuaded of Christ and turns to Him in repentance is a blow dealt to the powers of darkness for the more people who adopt to themselves the constitution that is of God, the weaker and less influential the powers of darkness over the world become and especially as the time of the end grows ever nearer Satan will fight all the more desperately to suppress any and all things that may lead men, who would otherwise be blind to the truth of the Gospel of Salvation, and that will also include carrying out various persecution against any and all who would dare preach the Gospel of Salvation and attempt to persuade as many as they can to repentance in Christ in order to frighten as many of the saints as he can into silence and what he cannot destroy from without, he will attempt to infiltrate, corrupt, and discredit from within, and he is hard at work at attempting to undermine and overthrow anything that gives the Word of God free course and that includes our own Constitution which has enabled the Word of God to be taught and preached freely throughout our nation because it protects our right to speak freely, to express any opinion we want, either endorse or condemn what we want, celebrate or denounce what we want, and espouse any philosophical, spiritual, religious, and political ideology that we wish without fear of civic reprisal and while our Constitution cannot silence the lies that abound, it still has the power to enable truth to flourish freely but what the constitution founded on lies seeks to do is to overthrow that constitution that has empowered truth because the constitution by which truth is preserved is in and of itself inspired by and founded upon absolute truth for if we read the opening statements of The Declaration Of Independence, the authors thereof state that they “hold these truths to be self-evident” and what were the truths that they held to be self-evident?  That our rights are determined by the God who created us and not by man.
They had within themselves a constitution that was founded upon truth and an absolute truth; that truth that there is a God in Heaven who made all things, who has determined and defined what is right and what is wrong, that He has set forth laws by which all men are to be governed, and if He is our supreme moral lawgiver, He is also the sole decider of what rights and freedoms we do have and it is this wholehearted belief and reverence for the Maker that inspired the founders of our nation to write The Declaration Of Independence as they separated themselves from an authority that they believed had usurped an authority the belongs to God alone.  The Declaration of Independence then in turn set the stage for the formation of the U.S. Constitution which has served everyone well to this very day and for any of you out there who have not taken the time to read The Declaration Of Independence, it gives a list of many reasons why the thirteen colonies which would later be the United States of America, separated from Great Britain; taxation without representation being just one of those many reasons.
But there is coming a day when even the U.S. Constitution will be replaced by a Constitution even better; a Constitution that is perfect and flawless and not subject to change under which truth and righteousness will be enforced and under which all lies will be silenced and all evil swiftly dealt with, but that perfect Constitution that we await will not be established by an act of man who is fallible, but by an act of an infallible God whose rule is a perfect and incorruptible government but for the time being, as it is written, the tares and the wheat must co-exist together until the day of the harvest (Mt. 13:24-30) which means for the time being, the lies of Satan are going to compete with the truth that comes from God for the souls of men and while authority has not been given to man to uproot the tares lest he uproot the wheat as well, (v. 30) we can still take measures to prevent the truth of God from being silence by, whenever possible, and as often as possible choosing for ourselves leaders and representatives dedicated to the preservation of the freedom of speech and thought so that the truth can continue to be preached freely and who will even be willing to solidify those laws that enable the Word of God to have free course in such a way so as to make them unrepealable and unmovable until the day of redemption and salvation when the Lord our God will bring Heaven to earth, vanquish all evil, abolish that constitution of darkness, and establish His perfect Constitution of light, life, goodness, peace, contentment, righteousness, holiness, truth, harmony, and joy but for those of us who have turned away from our sins, we are no longer under the constitution of Satan, but we now abide in the constitution of Christ Jesus our Lord and in Him are made spiritually alive when beforehand we had been spiritually dead.
And just as we are made spiritually alive in Christ, so also we will one day be delivered from bodily death itself when our present bodies are changed from that which was born into corruption into that which is without corruption (1 Cor. 15:51-55, 1 Thess. 4:13-18) but not only will we also see our bodies redeemed from death, just as our souls have been redeemed from eternal damnation, we will also witness creation itself being delivered from the curse of sin when the present prince of this world is cast out and receives his final sentence and defeat (Rev. 20:10-15) and when the creation is made anew, there will be no sin, no evil, no darkness, nor any curse.  There will be no death, no decay, nor any pain, nor any hardship, no oppression, no misery, no cruelty, no despair, or any grief for all of these things will have passed away with the old corrupted creation.
If you have not taken the time to do so already, I urge you reader to examine your own personal constitution to determine whether it is consistent with the constitution of our Creator and if you find your own personal constitution falling short, then I would urge you reader, if you have not done so already, to put away the old constitution of sin and take up the new constitution of purity, holiness, righteousness, life, light, goodness, and godliness which is offered to all who are willing to receive it by Christ Jesus who is calling everyone around the world every day to repentance and it is just a simple prayer of repentance away:
"Lord Jesus I need you.
I realize that I am a sinner
who has fallen short of the glory of God
and that my goodness falls short
of your standard of Moral perfection.
Please forgive me of all of my sins.
Come into my heart and into my life
to be the Savior and Lord of my life.
Make me into the servant and follower
that you want me to be.
In your name Lord Jesus, I pray.
Know that God is not concerned with the words that you use to call upon Him forgiveness, but with the attitude of your heart and if you have, with all sincerity, have asked Christ to forgive you of your sins, placing your trust in Him only for your salvation and in nothing else, then your sins are forgiven and your place in Heaven is certain.
End notes:
1.  BK Mac, “Protect and Defend,” BK’s Substack, June 20, 2024
2.  “The Creed Of Nicaea - Agreed At The Council In 325,” Early Church Texts
3.  Faith Alive Christian Resources, “The Full Text of the Nicene Creed,”
4.  “Perceptions about Biblical Worldview and Its Application,” Research conducted by George Barna along with the Center for Biblical Worldview and Family Research Council
5.  Josh Shepherd, “Survey Finds Only 9% of Self-Identified Christians Hold to Biblical Worldview,” The Roys Report, September 10, 2021
6.  “Signs of Decline & Hope Among Key Metrics of Faith,” Barna, March 4, 2020
7.  The State of Theology
8.  The Constitution Of The United States, ratified in 1789; Eighteenth Amendment ratified January 16, 1919 but repealed by the Twenty-First Amendment December 5, 1933.
9.  The Declaration Of Independence, 1776
Scripture references:
1.   Malachi 3:6
2.   Romans 5:12
3.  John 14:6
4.  John 1:1
5.  Isaiah 14:11-21
6.  Ezekiel 28:12-19
7.  Genesis 2:9
8.  Genesis 2:16-17, 3:3
9.  Genesis 3:4, 5, 7
10.  Genesis 3:19
11.  Genesis 3:22
12.  Romans 6:23
13.  Matthew 15:11, 17-20
14.  Romans 8:19-22
15.  Matthew 4:8-9, Luke 4:6-7
16.  John 12:31, 16:11
17.  John 10:10
18.  2 Peter 3:9
19.  2 Corinthians 5:21
20.  Hebrews 4:15
21.  Romans 4:25
22.  Romans 10:13
23.  2 Corinthians 5:18
24.  2 Corinthians 5:17
25.  Matthew 6:33
26.  Revelation 21-22
27.  Matthew 6:25-33
28.  Matthew 10:28
29.  Matthew 13:24-30
30.  1 Corinthians 15:51-55
31.  1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
32.  Revelation 20:10-15

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