Monday, October 21, 2024

A Roadblock To Tyranny


For those of you out there who have not heard, former presidential candidate John Kerry, now serving as the Biden creature’s so-called climate czar recently stated that the First Amendment of our Constitution that upholds and defends our right to free speech is a “road block” to combating so-called disinformation, the ability to govern, and to building a consensus around any given matter.
In breaking down his statements, this is what he said:

“The dislike of and anguish over social media is just growing and growing” [1]
If there was such a growing anguish and dislike over social media less and less people would be using it, right? Social media by the way has been and can be used as both a force for evil and for good and just as there are many out there using social media as a force for evil, there is also a lot people using social media as a force for good and if it weren’t for social media and the internet, we would all be at the mercy of a globalist/leftist propaganda machine spewed forth by our cable and satellite companies and we wouldn’t be exposed to as much information as we are today.
The internet and social media are the reasons why we are better able to find more choices in entertainment and why we have access to a myriad of alternate media sources instead of just the mainstream manure pile that we find put forth by the cable and satellite networks.  Before the advent of the internet and social media, the cable and satellite networks practically held a monopoly on information, programming, and entertainment, but it was the internet and social media that broke that monopoly and this is what John Kerry says “is a part of our problem particularly in democracies, in terms of building consensus around any issue.” [2]

And what he means by building a consensus is the consensus that THEY desire and not the consensus that most people might naturally arrive at without civic interference.  And by the way, differing opinions, philosophies, spiritual and political leanings is a part of any democracy and forcing a consensus on any given matter is not conducive to any democracy much less a Constitutional Republic He goes on to state:
the referees we used to have to determine what is a fact and what isn't a fact have kind of been eviscerated, to a certain degree. And people go and self select where they go for their news, for their information. And then you get into a vicious cycle. [3]
That is because the referees who we used to have to determine what is a fact and what is not can’t be trusted and in many cases have been shown to be liars and deceivers themselves and so, it is best to not have ANY referees and just allow a free flow of information, let each individual take the time to way the facts on any given issue presented to them by any given number of sources and arrive at their own conclusions and being able to choose for yourself where to go for your news and information is vital to the maintaining of a free society.
But look, if people only go to one source, and the source they go to is sick, and, you know, has an agenda and they're putting out disinformation [4]
But that is exactly what our current government and the globalist entities with which the likes of John Kerry, Kamala Harris, and the Biden administration are aligned are trying to do: Force people to depend on only one or a least a limited number of sources rather than allow them to choose from a limitless number of sources and that is because they themselves have an agenda.  To achieve an absolute power that goes unchecked and unchallenged but as things stand, Kerry states that it is “really hard to govern today” [5] but our Constitution was designed to place limitations on civic power and authority because it was framed for a representative form of government and to prevent tyrannical, authoritarian, and dictatorial rule for several reasons and this is why Kerry goes on to state that “our First Amendment stands as a major block to be able to just, you know, hammer it out of existence. So what we need is to win the ground, win the right to govern, by hopefully winning enough votes that you're free to be able to implement change.” [6]
“hammer it out of existence.”  Notice what he is saying here.  He is not necessarily suggesting an outright repeal of the First Amendment, at least not at this time, but rather a gradual weakening and undermining of the First Amendment just as there have been attempts to weaken and undermine our Second Amendment; in fact there have been more attacks against our Second Amendment which protects our right to bear arms then there is against our First Amendment and the reason for that is because the Second Amendment protects the First and both protect the rest of our freedoms and that is why they are the most attacked and assaulted amendments out of all the rest of our Constitutional amendments.
But before there can be an outright repeal of either the First or Second Amendments, they must not only be weakened and undermined, but they must, as we know them to be, be fully discredited and rendered outdated in the minds of the public to make an outright repeal of them acceptable which is why Kerry states that there is work to be done at the ground level:
So what we need is to win the ground, win the right to govern, by hopefully winning enough votes that you're free to be able to implement change. [7]
Kerry understands that not enough people are ready for an outright appeal or alteration of both the First and Second Amendments and even if (God forbid) the Harlot were to win the presidency, and even if the Anti-Christ party were to win the House, they still will not have enough votes in the Senate to repeal either one of the First or Second Amendments outright as the GOP is presently projected to win at least two seats but there is nothing to say that the Anti-Christ party might not be successful in gaining enough power to be able to do just that in either the  next mid-term or Presidential election because they know that the rest of our freedoms stand upon our First and Second Amendment rights and if they can remove the most vital of our amendments, then the rest of our Constitution as we know it to be will fall with them because for them, it is not enough to just simply collectivize our economy, flood the nation with illegal immigrants, take control of our publicly funded academics, cheat their way into power or retaining power, or impose heavy taxation and excessive regulation upon us.  They must also abolish and eliminate from our society anything that threatens that control and that includes the First and Second Amendments because if they do not succeed in eliminating the First and Second Amendments, then any degree of control that they do have will not last and they know it.
That is why it is so vitally important for the public to know and understand why it is that we have a First Amendment because if we did NOT have a First Amendment that protects freedom of speech and freedom of the press, this would have far reaching ramifications not only for what is posted on social media, spoken over the radio airwaves and on television, what is reported in the news, preached from a pulpit, taught in a classroom or seminary, but also for the content within the films and shows we watch, the books we read, the video games we play, the lyrical content of the music we listen to and even down to the kind of artwork that is produced, and what is promoted and sponsored by advertisers.
The elimination of our First Amendment rights can even lead to the suppression of scientific and medical discoveries and the erasing and rewriting of history itself.  Without the freedom of speech, truth is suppressed and lies abound holding captive hearts, minds, and ultimately souls but this is the ultimate goal of the powers attempting to remove those beneficial laws that enable truth to flourish: To enslave minds, hearts, and souls and once that is done, we become enslave economically, academically, and socially.  Every aspect of our lives will eventually come under the control of the powers that are relentlessly at work at abolishing our most important amendments and if we want to remain a free people, we must do everything we can in our power to wrest power from and keep from power those who would attempt to weaken, undermine, and abolish our First and Second Amendment rights and this coming election may be the last opportunity we have to be able to do so in a relatively peaceful manner.
But if our First and Second Amendment rights are eliminated, it is going to be very difficult getting them back and if we do get them back, it will be hard fought and a hard won endeavor but if things do go in our favor this coming election, we dare not take the next four-year reprieve for granted, but we need to be hard at work fortifying our gains, building upon the victories achieved, and making preparations for the dark seasons to come afterwards because even if good times return to us again, they will not last forever because our enemies will be regrouping, replotting, and restrategizing; ever waiting for the next opportunity to strike and the one thing the enemies of our First and Second Amendments understand is that in order to for them to retain power in high places, they have to be able to control the narrative on any and all given issues at the bottom.  First they tried to silence people who challenged their narratives pertaining to COVID and the integrity of the electoral results of 2020 but it will not stop there.  They will then try to silence those who deny man-made climate change, who declare that there are only two genders, that LGBT behavior is a disgusting abomination before God, that abortion is murder, who challenge theories and hypotheses widely held as fact within the scientific and academic communities, any purported historical narratives being taught and propagated within our academic institutions and media, who post information dissenting from that which is propagated by state-controlled media on any given matter, and who even go so far as to say that there is a God in Heaven by whom all things are made, who is the source of all truth, the definer of what is right and wrong, and before whom we will have to give an account one day, and who urge the lost and unbelieving to turn from their wicked ways and to this God who provides forgiveness and redemption to any who will ask in all faith and sincerity, who declare that there is a coming judgment to be carried out against all of the wickedness and unbelief upon the earth, and who warn of eternal damnation to those who refuse to repent and turn to the worship and service of their Maker.
The very same people who are calling the First Amendment a roadblock to their ability to govern are also the same people who claim that man-made climate change is an existential threat, who are COVID fearmongers, slaughter babies in the womb, who claim there are more than two genders and that gender is not determined by our biological bodies, who demand that women share those facilities designated for them with men pretending to be women and that pretended women be allowed to participate in events exclusively for women and to be made members of girls and women’s athletic teams, who have made a mockery of and have perverted a very sacred institution intended to join in a holy covenant a man with a woman together in the bond of marriage, who are sexualizing children and corrupting their innocence, exposing them to disgusting and perverse LGBT centered indoctrination, who vilify the founders of our nation, who have tried to ban prayer and scripture reading from the classroom in the name of separation of church and state which is non-existent in our Constitution, and who claim that there is no God but that the universe and everything in it came into being through unthinking unplanning random processes over a very long period of time and if they can convince the masses at large that there is no God, then the concepts of truth and falsehood, good and evil, justice and injustice, law and order, lawlessness and chaos, and liberty and tyranny become meaningless concepts and it is at that point that the powers that be find themselves justified in determining for those subjugated to them what is good and evil, right and wrong, what our rights and privileges are, what defines freedom and what defines bondage, justice and injustice, what constitutes law and order, and lawlessness and chaos, what is factual and what is not factual, and what is truthful and what is falsehood and how these concepts are defined and determined depends on who is in power and who is controlling the narrative on each and every given issue.  No longer does God have the hearts, minds and souls of the people, but there is something else at work that now does; a power and a force that has been at enmity with the God who made even before the creation of this world and the attacks against our Constitution did not begin with direct attacks against the First and Second Amendments, but rather, they were much more subtle and began with an attack on something very foundational to the First and Second Amendments which are turn foundational to the rest of our freedoms and liberties.  They are foundational to not just our political and economic freedoms but also our moral and religious freedoms but the First and Second Amendments, along with the rest of our Constitution, stand upon the Declaration of Independence which states:
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitled them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to separate.
We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. [8]
(Emphasis in bold)
The founders who wrote and signed our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, in their own words, declared their belief in a God by whom all things are made, who is the supreme lawgiver of both man and nature, and who alone determines the rights of men but before the attacks on our Constitutional liberties began, first came the attacks against the authority and existence of God and that required attacking the credibility of sacred scriptures claiming divine inspiration and throughout history, anything, including scriptures claiming divine inspiration, have faced both intellectual, philosophical challenges, and even religious challenges of varying degrees and sorts and those challenges have increased with each passing generation, and what cannot be directly challenged or even destroyed from without the ranks of those who devoutly adhere to the worship, reverence, and service to a Creator, they infiltrate and over time, destroy from within by introducing doctrines for the purpose of casting doubt upon the authority and inerrancy of the divine claim of the scriptures that point us to a God who made all things, who has determined for us what is right and wrong, good and evil, who is the source of all truth, and who will be the judge who will hand each and every person who has ever lived their final reward or sentence in accordance to the kind of life they have lived on this earth but the doctrines they introduce are not just attacks against the person of God or of Jesus or against the prophecies contained in the scriptures nor against the moral teachings thereof, but the most subtle attacks on the scriptures have been an attack against the scriptural account of the history of our world beginning with Genesis because the Genesis account of history, including the creation of this world is upon which the rest of the divinely inspired scriptures (2 Tim. 3:16) are laid and if that upon which the scriptures rest is discredited, then in time so will the rest of scripture which claims to be the divine revelation of God to man which has been a major objective of would-be oppressors and not just a major objective, but a foundational one.
First came the attacks on the Genesis account of creation and once discredited in the minds of those who either once held or might have otherwise once held an unwavering confidence in that account, they will eventually doubt and reject the rest of scripture as well because if they cannot trust what the scriptures say about our history and origins, then they will not be able to trust what they say about our future, and eventually, they will also come to reject the moral and theological teachings of scripture altogether and from that point on, they will eventually turn against and reject anything that receives its inspiration from the scriptures and that includes the opening lines of our own Declaration of Independence and once that is rejected, they will then begin to see the Constitution in its present form as an outdated document that either needs to be revised or abolished altogether and as doubt was being cast upon the trustworthiness of scripture from within the ranks of believers, the unbelievers from without, by way of the courts, eliminated prayer and scripture reading from publicly funded classrooms and the ten commandments from school and civic buildings from schools, civic institutions, and other public places, and crushed both the creationist and intelligent design movements in the public classrooms and when God was removed from public academia and as things pertaining to anything having to do with our Creator were being removed from the public square, another spirit entered in and one of falsehood, perversion, immorality, and corruption and not only did it begin moving into the academic, civic, and corporate institutions, and not only did it begin to take over the entertainment industry and the media, but it also had begun infiltrating places of worship and religious organizations in an attempt to mold and shape them to be more like the unbelieving world rather than being set apart from it, thereby silencing from within that which should be serving as the spiritual and moral conscience of the nation.
There are things within the theistic religious community that are being tolerated and celebrated that never once were; things such as abortion, homosexuality, transgenderism, promiscuity, divorcing of spouses for any reason.  Rather than keeping themselves guarded against the spiritual and moral decay of the world, the theistic religious community has instead allowed the spiritual and moral decay spread into their midst and what enabled the spiritual and moral decay enter into the theistic religious community is when they were led to believe that the scripture they once thought were authoritative and inerrant were not authoritative and inerrant in every matter, that the doctrines and teachings thereof were not sufficient enough to address all matters pertaining to this present life, and that even some of the moral instructions of the scriptures of the faith to which they claim to adhere no longer apply to today thus causing many to turn away from a theistic faith altogether and this has been the stated goal of those at enmity with their Creator as expressed by atheist Richard G. Bozarth, commenting on Christianity in particular:
Without Adam, without the original sin, Jesus Christ is reduced to a man with a mission on the wrong planet.  Death becomes not a divine punishment we require salvation from, but only a natural occurrence as much a part of the normalcy of life as birth. 
Sin becomes not an ugly fate due to one man's disobedience that we need to be bloodily redeemed of, but only the struggle of instincts learned during millions of years of savagery, trying to adapt to this 10,000 year old infant we call civilization. 
Christianity has fought, still fights, and will fight science to the desperate end over evolution, because evolution destroys utterly and finally the very reason Jesus' earthly life was supposedly made necessary.  Destroy Adam and Eve and the original sin, and in the rubble you will find the sorry remains of the son of god. Take away the meaning of his death. If Jesus was not the redeemer who died for our sins, and this is what evolution means, then Christianity is nothing.
Christianity, if it is to survive, must have Adam and the original sin and the fall from grace, or it cannot have Jesus the redeemer who restores to those who believe what Adam's disobedience took away.  What this all means is that Christianity cannot lose the Genesis
Account of creation. [9]
I don’t know if anyone is beginning to see a pattern here yet or if anyone is even beginning to grasp the connection and parallels between the spiritual and political realms and so I will attempt to explain it as clearly as I possibly can in hopes that readers (both Christian and non-Christian) will begin to understand:
Take away all confidence that there is in the claim of scripture being a divine revelation from a God who made all things, who determines right from wrong, who is the source of all truth, who is the establisher of natural, spiritual, and moral laws making Him the sole decider of what the rights and liberties of man are, and you eventually destroy all belief in that God.
Destroy all belief in a God who made all things, is actively involved in the affairs of men, who is the establisher of natural, spiritual, and moral laws, who is the source of all truth, and who is the sole decider of what our rights and liberties are, and then the opening lines of the Declaration of Independence become meaningless and are eventually discarded.
And when that happens, the First Amendment of our Constitution, along with every other amendment contained therein is no longer seen as a set of laws protecting and upholding rights and liberties given to us by God, but privileges granted to us by the state and if the liberties we hold dear are seen as privileges granted to us by ruling class instead of rights with which we are born, then they will also be seen as privileges and rights that the state can also take away if they so please.
And they who seek to rob us of that which is given to us by God, I fear understand the need to just as actively engage and attack the very spiritual and moral foundations upon which our Constitution and Declaration of Independence rest as they do the things that are the product and result of that spiritual source better than most conservatives, many MAGA adherents, and most Christians do and a great failing on our part as that while we address the direct, or what we perceive as being direct attacks on our social, academic, economic, and political freedoms, and while we address the dishonest reporting within our media, the increasing corruption within our corporate and civic sectors, the dangers to our nation from without and within, the elaborate deceitfulness within our academic, scientific, and medical communities, and even the social and moral crisis within our respective society, I fear that most of us are neglecting to address the foundational causes of the aforementioned that we witness happening and those causes are not academic, nor are they corporate, political, economic, or even social.  They are spiritual and moral and the reason why the attacks by the enemies of our Constitutional liberties against the moral and spiritual foundation upon which they rest are being either being dismissed, ignored, or avoided by many professing Christians, conservatives, even many within the MAGA movement either because they are blind and oblivious to where the most consequential attacks are being directed, or they do know and either fear that by actively defending and restoring that foundation, it will cause too much division and stir up too much controversy, or, especially if they have not yet received Jesus to be their Savior and Lord, they fear that should they embark on this, that changes in their lives will be demanded of them, not so much by any Pastor, influential figure, prolific writer, or dynamic political leader, but by the very Spirit whose laws, precepts, standards, and counsels served as the inspiration behind our founding documents who demands an inward change within each and every one of us but there are many on both the right and the left who resist and even refuse to submit to this inward change because of lifestyle changes that may be required of them, relationships that they may have to relinquish, because they will be called upon to turn away from those things displeasing in the eyes of God but in which they take pleasure, and because there resides within them a rebellious nature that refuses to submit itself to the authority of God.  There are many who want economic, political, academic, and social freedom and even think they can have those freedoms without first receiving the inward spiritual liberty from which the manifested freedoms we hold dear come but, and I am going to say this in large bold letters:
No matter how much many of you out there may want it to and whether any of you out there on both sides of the aisle like it or not.  The founders of this nation understood this truth better than most seem to today.  For example, John Adams, a signer of our Declaration of Independence and who also served as the second President of the United States stated that, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate for the government of any other." [10]
That is why when Thomas Paine had written and published his infamous work, Age Of Reason, [11] in which he had argued against the existence of a God actively involved in the affairs of men, he was severely castigated and made a social outcast for writing and publishing the book.
Before the publication of that book, Benjamin Franklin, in a letter to Paine discouraged him from publishing the manuscript:
DEARSIR:-I have read your manuscript with some attention. By the argument it contains against a particular Providence, though you allow a general Providence, you strike at the foundations of all religion.
For, without the belief of a Providence that takes cognizance of, guards, and guides, and
may favor particular persons, there is no motive to worship a Deity, to fear his displeasure, or to pray for his protection. [12]
And if there is no fear of the displeasure of God and no fear of divine judgment, then what is there to motivate men to avoid evil and to pursue that which is good?
I shall only give you my opinion that, though your reasons are subtile, and may prevail
with some readers, you will not succeed so as to change the general sentiments of mankind on that subject, and the consequence of printing this piece will be, a great deal of odium drawn upon yourself, mischief to you, and no benefit to others. He that spits against the wind spits in his own face. [13]
And a great deal of odium was drawn upon Paine after he, against the counsel of Franklin persisted to publish his work.
John Adams, in his response to Paine’s work, and in his contempt for Paine for writing it, stated:
The Christian religion is, above all the religions that ever prevailed or existed in
ancient or modern times, the religion of wisdom, virtue, equity, and humanity, let the
blackguard [rogue, scoundrel] Paine say what he will; it is resignation to God, it is goodness itself to
man. [14]

(Definition of blackguard added)
Zephaniah swift, author of one America’s earliest law books stated with an even harsher rebuke stated:
…we cannot sufficiently reprobate the baseness [depravity] of Thomas Paine, in his attack on Christianity, by publishing his Age of Reason. While experiencing in a prison, the fruits of his visionary theories of government, he undertakes to disturb the world by his religious opinions. He has the impudence and effrontery [audacity], to address to the citizens of the United States of America, a paltry performance, which is intended to shake their faith in the religion of their fathers ; a religion , which, while it inculcates the practice of moral virtue, contributes to smooth the thorny road of this life, by opening the prospect of a future and better and all this he does not to make them happier, or to introduce a better religion, but to imbitter their days by the cheerless and dreary visions of unbelief. No language can describe the wickedness of the man, who will attempt to subvert a religion, which is a source of comfort and consolation to its votaries, merely
for the purpose of eradicating all sentiments of religion. [15]

(Definitions of baseness and effrontery added)
And Samuel Adams who had otherwise great admiration and respect for Paine was shocked and disheartened at his rejection of the Christian faith:
I have frequently with pleasure reflected on your services to my native and your adopted country. Your Common Sense, and your Crisis, unquestionably awakened the public mind, and led the people loudly to call for a declaration of our national independence, therefore esteemed you as a warm friend to the liberty and lasting welfare of the human race. But when I heard you had turned your mind to a defence of infidelity, I felt myself much astonished and more grieved, that you had attempted a measure so injurious to the feelings and so repugnant to the true interest of so great a part of the citizens of the United States. [16]
Thomas Paine’s Age Of Reason was apparently prevailing with enough Americans in that day to the point that Elias Boudinot, felt the need to refute Paine by writing and compiling a work of his own called The Age Of Revelation. [17]
But the American Continent was not the only place and region in which Paine’s Age Of Reason was receiving attention as Richard Watson, lord and Bishop of Landaff in Britain, also wrote a refutation to Paine’s Age Of Reason called An Apology For The Bible, with a rebuke and castigation more scathing than what came from Paine’s fellow founders of the newly formed America:
You therein state-that you had long had an intention of publishing your thoughts upon religion, but that you had originally reserved it to a latter period in life. I hope there is no waste of charity in saying, that it would have been fortunate for the Christian world, had your life been terminated before you had fulfilled your intention.
In accomplishing your purpose you will have unsettled the faith of thousands; rooted from the minds of the unhappy virtuous all their comfortable assurance of a future recompence; have annihilated in the minds of the flagitious [immoral, depraved, reprobate, sinful, lawless, evil] all their fears of future punishment; you will have given the reins to the domination of every passion, and have thereby contributed to the introduction of the public insecurity. and of the private unhappiness, usually and almost necessarily accompanying a state of corrupted morals. [18]

(Definitions to the word flagitious added)
But as revealed by Patrick Henry, best known for his “Give me liberty or give me death” speech, [19] the philosophical assault against the Christian faith went beyond Thomas Paine.  He was but a small part of it:
The view which the rising greatness of our country presents to my eyes, is greatly tarnished by the general prevalence of deism, which, with me, is but another name for vice and depravity. I am, however, much consoled by reflecting that the religion of Christ has, from its first appearance in the world been attacked in vain by all the wits, philosophers and wise ones, aided by every power of man, and its triumph has been complete. What is there in the wit or wisdom of the present deistical writers or professors that can compare them with Hume, Shaftsbury, Bolingbroke and others; and yet these have been confuted, and their fame is decaying, insomuch that the puny efforts of Paine are thrown in to prop their tottering fabric, whose foundations cannot stand the test of time. [20]
For those of you out there who do not know what deism is as opposed to other Theistic philosophies, traditionally, Deism teaches that God, aside from having created the universe and set forth in motion the laws of nature, is not actively involved in the affairs of His creation or mankind, but keeps himself distant from His creation.  Deists do not believe in miracles nor in supernatural intervention, nor in divine revelation.  Founders Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson have often been labeled deists by revisionists, and while they may been skeptical of some tenets of Christianity, they were not deists in the purest sense as they believed in divine intervention and that God was actively involved in the affairs of men.  Thomas Paine was the only known deist amongst the founders of our nation but deism was seen as a spiritual threat which prompted Benjamin Rush to produce a letter addressed to Congregationalist clergyman Jeremy Belknap arguing in favor of the Bible being used as a text book in the schools as he believed that deists, who had infiltrated the Church, were responsible for causing many to doubt as to whether or not the Bible should be used as a school book:
The present fashionable practice of rejecting the Bible from our schools, I suspect has originated with the deists. They discover great ingenuity in this new mode of attacking Christianity…
I am not writing to this class of people. I despair of changing the opinions of any of them. I wish only to alter the opinions and conduct of those lukewarm, or superstitious Christians, who have been misled by the deists upon this subject. On the ground of the good old custom, of using the Bible as a schoolbook, it becomes us to entrench our religion. It is the last bulwark the deists have left it; for they have rendered instruction in the principles of Christianity by the pulpit and the press, so unfashionable, that little good for many years seems to have been done by either of them. [21]
But it has been the likes of Darwin who have managed to do more to overthrow the faith of many professing Christians and to turn those who might have otherwise embraced the faith away from the call to repentance than Paine or even Voltaire could have ever dreamed of doing.  With Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, James Hutton, Charles Lyell, and even his own grandfather Erasmus laying the groundwork, Charles Darwin had formulated a theory on the origins of life which he had presented as being scientific and which quickly overtook academia and every field of science like a wildfire thus causing many to question and even eventually abandon any belief in the existence of God as this theory of his taught that life arose through a process of unthinking random events over the course of a long period of time and that simple organisms gave rise to more complex life forms.  This theory became known as Darwinism or evolution and it served as a basis for Marxism out of which came socialism, fascism, and Communism.  It also led the late nineteenth and early twentieth century psychologists and psychiatrists to formulate naturalistic explanations for human behavior (both good and bad) and to call that which was once called sin a disorder thus absolving the perpetrators of even the most horrific acts of any responsibility for their behavior.  And then arose Madalyn Murray O’Hare, who was credited for succeeding in convincing the courts to declare prayer and scripture reading unconstitutional in the name of the non-existent separation of church and state which many have been made to believe to exist in our Constitution and through a twisting of the so-called establishment clause which states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion” [22] and in banning prayer and scripture from the public schools came a host of violations and infringements upon the freedom of speech and the free exercise of religion that the First Amendment of our Constitution was designed to protect.
Charles Darwin provided the godless and the anti-Christs an elaborate theory and philosophy which they had never had before that would enable them to turn multitudes away from the belief in the existence of, the worship of, and reverence for the God who is the Maker of heaven and earth and all that is in them, being the source of all truth, the definer of right and wrong, good and evil, and the judge before whom we must all stand and give an account for all things that we have said and done and who will give to each person their final sentence or reward depending on the things that they have done and aligned themselves with in this present life.
And this theory and philosophy, which we call evolution, has been unlike any anti-Christian or anti-biblical philosophy before it in that it purports itself to be scientific and instead of seeking God for wisdom as scripture admonishes us to do when faced with such formidable challenges and obstacles (Jas. 1:5) many professing followers of Christ, including many leaders and influencers within the Church have instead attempted to harmonize philosophies and doctrines opposed to their faith with the teachings of their faith and yet such attempts to do so fail under scrutiny and though some atheists, agnostics, and free-thinkers so-called assure believers in a Creator that they do not necessarily have to entirely abandon their respective religions, that is after all their objective and though they may not have succeeded in turning older and previous generations away from the belief in and service to Almighty God, they have been very successful turning many within the younger and upcoming generations from their Creator for they have been given something that the atheists and agnostics in previous generations have not been given, or so they think, that they can use to strike at the very foundations of belief in the existence of God and in particular Christianity whose message, doctrine, and tenets are delivered to us in the divinely inspired scriptures; (2 Tim. 3:16) the accounts, teachings, instructions, and prophecies thereof trace their foundations to the Genesis account of creation and origins which, up until Hutton and Lyell, was accepted as historical fact, but it was James Hutton [22] and then Charles Lyell after him, [23-24] who succeeded in sowing the seeds of doubt in the Genesis account of creation by claiming that fossil formation, strata and sedimentary deposition, and various geologic formation required longer amounts of time to form than the span of time between the creation of man and the present day which Bishop James Ussher, in his generation, had calculated to be roughly a few thousand years. [25] It has been over 500 years since the passing of Ussher, making the earth presently a roughly estimated 6,000 years old, (give or take a few years or decades) roughly 500 years older than in the day Ussher had calculated a rough estimate for its age.
But after Hutton and Lyell had, with their geological theories, began eroding confidence in the historical account of Genesis, Charles Darwin, with his publication of his most famous and consequential work On The Origin Of The Species, [26] would seemingly deliver the finishing blow that the enemies of God were looking for.  Once the historicity of Genesis is rejected and regarded as a myth, so then the rest of the scriptures and even the Christian faith itself is rejected and once the Christian faith is rejected, another spirit fills the void and that spirit seeking to fill the place of a faith in which confidence has been lost is a spirit different in nature to the Spirit by which the scriptures and this spirit which seeks to stand in place of the God in whom we might otherwise place our trust in, worship, and serve is a spirit of corruption, lawlessness, immorality, confusion, division, instability, disorder, destruction, lies, and death and this spirit who seeks to fill the place of God has been at enmity with God even before the creation of the world, for before the Lord God created the heavens and the earth, this spirit had once been a mighty servant of God ever at his throne until in his pride, he sought to make himself equal with God and thought to take for himself the glory that belongs to God alone and as a consequence he, and they who sided with him, were cast from their positions that they had once held in Heaven. (Is. 14:11-21, Ezek. 28:12-19)
And after God had created the universe in all that is in it, this evil, in the form of a serpent crept into a then beautiful and peaceful world in which there was no death, no decay, no suffering, misery, grief, sorrow, destruction, violence, nor pain of any sort, but only happiness, joy, contentment, and a perfect harmony between God, man, and nature itself.  There was virtually nothing withheld from mankind except for one thing and that was a tree called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and it was warned of Adam who was the first man and the first woman Eve, being Adam’s wife, that in the day that they ate the fruit of that tree, they would surely die. (Gen. 2:16-17, 3:3)
But then at the behest of that evil spirit, Adam and Eve did the one thing that they were told not to do which would prove consequential not only for themselves, but for the rest of mankind who descend from them and for all of creation itself.  They ate the fruit from the very tree that they were told not to eat from (Gen. 3:6) after being falsely assured by the serpent, which was that evil spirit who had rebelled against God, that they would not die, but that they would become like gods, and be given more knowledge and wisdom than they did before. (Gen. 3:4-5)
But instead of receiving more wisdom, Adam and Eve only received the shame of their nakedness (Gen. 3:7) and instead of ascending to a superior state, they were reduced to a state inferior to the one in which they were created, and the penalty of death of which they were warned, was pronounced upon them due to sin entering into them after having committed that one fateful transgression.  (Gen. 3:19)
And that serpent, being that evil spirit who told the very lies that caused Adam and Eve to commit that terrible transgression, was called Lucifer, having once served as the guardian of the Cherub before the throne of God, now better known today as Satan and by a lie did he lead them to believe that something better was being offered to them than what they already if they would eat of the very fruit that they were told not to eat from but instead, they were subjugated to a bondage and a captivity that they could not have even imagined: The bondage and tyranny of sin and death.
But the sentence of death and the consequences of Adam and Eve’s disobedience did not stop with them but extended to the rest of creation and to the rest of us since we are descended from them and because we are descended from them because the sin that entered into them was then passed down to all of mankind since we all descend from them (Rom. 5:12) and because of the inherited corruption of our nature, we all sin and as a consequence, we all die (Rom. 6:23) and because of sin, we are born estranged from and separated from our Maker for that which is sinful cannot dwell in the direct presence of that which is sinless and holy and not only did sin bring death to mankind, but it also brought decay corruption, grief, misery, pain, and hardship to all of creation which is why it is written that the entire creation travails in pain to this day (Rom. 8:19-22) and even worse, the disobedience of Adam gave Satan justification to claim and declare lordship over the kingdoms, empires, and nations of the world (Mt. 4:8-9, Lk. 4:6-7) which is why the enemy of God and the adversary of our souls is called the prince of this world (Jn. 12:31, 16:11)
By a lie did Satan cause Adam and Eve to disobey that vital command to not eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which then caused sin to enter into them, and which then brought upon them the sentence of death, which was then passed down to all of mankind due to the inherent inward moral corruption produced within Adam and Eve by the sin that entered into them also being passed from them to all of mankind.
By a lie did Satan cause the once perfect and peaceful creation to be subject to a slow death and destruction by way of a curse brought upon it because of the sin of man.
And by a lie did Satan cause the dominion that man was initially given over the earth (Gen. 1:26) to be diminished.
And it was the very lies that Satan told to Eve in the garden that earned him the title of the father of lies (Jn. 8:44) for the lies he told then were the first lies ever known to mankind and it was by those lies that he, through the sin that entered into mankind by way of that first transgression against God, brought death to mankind and a death that has killed and continues to kill everyone who has ever been born into this world and is still being born into this world and which makes no distinction between the young and the old, child or adult, man or woman, nor skin-color, ethnicity, nationality, lineage, economic, occupational, or social status, nor religious, political, and philosophical leanings which is why he is also called a murderer (v. 44) and because of what he has stolen from man, and because of the death and destruction that he brought into the world that was once a wonderful place, Satan is also called the thief who comes to kill, steal and destroy (Jn. 10:10) but a day is coming when Satan will face his final defeat and be cast out of this world forever when he receives his final sentence which will be nothing more than an unimaginable and unrelenting torment in a place called the lake of fire from which there will be no release nor any escape (Rev. 20:10-15) but not only he himself, but also all who have sided with him and have persisted in being instruments of his evil because a day is coming when the evil of this world will reach a certain measure and when it does, it must be dealt with in righteous judgment and that includes the elimination of those who remain in their sin and persist in their evil ways for in that day, there will be no other remedy but judgment and there is no one person who is not guilty of sin for it is written that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, which is defined as moral perfection. (Rom. 3:23)
Now sin does not merely affect just our actions or even the words that come out of our mouths, but it affects our very thoughts, the attitude of our heart, and our motives which is why it is written that man is not defiled by that which is from without but from that which is within (Mt. 15:11, 17-20) and it is because of this inward defilement that even our own goodness is tainted, making it impossible for us to attain a state of moral perfection as demanded of us by God Almighty who is morally perfect and when we take time to examine ourselves before our Creator and not just our outward performance, but our inward condition, it is only then that we come to understand how it is that we all sin and fall short of His glory and albeit some fall further short of His glory than others, we all nevertheless fall short and such an honest examination of ourselves may be ever the most humbling experience that we ever have because it is then our moral imperfections and flaws are revealed to us, but it can also be the most terrifying experience that we may be faced with knowing full well that all sin will eventually be judged and punished because a perfectly good and holy God cannot allow evil to persist forever and in light of our inherent corruption, our situation may appear to be a hopeless one, but we have not been left without hope, for God who made us is also a God of love and mercy who, because of His great love for us is not willing that any should perish but that all would come to repentance. (2 Pet. 3:9)
And in His love for us, He has shown us mercy in Christ Jesus, His only begotten Son, (Jn. 3:16) whom He sent into the world to take away our sins and by the shedding of His blood was redemption bought thereby satisfying both the demand for the penalty, which He, being without any sin (2 Cor. 5:21, Heb. 4:15) took upon Himself, to be paid for all sin and granting mercy in His death upon the cross and by His resurrection are we made justified in Him (Rom. 4:25) so that anyone placing full trust in Him alone for the forgiveness of sin and salvation will not have to face eternal damnation, but be made a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven and granted eternal life and it is in calling upon Him for the forgiveness of sins and believing that God raised Him from the dead that we are saved from an otherwise terrible everlasting judgment (Rom. 10:9, 13) and it is by Him are we reconciled to the Father from whom we had once been estranged (2 Cor. 5:18) and inwardly transformed and made anew (2 Cor. 5:17) and it is this inward cleansing of the soul and this regeneration which cause all who are willing to call upon Christ for it, submit to it, and embrace it to no longer desire to follow after selfish and worldly pursuits but after those things that pertain to the Kingdom of Heaven, (Mt. 6:33)
to no longer take pleasure in those things that are evil and displeasing in the sight of the Lord, but in that which is good, right, and pleasing in His sight,
to no longer desire to walk in the lies of this present world, but only in the truth that comes from Christ Almighty, (Jn. 14:6) no longer placing our hopes in the things of this present world, but looking forward to that new and better world to come, (Rev. 21-22)
to no longer rely on worldly resources, men, or even our own power, abilities, skills, and wisdom for our needs and provision but upon God who is able to meet all of our needs, (Mt. 6:25-33) recognizing that the resources of this world and even the people He brings into our lives are but instruments and vessels through which God meets our needs and that the skills, power, knowledge, and wisdom by which we might acquire our provision are provided and instilled in us by God,
to no longer fear what men can do to us, but rather fearing the God before whom we will have to one day give an account for how we lived our lives, (Mt. 10:28)
to no longer look to corruptible institutions within our society for direction and order in our lives but to God who, by His written Word has given us laws and precepts to be applied to our lives and which serve to produce and maintain an ordered life, and who, by His Holy Spirit which comes to dwell within us upon repentance, establishes in our lives a course and direction in our lives to pursue for His glory,
to no longer seek our own glory but the glory of God,
to no longer rally behind corruptible men, but instead behind the incorruptible God in Heaven bearing in mind that those men and women God raises up for our edification are but instruments and servants of His for that respective purpose to which He has called them,
to no longer seek to align ourselves with the things of darkness but only with the things of the light,
to no longer trust in the wisdom of the world but only on the wisdom and knowledge that comes from above, nor depend on corruptible earthly authorities to swiftly administer justice, but only in the power of God to deliver us from evil.
And just as we are made spiritually alive in Christ, so also we will one day be delivered from bodily death itself when our present bodies are changed from that which was born into corruption into that which is without corruption (1 Cor. 15:51-55, 1 Thess. 4:13-18) but not only will we also see our bodies redeemed from death, just as our souls have been redeemed from eternal damnation, we will also witness creation itself being delivered from the curse of sin when the present prince of this world is cast out and receives his final sentence and defeat (Rev. 20:10-15) and when the creation is made anew, there will be no sin, no evil, no darkness, nor any curse.  There will be no death, no decay, nor any pain, nor any hardship, no oppression, no misery, no cruelty, no despair, or any grief for all of these things will have passed away with the old corrupted creation and the redemption of the world began with the redemption of our souls and we who have already been redeemed out of our sins are now awaiting the day for our mortal vessels to be liberated from bodily death and creation itself is still awaiting the day when it will be liberated from the curse that came upon it but the adversary of our souls, the slayer of our bodies, and the destroyer of creation, and the usurper of the dominion, remains hard at work in taking and keeping captive as many souls as he can and works ever more desperately to lead as many souls into eternal damnation as he possibly can and if our captivity and bondage began spiritually which itself began with a lie, then our liberation must also begin spiritually and spiritual liberation can only begin with the truth that sets us free (Jn. 8:32) and what is this truth that sets us free? It is the Gospel of salvation that sets us free and this spiritual liberty which is only made possible in Christ is that liberty from which economic, political, academic, and social liberties eventually arise and every soul won over to our Lord is a blow to the power and influence that Satan holds over this earth which is why he will use any and all means at his disposal, both visible and invisible, to hinder the spread of this liberating Gospel through lies, deceits, perversions and misrepresentations of the faith, infiltrating the ranks of the saints and spreading heresies and false doctrines amongst them, causing needless dissention and discord amongst saints who might otherwise be united, leading them into sin and causing them to disgrace themselves in the sight of the entire world and thereby destroying the credibility of their testimony, and he will try to intimidate they who might otherwise boldly preach the Gospel message into silence and when he cannot deceive them with false doctrine, lead them into sin, nor intimidate them into silence, he will then bring varying degrees of persecution against them ranging from mere ridicule and social ostracization to violence and even death in his relentless attempts to keep the souls who might otherwise be won over to our Lord blind to His truth and anything that might lead them to that truth by hiding, suppressing, and even destroying any evidences that might open the eyes of the lost to the truth of the Gospel message by which their souls may be saved from damnation and which upon reception, brings a spiritual transformation to the recipients thereof.
Is it then any wonder that the Islamists demand the death of those who dare preach the Gospel in Muslim dominated nations and of those who dare to turn from Islam to Christianity?
Or that Christians in India should suffer violence at the hands of radical Hindus?
Should it be any surprise that Christianity should find itself either severely restricted or even repressed in Communist nations?
And should it then come to any surprise that Christians should find themselves persecuted even in nation in which the Word of God ought to be given free course?
Knowing then that it should be expected of Satan to bring against the Church any and all manner of persecution when all else should fail, it should then be no surprise that he would also remove any and all safeguards that would enable the Word of God to be preached freely without civic reprisal.  The assaults upon our First Amendment having nothing to do with combating so-called misinformation pertaining to electoral integrity, COVID, or climate change but everything to do with removing a protection that the Church in America, as well as those outside of the Church, have long enjoyed and even taken for granted, never thinking that the day would ever come when our most precious liberties might ever be in danger of being taken from us.

But if the Lord is merciful enough to grant us the opportunity, then we who value our First and Second Amendments should seek to amend our Constitution in such a way so as to strengthen both our First and Second Amendments by making them unalterable and unrepealable to forbid any amendments that contradict, weaken, or undermine either one (under pain of treason) and for civic authorities at every level and citizens to disregard any judicial rulings that may weaken, undermine, or violate either one.
Those vessels and instruments of Satan seek the eventual removal of our First Amendment for no other reason except to silence the Gospel message which has brought salvation, transformation, hope, meaning, and purpose to those who have embraced and still continue to embrace it:
Salvation in Christ through the washing away of sins by which we would otherwise be condemned.
Transformation from those taking pleasure in sin, unrighteousness, perversion, evil, and in the things of darkness into people who pursue after goodness, righteousness, purity, and holiness.
Hope in the new and better world to come rather than in this present world and the things therein; all of which are destined to pass away to make way for that new and better world.
Meaning and purpose in that we who have become followers of Christ now live not for our own selves but for Him and to serve Him.
But the enemies of the Gospel who seek to remove the protections that have enabled it to flourish in our nation seek to take captive, minds, hearts, and souls and suppress anything that might persuade men of its truth, blinding them to the sin within them that will bring their souls to eternal damnation and seek to steal from us all hope, meaning, and purpose in life, subjugating us to a dreary colorless life of misery, despair, hopelessness, suffering, and oppression.
Truth need not censor and silence lies, but is confident that the lies propagated will, in civil debate and argument be discredited and that all falsehoods will fall on their own merits, but lies demand the suppression of anything and the censorship of anyone that might expose them.  No one who demands censorship has ever been on the side of truth but always on the side of lies.  And no one who would call an amendment vital to our freedoms a roadblock to the ability to govern has ever been on the side of freedom and if we are to retain our political, economic, academic, and social freedoms, then we need to restore and retain our spiritual liberty which comes from no other source but the provider of our liberty who is the way, the truth, and the life, and that is Christ Jesus our Lord and we begin by restoring the foundations that the enemies of the faith and our liberty have been destroying but in order to restore the foundations of our liberty, we must attack and destroy the foundations upon which the enemies of our liberties stand upon and that must begin with a restoring of confidence in the inerrancy, infallibility, and authority of the scriptures by which our spiritual freedom is given and offered through the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and we do so by a discrediting of those destructive philosophies that Satan has used to discredit the Gospel message in the minds and hearts of many and that includes the Darwinian doctrine and philosophy of evolution which has been instrumental in causing multitudes, including those raised up to be followers of Christ, to turn away from the faith and to fall prey to a dark spirit of oppression and destruction.
Restoring faith and confidence in the founding faith, doctrines, and principles upon which our First Amendment is founded requires the discrediting of every falsehood, philosophy, and even every religion that has attacked those foundations, of which there are many and the founding faith that inspired our Declaration of Independence which then produced our Constitution is undeniably the Christian faith and the foundation upon which the Christian faith stands and to which it appeals for its defense are the scriptures of the Old Testament which have foretold the coming of the Messiah which are also founded upon the Genesis account of creation because the Genesis account of creation not only tells us how the world originated, but also tells us how the world was before sin, death, and suffering entered into it, how sin, death, evil, and suffering entered into the world and changed it from the once perfect and peaceful world that it once was into a slowly dying creation that it is today in which death, decay, violence, unrest, cataclysms, and every kind of suffering, evil, and misery that there ever was, is, and ever could be, which then provides the basis and reasoning for Christ to come as God in the flesh (Jn. 1:14) to redeem mankind from sin, death, and creation itself from the curse that fell upon it because of sin.
But philosophies like evolution depend on death not being a consequence of sin but being as much a part of nature as life itself and it relies on the processes of nature being the same in the past as they are today, and upon life being produced by unthinking and unguided processes of time and random chance, and an ongoing struggle in which inferior life forms are removed from the scene to make way for the advancement of superior life forms which then must apply even to the human race itself.
Charles Darwin himself once said in his lesser known work, The Descent Of Man that the so-called superior races of men would eventually wipe out the inferior races of men [27]
But those who have fought to keep the expression of theistic religion out of the public sector including the halls of publicly funded academia, our courthouses, city council buildings, and have attempted to wipe any remaining appeals to God from our pledge of allegiance, currency, and national motto insist that we were not created by a God who is actively involved in human affairs,
who is the source of all truth,
the determiner of what is good and evil, right and wrong,
who is our Supreme moral lawgiver,
who decides what our rights and liberties are,
and before whom we will all have to give an account for all that we have done, said, and aligned ourselves with,
and who will be handing out final rewards and sentences accordingly,
and who is also the redeemer of our souls to any who will call upon Him for the forgiveness of sins in sincere faith and repentance,
and who will restore the world back to the uncorrupted, perfect, sinless, peaceful world in which there is no death, evil, no decay, and no pain, grief, misery, nor suffering of any sort.
They instead insist that the universe and all that is in it came about by the unguided, unplanned, and unthinking processes of time and random chance with death, evil, decay, and every kind of pain, grief, sorrow, anguish, and suffering being just as much a part of nature as goodness, life, peace, and happiness.
But what they cannot answer is how anything could arise from the unguided and unthinking processes of time and random chance and because they have not been able to produce any satisfying answer to how processes that cannot think and cannot guide could ever possibly produce anything, then there can only be one other conclusion that can be reasonably reached and that is that the universe and all that is in it, including man, is created.
And if we are created beings, then of what nature and character is our Creator? Is He a God actively involved in the affairs of men or is He a God uninvolved in the affairs of His creation?
Or is He just a collective consciousness of which everything is a part?
This has been the debate of amongst every religion and philosophy known to man and from a standpoint of reason and logic, only one of those religions and philosophies can have the right answers.  Anything they all share in common show that they possess some degree of truth derived from the same source whereas the differences that separate them show that most of them have gone astray from that common source and that only one has managed to walk in the path the Creator intended and is now tasked with the mission to draw the rest who have gone astray back to that path with some willing to return to that path while others persist in rejecting that path from which they have strayed to their own destruction.
The monotheists will argue that there is only one God to be worshipped and that any other gods are false gods produced from the vain imaginations of men, or worse from evil spirits whereas the polytheists will argue that there are many gods that must be worshipped and placated, and the pantheists will insist that everything is God and that we are all a part of one collective consciousness but they cannot all be right.  Only one can be.
If, as pantheists contend, we are supposed to be part of a divine collective consciousness, then why is the consciousness divided against itself and not unified within itself? If there is a beginning, it doesn’t know how either it nor all that is within it came into being, it does not know its end, nor does it even know if there is a life after this present one and it cannot even decide as to what moral code it should abide by.
But deists, monotheists, and polytheists will contend that the created universe is separate from the Maker or in the case of the polytheists, makers, who have been in existence before the creation, but what separates the deists from the monotheists and polytheists is that they believe that the Creator of the universe is uninvolved in its affairs or in the affairs of mankind, but just simply observing the creation’s activities from a distance.  By the study and observation of nature itself, they may very well come to the conclusion that not only is the universe created, and that there are natural laws set in place to sustain the efficient and proper functionality of the creation, and though they may by that observation also reasonably assume that just as there are natural laws set in place by the Creator, that there must also be spiritual and moral laws by which mankind is governed, deism can never tell us for certain what those moral and spiritual laws are that have been set forth, it can never tell us what took place in the beginning, if the world has always been as it is now, or if there was a time when things were different, and it cannot tell us as to whether or not this present world that we live in will come to an end or if it is to end, how it will end, and what is to take place after the end.
Deism cannot even tell us as to whether or not there is one God or many gods, or what kind of a God it is who has created us, or whether or not the God who created us is male or female but the monotheists and polytheists will argue that any knowledge or understanding that deists have about God, the origins of our universe, its end, or any spiritual and moral laws God expects us to abide by is not anything they acquired by their own reasoning, but from religions that claim a power or powers actively involved in the affairs of men. 
As Benjamin Franklin observed in his letter to deist Thomas Paine, Paine could not have receive the morals and virtues by which he lived but by the influence of a religion that preaches a God actively involved in the affairs of men:
And perhaps you are indebted to her [religion, Christianity] originally, that is, to your religious education, for the habits of virtue upon which you now justly value yourself. [28]
(Definitions to what Franklin meant by “her” added)
The same could also be said to even atheists and agnostics who pride themselves on living virtuous and morally upright lives yet deny the existence of the source of any good morals and values they claim to live by.
The most logical conclusion with which we are left at this point is that the universe was created by a power or powers separate from itself and not only separate from itself, but actively involved in the affairs of the creation including man to which monotheistic and polytheistic religions attest.
But what separates monotheism and polytheism is that polytheists worship many different gods limited in their attributes and even as fallible as mankind, whereas monotheists worship a God who is unlimited in His attributes and declare all other gods to not be gods worthy of worship at all due to their limited attributes and are either inspired by the vain imaginations of men or worse are demonic entities who have deceitfully led men away from the worship of the one true God to the worship of false gods bent on leading men into an eternity of torment and if there is a God who is all-present, all knowing, and all powerful, eternal, and incorruptible in His character, why not worship that God instead of a pantheon of gods who are not eternal, limited in their attributes, and flawed in their character?
And if all but one of the so-called gods are false and fake gods not worthy of our worship due to a lack of the qualifying attributes, then that just leaves us to one God who has the qualifying attributes.
Where we are brought to now is not only is the universe created by a power and force that is separate from it, but also by a power that is actively involved in His creation and in the affairs of men, and is not multiple entities of limited attributes and corruptible character, but a single entity limitless in His attributes and perfect in character and nature who is the source of all truth, of all goodness, righteousness, holiness, purity, peace, happiness, contentment, and justice, the definer of right and wrong, good and evil and therefore is the sole moral lawgiver to all of mankind and it is before Him that all people must give an account for all that they have done in the life, every word spoken, and what they have aligned themselves with; the righteous will be admitted to eternal bliss and the wicked will be sentenced to eternal torment.
It has been argued that the aforementioned are not unique to just Christianity, but are also in agreement with Judaism and even Islam and though that may be true to a certain extent, what sets Christianity apart from Judaism, Islam, and all the other religions of the world is that while the other religions of the world depend upon the outward performance of keeping a set of laws and moral codes, observing certain customs and traditions, and performing a set of rituals to gain favor with their respective deity or deities and even attain salvation, and place their hopes on outward merit to grant them a place in Heaven and to deliver them from the eternal torments of Hell, Christianity stands apart from the rest in that it is not interested in just merely changing outward behavior and performance, but in the changing of the inward person, for unlike other religions, Christianity teaches that change begins not from without but from within by the changing of the mind, heart, and spirit which is done through the cleansing of the soul of the repentant sinner from that inherent corruption called sin which resides in every one of us and with that comes that inward transformation by which we receive a nature different from that sinful nature that we inherit; a nature that God never intended for any man to have but was inherited from Adam into whom sin had entered when he and his wife Eve had eaten of that forbidden fruit. 
There is no other religion, including those religions which claim to have the same early history as Christianity, that gives so great a commentary and insight on the inward nature of man than Christianity nor more insight on the effects of sin upon the earth and upon mankind than the New Testament scriptures and the solution offered by Christianity requires far less than the other religions of the world for Christianity is a religion based upon grace through faith in Christ alone (Eph. 2:8-9) to rescue us from what would otherwise be a dreadful condemnation from which there would otherwise be no escape, by taking away our sins if we, in all sincerity in faith and repentance will call upon His name.
But the work of redemption does not stop with just the cleansing of the soul, for there is also the promise of being freed from bodily death (1 Cor. 15:51-55, 1 Thess. 4:13-18) and the liberation of creation from its present state when it is made anew but the one thing upon which Christianity, biblical Christianity that is, places an emphasis on that no other religion seems to place an emphasis on is spiritual liberty. (Jn. 8:32, Rom. 14, 1 Cor. 6:12, 10:23 Gal. 3, Col. 2:16, 20-22)
Everyone else outside of the Christian faith is seeking and yearning for an outward deliverance be it academic, economic, political, social, or even religious, but Christianity requires for liberty to begin from within before it can manifest itself from without because that which is produced from the inward change and inward liberation is going to be longer lasting than those things that only begin from without and if an inward liberty is required before there can be a lasting outward liberty and if the inward liberty must be maintained in order to maintain the outward liberties produced from it, then that means that there is something from within us that we need to be liberated that God never intended to be a part of us to begin with.
All that is required for one to receive this inward liberty is a willingness to turn away from their sin, a repentant heart, and faith placed in nothing other than Christ Jesus to take away the sins of any who call upon His name for the forgiveness thereof and that is a requirement which is more simple than what the rest of the world’s religions require, because the salvation promised by Christianity is a salvation based not upon our own merit or upon our own goodness, but upon the grace, goodness, love, and mercy of God which makes it not a salvation earned but a gift given to any who ask in faith and repentance for it and while the lost seek to earn the favor of God by some other means via the outward performance of keeping a certain set of laws, abiding in a certain set of precepts, observing a certain set of customs and traditions, or performing a certain set of rituals, we who call upon the name of Christ already have His favor and our obedience to Him is done, not to earn or retain our salvation, but out of love for Him and out of appreciation and gratitude for His forgiveness and for the redemption that we receive in Him, looking forward every day to better things to come than what this present world with all its evil could ever possibly offer but diligently serving Him in the respective calling and purpose that He has given to each and every one of us and inviting as many as are willing to receive the invitation to also come to repentance and call upon the name of Jesus for the forgiveness of sins that they too may be saved until the day that we either depart this life or until the end of this present age.
Like every other theistic faith, Christianity teaches that the universe could have only come into existence by a creative act, (Jn. 1:3) and like all other theistic faiths, with the exception of pantheism, (I’m not sure if we can even call that theistic by the way) Christianity teaches that the God who made all things existed before all things (Col. 1:17, Rev. 1:11, 17, 22:15) thereby making Him a separate entity from His creation.  And, with the exception of deism, Christianity, like other theistic faiths, teaches that God is actively involved in the affairs of men and when necessary, interjects Himself into the affairs of history, but what sets it apart from the polytheistic faiths, but in agreement with monotheistic faiths is that Christianity declares that there is only one God to be worshiped (Is. Mt. 4:8-9, Lk. 4:6-7) and unlike the gods of the polytheistic faiths that are limited in their attributes, fickle at times, and flawed in their nature and character, the God who created the universe is a God who is unchanging, (Mal. 3:6, Heb. 13:8) perfect in His character and nature, (Mt. 5:48) limitless in His power, (Mt. 19:26) presence, (Ps. 139:1-12) and knowledge, (Mt. 10:29) who alone upholds all things by His power (Col. 1:16-17) and who is the source of all truth and therefore is truth. (Jn. 14:6)
And because this God is the source of all truth, then it is from Him alone that we receive the very moral and spiritual laws by which we are to be governed and in which we abide, and it is by these spiritual and moral laws that all mankind will be judged when all people one day stand before their Creator to give an account for all the things that they have done, said, and aligned themselves with in this present life; the righteous to everlasting life and an eternity of happiness and joy, and the wicked to everlasting torment.
And like many other religions around the world, Christianity teaches that the world was once in a state of perfection but due to the fateful actions of mankind, it has now been reduced to a corrupted fallen state, but that fallen state is temporal and will be eliminated to make way for a better world.
But unlike the other religions of the world, Christianity expounds upon why the world is in a fallen state in that there was no death in the world until sin entered into Adam when he ate of the forbidden fruit of which he was warned of God not to eat from (Gen. 2:16-17, 3:3) and it was when he ate of that forbidden fruit that sin entered into him and as a consequence, the sentence of death was placed upon him (Gen. 3:19) and then the sin that entered into Adam was then inherited by all of mankind who descend from Adam (Rom. 5:12) which is why all people sin and as a consequence all die (Rom. 6:23) and not only is mankind subjugated to sin and death because of Adam, but the entire creation is also subjugated to suffering, evil, death, and decay that it had never before experienced. (Rom. 8:19-22)
Christianity establishes that the universe could not have created itself but that the creation of the universe could only have been brought about by a creative act and that the Creator of the universe is a God who is actively involved in the affairs of men, and has, by acts of divine revelation made certain things known to man that could not be known otherwise including:
How the universe was created and how long it took.
What kind of world God had initially created.
Why the world entered into a fallen state.
Why the world as it is presently known must come to an end.
What is to come in place of this fallen world.
The spiritual and moral laws by which we are to be governed and in which we are to abide.
And for those who believe in a God actively involved in the affairs of men and from time to time will personally reveal things to men that could otherwise not be known, creation and historical accounts such as that of the book of Genesis can no longer be merely dismissed as myth or allegory, but as events that actually happened as written which means that there was a time when there was no evil, sin, death, decay, and suffering in the world, that Adam and Eve are restored as actual persons who lived and could have lived forever but died at some point, and that the reason for the sentence of death being placed upon them is because they had eaten a certain fruit that they were warned would bring death to them if they ate of it, and that their disobedience is the reason why humanity and the entire creation is in a corrupt fallen state, that the reason why we are inherently sinful and are subject to death is because the sin that entered into Adam and Eve and brought about their eventual deaths was passed down to all of humanity because it is from that first couple that all of mankind descend.
When death is seen as not anything that was supposed to be a part of the natural cycle of life, but an enemy not initially intended for any of us to be subjugated, then death is a consequence and a product of original sin from which we must be liberated, only then might Jesus Christ then be seen not as just another man who suffered an injustice but as God come in the flesh (Jn. 1:14) to bring an eventual end to the death and suffering in the world, beginning with our spiritual redemption which will then culminate in the redemption of our bodies and of creation itself at which point all death and suffering will be eliminated and we all then live in the perfect world that God intended for us.
Restore the Genesis account of origins and early history as factual, and in doing so, confidence in the rest of scripture as being authoritative and inerrant in all matters that it comments on and addresses is restored and long with that, the truth of the Gospel message delivered by those very scriptures seen as the inspired word of God, and not only is Christ seen as not just another man who suffered a terrible injustice, but His arrival into the world is seen as significant turning point in our history in that by His death and resurrection He has shown Himself to be the sole Redeemer of our souls, the redemption of which will lead to the eventual liberation from bodily death, and the liberation of creation from the curse of sin and in that process, we see Huttonian, Lyellian, and Darwinian doctrine being exposed for the cleverly devised elaborate anti-Christ lies that they are and once Hutton and Lyell are destroyed, so is Darwin and once Darwin is destroyed, then everything that was built on Hutton, Lyell, and Darwin collapses and in the rubble will be found the sorry remains of Marx, Sanger, Hitler, Alinsky, the Devil State, Woke ideology, and eventually, even the New World Order as we know it which is why the globalist and Devil state forces will do everything they can do prevent the founding philosophies upon which their ideology is built from being discredited in the hearts and minds of those whom they seek to hold captive and why it is necessary for them to suppress and censor any evidences and arguments challenging those founding philosophies because if they fail to do so, then no longer will they be able to retain spiritual control over mankind.  No longer will they be able to enslave the minds and hearts of men and neither will they be able to hold captive the souls they have captured.  And that is why they wish to remove the protections of our First Amendment.  Their attempts to suppress information challenging the integrity of the 2020 electoral results and their fearmongering narratives on COVID and climate change, and to silence those voices dissenting and challenging the narratives that they would have the public believe are but test runs when their actual objective is to censor and silence the Gospel of our Lord and Savior because in it is a spiritual liberty from which all other liberties are eventually produced and when God is accepted as the source of the freedom that people long for, starting with their inward spiritual freedom, will then find themselves in agreement with the opening statements of our own Declaration of Independence and will then recognize that just as there are moral and spiritual laws of which only God can be the source there are also rights that our Constitution was designed to protect and uphold that are not rights that come from man, but from God alone and rights that no man can simply take away.
But just because Darwin is destroyed, that doesn’t necessarily mean that all will come to Christ even then as there will still be many seeking for something else to believe in that does not require them to turn away from the sins in which they pleasure and the forces opposed to the Gospel message will continue to be hard at work at crafting more religions and philosophies in place of the ones discredited and destroyed to keep men blind to the truth that sets free and to lead them away from embracing that faith by which they are redeemed because whether a person chooses to be a free soul under God or be a subject and instrument of Satan comes down to what they harbor in their heart.
If you have not done so already, but would rather be a free soul under God than either property of the state or a subject and instrument of Satan, then I would urge you today to surrender your soul, your heart, and life to Christ Jesus so that you may know what true liberty is under God.  It is but a simple sincere prayer of repentance away:
"Lord Jesus I need you.
I realize that I am a sinner
who has fallen short of the glory of God
and that my goodness falls short
of your standard of Moral perfection.
Please forgive me of all of my sins.
Come into my heart and into my life
to be the Savior and Lord of my life.
Make me into the servant and follower
that you want me to be.
In your name Lord Jesus, I pray.
Know that God is not concerned with the words that you use to call upon Him forgiveness, but with the attitude of your heart and if you have, with all sincerity, have asked Christ to forgive you of your sins, placing your trust in Him only for your salvation and in nothing else, then your sins are forgiven and your place in Heaven is certain.
End notes:
1.  Tim Haines, “John Kerry Tells WEF: Our First Amendment Stands As A Major Block Against Hammering Disinformation Out Of Existence,”
2.  Ibid.
3.  Ibid.
4.  Ibid.
5.  Ibid.
6.  Ibid.
7.  Ibid.
8.  The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776
9.  G. Richard Bozarth, “The Meaning of Evolution,” pg. 30, American Atheist Magazine, February, 1978
[Bozarth’s column begins on pg. 19 of the issue, stops, and then concludes on page 30]
10.  Maria Campbell and James Freeman Clark, “Revolutionary Services and Civil Life of General William Hull,” 
(New York, 1848) pp. 265-266
11.  Thomas Paine, “Age Of Reason,” , G.P. Putnam’s Sons, New York and London; the Knickerbocker Press, 1896; originally published and printed by Barrois in 1794
12.  Benjamin Franklin; Compiled and edited by John Bigelow, “The Works Of Benjamin Franklin,” To Thomas Paine, pp. 296-298, G.P. Putnam’s Sons, New York and London; the Knickerbocker Press, 1904
13.  Ibid. pg. 297
14.  John Adams; edit by Charles Francis Adams, “The Works Of John Adams,” 
pg. 317, Boston: Charles C. Little and James Brown, 1851
15.  Zephaniah Swift, Peter S. Duponceau, “A System of the Laws of the State of Connecticut: In Six Books /., Volumes 1-2; Volume II,” pp. 323-324, Windham, printed by John Byrne for the author, 1796
16.  Samuel Adams, Willaim V. Wells, “The Life And Public Service Of Samuel Adams, Vol. III,” 
pp. 372-373, Little Brown And Company, Boston, 1866
17.  Elias Boudinot, “The Age Of Revelation,” 
Ashbury Dickins, Opposite Christ-Church, Hugh Maxwell, printer for Columbia House, 1801
18.  R. Watson, Lord Bishop of Landaff, “An Apology For The Bible,” printed by W.& W. Miller, Glasgow, Britain
19.  Patrick Henry, “Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death” a speech given at St. John’s Henrico Parish in Richmond Virginia, March 23, 1775
[Based upon to whom it is addressed, it is assumed that it was given to the Continental Congress meeting in the cited location on the month, day, and year cited.  The Declaration of Independence would be written and signed a little over a year later in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania]
20.  Patrick Henry, Samuel Greene Arnold, “The Life Of Patrick Henry Of Virginia,” 
pg. 250, Hurst & Company Publishers, New York
21.  Benjamin Rush, “A Defense of the Use of the Bible as a Schoolbook: A Letter to Reverend Jeremy Belknap, of Boston,” Philadelphia, March 10, 1791
22.  James Hutton, “Theory of the Earth: From The Transactions Of The Royal Society In Edinburgh,” pp. 9, 10, 14, 57, 96. Original publisher unknown but may possibly be the Royal Society In Edinburgh during Hutton’s lifetime as the full title of his work may suggest.  Written and published as early as 1785.
23.  Charles Lyell, “Principles of Geology: Being An Attempt To Explain The Former Changes Of The Earth’s Surface By References To Causes Now In Operation Volume 1,” 
pp. 76, 80, 311, London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1832
24.  Charles Lyell, “Principles of Geology Vol. 1; 2nd edition,”

25.  Bishop James Ussher, Annals Of The World, 1658 E. Tyler, for J. Crook, reprinted in 2003 by Master Books.
26.  Charles Darwin, “On The Origin Of The Species by Means of Natural Selection or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life,” London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1859
27.  Charles Darwin, “The Descent Of Man And Selection In Relation To Sex; 2nd edition revised and augmented,”
pp. 133-134, London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1874
28.  Franklin, “The Works Of Benjamin Franklin,” pg. 298
Scripture references:
1.  James 1:5
2.  2 Timothy 3:16
3.  Isaiah 14:11-21, Ezekiel 28:12-19
4.  Genesis 2:16-17, 3:3
5.  Genesis 3:6
6.  Genesis 3:4-5
7.  Genesis 3:7
8.  Genesis 3:19
9.  Romans 5:12
10.  Romans 6:23
11.  Romans 8:19-22
12.  Matthew 4:8-9, Luke 4:6-7
13.  John 12:31, 16:11
14.  John 8:44
15.  John 10:10
16.  Revelation 20:10-15
17.  Romans 3:23
18.  Matthew 15:11, 17-20
19.  2 Peter 3:9
20.  John 3:16
21. Corinthians 5:21
22.  Hebrews 4:15
23.  Romans 4:25
24.  Romans 10:9, 13
25.  2 Corinthians 5:17
26.  2 Corinthians 5:18
27.  Matthew 6:33
28.  John 14:6
29.  Revelation 21-22
30.  Matthew 6:25-33
31.  Matthew 10:28
32.  1 Corinthians 15:51-55
33.  1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
34.  John 8:32
35.  Ephesians 2:8-9
36.  John 1:14
37.  John 8:32
38.  Romans 14
39.  1 Corinthians 6:12, 10:23
40.  Galatians 3
41.  Colossians 2:16, 20-22
42.  John 1:3
43.  Colossians 1:17
44.  Revelation 1:11, 17, 22:15
45.  Malachi 3:6
46.  Hebrews 13:8
47.  Matthew 5:48
46.  Matthew 19:26
48.  Psalms 139:1-12
49.  Matthew 10:29
50.  Colossians 1:16-17
51.  John 1:14

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