Monday, January 27, 2025

Contender's Edge


Welcome to Contender's Edge

This author admits that this is an amateur blogsite and that it is only in its infancy with its creation and preparation being a step of learning processes for me.  D.H. Manheim is a pen name only which is applied for security purposes and not the actual name of the author and founder of this site.
Contender's Edge is a Christian blogsite dedicated to preaching the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, contending for the faith by defending the authority of the scriptures which give us the Gospel, calling out heresies and false doctrines, exposing the works of darkness, examining trends occurring within the body of Christ, and assisting fellow saints in giving a reason and logic-based defense of their faith.

This blog has been a step of faith for me, as well as involving a risk of getting egg on my face, and so, I have begun my work with what I have been given which isn't much.  I'll just see what God does the rest of the way.  For more information about this blog and, if the Lord should lead you, what you can do to help it in faithfully carrying out its mission and purpose, please visit the featured page links above.

Featured news items

February 9, 2020

What I'd like to know is what Planned [Murder]hood considered to be acts of violence they accuse pro-lifers of committing against them and their patients and how they don't consider killing babies to be an act of violence.

Gay combat veteran explains why he agrees with Trump’s EO banning trannies from military service.

Despite a Supreme Court ruling prohibiting the state of Maine from excluding faith-based schools from its academic tuition program, the Maine state government still continues to do so.

February 8, 2025

Ken Ham warns of a study Bible that Christians should stay away from and furthermore, the editor of this following item also warns us to stay away from anything written by the author and producer of that study Bible.  The name of the study Bible of which Ham warns us to stay away from is called The Upside Down Kingdom Bible which attempts, through its commentary and footnotes, to impose “woke” and politically correct renderings on the Bible so as to get its reader to doubt as to whether or not scripture actually means what it says.
When reading study Bibles or Bibles with footnotes and commentary, even the best of them, we have to remember that it is the text of scripture alone that is divinely inspired (2 Tim. 3:16) and not the commentaries and footnotes we see alongside it.
The text itself can be trusted, but as for any commentaries or notes that may be placed alongside the text itself, they are just an attempt to explain to the reader as to how what they are reading applies to them and to this day but in the process, the writers of the commentaries and footnotes may impose a rendering upon the text to which the text itself bears no witness.
That is why it so vitally important that, just as we should with anything else, that we compare the commentary and footnotes that we find in any Bible with the actual text itself to determine whether or not the commentary and footnotes we read are in agreement with the scripture itself and if their rendering of scripture is consistent with the text itself but it is not just commentaries and footnotes of Study Bibles that can be problematic and can give readers a warped and twisted view of scripture, but also certain Bible versions themselves that have been produced without any thought for preserving the integrity of scripture.
Whenever I am asked as to what Bible translation or version I prefer, I have found both the Geneva and KJV Bibles to be the most accurate and trustworthy of any as their producers took great pains to make sure that both versions were translated from the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts word-for-word accurately and nothing was either added or taken out.
And if anyone has reason to question the reliability and accuracy of any particular Bible translation or version, I would recommend getting a Strong’s Concordance which presents to us every possible meaning and application of the Greek and Hebrew from which the scriptures were translated with which any Bible can be cross-checked to determine its accuracy and trustworthiness.

Should we all establish FB accounts just to see how well Zuckerberg behaves himself?

No.  Only the biblical Gospel can; the Gospel delivered to us through the scriptures.

The same ones who would ban children from attending a Bible camp are the same ones who would have them conditioned into participating in sexual perversion.

February 7, 2025

Pro-lifers persecuted by the Biden creature pardoned by Trump.

Give or receive tithes and offerings in China and the CCP may call it fraud even when the tithes and offerings are going where they are supposed to and being used in the way that they are supposed to be used.

School tried to secretly “socially” transition a young girl into identifying as a man without the consent of her parents, but after a lawsuit was filed against the school, the girl was “de-transitioned” and is much happier than she was before.

February 6, 2025

The Biden creature turned a federal mental health services agency into a mental illness affirming lobbying organization.  I pray that now changes under Trump.

Anti-Christ party Senators successfully filibuster legislation that would have saved the lives of babies surviving attempted abortions.

Never was opening a county board meeting with prayer, even in the name of Jesus Christ, ever considered a violation of the First Amendment before.  Why now?

Where America currently stands on abortion: A majority stand in the middle which is not where we would like them to be on the issue, but it is better than being on the extreme left of the matter.

January 26, 2025

Joe Rogan asks why God allows so much death and suffering in the world and gets a response.

The Biden creature was eager to let as many pagan and godless migrants in as quickly as possible while slow-walking the applications of God-fearing Christians.  May that change under the Trump administration.

Where It Begins: From The Bottom Up; Not The Top Down.  From Within, NOT from Without.

January 25, 2025

The Thirteenth Amendment of our Constitution DOES NOT grant anyone the right to an abortion.  That should be made obvious to anyone who has read it.

What we take for granted, others around the world long and hunger for.

Some of the most staunch and committed pro-lifers happen to be those who used to be involved in the abortion industry and have even witnessed the process firsthand.

January 24, 2025

This is what needs to happen to any professing Christian organization that apostasizes and affirms that which God has condemned.

Home Depot had partnered up with the LGBT community in supporting “drag queen” story hour but in 2023, claimed to have severed all ties with LGBT community activists.

ESPN Fires popular sports host of the Sunday NFL countdown after she spoke out in defense of the integrity of women’s athletics though ESPN claims the termination had to do with budget cuts.

January 22, 2025

Like a plague, this perverse and evil ideology has spread throughout the family courts and juvenile justice and correction systems like a plague.

It is very ironic how Israel is being accused of committing genocide against a genocidal-minded people.

An important must-see here if you have not watch this one already.

I haven’t been able to find any information about what this particular group believes in but I do know that Satan laughs with delight when people claiming to serve God commit terrible crimes such as this, especially against fellow servants of our Lord because acts like this, which shouldn’t even be found happening within the body of Christ, bring shame and disgrace upon His Holy name that the rest of us seek to honor not just with our words but with how we live our lives as well.

January 19, 2025

He’s on the wrong team and should join a political party that he can trust will not be as hostile to his professed faith.
And that is in spite of the fact that he is the most LGBT behavior affirming Pope that there has ever been in the history of Catholicism.

Vatican officials would like to have the public believe that the dismissal of theologically conservative members from their offices within the Vatican had nothing to do with their theological and doctrinal differences with those of the current Pope and so cite charges of corruption against them and whether or not any charges of wrongdoing against them on their part are true is irrelevant to the fact that Pope Francis is using the charges (valid or not) as an excuse to replace conservative rivals with those more aligned with his apostate ways and does not apply the same measure of justice to those more like-minded with him as he does to any whom he perceives to be a rival or obstacle.

If I see anything like what they are describing in the make-up aisle of any store, I am going to hurry out of that aisle as fast as I can. 
[Any make-up products featuring the image of a man wearing make-up, I would not ever get for my wife and I would not even let her buy it.]

January 18, 2025

A woman claiming to be queer and to the left of Bernie Sanders (I don’t see how anyone can be more left than Bernie) presents us with firsthand testimony of the harm transgender surgeries do to minors, the regrets that those who have undergone sex-change operations have experienced and of the risks to her medical career when she dared to challenge the pro-transgender pseudo-science.
The doctors she worked with told her: “We are building the plane while we are flying it.”
Her response: “No one should be a passenger on that kind of aircraft.”
A step towards peace and stability? After ten months of war with Israel, most Gazans reportedly had lost confidence in the militant group.  A vast majority of Gazans had once supported the attacks against Israel carried out by Hamas, but now, they may be holding Hamas at least in part responsible for the misery and suffering that has come upon them because of the retaliation against Hamas being carried out by Israel.
One top Hamas official had even suggested that Hamas should just be a non-militant political party and that they should even disarm.
[Even months before Trump took office, elements of the terrorist organization were already becoming demoralized but that still has not been enough to force the entire terrorist organization or the people of Gaza into an unconditional surrender]
This item is right about one thing:  The enemy is always watching which is why we must always be vigilant and not become complacent, even when we score victories and gain the upper-hand for even when he suffers a defeat, he is always regrouping and restrategizing.

When law enforcement won’t do their job, then someone has to do their job for them and sadly, at the federal level, pro-lifers have been arrested and have risked imprisonment for next to no offenses while those who vandalize pregnancy care centers rarely face any consequences.

January 17, 2025

Oklahoma state superintendent seeks to bring the Bible and patriotism back into the public schools.

Watch how Ken Ham nicely exposes and points out the hypocrisy of the left (Kamala Harris in particular) and I know the 2024 election is over but if there is a reason to post and repost this again is because it still bears relevancy in the sense that the leftist thinking that Ham exposes and points out in this video is not held by just Harris alone, but everyone who ascribes to the same ideology that she does and so, I repost this as a reminder that though the left did suffer a major electoral defeat, their ideology is still alive and well.
[On a side note, if there was any debate I would have loved to have seen happen, it would have been a debate between Ken Ham and Kamala Harris on the issue of abortion and other social issues and just to add insult to injury, with Donald Trump as the moderator of that debate]

Church elder in China and in poor health is sentenced to five years in prison after being held in detention for nearly three years in prison; the five year sentence including the three years he has already spent being detained.

“Let no man judge you therefore in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holy day, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days.” (Col. 2:16)

January 12, 2025

Remember when Kamala the Harlot claimed that the Child Tax Credit system raised taxes on childless adults?  That has never been the case.  And remember when after she criticized the Child Tax Credit, she suddenly decided to support it and even claim it as her own proposal?

The question of personhood:  If there is one thing that the unborn have in common with slaves it would be that neither are considered to be persons, even if they are acknowledged to be human.

Free from what exactly? The consequences of their bad decisions?  Before a man sticks his dick into where it ought not be at a time it ought not be and before a woman allows him to stick his dick in a place where she shouldn’t allow him to, a pregnancy at the wrong time should be the first thing both of them should be thinking about.

I too wish we would all just get back to the Bible and make that alone our creed; nothing more and nothing less.

If the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge, then departure from Him is the beginning of ignorance and foolishness.
[If you don’t want to be an ignorant fool, consider what spirit you are giving yourself over to.]

January 8, 2024

The latest updates on governments hostile to the Christian faith.

Do you know what books are at your school or local library?

And who is this Moses of our time supposed to be?
Young woman fired from her place of employment for allegedly posting a transphobic tweet which was not necessarily against trans-genders, but rather a tweet to consider the consequences to the safety of women if professing transgenders are allowed to use women’s restrooms, showers, locker rooms, and other facilities designated for women.
[On a side note, just because the profile of yours truly lists me as “unemployed” that does not mean that I don’t have a job, it is because when I established Contender’s Edge, I list myself as unemployed out of consideration for my employer by not letting anyone know where my place of employment is.]

At least the Smithsonian Institute appears willing to rectify the matter since they are funded by tax dollars paid by pro-lifers and baby-killers alike and Christians and non-Christians alike.

January 2, 2025 (First news items of the year)

For those who understand exactly what science is, they will see no contradiction between it and the Bible.  The sciences were never designed to discredit scripture in the first place but were designed to gather as much knowledge as possible about God’s creation and the present workings of nature.  Wherein the conflict arises is with those who insist that science can tell us about what happened in the past, which it cannot.  It can ONLY tell us about the present.

I’ll put it this way:  If praying for prosperity does not bring it to everyone who prays for it, it certainly will not come to those longing for it but do not pray for it.

Those who claim that Christians should not be politically involved nor be engaged in attempting to influence the culture for the better at every level are a part of the problem, not the solution.

If it is any consolation and assuming that the survey cited in this following item is accurate, the vast majority of active duty service members are opposed to LGBT ideology being imposed upon them by their leadership.

Justice finally done on behalf of pro-life pregnancy care centers that had been vandalized.

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New changes to the Featured Post section:  This section of the main blog page will consist of recent posts and posts that have received the most attention.

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Billy Graham would disagree with his granddaughter, Jerushah Duford, and so would Franklin Graham

The Weaponization Of Science Happened Long Before The COVID Panic And The Climate Change Fearmongering


[Sequel Posts: 

Refuting Captain [Crap] Cassidy’s Bad Rhetoric And Claim That Marty Sampson Had Officially Renounced Christ]

Contender's Edge Has Been An Active Blogsite Since The Beginning Of July, But Will Its Title Have To Be Changed Already?

[Update post: