Sunday, October 27, 2019

God Did Not Make Pete Buttigieg Gay. Sin Made Him Gay

Back in April of 2019, Pete Buttigieg, an openly homosexual Democratic Presidential Candidate said in a speech he gave at an LGBTQ fundraising event that, in essence, God made him gay in response to Vice President Mike Pence's opposition to gay marriage. [1-35, 37, 38, 39, 40]  Buttigieg further added that opposition to his homosexuality was also personal opposition to him [14] and that being married to his husband drew him closer to God, [1-12, 14-22, 25, 26, 29-31, 33-40] making him a better man for it, [1-7, 10, 12, 18-25, 27, 29, 30, 31, 36, 38-40] saying that it made him "more compassionate, more understanding, more self-aware and more decent." [1, 3, 8, 12, 22, 29, 31, 38, 40]

He also stated that there was a time that he would have done anything to rid himself of his same-sex attraction [1, 2, 4-7, 10, 11-13, 19-23, 27, 31, 33] but surrendered to it when he met his husband according to the left-leaning Alternet:

Mayor Pete Buttigieg on early struggles: “If you had offered me a pill that would have made me straight, I would have swallowed it faster than you could give me a sip of water.” But then talks after about meeting husband: "Thank God, there was no pill." [1]

Despite the amount of attention that Buttigieg had temporarily brought to himself in his claims, they are not anything new as the central narrative of the LGBT movement is that some people are born LGBT and that their sexual orientation cannot be changed.  It is this narrative that they have used to advance LGBT rights, normalize LGBT behavior and force those who otherwise do not agree with or endorse LGBT behavior and culture to affirm it.

It is one thing for this lie to sway the minds of the unbelieving world, but what is most troubling and alarming is that it has also gained increasing traction amongst professing Christians; even overtaking entire denominations in some cases.  Some professing Christian organizations and academic institutions throughout the denominational spectrum have also surrendered to the LGBT agenda because they have believed in, trusted, and have taught the errant ideas of men rather than the inerrant doctrine that comes from God through which God has defined what is right and wrong, good and evil, pure and corrupt, pleasing and displeasing in His sight.

We have been commissioned by Christ to be a light to the world (Mt. 5:14) and to call all men to repentance in Him (Mt. 27:19-20, Mk. 16:15) but if we do not keep ourselves set apart from the rest of the world in our mindset and way of living, then how are we any different than the world outside the body of Christ?  What then do we appear to possess and are able to offer anyone that they cannot find apart from Christ?

If the Church is going to excuse and even affirm LGBT behavior on the basis of so-called LGBT genes as is claimed by the LGBT community and their sympathizers, then any sin and behavior, even that which most would still agree to be reprehensible, can be justified on the basis of some innate yet debatable tendencies because there is nowhere to draw the line.

It is one thing for they who do not know the Lord to be without a sense of moral direction but if we, who are supposed to be the light of the world, have no moral compass that sets us apart from those whom we are supposed to draw to a saving faith in Christ, then how is that light in us any brighter than the darkness of this world?  

The reason why the light has grown dim have increasingly abandoned that which tells how to make our light shine.  As a result, the full counsel of the inspired Word of God which is "profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" (2 Tim. 3:15) is not being taught and therefore, many are led astray by false doctrines, souls are unconverted, and the faith of some is overthrown.

But even when false doctrine is not being taught, the neglecting of the full counsel of scripture abounds and what remains is an inadequate understanding of the Gospel by which we are saved and all essential doctrines.  One central tenet of the Gospel is that we are all born into sin.  Sin may still be mentioned frequently, but few ever take the time to expound upon what sin really is and its origins which is why an increasing number of Christians, like Pete Buttigieg, claim that they can be followers of Christ and still be practicing LGBTs due to the lie that they are somehow slaves to those sensualities and lusts that God has declared to be sinful and abominable in His sight.

Sin is often understood in terms of being an outward action, but the scripture states that sin is much more than that; that it is a corruption of our inward nature that we have inherited starting with Adam. (Rom. 5:12)  The effects of sin are more wide reaching than we ourselves can comprehend.  Everything that sin touches is defiled, corrupted, perverted, twisted, and distorted.  Human nature is and our inward inclinations are no exception to that rule.

It has been widely taught by mainstream academia, claimed by the greater part of the scientific community, and propagated by the media and even the entertainment industry that we are no different than the animals in that we share in common with them the basest and depraved of all instincts; that every impulse, emotion, feeling, inclination, predisposition, choice, behavior, and way of living, (regardless of how depraved, contemptible, damnable, disgusting, abominable, and abhorrent such may be) is biologically and genetically predetermined meaning that an LGBT will always be LGBT, a fornicator will always be a fornicator, an adulterer will always be an adulterer, and a drunk or druggie will always be a drunk or a druggie.

Man, according to such teaching, has always had within himself the tendency to behave no differently than any other creature and always will because it has been taught that the world in its present state has always been what it is now; a competitive universe in which the weak have always perished and the strong always survive and dominance is decided by brute force and survival by the degree of innate adaptability and through this ever going struggle, some life forms die off and new ones emerge.

But the Bible teaches that when the world was created that there was no struggle or competition.  Death was not in existence nor the decay that came with it because none of the evils or abnormalities that we experience today were ever a part of the desired design of the God who made our universe.  Everything was perfect and without blemish including man whose nature was also according to God's perfect design.

So how did the once perfect, peaceful, deathless, non-decaying, void of suffering and struggle, grief-free creation become what it is today?  According to the book of Genesis, Adam and Eve, from whom all mankind has descended, were given one rule to follow:  There was a tree in the Garden of Eden called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil whose fruit they were told not to eat from lest they die. (Gen 2:17)

But they failed to keep that one rule (Gen 3) and as a result, sin came into the world which resulted in death to all mankind due to the sin inherited from Adam (Rom. 5:12) and a curse upon all of creation to which death also extended its reach as a result. (Rom. 8:22)  

It is the sinful nature that has caused within us those sensualities, lusts, misplaced affections, and every kind of evil that goes against God's perfect design and which He has forbidden which also includes LGBT behavior and because sin has corrupted our very nature, including our very thoughts, intentions, and motives as they pertain to all that we say and do, we fall short of the standard of moral perfection set by God and because all have sinned, no one by their own goodness can ever enter the Kingdom of God because even our own goodness is tainted by sin by corrupting the motives behind even the good that we do and for every good deed that we do and every kind word we speak, we are committing at least one sin in some way or another, even in ways that we are not aware.

And because our own goodness cannot measure up to the standard of moral perfection, we stand condemned in our sin before God and subject to eternal damnation and unimaginable torment as the justice of God demands of Him because He is Holy.  For if He did not punish sin, He could neither be good nor holy, yet not only is God holy and just, He is also a God of love and mercy and it is mercy and love that sent Christ Jesus, our Savior, to die on the cross for our sins by whose blood our sins are taken away and through His resurrection, we are justified. (Rom. 4:25)  We, who place our trust in Christ for the forgiveness of sins stand no longer condemned before our God but saved by the blood of Christ and reconciled to the Father.

Upon our submission to Christ, we are no longer slaves to the sinful nature, but instead, receive in us a new nature that instills in us a desire to honor God in everything we do, to faithfully obey Him, abide in His truth, and to proclaim the saving Gospel we received to as many people as we can.

But as the Apostle Paul said, even after we receive Christ, there is a war and a struggle between that old nature of sin and the new nature of the Spirit and though the old nature causes us to fall short at times, (Rom. 7:14-25) we need to strive to sow to and obey the spiritual nature that entered into us upon our receiving of the Lord and to "mortify" or put to death those sinful tendencies of every sort. (Rom. 8:13, Col. 3:5)

And how do we put to death those sinful tendencies?  By abstaining from those things that God has declared sinful, by not giving any more strength to the old nature than what it already does receive, and by pursuing those things that pertain to the Spirit, and giving strength to the spiritual nature.

We are not slaves to the lusts, sensualities, and impulses like the forces of darkness would have us believe in order to lure us into a false sense of security and into eternal damnation.  Even non-Christians can make decisions that are not carnally based but based in reason and logic while there are professing Christians who seem to be more carnally driven than spiritually driven.

Among the voices most suppressed in the ongoing LGBT debate are the voices of ex-gays; those who used to be LGBTs in practice but are no longer.  They are living proof that one need not depend upon a change in feelings in order to avoid doing that which is sinful in the eyes of God.  In fact many ex-gays have gone on to be happily married according to God's design while there are still some that continue to struggle with their same-sex attractions yet have made the decision to not yield to those attractions in their desire to honor and please God, understanding that their LGBT inclinations are the product of a corrupt sinful nature and not a part of God's perfect design, trusting, as the rest of us should that God will not place upon anyone testing beyond which they can bare but will always provide a way out. (1 Cor. 10:13)

But when professors of the faith like Pete Buttigieg make the false claim that one can be saved and yet still be a practicing homosexual, I cannot help but wonder if they have really experienced the transformation that the acceptance of Christ is supposed to result in.  

When Pete Buttigieg surrendered to his same-sex attraction, he made a choice.  Instead of fleeing from that temptation of which Buttigieg's husband was the instrument, he gave in and unrepentantly so, and further shaming those fighting within themselves any same-sex attractions they do not want:

You may be religious and you may not. But, if you are, and you're also queer, and you have come through the other side of a period of wishing that you weren't, then you know that that message... this idea that there is something wrong with you, is a message that puts you at war, not only with yourself but with your maker. [31, 33-35, 38]

Buttigieg refused to trust in the sufficiency of God's grace and gave up seeking means of escape from those things that were giving strength to his abnormal same-ex attraction.  To his credit, Thomas Peretti, a Catholic Priest of the Dominican order said in response to Buttigieg's heresies:

Insisting that sex can or should work any other way is to lie to oneself in a desperate attempt to justify a disorder of sexuality and self-image… To further conclude that God positively wills people to have disordered desires approaches the line of material heresy…[30]

The "self" due to sin, will always be at war with the part of us that desires to honor and serve Christ by means of one way or another into which the Apostle Paul gives insight (Rom. 7:14-25) but if we are to follow Christ, we must be willing, as it is written, to deny ourselves (Mt. 16:24, Mk. 8:34, Lk. 9:23) in the sense of turning away from those things that displease our Lord no matter how much they may please us or how pleasurable they may seem and to divest ourselves of anything that detracts from our relationship with Him.  It is a daily process that we must all undertake. (1 Cor. 15:31)

Those so-called Christians who are affirming LGBT behavior within our ranks are making a mockery and a caricature of the body of Christ and by harboring such within our ranks, we destroy our credibility as representatives and witnesses for our Lord and bring dishonor and shame upon His name that we should be revering and honoring in everything that we say, promote, and do and when they attempt to shame us for living God-honoring lives and standing firm in His truth, remember that they will be shamed by our God for their wickedness and perversion and when they try to intimidate us into silence, know that terror will fill them when they stand before the King of Kings and find themselves being shut out of Heaven and sentenced to eternal torment in the fires of Hell.

They who justify sinful living of any sort in the name of grace are taking a gamble with their own souls. (Heb. 10:26)  If we have placed sincere faith in Jesus, why would we ever want to treat so cheaply the gift of grace by which we are saved?  Should we rather not show how grateful we are for the forgiveness received by honoring our Savior in every part of our lives?

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End Notes:

1.  Elizabeth Preza, "'Your quarrel is with my creator':  Watch Pete Buttigieg take direct aim at Mike Pence in fiery speech at LGBTQ brunch," AlterNet, April 7, 2019

2.  "Pete Buttigieg on God, being gay and Mike Pence," Huffington-News, April 7, 2019

3.  "'Your quarrel is with my creator': Watch Pete Buttigieg take direct aim at Mike Pence in fiery speech at LGBTQ brunch," 
DNYUZ, April 7, 2019

4.  Rebecca Falconer, "Buttigieg targets Trump, Pence in warning LGBTQ struggles not over," Axios, April 7, 2019

5.  Maureen Groppe, "Buttigieg to Pence: If you have a problem with who I am, your quarrel is with my creator," 
USA Today, April 7, 2019

6.  Maurren Groppe; USA Today, "Buttigieg to Pence: If you have a problem with who I am, your quarrel is with my creator,"
NewsUcan2Use, April 8, 2019

7.  DLM News app, "REPORT: Buttigieg to Pence: My same-sex marriage moved me closer to God," 
DLM, April 8, 2019

8.  Jessilyn Lancaster, "Gay Democratic Candidate Pete Buttigieg Tells Mike Pence, 'Your Quarrel Is With My Creator,'"
Charisma News, April 8, 2019

9.  Allah Pundit, "Buttigieg to Mike Pence: You don't have a problem with me being gay, you have a problem with my creator," 
Hot Air, April 8, 2019

10.  Alexandra Ma, "Pete Buttigieg to Mike Pence: Marrying husband 'moved me closer to God,'"
Business Insider, April 8, 2019

11.  Matthew Rosza, "Pete Buttigieg tells Mike Pence that if he has a problem with homosexuality, his problem is with God," Salon, April 8, 2019

12.  Nick Duffy, "Pete Buttigieg tells Mike Pence: My marriage has brought me closer to God," 
PinkNews, April 8, 2019

13.  Jamie Ross, reporter "Pete Buttigieg Tells Mike Pence: It Was God Who Made Me Gay," 
The Daily Beast, April 8, 2019

14.  Ken Meyer, "Pete Buttigieg Slams Mike Pence's Same-Sex Marriage Opposition: 'Your Quarrel, Sir, Is With My Creator," 
Mediaite, April 8, 2019

15.  Evan Gastaldo, "'Mayor Pete' to Pence: God Made Me Gay," Newser, April 8, 2019

16.  Catherine Kim, "Pete Buttigieg tells Mike Pence he is both Christian and gay," 
Vox, April, 8, 2019

17.  Catherine Kim; VOX, "Buttigieg to Mike Pence: 'Your quarrel, sir, is with my creator,'" 
The World News, April 8, 2019

18.  wtlmministries, "Gay Democratic Candidate Pete Buttigieg Tells Mike Pence: 'Your Quarrel Is With My Creator," 
WTLM Autodesk, April 8, 2019

19.  Tegna, "Pete Buttigieg to VP Pence: Marriage to husband 'has brought me closer to God,'", April 8, 2019, Little Rock, Arkansas

20.  Tegna, "Pete Buttigieg to VP Pence: Marriage to husband 'has moved me closer to God,'", (10 News), April 8, 2019, Tampa, Florida

21.  Tegna, "Pete Buttigieg to VP Pence: Marriage to husband 'has moved me closer to God,"
 abc 10, April 8, 2019, Sacramento, California

22.  Marissa Higgins, "Pete Buttigieg chides Mike Pence in speech: Same-sex marriage 'moved me closer to God,'"
Daily Kos, April 8, 2019

23.  Timothy Rawles, "Pete Buttigieg says if Pence has a problem with him being gay he should take it up with God," 
San Diego Gay and Lesbian News (SDLGN), April 8, 2019

24.  CBS report; Emily Tillet, "Buttigieg challenges Pence on LGBTQ rights: 'Your quarrel is with my Creator,'" 
KCFJ 570 Radio Network, April 8, 2019

25.  John Riley, "Pete Buttigieg: My marriage to my husband has brought me "closer to God," 
Metro Weekly, April 8, 2019

26.  Bailey Vogt, The Washington Times, "Pete Buttigieg to Mike Pence: if you oppose my sexuality, 'your quarrel, sir, is with my creator,'" Associated Press, April 8, 2019

27.  "Pete Buttigieg is hitting Mike Pence from the Christian left," The Week, April 8, 2019

28.  Aggregator, "Buttigieg to Mike Pence: You don't have a problem with me being gay, you have a problem with my creator,"
Spirichuality, April 9, 2019

29.  "Pete Buttigieg targets VP Mike Pence while speaking on homosexuality: 'Your quarrel, sir, is with my creator,'" 
Cuzz Blue, April 9, 2019

30.  Christine Rousselle/CNA, "Mayor Buttigieg Tells Trump Admin: 'My Same-Sex Marriage Brings Me Closer to God,'" National Catholic Register, April 9, 2019

31.  Jisha Joseph, "Pete Buttigieg Calls Out Pence In Powerful Speech: 'Your Quarrel, Sir, Is With My Creator,'" 
Shared, April 9, 2019

32.  AlterNet; Cody Fenwick, "Pete Buttigieg has the perfect response after Mike Pence lashes out at him for 'attacks on my Christian faith,'" 
Raw Story, April 12, 2019

33.  Universal Life Church Monastery, "Presidential Candidate Says Gay Marriage Brought Him "Closer to God,'" 
Universal Life Church Monastery, April 12, 2019

34.  Ryan Bort, "Pete Buttigieg is Fighting, and Winning, a Battle Over Religion With Mike Pence," Rolling Stone

35.  Ryan Bort; Rolling Stone, "Pete Buttigieg is Fighting, and Winning, a Battle Over Religion With Mike Pence," 
Yahoo Entertainment, April 12, 2019

36.  Rafael, "Buttigieg challenges Pence on LGBTQ rights: '"Your quarrel is with my creator,'" 
AVN, April 13, 2019

37.  Associate editor, "Mayor Buttigieg Says Same-Sex Marriage Brought Him 'Closer To God,'" 
Liberty Headlines, April 13, 2019

38.  Heather Clark, "Presidential Candidate Pete Buttigieg Asserts of His Homosexuality: 'Your Quarrel Is With My Creator,'" 
Christian News Network, April 14, 2019

39.  "Pete Buttigieg said seven words about Mike Pence that will make you sick," Patriot Pulse

40.  'Mayor Pete' Criticizes Vice President Pence's Christian Faith," Albany Update, April 17, 2019

Scripture references:

1.  Matthew 5:14, 27:19-20

2.  Mark 16:15

3.  2 Timothy 3:15

4.  Romans 5:12

5.  Genesis 2:17 and chapter 3

6.  Romans 8:22

7.  Romans 4:25

8.  Romans 7:14-25

9.  Romans 8:13

10.  Colossians 3:5

11. 1 Corinthians 10:13

12.  Matthew 16:24

13.  Mark 8:34

14.  Luke 9:23

15.  1 Corinthians 15:31

16.  Hebrews 10:26

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