Friday, May 31, 2024

Contender's Edge


Welcome to Contender's Edge

This author admits that this is an amateur blogsite and that it is only in its infancy with its creation and preparation being a step of learning processes for me.  D.H. Manheim is a pen name only which is applied for security purposes and not the actual name of the author and founder of this site.
Contender's Edge is a Christian blogsite dedicated to preaching the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, contending for the faith by defending the authority of the scriptures which give us the Gospel, calling out heresies and false doctrines, exposing the works of darkness, examining trends occurring within the body of Christ, and assisting fellow saints in giving a reason and logic-based defense of their faith.

This blog has been a step of faith for me, as well as involving a risk of getting egg on my face, and so, I have begun my work with what I have been given which isn't much.  I'll just see what God does the rest of the way.  For more information about this blog and, if the Lord should lead you, what you can do to help it in faithfully carrying out its mission and purpose, please visit the featured page links above.

Featured news items

June 16, 2024

Persecution against Christians becoming frequent throughout Europe and not just by civic authorities.

Why is THIS being taught at the Naval academy.  They should be learning how to be leaders in the Navy, not about CRT and bedroom subject matter.

And despite being allegedly defunded, instructors are still pressing on with this garbage.

Any excuse for the Muslims to prevent Christians in Bethlehem from celebrating Christmas.

[If there is to be any city in Israel that I would advocate for Christians (both Jew and Gentile) to violently take back from the Muslims, it would be Bethlehem.]

And the most infuriating part about this is that he will not likely face any consequences.

Now this is DEFINITELY something we don’t want at our schools, but if they are allowed to have this at the schools, then we should just as easily be allowed to have after school “Jesus Clubs.”

June 9, 2024

With this attack on two churches in Spain becoming the latest attack on churches throughout Europe.

I wish every Christian establishment that has capitulated to the LGBT agenda would repent, reverse course, and return to submitting to the authority of God’s Word.

But they have no concern for the safety and welfare of the teenage contestants.

And the following should make clear why we don’t want these sort sharing bathrooms and showers with the ones whom they might victimize.

Planned [murderhood] branches out in its business of evil.

June 2, 2024

Kenyan Catholic Bishops covering for the Pope.

Christians in Nigeria increasingly frustrated with either the inability or unwillingness of their respective government to protect them from the intense and violent persecution they face from Islamists and to the point of discussing as to whether or not to take matters into their own hands protect themselves. 
If the civic authorities cannot or will not defend you from those who would do you harm, then what else is there to do but take matters into your own hands to protect yourself and those whom you hold dear?

If the employees simply refuse to show up to work on Sundays, then Chick-fil-a would have a justifiable excuse for not being able to follow an anti-Christ law that requires a business to stay open seven days a week.


And we are not fighting for the minds, hearts, souls, and the welfare of the future generations hard enough.  It is not just the educators who are failing the children with whom they have been entrusted nor is it just the entertainment industry, but so are parents and religious leaders.

Hope for a nation in which a majority of its population admits that Jesus physically rose from the dead.

April 26, 2024

Christian street preacher persecuted for his faith by civic authorities vindicated after charges against him were dropped as prosecutors finally admitted that his rights to freedom of conscience, speech, and religion were violated.
[He also has an amazing testimony about how Jesus turned him from a hate-filled bitter man into a warm-hearted saint filled with the love of Christ and a zeal for the Gospel.]

Justice finally done on behalf of some school students and others who were kicked out of the Smithsonian Museum and other institutions in Washington D.C. for wearing pro-life apparel.

It is structurally rotten because it is morally and spiritually rotten.

Wallbuilders Christian themed advertisement rejected by the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, a Washington D.C. run transportation service and Wallbuilders is offered support from an unlikely source. (strange bedfellows)
A blasphemous display to affirm that which God has called sin and all in the name of “inclusivity.”

April 21, 2024

Persecution against Christians becoming frequent throughout Europe and not just by civic authorities.

Why is THIS being taught at the Naval academy.  They should be learning how to be leaders in the Navy, not about CRT and bedroom subject matter.

And despite being allegedly defunded, instructors are still pressing on with this garbage.

Any excuse for the Muslims to prevent Christians in Bethlehem from celebrating Christmas.
[If there is to be any city in Israel that I would advocate for Christians (both Jew and Gentile) to violently take back from the Muslims, it would be Bethlehem.]

And the most infuriating part about this is that he will not likely face any consequences.

Now this is DEFINITELY something we don’t want at our schools, but if they are allowed to have this at the schools, then we should just as easily be allowed to have after school “Jesus Clubs.”

April 20, 2024

With this recent attack on two churches in Spain becoming the latest.

I wish every Christian establishment that has capitulated to the LGBT agenda would repent, reverse course, and return to submitting to the authority of God’s Word.

And the following should make clear why we don’t want these sort sharing bathrooms and showers with the ones whom they might victimize.

Planned [murderhood] branches out in its business of evil.

April 13, 2024

Kenyan Catholic Bishops covering for the Pope.
Christians in Nigeria increasingly frustrated with either the inability or unwillingness of their respective government to protect them from the intense and violent persecution they face from Islamists and to the point of discussing as to whether or not to take matters into their own hands protect themselves. 
If the civic authorities cannot or will not defend you from those who would do you harm, then what else is there to do but take matters into your own hands to protect yourself and those whom you hold dear?

If the employees simply refuse to show up to work on Sundays, then Chick-fil-a would have a justifiable excuse for not being able to follow an anti-Christ law that requires a business to stay open seven days a week.


And we are not fighting for the minds, hearts, souls, and the welfare of the future generations hard enough.  It is not just the educators who are failing the children with whom they have been entrusted nor is it just the entertainment industry, but so are parents and religious leaders.


Hope for a nation in which a majority of its population admits that Jesus physically rose from the dead.

March 30, 2024

And we are not fighting for the minds, hearts, souls, and the welfare of the future generations hard enough.  It is not just the educators who are failing the children with whom they have been entrusted nor is it just the entertainment industry, but so are parents and religious leaders.


Thank God that there are pregnancy care centers who care about and seek the best for both the unborn children and the mothers who carry them because the likes of Planned [Murder]hood only see women with unplanned or unwanted pregnancies as money makers for them and care nothing for their welfare much less that of the unborn innocent.


It should at all be surprising that there should be a philosophical, political, and an ideological division within the EU as it is foretold that the coming N.W.O will be a divided empire.  (Dan. 2:41-43)


Even under a hostile Islamic regime, the Word of God is still being actively distributed.


Where the rubber meets the road.

March 27, 2024

And whatever penalty he faces for the destruction of that display should be applied to anyone who would deface or destroy a nativity display.


And yet how many faithful observers of the holidays pertaining to Christ around the world risk their lives to celebrate the birth of our Lord at Christmas and His resurrection at Easter?


For all the things done wrong in Ohio of late, something right is still being done.


May this saint be given a speedy recovery from her injuries.


[Three enemies of evangelical Christianity in Mexico: Drug cartels, anti-Christ leftwing groups, and traditionalist Catholics so-called whose faith is a mixture of both Christian and pagan practices and perhaps more so in Latin America than in other nations.]


February 15, 2024

At least they were able to stop this one before he got started.


If anyone thinks that this act of apostasy is going to be rectified by Rome, forget it.

The personal website of PETA’s founder reveals that she has taken her organization beyond its professed role and purpose.

This may be an old news item, but it shows how PETA doesn’t care who they offend in the name of animal rights.


If you will not serve the God who made you, you will become a slave to another master.


[Decide under whom you count yourself a free soul.]

January 31, 2024

In that case, just pull the children out of the schools in which common sense and godliness do not prevail.


Here are just a few more accounts of the persecution against Christians that have taken place in Mexico.


Nothing wrong with the proposed medical bill of rights featured here, but the concern with it is that some elements of it may be used to legalize abortion in the name of bodily autonomy.


We need a month of remembrance for those victimized by the LGBT community.


Sworn in on perversion.

January 16, 2024

It is written that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Ps. 111:10) and knowledge (Prov. 1:7) and if the people be ignorant and given over to foolishness, it is because the fear of God is not in them.

Pro-life Republicans in Michigan attempt to overthrow a referendum favoring the killing of babies but what the courts decide remains to be seen.


That we have the technology possible for the Mark of the Beast ought to tell you just how close we are to the end.


The irony of it all is that these feminists were holding an event addressing male violence against women.


[I don’t care what side of the political aisle they stand, what their theology might be, or what their station and status in life may be, violence against women is wrong and no man should be laying hands on a woman, but these tranny freaks obviously don’t care.]


One mistake that avid apologists for the Christian faith tend to make is being too quick to latch on to purported and alleged evidence for the Gospel of Jesus Christ or the Bible be it in the field of archaeology, science, history, etc. without doing a proper analysis of the evidence and proofs presented.

But so as to not be misunderstood, there is a massive amount of evidence in every field of science, history, and archaeology that favors a biblical and Christian worldview and has vindicated the Christian faith and the inerrancy of scripture, and reasoned and logically founded defenses for the faith have been made, but unfortunately, there have at times been claims of evidences and proofs for the faith put forth by charlatans and reckless individuals which turned out to be false and bogus upon scrutiny which in turn has placed a bad name upon those apologists for the faith who are honest and responsible in their research and investigations.

The following item is just one such reminder that we all need to do our due diligence in testing every purported claim made, even it is made in the name of defending the Christian faith (1 Thess. 5:21)

January 2, 2024

In that case, just pull the children out of the schools in which common sense and godliness do not prevail.


Here are just a few more accounts of the persecution against Christians that have taken place in Mexico.


Nothing wrong with the proposed medical bill of rights featured here, but the concern with it is that some elements of it may be used to legalize abortion in the name of bodily autonomy.


We need a month of remembrance for those victimized by the LGBT community.


Sworn in on perversion.

January 1, 2024 (First news items of the new year)

It is written that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Ps. 111:10) and knowledge (Prov. 1:7) and if the people be ignorant and given over to foolishness, it is because the fear of God is not in them.


Pro-life Republicans in Michigan attempt to overthrow a referendum favoring the killing of babies but what the courts decide remains to be seen.


That we have the technology possible for the Mark of the Beast ought to tell you just how close we are to the end.

The irony of it all is that these feminists were holding an event addressing male violence against women.

[I don’t care what side of the political aisle they stand, what their theology might be, or what their station and status in life may be, violence against women is wrong and no man should be laying hands on a woman, but these tranny freaks obviously don’t care.]

One mistake that avid apologists for the Christian faith tend to make is being too quick to latch on to purported and alleged evidence for the Gospel of Jesus Christ or the Bible be it in the field of archaeology, science, history, etc. without doing a proper analysis of the evidence and proofs presented.

But so as to not be misunderstood, there is a massive amount of evidence in every field of science, history, and archaeology that favors a biblical and Christian worldview and has vindicated the Christian faith and the inerrancy of scripture, and reasoned and logically founded defenses for the faith have been made, but unfortunately, there have at times been claims of evidences and proofs for the faith put forth by charlatans and reckless individuals which turned out to be false and bogus upon scrutiny which in turn has placed a bad name upon those apologists for the faith who are honest and responsible in their research and investigations.
The following item is just one such reminder that we all need to do our due diligence in testing every purported claim made, even it is made in the name of defending the Christian faith (1 Thess. 5:21)

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